Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Posted by Marvia (St. Catherine, Jamaica ) on 09/30/2008

I've always had outbreaks of cold sores for more than ten years until a friend told me about Acidophilus. Whenever I feel the tingling on my mouth I crush two tablets of the (Probiotic) Acidophilus (preferrably the Schiff brand) with 1 tsp. of milk and take and repeat this three times a day.

The outbreaks of my cold sores usually happens after the intake of antibiotics which usually breaks down the friendly bacterias so the acidophilus regularises the friendly bacterias and it's a great digestive support.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Lysine
Posted by Jay (San Francisco, California) on 09/28/2008

Today, i mixed the 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with L-lysine together to make a paste, then i applied it onto my cold sore, a few minutes later, my cold sore gets bigger and more red, any suggestions about whats going on and if its helping?

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Walter (West Palm Beach , Florida) on 09/28/2008

I started suffering from a form of herpes called gladiatorum herpes in my face from practicing brazilian jiu jitsu with someone who had the virus. It has one of the most, or perhaps the most horrible illness I ever had. Started taking L-lysine and it helped, stopped taking anything with Aspartame, it helped, however, everyweek for the last three months I was having outbreaks every single week!! Reading and researching on the internet, I figured I had a very acidic PH in my blood so I started doing the Gracie Diet (google it), I can say after a week and a half I am for the first time in months, free of outbreaks.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Shelly (Middlebury, Vermont) on 09/22/2008

I currently have an outbreak (the second one in 2 weeks) and I used peroxide on my second one after the first day. I didn't catch it in time but I'm finding that using the peroxide only 2 times has prevented it from really blistering and scabbing over too much. I popped the blister and drained it with a tissue and then used a qtip to dab it on a few times. It seems to take out the infection and dry it up faster. I'm going to continue applying peroxide every few hours and see how it works. I think if I'd have done this quicker, it wouldn't have blistered out quite so much. But it's less sightly than it would normally be.

L-Lysine and Vitamin C
Posted by Jay (San Francisco, CA) on 09/14/2008

Questions to Cathy:

O, well do i have to rip the scab off first before applying the cayenne pepper?, cause i don't think the cayenne pepper will go to the source without peeling the scab off first, so what do you think? Also, which brand of kind do u suggest? Also, when i peel the scab off, yellow liquid immediately starts to slowly come out so just apply the cayenne pepper onto the whole infected area? What kind of cayenne pepper, like the liquid kind or powder form?What kind do you use?

L-Lysine and Vitamin C
Posted by Cathy (Playa del Carmen, Mexico) on 09/14/2008

Without a doubt, CAYENNE pepper. Put it directly on the cold sore. It will sting but the next day it should be 90 % better. I have used Oil of Oregano and it works very quickly but Cayenne is the fastest. Good luck!

L-Lysine and Vitamin C
Posted by Jay (san francisco, california) on 09/11/2008

Well, I had a cold sore on right corner of my mouth for about 6 months now, it just kept scabbing, then falling off, then scabbing, then falling off, i tried everything, so far its been 1 week from taking l-lysine and vitamin c daily, about 10g a day, and so far, nothing, i still have the cold sore, my doctor gave me acyclovir, but yet it didn't do a thing. Anyone have any suggestions, im really suffering from those terrible cold sore i had for about 6 months. HELP!

Posted by Michelle (Toronto, ON) on 09/07/2008

I've suffered from cold sores my entire life. I hate when I feel that tingle coming on. I tried everything, and some things will help and shorten the duration, but I finally found what will stop if from even developing. My step-dad said he heard of people using their own urine. Just pass a q-tip through your own stream of urine, then dab it on the spot where a coldsore is developing. I was VERY reluctant to try this, but one day I felt one coming on and I was desperate. I tried it, and it worked!! Nothing came of it! I've tested this 2 or 3 times since, and can happily report its still working! I'm so happy to have found something that works.

Astringent Toner
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/26/2008 495 posts

To correct error in L-lysine for Herpes Simplex or cold sore. Should read 2 grams or (2000mgm) four times per day.

Posted by Al (Orlando, Fla) on 08/24/2008

This site is the best thing I have found! I was in complete depression after a wrestling sparring partner infected me with Herpes Gladiatorum (HSV1) on my neck and face. It was a nightmare and this site was my salvation. I have tried L-Lysine and it worked perfectly, even if I feel a new OB I just start taking 3K Mg daily it has been under control. In addition I use Hydrogen Peroxide and smash a L-Lysine Pill and put in my face.

The only problem right now is that even the sores are closed, the red marks/spots on my face and neck are still there even after more than two months of being diagnosed with HSV1! Sometimes it gets irritated when I shave, is this normal?? Can someone please recommend me what to do?

Astringent Toner
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/23/2008 495 posts

Hi Juliana, For future reference for your herpes simplex (cold sore), when you first notice that tingling feeling that heralds a budding cold sore, start taking L-lysine 2 grams (200 mgms) 4 times a day and you will find it drying up by the next day. I have found L-lysine effective against all viruses that I have tried it for to date.

Astringent Toner
Posted by Juliana (Calgary, Canada) on 08/22/2008

I got Cold Sore while camping this summer. I have no clue how I got it, could be from sharing cups or from the grass. I felt the tingle on my upper lip while returning home. I went to see the doctor immediately. The doctor recommended acyclovoir cream, but I don't find it very effective. However, the nurse told me to wet a cotton ball with alcohol and rub around the lips for 5 minutes. I didn't have alcohol at home by then, so I used my toner instead, because there are alcohol in my toner. I felt comfortable using toner since I used then after washing my face everyday anyways. I wet the cotton part of bandage with Astringent Toner and stick the bandage on the bump. I repeated this about 3-4 times daily for two days, and my cold sore disappeared! The toner I used is called Garnier Pure - Astringent Toner - Tighten Pores. You can get it almost anywhere.

Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO
Posted by NONE YA BIZZ (FT WALTON BEACH, FLORIDA) on 08/18/2008

HI I am from florida and i have tried dmso and h2o2 by mixing together and putting on a very large bandage and leave for a few hours at a time i havent had a break out yet but its only been almost a month and i have not yet been tested again and plus i dont even know if im doing it right but i do know dmso and h2o2 is less costly on the internet!!!!!!!!! i also douch with h2o2 try it of course dilute it alot and use 35% food grade 3% aint bout s--t i feel this is the first step to the cure but next month im getting h2o2 therapy in milton fl the consultation is 300 very expensive i dont yet know the cost of the actual procedure that consist of putting h2o2 in a iv wish me luck if it works i will make a web sight for people who suffer and it will be free only the devil would make money off of peoples pain and remember it will be called the free real cure to herpes!!!!

Posted by Jungle (NY, NY) on 08/09/2008

i don't know how advanced my sores are, they're not all that bad, but whenever i get the slight notion of a tingle on my lip i slather my lips in neosporin, the anti-bacterial stuff in it kills it i suppose!

L-Lysine, Nail Polish Remover
Posted by Victoria (Saint Johns, FL) on 08/06/2008

I get about 2 or 3 cold sores a year. Unfortunately, the last cold sore I got hit me in the middle of the night as I slept so when I woke up, it was already in the painful stage. Finally fed up with these unsightly things, I did some internet searches and found several positive remarks about applying nail polish remover AND so I immediately dabbed a q-tip in it and stuck the tip directly at the cold sore site. The sore had come out by this time but it was still small and had not broken the skin. I made sure to place a folded tissue on my lips to catch any nail polish liquid excess. After a few seconds, I felt it burning inside! I repeated this for a total of 3 times that day and twice the next day and my small cold sore only lasted 3 days! Otherwise, it would normally have lasted 7 days. It never became a scab. I also read up on L-Lysine capsules and decided to keep them at hand for my next cold sore. Well, this morning, I felt a tingling on my upper lip which started to turn pink and swell so I immediately took 2 500MG capsules of L-Lysine and dabbed on some nail polish remover (2 times). I can honestly say that it is completely gone! No sore, no redness, no swelling! I am also taking 2 more L-Lysine capsules before going to bed as a precaution. I am recommending this remedy to everyone I know.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by secondch@nce (Phuket, Thailand) on 08/05/2008

I was just wondering, How do you apply apple cider vinegar if it's Genital herpes? You know, the sores and all in the insides? does it also, like, heal or helps to keep it from too much itching and burning?

Posted by Noel Nepomuceno (Palm Springs, CA) on 07/22/2008

Once you feel a tingling sensation and know that a cold sore is about to come out, ice it for ten minutes, put alcohol on the affected area, then put fresh aloe vera on it. Cold sore is a virus. Viruses do not like ice cold and therefore, ice puts them back to their dormancy. Alcohol is to kill the virus that's already on the skin. Aloe vera is to heal the wound. Repeat this procedure throughout the day, 3 to 4 x. The cold sore will not come out. If you did not catch it on time, you may still do this procedure and I can ssure you, the cold sore will not grow bigger. And in two to three days, the cold sore will be be gone.

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Chloe (Providence, RI) on 07/20/2008

Hi Everyone ~ I discovered Olive Leaf Extract (I use the one by 'Herb Pharm', purchased at Whole Foods Market - haven't tried other brands. Well, all my life, I would get at least two terrible cold sores per year. Even after two weeks of looking awful, I would be left with a scar for at least a month...I was so upset every time. They were the bane of my existence!

The very first time I tried Olive leaf extract, I was on the verge of another cold sore. I put about 2-3 droppers full in a small amount of water. Within moments I could feel the initial swelling going away. I ran to the mirror because I thought I was imagining things! I wasn't! The nasty little thing was disappearing before my eyes.

It's been 4 years now and I've had only one (pretty mild) cold sore and all because I hadn't taken the olive leaf at the first signs of fatigue, dry lips, and a feeling of being 'run-down' which always precedes the outbreak. My Mom also had these her whole life, and it works wonders for her too. The key is to use it preventatively, as well as extra doses at the onset of a breakout. I've many droppers full of it, and it has no side effects whatsoever - other than good ones! Also, using it topically, directly on the area where you usually breakout, in addition to internally is helpful also.

Interestingly enough, some biblical scholars believe that the "Tree of Life" represents the Olive Tree and that the Dove which carried a twig/branch to Noah, was carrying an Olive Twig. I truly hope this helps any of you dealing with problem. I Love, Love, Love this website! :-)

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Cassie (Augusta, GA) on 06/29/2008

ACV or Tea Tree Oil to cure cold sores.

I used ACV on a q-tip pressing firmly, and repeated several times throughout the day. This began to dry up the cold sore on my upper lip after only a few hours...however, it caused a bit of skin irritation around the area which kind of defeated the purpose (i have very sensitive skin). So the next day I switched to tea tree oil applied with a q-tip (making sure to use new q-tips for each application). Cold sore is almost completely dried and the irritation from the ACV is dissapearing.

Posted by Anna (Charlotte, USA) on 06/29/2008

Garlic Remedy for Cold Sores: My mom traveled to Europe and while she was there, cold sores broke out around her mouth. An Austrian man saw her and told her to cut a clove of garlic in half and hold it to the area for 10 minutes three or four times a day. It works like a charm for her.

Baking Soda
Posted by Jay (Altoona, FL) on 06/25/2008

I found that the virus that causes cold sores does not like bicarbonate of soda. I was usually able to half the time to heal by applying the soda to the open lesion several times a day.

Ear Wax
Posted by Helena (New York, NY) on 06/24/2008

I've heard about using ear wax on cold sores, was surprised not to see it mentioned here. You put it on when you first get the sore. Take a Q-tip, get some ear wax out and spread it on your sore. Be careful not to put the q-tip back in your ear, you might cross-contaminate!
Unfortunately didn't know about this until mine had horribly popped and scabbed over. I tried icing it, and putting apple cider vinegar on it but didn't seem to help much... Hopefully I'll not have a chance to try this remedy out soon! Hopefully no cold sores again soon.
