Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Lugol's Iodine, Coconut Oil
Posted by Maria K. (Frankfurt, Germany) on 08/19/2021 6 posts

In the Past I used to get cold sores on my lips almost every month. That was so annoying and painful. Three years ago I visited my homeland and being a guest and having parties with friends and relatives ate spicy dishes with ketchup and drank so much soft drinks that at the end of my journey when next night I had a flight for Germany I felt tingling on my lips, alarming cold sore is coming.I wanted urgent relief and want to stop it on its way, because I did not want to travel in constant pain and looking horible with swollen lips.I had Lugols Iodine 5% and coconut oil at hand.

In desperation I took 5 drops of Lugols Iodine and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil after 4 hours took another dose of 5 drops of Iodine and coconut oil. After 2 hours I felt a little relief in tingling on lips and cold sore stopped getting bigger.After 2 hours before depature of my flight I took third time 5 drops of Lugol's Iodine and no more coconut oil.In aeroplane I was sitting relaxed and happy with my family, no more tingling and pain.So quick relief I had never in my life.When I reached home the little sore had turned brown.So in the last three years I did not have a single episod of herpes because at the first sign of herpes I start this protocol, always works like a charm.Now I can eat spicy and sour dishes, ketchup, nuts and soft drinks in moderation without any fear of getting herpes.

I take daily 4 drops of Iodine for general health too.

I think same protocol will work for gentials Herpes too.

Lugol's Iodine, Coconut Oil
Posted by Maria K. (Frankfurt, Germany) on 07/16/2021 6 posts

Lugol's Iodine, Coconut Oil for COVID and Oral Herpes

My sister, her husband and her four kids got Corona, even her newborn got infected severely.

On my recommendation (I am not a doctor, only an old reader of Earth clinic ) she and her husband took 5 drops of Lugols Iodine 5% three times a day. In addition to Lugols Iodine they took 1,2 tablespoons of Coconut oil two times a day. She gave Iodine and coconut oil to her kids too.Kids' dose is 3 drops of Lugols Iodine thrice and 1 or 2 TB of Coconut oil.

Besides these remedies, they took panadol and vitamin C from the local doctor's advice. Adults gargled with warm salt water and iodine water too.

With the grace of God Almighty they were all relieved and Cured just in two days. After two weeks they tested negative for Covid 19. I personally use this protocol for the oral herpes, I start it seeing the first sign of tingling on my lips, always works, want to share on Herpes cures page too.
