Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Trista (Sydney, Australia ) on 03/05/2022

Fresh lemongrass has stopped my cold sores in their tracks. If you get to it on the tingle and before it blisters it will knock it out and won't get the chance to blister.

Get a fresh lemongrass stalk, peel one of the layers off and use a spoon..I usually have the spoon up right while I scrape the inside lemongrass layer using my thumb to hold it down and get the juice on the spoon that way.. then put it on the cold sore with my finger...

The 1st couple of times I just put the layer on a plate and used the spoon and pressed it down to get the juice on the back of the spoon and used the spoon directly on the cold sore so I didn't have to wash my hands after.. or fold the layer in half and use the juices that produce at the fold directly to the cold sore..

1st time I used it, it was at the tingle stage.. within the hour of it tingling I applied the lemongrass juice just the once and the tingle stopped instantly. It was around midday/ early afternoon that I applied it.

The next morning I felt the tingle again.. I could see slight redness however no blister so I quickly put some more on and immediately stopped tingling and started healing after that.. no blister. No more applying. It just didn't progress into a cold sore and it healed from that point on.

2nd time it had just started to rise and was about to form a blister. I had no lemongrass on hand so went to the shops and grabbed some.I applied it that afternoon and before bed. The next day no tingling and it was healing. I didn't need to apply anymore.

So it would seem that 2 applications are necessary.

4th or 5th time I had kept the lemongrass in the freezer.. to my dismay, it did not work. It took the tingle out a little which I felt I needed to keep applying it.. soo I did all day and the next day.. but it continued into a blister.. I got some fresh lemongrass the next day and it worked. Immediately stopping its progress.

So the lemongrass has to be fresh.

I've tried all the creams.. they aren't really great.. at 1st they helped the itchiness etc but never stopped the blisters...and after a while don't do anything at all..

I've tried peppermint extract.. as I had read good things.. but this didn't help really.. made it less itchy but didn't help the blisters.. same as toothpaste.. it stops the itch but it burns the skin and makes the area bigger.

Lemongrass by far is the best thing I've tried. Knocks it out.

Posted by Medina (England) on 03/07/2017

I suffered from cold sores all my life. The slightest stress or too much sun & my lips would be covered with the painful blisters. I spent a small fortune on aciclovir & medicated cold sore plasters to manage the outbreaks & noticed my lips had developed mild scarring.

I suddenly stopped getting them, after I started using a new organic lipbalm. Very rarely I might get one above or below my lipline, but never on the lips. The ingredients of the lipbalm are: organic beeswax, organic jojoba oil, lanolin, organic mungongo oil, organic lemongrass oil, organic peppermint oil, organic rosemary oil & vitamin E.

I googled the ingredients to try to identify which was the key anti-cold sore factor and found a 2003 Japanese study on the inhibitory effects of lemongrass oil on the herpes virus, effective even at very low concentrations. Eureka!

I'm going to attempt to make my own version of lemongrass oil lipbalm as it's such a relief not to have to deal with cold sore outbreaks anymore. Hope this helps someone else too.

Licorice and Peppermint Root Extract

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Jazzz (Delta Junction, Alaska, Usa) on 03/19/2013

While I have yet to find any success curing my cold sores, I have found one particular thing which prevents them.

It seems that certain remedies work well for one type of person but not the other, in the past I have tried Lysine, over the counter meds (they worked for a while), ice cubes, finger nail polish remover.... Ummm just about everything. Non of those worked well for me, for the past three years I have been using a licorice/peppermint root extract in gelled form. When I feel a cold sore coming on and I use this (I apply it every several hours at the onset) it never comes, I use this if I know I might get a cold sore (I'm sick or something), and I use this on my son. Unfortunetly, he doesn't know when a cold sore is coming on so it is usually already surfaced by the time I see it. However, when I put it on him the cold sore goes away very quickly and stops growing. I have noticed that over the years my cold sores are getting farther apart. I use to get them about 8 times a year and now its about 3-4.

If nothing else has worked for you, this might be the one- because nothing ever worked for me!

Liquid Bandaid

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Trying (Surburbia, Sc) on 02/03/2011

For those of you that have suggested a liquid bandage product - and for those of you who have wondered why on earth it might work....

I checked the ingredients this morning. In this order, it contains acetone(! ), alcohol(! ), isobutane-propane (propellant), oil of cloves(! ), pyroxylin solution. Three of its "inactive" ingredients are remedies that have been suggested in the comments as fixes, and one of them -- acetone -- has been recommended over and over.

If you haven't had a chance to check out the research someone posted earlier, there actually is bonafide medical research (by people with standard credentials) that shows that acetone does inhibit the reproduction of the virus by 90% - 97%. And it is a naturally occuring substance in the body, although NOT to be taken internally, without danger of running into things like Bell's Palsy, as someone else has mentioned. (i.e. , don't put it inside your mouth under any circumstances -- as they say, for external use only! )

Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone. I'm trying them all (well, almost all). Humongous case, worst I've ever had. Moved from my lips to around my mouth, covering one jaw and under my neck. It's still spreading, but no where near as fast as it was. And no longer as completely uncomfortable and distracting as it was. Fortunately, I'm not letting it stop me. If other people are offended by looking at my disfigurement, that's their problem. I'm not going to miss work because I look funny.

Good luck, everyone!

Liquid Bandaid
Posted by Brooklyn (Colubus, Oh) on 10/06/2010

I used liquid bandaid and though peroxide works very well, the liquid bandaid helped the sore from getting any air. I personally feel that the liquid bandaid worked faster than the HP.

Liquid Bandaid
Posted by S (Deadwood, SD) on 09/11/2006

NuSkin applied to a cold sore will clear it up overnight with no scab

Liquid Oxygen, DMSO

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Shannon (San Antonio, Tx) on 08/20/2011

I couldn't believe it till I tried it. I started drinking 20 drops twice a day religiously plus DMSO cream to previously affected areas five times a day for five days out of each month. I haven't seen not even a scar since. It's amazing how much this site helped because I thought there was no cure for this!!!! Well, If it's not cured it certainly is really really diminished.

Lugol's Iodine, Coconut Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Maria K. (Frankfurt, Germany) on 07/16/2021 6 posts

Lugol's Iodine, Coconut Oil for COVID and Oral Herpes

My sister, her husband and her four kids got Corona, even her newborn got infected severely.

On my recommendation (I am not a doctor, only an old reader of Earth clinic ) she and her husband took 5 drops of Lugols Iodine 5% three times a day. In addition to Lugols Iodine they took 1,2 tablespoons of Coconut oil two times a day. She gave Iodine and coconut oil to her kids too.Kids' dose is 3 drops of Lugols Iodine thrice and 1 or 2 TB of Coconut oil.

Besides these remedies, they took panadol and vitamin C from the local doctor's advice. Adults gargled with warm salt water and iodine water too.

With the grace of God Almighty they were all relieved and Cured just in two days. After two weeks they tested negative for Covid 19. I personally use this protocol for the oral herpes, I start it seeing the first sign of tingling on my lips, always works, want to share on Herpes cures page too.

Replied by Maria K.
(Frankfurt, Germany)
6 posts

In the Past I used to get cold sores on my lips almost every month. That was so annoying and painful. Three years ago I visited my homeland and being a guest and having parties with friends and relatives ate spicy dishes with ketchup and drank so much soft drinks that at the end of my journey when next night I had a flight for Germany I felt tingling on my lips, alarming cold sore is coming.I wanted urgent relief and want to stop it on its way, because I did not want to travel in constant pain and looking horible with swollen lips.I had Lugols Iodine 5% and coconut oil at hand.

In desperation I took 5 drops of Lugols Iodine and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil after 4 hours took another dose of 5 drops of Iodine and coconut oil. After 2 hours I felt a little relief in tingling on lips and cold sore stopped getting bigger.After 2 hours before depature of my flight I took third time 5 drops of Lugol's Iodine and no more coconut oil.In aeroplane I was sitting relaxed and happy with my family, no more tingling and pain.So quick relief I had never in my life.When I reached home the little sore had turned brown.So in the last three years I did not have a single episod of herpes because at the first sign of herpes I start this protocol, always works like a charm.Now I can eat spicy and sour dishes, ketchup, nuts and soft drinks in moderation without any fear of getting herpes.

I take daily 4 drops of Iodine for general health too.

I think same protocol will work for gentials Herpes too.

Lysine, Vitamin C and Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mia (Mi, Fl) on 03/24/2015

Editor's Choice I didn't have any acetone to use this time and I really didn't like using it at all so I used 4,000 mg of Lysine spread out through the day, 3,000 mg of Vit C spread out through the day, and I dabbed coconut oil on the sore twice.

In ONE DAY, it was dried up with barely a tiny scab left over and this thing had seven different bubbles and felt like my lip was really ready to swell up.

I will stick with remedy FOREVER.

Replied by martiele

I heard magnesium oil spray does the trick But I have not had one to try it. When I have I have used aloe, aloe by cutting a square off and placing on lip sit 15 minutes and it will Usually stick for the rest of the day until it's gone. It will take me three days with aloe. Also lysine. I was drinking a lot of black tea and I heard black tea blocks lysine in our bodies and so I would get them more often or more easily prone to getting them.

Magnesium Chloride

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Marcia (Utah) on 05/01/2020

A drop of liquid magnesium chloride (aka magnesium oil) on the end of a Q-Tip, will kill a cold sore immediately.

Mango Mask, Alum

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Mollyanne (Detroit, Michigan, Us) on 09/20/2010

Yes, the fruit, mangoes. I have to share this here because I believe it has reduced my cold sore outbreaks by about 90%. I had been having almost constant outbreaks for several years, with hardly a week going by where I didn't have at least one or two sores somewhere on my face. I tried SO many remedies, some of which lessened the severity of the outbreaks a little, but nothing that worked tremendously well. My skin was looking icky besides, since I balk at trying to exfoliate it even a little which has the potential of making a whole new batch of cold sores crop up all over, so I decided to give myself a mango facial. Mangoes contain bunches of alpha-hydroxy acids which are supposed to smooth your skin. So I bought a mango, peeled and ate it, then rubbed the inside of the skin all over my face, let it sit for about 15 minutes then rinsed with cool water. The next day my skin looked great - because my cold sores were visibly shrinking! I decided to stick with it just to see. Since then I have been doing the mango facial thing every one to three days, and for the past three months I have hardly had any outbreaks. When I do get them they aren't the monstrous red oozy scabby embarrassments they used to be... Now they are tiny, and usually come to a little white head right away. At this stage I carefully pop them into a tissue, press the area with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol for a minute, then I apply a layer of granulated alum (available in the spice section of the grocery store). I leave the alum on for as long as I can, then I gently wipe that off and go about my business. The sores turn into tiny scabs and disappear quickly if I leave them alone.

Anyway, as I said, since using the mango on my face both the frequency and severity of my outbreaks have diminished substantially, and I wanted to share this with others - it might work for them too. I have wracked my brain and can't think of anything else I am doing differently that might've caused this. I'm so happy with my discovery.

Replied by Maxklug
(Ma, Usa)

I posted a reply earlier to another comment but I think the information would be relevant to you too so I am posting it again here.

There is some evidence that an elevated level of mercury in the body is connected with outbreaks. There are ways to lower your mercury levels . One way is to take the supplement IP6, but research this yourself as it also chelates iron. Elevated levels of free iron may also contribute to outbreaks as iron displaces zinc and copper. Zinc is known to suppress the Herpes virus so reducing iron and mercury may convert you over to someone who never has another outbreak. Cilantro, otherwise known as coriander, is another very effective substance for chelating mercury and lowering your levels.

From my initial infection and a few outbreaks after that I was outbreak free for over a decade. Then in my mid thirties I had cavities filled for the first time in my life. I had frequent and sometimes sever outbreaks after that for a number of years. At some point I started taking IP6 for general health/anti aging reasons. My outbreaks ceased after that. I did not make the connection till much later when I read about mercury levels and herpes.

I would also suggest taking zinc supplements as most people are deficient.

Manuka Honey

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Sunny (Los Angeles, Ca) on 09/13/2018

I tried putting castor oil for few days and didn't work, I thought it was actually getting worse. Then I tried putting raw royal jelly and didn't work. I then put high grade Manuka honey and in few days it worked. I put honey in the morning and after eating I brushed my teeth and put the honey again and in the evening before sleep. I put it on with q-tip. It may become crusty at first, but continue still and reapply after washing several times throughout the day and it will work!

EC: Hi Sunny, no ailment listed in your post. We're guessing it's a cold sore but please correct us if we're wrong.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Carrie (Galena) on 10/07/2015

I was recently affected by something (likely a Bloody Mary Drink) I think I ate/drank along with another friend. Some other friends suggested maybe it was msg. I will never have another Bloody Mary drink there again. Maybe, but who knows for sure. I started with a swollen mouth. Gums sore and places where I have chewed my cheeks, etc.

My friend woke up with swollen lips that did not go away for a week. Since I am prone to cold sores, I found myself with one that next day as well as the swollen mouth. During the next couple of days my lips were swollen as well and canker sores developed all over them as well as the cold sore. I came here and found someone said something about manuka honey. I had recently purchased some good stuff with a 10+ UMF rating. I started by putting a 1/2 teaspoon of it in my mouth and pushing it around for about a minute. I did this about 3 or 4 times for 2 days. It burned like h... for about a minute and pain and swelling subsided. I stopped doing it when I no longer felt any pain from doing it. I created a paste using it with some coconut oil and applied it to my lips and cold sore about 5/6 times a day.

Within 2 days my mouth was completely healed with the cold sore gone in less than a week. Truly amazing as they usually last for 2 weeks for me. It's expensive, but it was well worth it for me as I'd never had canker sores and they hurt really badly. I had about 10 or more all over my inner lips which I think was a reaction from them being swollen. My friend never developed any other problems but the swollen lips.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Sms27 (Princeton, Nj, Usa) on 01/14/2013

Manuka honey applied topically on the lip helps diminish the virus outbreak and significantly shortens the healing time. The trick is to keep the honey on for as long as possible until the sore heals. To clean use witch hazel.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Jessica (Orlando, Florida, Usa) on 10/27/2009

Ive Been Using Manuka Honey for my cold sores. I normally get them from ACCIDENTALLY touching my mouth with unclean hands especially with money. When I was young I sue to get them ALL the time and could never figure out when until I got older and put 2 and 2 together and realized the Dirtiness in $$ and touching my mouth was causing continous outbreaks. I try to be as cautious as possible but I also have kids who accidentally hit me in the mouth here and there when playing or jumping around. Ive been applying manuka honey with a Q Tip everytime im touched anywhere in the area of my mouth. At night I apply the manuka honey around the outer lining of my mouth and also all over my lips and thus far have not had any outbreaks. The Manuka Honey helps destroy bacteria and is also WONDERFUL for so many different ailments. I had a cold sore a few months back and applied the manuka honey to it continuosally and the sore was gone and healed within a week. It never allowed the sore to get bubble up and hit that really disgusting stage. TRY IT IT CANT HURT!!
