Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Posted by Kilgore (Jackson, Ms) on 12/06/2012

I have had a long standing oral herpes infection completely resolved by taking Lugol's iodine 5% solution. Ten drops in my coffee in the morning and ten more in milk after lunch. Took about two months, but infection is completely gone, including scars and blemishes.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Vitaminjunkie (Marietta, Georgia, United States) on 11/15/2012

I used Oil of Oregano in capsule form for about 5 months. I used one 1500 mg. Capsule in the afternoon and sometimes another at night. I also used the straight oil of oregano itself on the outbreaks. This was for genital herpes, and I have never had another outbreak since, but I took the capsule - usually just the one afternoon dose - EVERY DAY. This... Stuff... works! Have had many stressful situations happen in the past few months and not a single outbreak even though I quit using the stuff about two months ago.

Additional notes: Oil of oregano can cause problems with iron absorption. If you take an iron supplement - I would take it early in the morning so that it can be absorbed and then take the oil of oregano later in the day. Also, if your immune system is compromised in other ways - say HIV or any other immune system related illnesses - oil of oregano may not be an option for you because it might affect other medications. You would have to check with your health professional on this. That being said, if it's just the herpes virus that is your problem (oral or genital) and you are trying to kill it - consisten use of oil of oregano will absolutely do this! Don't let the medical profession tell you there's no cure!

Posted by Miserable_in_bama (Oneonta, Alabama, United States) on 06/09/2012

I've suffered from it horribly for 28 yrs. What works and is guaranteed to work is L-lysine. I take 1,000mg morning and night in powdered veg caps. I haven't had an outbreak in 2 yrs or since I started taking it diligently. If you do have an outbreak, take echinacea/goldenseal combo, red clover (helps with fever & inflammation), elderberry, acidolphilus, pau d'arco, burdock. I don't know about Ted and the snake oil things he's talking about. I know L-lysine is inexpensive, and easy. You cannot cure yourself of HSV, it's in your DNA, there's no way to remove it, sorry to tell you. I would get so sick, have horrid fevers, be in and out of consiousness, bad sick. Females have it worse with mucous membranes down there. I use tea tree oil on sores, it dries them out. Tea tree is absorbed into the layers of skin and helps keep it from getting infected, and dries them out fast. It's also cooling to me. You can also use witch hazel, it has antiseptic and pain killing properties. Most importantly, keep it clean and dry. I used aloe baby wipes. Something else I figured out after a few years of hell with this....... Ibuprofen can take away not only the fever, but that sick, puking feeling, and seems to help it heal faster. I found immediate relief, but for me ibuprofen is a no no these days, I have gastritis from taking it for many years. So eat when taking it, never take on an empty stomach.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sara (Miami, Florida) on 08/07/2009

Last Monday I had a cold sore outbreak in my upper lip (I started feeling the tingly sensation) , so immediately I looked for remedies in this website and I opted to use the Hydrogen Peroxide. Let me tell you it is a wonderful remedy for cold sore, by wednesday the cold sore was completely dry and it got never bigger than half size of a lentil bean. I had outbreaks before (usually when I am stressed) and it was a nightmare, the cold sore lasted for weeks ( I am not kidding) and it got as big as half of my upper lip. The treatment is extremely easy and cheap: damp a q-tip or cotton swab with the HP and apply to the area as many times as you can. i did it every 3 hours. Thanks earth clinic for such helpful information

Ear Wax
Posted by Gladys (Boise, Idaho) on 08/18/2009

My Mother suffered from cold sores, My Great grandmother always said use your own ear wax. Grandma was from the Old Country..When I got married my husband suffered with cold sores, So I told him what grandma used to say to mom. Use your ear wax. After many Years of going thru this. I told him again and also saying i will not tell you again and to just suffer. Well to my surprise he tried it and from then on. he was telling all of his friends. My last words were not to lick your lips.

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Chloe (Providence, RI) on 07/20/2008

Hi Everyone ~ I discovered Olive Leaf Extract (I use the one by 'Herb Pharm', purchased at Whole Foods Market - haven't tried other brands. Well, all my life, I would get at least two terrible cold sores per year. Even after two weeks of looking awful, I would be left with a scar for at least a month...I was so upset every time. They were the bane of my existence!

The very first time I tried Olive leaf extract, I was on the verge of another cold sore. I put about 2-3 droppers full in a small amount of water. Within moments I could feel the initial swelling going away. I ran to the mirror because I thought I was imagining things! I wasn't! The nasty little thing was disappearing before my eyes.

It's been 4 years now and I've had only one (pretty mild) cold sore and all because I hadn't taken the olive leaf at the first signs of fatigue, dry lips, and a feeling of being 'run-down' which always precedes the outbreak. My Mom also had these her whole life, and it works wonders for her too. The key is to use it preventatively, as well as extra doses at the onset of a breakout. I've many droppers full of it, and it has no side effects whatsoever - other than good ones! Also, using it topically, directly on the area where you usually breakout, in addition to internally is helpful also.

Interestingly enough, some biblical scholars believe that the "Tree of Life" represents the Olive Tree and that the Dove which carried a twig/branch to Noah, was carrying an Olive Twig. I truly hope this helps any of you dealing with problem. I Love, Love, Love this website! :-)

Ear Wax
Posted by Margie (Columbia, SC) on 03/26/2008

You might find this fever blister (herpes) remedy kind of yucky, however IT WORKS. I've been using it for YEARS and I'm 52. Whenever I feel a fever blister coming up on my lip, I immediately apply (here goes) EARWAX from my ear! YES REALLY. Just use a Q-tip, dab a little on the area and you can feel the earwax working as soon as you apply it! For some reason, earwax dries fever blisters very, very quickly. The only downside is that earwax tastes bitter. I know you are horrified right now, But DON'T KNOCK IT until you've tried it. I've never taken the time to research why it works. (Maybe you folks might have an answer.) Anyway, if you feel this is appropriate to post, please do. Thanks,

Ear Wax
Posted by J (Tn) on 08/21/2017

Yes, My grandmother told me the old wives tale about ear wax and cold sores. At first I was like most horrified and grossed out, I bought the expensive squeeze tunes of "cold sore medication", tried about 2 or 3 different forms of it...nothing. I tried popping them and alcohol to dry them up....nothing but more days in pain, I even went to the doctor and was given a script when I had one inside my lip in fear that they would reach my throat. They cleared up, eventually.

But when I felt that well known oh no tickle the next time and thought I have nothing else to lose so I go into the bathroom and qtip to ear and took a deep breath and 1,2, wait what am I doing?? Screw it...3!! And on like I would lipstick or gloss but just to the spot.

You know break out! Are you kidding me?! All of this time, pain and wasted money. Should I been doing this for years! And I have been ever since.

Let me say this, it only takes one time to forget that you have it on and you rub your lips together or stick out your tongue. Lol. Heaven forbid if you lick it! Lol, but you will only do it once.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 05/28/2007

My vanity for white teeth found me reaching for the peroxide 16 years ago. A side affect was that I was no longer experiencing cold sores (approx 6 a year). My regime was brushing teeth, gums, and tongue with peroxide a couple times a week. When I forgot to do this, the tingling sensation of an outbreak reminded me to do the peroxide treatment and no cold sore surfaced. There have been a few times that I was out of peroxide and got the cold sore but it was gone within 2 days of getting peroxide and the sore was very mild. Apply directly in addition to brushing the entire mouth. I've had two cold sores in the last 15 years. The one during my divorce and the other after getting unjustly fired from my job. Both were mild attacks.

Neem Leaves or Oil
Posted by Louise (NYC) on 01/21/2007

I have been taking Neem triple potent tincture and apple cider vinegar. I am happy to report 3 months OB-free after 10 years of multi annual OBs!!! Neem is toxic to the herpes virus and I advise everyone to research and try this ancient herb, it absolutely works!!! WWW.NEEM.ORG Try reducing to removing all manufactured sugars (all sweeteners, white/brown sugar, turbinado,corn syrups) and as much stress from your life asap. Herpes LOVES sugar. Herpes hates hydrogen peroxide (food grade) and any other remedies loaded with oxygen.

Posted by V (US) on 11/04/2023

Be Careful with Acetone!

Acetone is so powerful it will take the paint right off your car!

You are using it to kill the virus, this shouldn't take more than 1 day, once the virus is dead, meaning the cold sores stop growing and developing, you need to stop using acetone, it is used to kill the virus, not to heal the cold sore, the healing process happens naturally, the more you leave it alone the quicker it will heal.

Posted by Whathadhappendedwas (Florida) on 08/28/2023

Acetone is the best remedy I've tried. I get the big swollen lip. Others have said to keep it on for five minutes. However, I kept it on for a min or so at a time. I did it about 20 times the first day.

My lip went down after a couple hours. I then poked the blister with a needle and got the fluid out. Next day it crusted over. Did the acetone all day again but maybe fewer times. Third day was just a scab. Did the acetone a few more times just in case. Now I'm just waiting for the scab to come off. I'm on the fourth day. It usually takes a week before it scabs over. I guess I'll be doing this from now on.

Posted by Another Mom (San Diego, CA) on 03/23/2023

L-lysine for cold sores WORKS! All my siblings get cold sores and around 10 years ago one of us discovered that L-Lysine 1000mg 3 x day as soon as you feel that tingle/pain and even AFTER one has erupted. Then reduce to 500 mg 3 x d for a few more days. By that time all should be well.

If one sore has emerged, then it goes away quickly - if it hasn't then the L-Lysine makes it go away fast.

I keep a bottle of it in my vehicle, as we know those suckers can strike at any time & don't wait until you have some on hand.

Reading through the posts, some take it daily. I heard you should ONLY take it when needed and prolonged use is not good for you, other posts say it can affect the liver-so be careful out there, do your research, and if confirmed, only take for a few days to a week.

L-Lysine and Vitamin C
Posted by Aviva (Tel Aviv (Gosh Dan)) on 11/16/2022

I came up with the tingling feeling of a cold sore. There it was. on my upper lip. I took 4 grams Lysine per day + natural vitamin C 4000 mg per day and put some coconut oil on the blister. It stopped growing and tingling immediately and the blister began drying quickly. Now it is the 3rd day and only a wound remained.

Posted by Whathadhappendedwas (Florida) on 07/07/2022

I usually get the big cold sores that make your lip look like a balloon. It sucks. I was eating spaghetti and noticed the sauce made my lip fill better. Did a search about tomato sauce and herpes to see if there was others who tried or used it. Came across a video that said to use ketchup. It was a boring video but decided to try it...Ole family recipe or something. Anyways grabbed some ketchup and put it on my lips. Guess I know what lipstick feels like. I don't know. I put a lot of ketchup on and just started watching a movie. It tingled a little, more uncomfortable I guess. But I left it on and after about 44 minutes I could feel a cluster in the back of my jaw get zapped. Not really sure how else to explain it. Provided relied though. Provided relief for the swollen lip too. Felt like it was working and decided to put a fresh batch and leave it on all night.

Woke up the next morning and it wasn't swollen anymore. Already formed scabs and started healing. Few days later my lip was back to normal. For the healing, I put Abreva on. I typically get blisters from the sun. Haven't had any in a couple months. Might be my new go to as Apple Cider Vinegar sucks. Ketchup is everywhere! Won't hurt to try. Says to use it at the tingle stage to prevent them too.

Posted by Trista (Sydney, Australia ) on 03/05/2022

Fresh lemongrass has stopped my cold sores in their tracks. If you get to it on the tingle and before it blisters it will knock it out and won't get the chance to blister.

Get a fresh lemongrass stalk, peel one of the layers off and use a spoon..I usually have the spoon up right while I scrape the inside lemongrass layer using my thumb to hold it down and get the juice on the spoon that way.. then put it on the cold sore with my finger...

The 1st couple of times I just put the layer on a plate and used the spoon and pressed it down to get the juice on the back of the spoon and used the spoon directly on the cold sore so I didn't have to wash my hands after.. or fold the layer in half and use the juices that produce at the fold directly to the cold sore..

1st time I used it, it was at the tingle stage.. within the hour of it tingling I applied the lemongrass juice just the once and the tingle stopped instantly. It was around midday/ early afternoon that I applied it.

The next morning I felt the tingle again.. I could see slight redness however no blister so I quickly put some more on and immediately stopped tingling and started healing after that.. no blister. No more applying. It just didn't progress into a cold sore and it healed from that point on.

2nd time it had just started to rise and was about to form a blister. I had no lemongrass on hand so went to the shops and grabbed some.I applied it that afternoon and before bed. The next day no tingling and it was healing. I didn't need to apply anymore.

So it would seem that 2 applications are necessary.

4th or 5th time I had kept the lemongrass in the freezer.. to my dismay, it did not work. It took the tingle out a little which I felt I needed to keep applying it.. soo I did all day and the next day.. but it continued into a blister.. I got some fresh lemongrass the next day and it worked. Immediately stopping its progress.

So the lemongrass has to be fresh.

I've tried all the creams.. they aren't really great.. at 1st they helped the itchiness etc but never stopped the blisters...and after a while don't do anything at all..

I've tried peppermint extract.. as I had read good things.. but this didn't help really.. made it less itchy but didn't help the blisters.. same as toothpaste.. it stops the itch but it burns the skin and makes the area bigger.

Lemongrass by far is the best thing I've tried. Knocks it out.

Artifiical Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Teresa (Texas, USA) on 10/11/2021

I had not had a cold sore outbreak for it seems like years, but yesterday I chewed 1 stick of sugarfree gum and I have the biggest outbreak happening now....about 12 to 18 hours after exposure. I will definitely be more careful in the future.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Drew (Scotland, UK ) on 09/02/2021

Colloidal silver is the only thing I have found which a real and quick effect on cold sores. I apply it frequently when I get a flare-up.
I am not prone to cold sores, and the vast majority of the ones I have had can be traced to unwittingly ingesting the poison that is aspartame.
Thankfully, the silver goes a long way to countering it. If I'm quick enough, it can stop an outbreak entirely.

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