Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Posted by Melinda (Arlington, VA) on 01/24/2007

I went to a homeopathic pharmacy yesterday and spoke to an herbalist and wellness counselor. She recommended I take 1,000mg of L-Lysine everyday. During an outbreak, she told me to take 3,000mg of L-Lysine everyday. Additionally, she gave me a Super-Oxygenated Anti-Viral Formula that I should take 1 dropperful in a small amount of water 2-3 times a day when having an outbreak. She also gave me an RMA Healing Ointment to use on both oral and genital sores when having a herpes outbreak. I will keep you posted on how they all work!

Posted by AJ (IL) on 04/13/2006

Lysine didn't cure the herpes but it clears it up in no time. I also put hemorrhoid creme on the sore if it doesn't get opened. The ulcer is gone by the end of the day. If it does get opened then I used Hydrogen peroxide. It burns but it clears it up faster.

Posted by Maria (New Jersey)

I used to have back to back cold sores. Neither over-the-counter nor prescribed medications worked for me. I discovered L-Lysine. It is excellent. I try to take one daily on an empty stomach. If I get lazy and the tingle of a cold sore starts, I take several for a day or so. The sore does not breaks out, but can still be painful .Though not a cure, L-Lysine is the very best possible preventative. All my family with the same malady have had equally great results.

Posted by Liz (Louisville, KY)

I had frequent outbreaks of cold sores and my dentist recommended I take Lysine. Since I started taking 1000 mg Lysine daily, I have not had a single cold sore in years.

Posted by Tina (Weiser, ID)

When I was a child I used to always get cold sores on the corner of my mouth, when I was 12 I had this really bad one and I had used Blistex (for cold sores) well, instead it caused it to spread even larger and I ended up with a large outbreak all over my lips, horrible for a 12 year old girl. So my mom heard about Lysine, I took the tablets, and in about 2-3 days they were all gone and believe it or not I have never had a cold sore since (now I am 26) So yes, I believe in the Lysine treatment 100%.

Posted by Jane (British Columbia, Canada)

I use L-lysine. 500mg. Taken a few days each month. Or take at the on-set of symptoms. Very rarely do I ever get an outbreak of oral anymore. Used to get them regularly and now they are almost a thing of the past. L-lysine is the cheapest and most effective remedy that I have found. Love it.

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