Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Licorice and Peppermint Root Extract
Posted by Jazzz (Delta Junction, Alaska, Usa) on 03/19/2013

While I have yet to find any success curing my cold sores, I have found one particular thing which prevents them.

It seems that certain remedies work well for one type of person but not the other, in the past I have tried Lysine, over the counter meds (they worked for a while), ice cubes, finger nail polish remover.... Ummm just about everything. Non of those worked well for me, for the past three years I have been using a licorice/peppermint root extract in gelled form. When I feel a cold sore coming on and I use this (I apply it every several hours at the onset) it never comes, I use this if I know I might get a cold sore (I'm sick or something), and I use this on my son. Unfortunetly, he doesn't know when a cold sore is coming on so it is usually already surfaced by the time I see it. However, when I put it on him the cold sore goes away very quickly and stops growing. I have noticed that over the years my cold sores are getting farther apart. I use to get them about 8 times a year and now its about 3-4.

If nothing else has worked for you, this might be the one- because nothing ever worked for me!

Royal Jelly
Posted by Amy (Metro Detroit, Michigan, USA) on 01/31/2013

To my surprise, this worked really well. I just applied it several times a day and it went away.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Sms27 (Princeton, Nj, Usa) on 01/14/2013

Manuka honey applied topically on the lip helps diminish the virus outbreak and significantly shortens the healing time. The trick is to keep the honey on for as long as possible until the sore heals. To clean use witch hazel.

Posted by Candy (Brooklyn, Ny United States) on 12/13/2012

Are you completely healed from herpes or the symtoms are gone?

General Feedback
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/08/2013

Hi Gerrit - You mentioned that you would prefer using a roll-on for transdermal magnesium oil.

I apply magnesium oil (homemade) by refilling an old deodorant bottle. I pop off the top part (that contains the ball) with the thin part of a dull knife. Then I fill it with magnesium oil, add a few drops of essential oil and use that. I found it works much better than spraying it on. I even found glass deodorant bottles at London Drugs (just empty the contents which are full of chemicals). Hope that helps and good health to you!

Posted by Gracie (London, UK) on 12/02/2012

Acetone really works! I wanted to share all the info I have with cold sore sufferers as I know how detrimental they can be to the quality of life.

I have been suffering for years and years now from cold sores. My immune system is weak to them and I suspect my partner carries the cold sore virus without any symptoms and infects me every time he eats lots of chocolate and nuts. Sometimes these cold sores are around my nose, on my cheeks, on my chin or above my mouth and I have had some terrible scars in the past from cold sores that became huge and lasted for weeks. These scars sometimes took over 6 months to disappear.

This used to be the bane of my life. It really ruined my existence, to the point where I did not go out for weeks as my face was marred with huge weeping sores or large crusty scabs sometimes several nasty cold blisters would spread in a line across my cheek and they were so painful. It was one of the worst periods of my life and lasted over 2 years during which I felt ashamed and disgusting. People would look at me with horror and no amount of make up could conceal these terrible sores.

Thank goodness for acetone. I cannot believe this works but it really does! The minute I feel a sore coming on or itchiness I swab the area with acetone several times, often the skin turns a little red. Then on top of that I put some cream containing acyclovir like zovirax. I keep repeating every couple of hours. Usually the next day the sore is gone or on its way out.

Just to give advice to others out there, there is a link between foods and cold sores especially sugars, processed red meats (avoid these like the plague) and foods containing lysine and arginine to my break outs. If I eat foods high in arginine like nuts, seeds, chocolate, soya, shellfish etc. then often a cold sore will come up, it is important to balance this out with either foods containing lysine or a lysine supplement.

Foods highest in lysine are chicken, tuna, cod, grouper, pollock, haddock etc. Foods highest in Lysine and lowest in arginine are plain yogurt, most cheeses, milk, kefir and many fishes.

Sticking to a good ratio of more lysine than arginine in your diet plus the acetone trick should mean no more cold sores!

I wish everyone well and no more cold sores, ever!

Posted by Kilgore (Jackson, Ms) on 12/06/2012

Please try iodine for cold sores, 20 drops of the 5% solution in coffee or milk. Resolved my case in two months.

Posted by Lisa H. (Santa Barbara, Ca) on 11/18/2013

When I was in Nepal earlier this year I got a cold sore and I was staying a top a mountain, a three hour return trip to a pharmacy. I had failed to pack any zovirax, which has been successful in the past, so my friend and I went digging through our first aid kits and came up with alcohol swabs! Ah huh!!

After the first swipe, the burning started, but it was that good burning like you can feel the virus shrinking away from it as fast as it can kind of burning. It took about three days of day with the alcohol wipes every couple of hours to turn it completely around and kill it.

I have subsequently found acetone to work faster and be more effective, but if you are working with what you have available in a first aid kit - I can 400% recommend the alcohol swabs!

Lemon Balm
Posted by P (Shawnee Mission, Ks) on 10/24/2012

The herb Lemon Balm There is actually some research to support its effectiveness against the herpes virus. Take it when you first start to feel the pain. 2 or three capsules, Then back off and use 1 maybe 3 times a day. Zinc oxide ointment on the sores at night. I use coconut oil in cooking. May help.

Lemon Balm
Posted by Cris01us (Honolulu) on 07/07/2017

You are spot on. Lemon Balm is my main weapon now (liquid form with dropper). I also take coconut oil (1000-5000mg) depending on how I feel, and having enough Zinc is also key. I rotate in Echinacea with Goldenseal every so often and always take L-Lysine. Thanks for sharing!

Aloe Vera
Posted by D M (Orlando, Fl) on 10/14/2012

Apply ice and aloe vera. Keep the skin cool as soon as tingling starts. Works like a charm.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Timh (KY) on 03/06/2015 2063 posts

Licorice is a potent antiviral and worth the recommend, but, yes, the Glycyrrhizic Acid makes it unpopular as the bad side effects of elevated Aldosterone thus sodium retention and hypertension. To reduce these side effects one can go on a very low sodium and increased potassium diet for the few days of taking Licorice.

Also, most folks take advantage of the deglyccerinated form of licorice or DGL. Therapeutic doses of DGL could be taken together w/ minimal doses of regular strength Licorice (also w/ low sodium diet) for maximum benefit and minimal side effect.

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 08/01/2012 2063 posts

Becky, the herb St John's Wort is both antiviral and antidepressant. Outside of the typical vit/min used to boost immunity, of which some it seems he's taking, try the Thymus Gland support I posted a few days ago, here:

Cold Showers or Cold Baths or swimming is a powerful whole body/mind booster w/ immediate as well as long-term benefits; you can find it in the "remedies" section at the top of the E. C. page.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/02/2012

Becky, I suffer too. Viral, manic, bad fibro, whacko immune sysem. What about garlic, lemon, BHT, olive leaf extract - these help. wheat grass sprouts as someone suggested to me. Dont think you can OD on lysine.

Posted by Sherry (Vancouver, Bc) on 12/08/2012

RA and Mania are both tied to gluten intolerance. It has incredible systemic reactions. Do some research and get him off gluten and dairy. It'll make the world of difference.

Ear Wax
Posted by Latonia (Marshallville, Ga, United States) on 07/19/2012

I was told many years ago from a friend that ear wax works well for cold sores. I thought it was a grotesque thing to do but it worked instantly. The minute I felt one coming, I would apply my ear wax or the residue if you didn't have any wax to pull from your ear. That worked as well. It will heal a cold sore in one to two days. It doesn't burn at all. It's very safe and economical!

Posted by Susan (Bklyn, Ny) on 07/21/2012

Well, Well, I feel your pain but you do not have to live this way. Do not listen to the doctors, there is help out there. The problem is people do not want to change their diet. If u read my post on the "onion family" cure u would c that two people were cured passing on info to the next. I just found out that one of them had it for 7 yrs before she got cured. Upon finding out she immediately chnaged her diet, ate organic produce( only from the land and NOTHING processed). She does not use deodorant but makes her own from fresh lemons/limes. Drinks distilled water/minearl water. She takes cold pressed coconut oil daily and has been retested multiple times and the result is still negative. She has stopped taking the onion drink after her kidneys were messed up(she drank it excessively). She still maintains an extremely healthy lifestyle. Her shower has a filter and so is her tap. She uses no flour, rice etc. But this is what cured her. She also used lots of herbal stuff, no pill nor capsule.

Acetone, Aloe Vera
Posted by Merrin (Perth, West Australia) on 05/30/2012

G'day! After suffering from unsightly coldsores due to stress a friend recommended Lysine, an amino acid. I take a 500mg tablet every day or two. If I feel the "tingle" I increase the dose and that seems to do the trick, stopping the nasty beast in its tracks.

Vitamin C
Posted by Joe (Roseburg, Tx.) on 05/19/2012

Dear sirs, regarding herpes, I found a site, and it said to place the vit c directly on opened blister, and warned that it would burn like fire, so I bit down on a peice of leather {joke} and yes it did burn alot, plus I bled just a wee, but I have not had a problem since.

Thats been 2 years now, it was very unpleasant for about 1 to 2 wks while I healed, but Im very thankful it worked.

Red Marine Algae
Posted by Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 05/18/2012

I was also starting to get frequent cold sores... Every couple of months and I felt terrible with them. So, I was doing some research and read on Dr. Mercola's website that if you take Red Marine Algae( with gigartina/dumontacea in the formula) that this will help prevent you from getting the cold sores. So far, so good. It's been a couple of months and no signs of an episode.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Gina (Leeds, West Yorkshire) on 05/08/2012

Cleaning with diluted tea tree oil and regular dabbing of the affected area. Drys it right up.. The cold sore should be gone within about 4 days.

Posted by Victorsfriend (Northeast, Florida, Us) on 07/20/2012

I've had breakouts for about 10 years, and I've never found anything that really helps. Whatever I do or don't do, nothing seems to make a difference, and, when I get a cold sore, it lasts for about 10-14 days. I've tried almost everything I've heard of, and I was on Valtrex for awhile, but it didn't seem to make a difference, so I stopped that. No matter what, I still get a nasty breakout every so often (used to be about every 2 months, now about 2 times a year). The only thing that "helped" was being pregnant, where I didn't have one during the whole pregnancy, but that's not exactly a medication I want to take again. LOL.

When I got a breakout around January, it was BAD, and I had to go to work and have everyone make a big deal out of it, and I have a professional job where it just doesn't look good. I read about the acetone nail polish remover about 5 days into it, and it helped, but it didn't really shorten the time it lasted. Plus, my boyfriend thought I was crazy. He doesn't get cold sores, and I don't want him to start, nor does my son who is almost 2. So it really freaks me out when I get one.

Yesterday afternoon, I get home from work, start chatting with the boyfriend, and I feel it come on out of nowhere. Sure enough, I look in the mirror, and there's a huge blistery bump in the crease of my mouth. I can tell it's gonna be bad. I immediately grab the nail polish remover, figuring that I'll try it again in this early stage to see if it shortens the length any. I did a Q-tip for about 5 minutes, then another 5 minutes about 30 minutes later, then another 5 about 2 hours later.

The first thing I did when I was half awake this morning was open my mouth to see how sore I was... And I felt nothing. It actually made me hop out of bed and look in the bathroom mirror. This HUGE cluster of blisters was practically gone. It was just a little red mark, not even a little sore. I Q-tipped with acetone three times throughout the day, and I predict it will be 100% healed by tomorrow morning.

I know it's probably not the best thing for me, and maybe it's a little dangerous, and there are probably ways I can change my diet (I've tried, but I haven't found anything that kept breakouts away completely) but I'm in sales, and, if I can help it, I need to not have this on my face. If nothing else, I need to at least not be in horrific pain when I open my mouth to talk. I feel like this is a miracle solution, and I had to share.

Posted by Micah (Augusta, Ga) on 12/08/2012

I've used the acetone nail polish remover method twice in the last year. The first time I used it I had already had the cold sore on my lip for three days so it was pretty gnarly looking but I went ahead and did the acetone treatment anyway and it was almost 100 % healed within a few days when normally it would have taken two weeks. This time, I used the acetone as soon as I felt the cold sore and two days later its almost completely healed. It never got huge and super red and scabby. I am definitely a huge fan of this method.

Posted by Mundaring Merrin (Perth, Western Australia) on 01/18/2013

THANK YOU! There I was on a camping holiday in the great Aussie Outdoors, a tingling sensation heralding the cold sore. Same spot as usual. I'd forgotten lysine supplement for a couple of weeks and was somewhat stressed due to a handful of late nights. Recalled the ice remedy & decided to try it. Thank God, it worked! Slight redness but no other evidence.

Posted by Art (Vancouver Bc, Canada.) on 03/21/2012

Dear Bella_vcista2, If you have a cold sore you have a form of herpes. Taking BHT a food preservative that kills lipid coated viruses. Your cold sore will return as mine did but does no longer. You can get it at VRP (vitamin Research Products) very cheap. The informed have the power. Art.

Posted by Lynel (Como, Colorado) on 03/25/2012

Everything you put on your skin is absorbed into you. I for one don't want any acetone inside me or on me. If you take one 500 mg. Tab of L-Lysine a day the cold sore will go away. It's a herpes virus from the whole Chicken Pox thing. That is what causes cold sores. L-Lysine is an amino acid. The ole bod need this.

Posted by Dongyue (Culver, Ca) on 04/02/2012

I like to give many thanks for you for this good read!! I undeniably cherished every tiny bit of it. I've bookmarked your website to consider the new things you publish.

Posted by Sharon (Buffalo, NY) on 03/11/2012

I'm not really sure why we would be advocating putting Acetone on each other's faces given this is an all natural remedies website. I have found though, and I've been dealing with cold sores since I was 4, that Camphor Spirit is the best for drying these out. Most pharmacies don't carry it anymore, but they will order if you ask. It's about $5. 00 for a bottle that will last you years. It's essentially the same stuff as campophenque and everything else we spend $10 buying without the extra chemicals. It just drys the cold sore. I haven't had one in years but for some reason, this week, developed one on the skin between my nose and lip. I've never had one here before and it's embarassing and frustrating. The camphor spirit makes it a little more bearable, since it goes away faster, but I'll be going out today for a bottle of L-Lysine.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by A Helpful Friend (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 02/07/2012

On Thursday the 2nd a small bump on the right side of my lip, near the corner, began to grow. At first I was skeptical about treating it so I took some garlic, since I know of its healing properties, cut a small piece off and pressed it to the small bump. This made the bump decrease slightly. The next day I went to a mongolian restaurant where I enjoyed two oranges. Not knowing the affects of citrus and cold sores, I smeared the orange all over my lip in hopes that the citrus could combat it. The bump was was very pleased, it grew instead. I could feel it growing as I sat in the restaruant with a friend after eating the orange. By the time I got home it was more than one bump, and I was more than distraught. That night, (friday) I decided to try an over the counter product because I was desperate. Searching online, I found a product with a patented formula that promised to stop it in its tracks and have the sore gone in 24 hours. Of course I was optimistic. I began using the product and noticed it was still increasing in size and had spread to the entire corner of my mouth.

The next morning I discontinued use of the product and switched to Hydrogen peroxide because of this website. I also went on to read a book about the amazing healing properties of HP.

PROCEDURE: In the morning I woke up, soaked a cotton ball with HP and pressed it to my lip. I felt and enjoyed the burn because I knew something was working. The sore began to turn white with small bubbles and dried out. Let the sore dry out every time. It must remain as dry as possible. There is no limit to the amount of times to use the peroxide as it is a natural compound. I started eating 4 small yogurts each day on that saturday to boost my immune system and get a good amount of lysine in my body. I continued doing the pressing procedure all day, by night fall it had begun to create a scab and the peroxide didnt burn anymore. Sunday the cab was more apparent. Realizing it was in its healing process I used Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula in its Palmade form to help with the healing process. I could feel the tightness of the scab around my mouth. The scab began to fall off monday night. I woke up tuesday continuing with use of the palmade. It is tuesday night at 7 pm and I have been completely cold sore free for hours. The skin showing is not red or raw. My lip looks completely fine and healed because I didn't pick the scab. My mouth looks the exact same as it was last tuesday before any hint of a cold sore.

Posted by Lilly (Lancaster, California) on 01/27/2012

So I woke up with a bump on my lip the other day... I freaked cuz I knew it was coming I went to the store and got everything to try to keep it from bursting into a full on cold sore... Too late!! Ugg. I work as a host at red robin and I have had 2 days doing everything I can to get rid of it before I go back to work. I came across a few sites and found this... Nail polish remover it sounded scary but it has dried it compleatly. I mixed it with rubbing alcohol and used a qutip to put chapstick all around the sore cuz I am afraid that the nail polish remover would kill the heathly skin on my lips then I dapped the mixture on the sore for 5 mins every 20 mins with out touching it or irritating it in between, I work at 5 today and it looks like I'm not going to have to worry about ppl staring at my mouth, if only I knew about this sooner.... It really does work ppl

Posted by Careshare (Los Angeles, Ca, United States) on 03/08/2012

Putting any type of of chemicals like bleach or acetone on a cold sore is a bad idea. It may get rid of it temporarily but it could cause unwanted side effects. The root cause of the cold sore is a virus, so you want to use treatments that attack the virus directly.

I've had good success using Lysine to treat cold sores. Here are a few good articles on cold sore treatments you can check out: - In depth overview of a cold sore and various treatments - Good article on natural remedies - Shows various natural treatment options you can choose from.

I know cold sores can be a major pain, but its better to do some research and use a safe treatment.

Posted by Ads (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/18/2011

I had a cold sore pop up on Friday and I had a Christmas party that night so I started freaking out! I read about acetone so I started putting it on that day and it never got swollen at all. The next day the blisters had dried almost completely. And on Sunday it had completely dissolved. Acetone is amazing!

Posted by Laurilyn (Priest River, Idaho) on 02/17/2012

It WORKS like magic! I have fought this virus since my college days. I have tried oral L-lysine, topical L-lysine, ice, 3%H2O2, 70% Isopropyl alcohol, and every other idea. Acetone nail polish remover on a Q-tip right on the cancker sore dried it up right away. Thanks so much, I have an interview on Tuesday. I was so worried I would NOT get it cleared up in the next 4 days. NOW. No worries!

Posted by Kathleen Gridley (Uk) on 02/25/2015

I have terrible cold sores and hemoform serum works wonders. When applied everyday, the sores never get those ugly huge scabs. And the best part is they don't hurt. I would highly recommend this to anyone who suffers with cold sores

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Herpes (Phoenix, Arizona) on 11/11/2011

I have been diagnosed with the Herpes Simplex Virus (type 1 & 2). Ever since then I have been devastated and trying to find a 'CURE' (not treatment) for it. After doing some research here is what I got so far. I'm taking VIT C, zinc, VIT A (nonfat soluble), and lysine every day to build up my immune system. A strong immune system is a must have, especially if someone is infected with this bs virus. I take the lysine every other day because I noticed some adverse effects coming from it. I did some research on colloidal silver and know it can kill the virus so I bought that. The only problem with that is the virus hides in your neurons so it's hard to reach it. I'm thinking if there is any way to bring out the virus then I made be able to kill it with the silver.

I heard of a herb that can maybe bring out the virus from hiding called Yakeow, it's a Thai natural herb or something like that. Another thing I came across was known as BHT, which disrupts the herpes virus's lipid membrane coating function. Another thing was coconut oil which kills the lipid membrane of the virus.

Another thing I came across was DSMO, so I know DSMO provides an oxidative effect on the applied area, so I was thinking since the herpes virus cannot survive in oxygenated areas, we apply that with the Yakeow (to help bring it out) to its hiding place. This is lower back area (lower spine). Plus DSMO allows penetration through your skin very easily so I was thinking to use that of getting to the virus. Maybe put some colloidal silver on that area too before applying the DSMO. Doctor even use it for their penetrating abilities. They say it hides around your lower spine, in the nerves. I would do that and eat only basic foods because this virus thrives in an acidic environment. Therefore, by lowering your body's pH you will disrupt the virus. Maybe get a pH drink or something, I hear they have those. I would get foods that have very little or no carbs because the herpes virus needs those to function. Obviously, stay away from foods that have carbs, chocolate and definitely sugar. I would use a 2% iodine skin patch on my skin to help fight this virus also. I would also order Astragalus which fights breakouts outs quickly. Astragalus, colloidal silver, and Dynamiclear are the best ways to fight a herpes breakout.

After doing all this, I think I may be able to CURE herpes once and for all! I was also maybe thinking, have a surgeon cut my back open at the area that it hides and apply colloidal silver, BHT, Coconut oil, and/or others maybe lysine to that area where its hiding. This thing is controlling my life. I know they say it's not that bad and whatever but for me it is! I have read many support articles and posts about it. I can't comfortably date or even talk to women anymore! The psychological distress is too much for me! I feel that I will never get over it. I had this for about 2 months now.

Please give me some comments people, I need help!! I am going to try this and will not give up until I cure this thing. If this is indeed a way to cure herpes, I am calling dibs and copywriting this so nobody try to steal it!

Here is my email, andre200923 (at) ymail (dot) com

Let me know what you guys think please!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lilly (Milwaukee, Wi) on 10/24/2011

Hello all... Just wanted to share my personal story with using fghp (food grade hydrogen peroxide 35%). First of all let me just say that I started the program and have fallen off a couple of times. I made it up to the 25 drops in distilled water 3times /day, and I continued that for about 10 days. I contracted hsv type 1 from a boyfriend through oral sex. I must say that my immune system at that point was very weak, I have also always battled with candida, and caught every cold my kids brought home. I have only had one outbreak and have been diagnosed for about 7months and I'm not sure if it is because of the fghp or not (which I started about about 2mo ago) but I must say it's done wonders for me. At first I wasn't sure what was wrong with me for 8 days of the program because I was eliminating large amounts of mucus. Around the 8th or 9th day I had so much energy I didn't know what to do with myself and I'm normally a person who can't get enough sleep. Around the 10th-11th day I developed a medium size blister (or could have been a herpe) I say blister because there was only one on my genital area and with my initial outbreak there were many. In general I noticed that my skin became clearer, as well as my thoughts. I firmly believe that all dis-ease starts with yeast then moves to fungi/mold... etc... As I stated earlier I go for testing next week where I will ask for a test that can measure viral count so at least if it's still in my system I have somewhere to measure from (because my 1st initial test was non-specific re:viral count).

Wish me luck! I will keep everyone posted if I still have the virus even if I don't I will be more religious about taking fghp. When I fell off the program I noticed a dramatic difference in my energy level and overall emotional state. I may also do a 10day green fast. I highly recommend reading works by a Dr. Robert O. Young who's theories are based on there being only one real disease which is over acidification of the body. Take care everyone and stay positive!
