Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

Borax Bath
Posted by flower (pennsylvania) on 05/05/2021

Does anyone know what are the black specks? I recently started having itchy skin on the upper right hands side of my back and neck. It did not go away for a few weeks... I bought a microscope and was shocked to see the skin very red. And then I suspected this might be morgellons. I followed the advice to take a Borax bath and saw many black specks on the bottom? What are they? Can one get rid of Morgellons/nano/black specks? Or is this an ongoing thing forever? Please help! Thank you

Shungite Water
Posted by Melissa (Alberta) on 05/03/2021

I am confused are you saying Shungite water is the cause of the morgellons or that Shangite water helps get rid of the morgellons.

Posted by Cynthia (Biddeford, Maine) on 04/27/2021

Was the man you saw on YouTube name William Windsor King, if so he's a scam artist.

Eliminate Parasites
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 04/20/2021

Wow Darlene. What an amazing testimony. Thanks so much for sharing detailed instructions on what will help to cure other with a similar affliction.

Question: what did you mean when you said you *took in a deathly ill call from a wildlife preserve*? This understanding alone could help others from a prevention perspective.

Eliminate Parasites
Posted by Darlene (Parkland, FL) on 04/20/2021

I live in Florida with my husband and 3 kids. Life was perfectly normal until I took in a deathly ill call from a wildlife preserve. Within a month -first, I thought I had a panic attack cause my heart was erratic. Then I felt generally nauseous. Then the crawling I thought it was fleas, then lice, then scabies can make a perfectly healthy person insane very quickly. It was everywhere. My hair, ears, nose, arms, back, stomach, privates. It has no boundaries. I tried everything. Lice treatments, repellents, bleach baths, every lotion you can think of, essential oils, neem, garlic, I dipped myself and pets in Lime sulfur. 9 months of torture. I lost 24 lbs. Insomnia. My family saw it all, but every doctor can't see it. If you mentioned crawling, the Drs write you off as crazy. They won't treat anything, not it the “textbooks.”

It's probably 3 am, and you're desperately searching for an answer, so I'll cut to what worked for me.

You have a parasite.

If things are coming out of your skin, it could be Schitosmias or Filariasis. (Cutaneous, intestinal or urinary ) look them up. See if your symptoms match or not.
1- take control. Get online and order your own labs. Stool tests, Lyme panel, parasites panel, and filariasis. Parasite urine test. Approx $600 for all. If you can get a dr to do it, then great. But I was tired of running to the “experts “ while I was suffering, and my family caught it. If you want to go the dr route - look up travel medicine doctors on zoc doc. They will know a lot more than regular drs.
2- get the vials from the labs.
3- take Reese pinworm medication 3 days in a row. Start ParaSmart or any other 15 day cleanse you like. But get one with good reviews.
Check stools daily. If they' are there you'll know it. If it's a common worm it will show up in the stool or blood test. If it's not - it won't. Only common worms are in O&P tests. It gets tricky to get a diagnosis if it not a common parasite.
4- if you are not able to get a diagnosis from your doctor- parasite cleanse for 3 months. It's the only way to kill live ones, then larvae, last month is hatched eggs. Then do a 15 day cleanse every 6 months - forever.
5- if things are coming out of your skin you are contagious via the eggs hand to mouth. It's almost impossible to not to
Use your hands - no hands in chip bags, taking pills, washing Vegatables. Etc. I know because 4 people got infected even though I moved into my own room and bathroom and didn't let anyone near me. Still if you cook their food they can get it or if you have pets and you see the signs they have it - it's almost impossible to stop the cycle. They are all shedding eggs too and each of you on a different cycle.
6- if you have pets - they need both Pravecto and Praziquantel which you have to insist they get. Also 3 treatments- 1 each month. I'm not a dr or a vet. But this is what has worked for me after so much research trail and error, talking to drs and vets and a lot of money.
7- only wear clothes once and change sheets and towels every day. Wear clothes so you don't leave on chairs, couches etc. Double dry with dryer sheets. The stuff on your body can come off in clothes etc. Spray high touch surfaces with disinfectant. Vacuum every day. If they are scratching and the vet can't figure out why, and you may see white things that look like litter in their beds, it's them. Don't let them sit on your furniture. Use sheets and change daily.
8- your goal is always to get a diagnosis from a dr. But I know they write you off as crazy, or they don't want the liability of treating something and “refer “ you to another dr. Skip regular drs. Only travel medicine drs will know.

Some things that help but are not the cure:

1- Vaseline to suffocate them out
2- sulfur 10 ointment to suffocate them out
3- pure garlic essential oil and oregano essential oil with hydrated coconut oil 50/50.
4- sterifab for cleaning - even your car
5- Vicks vapor rub for ears and nostril to keep them away.
6- AD ointment for privates to keep them away.
Do those areas first before any thing else.
7- neutragena coal tar shampoo for 10 minutes gets them out of hair but then yikes! All in the back where you can't reach.
8- saline nose spray - big can with lavender. If it's bad use Navage nasal cleanser as much as possible.
9- ivermectin- go to Tell them you have scabies and permathrin didn't work and can you have a dose of ivermectin.

Always try to get the right diagnosis. But a cleanse can only help anyway.
If you live with someone - Assume they have it and treat every one at once.

Best of Luck for a speedy recovery.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Darlene (Parkland FL) on 04/20/2021

Neutragena Tar shampoo 10 minutes makes them move out of hair follicles but they might move to more uncomfortable places.

I just submitted a long post for approval called Morgellons-= parasite
It's long so I can't write it all - but the bottom line is what happens in the skin is a manifestation of the inside. The “fibers “ - they are the immune system trying to attack the parasite making fibrins . Get the best parasite cleanse you can afford - plus Reese pinworm for 3 days . I'm not a dr . I'm only saying what worked for me and this is just part of it so you need to read the whole post .
Any parasite must be 90 days cleanse . No shortcuts or they come back because you didn't kill the whole life cycle.

Best of luck for a speedy recovery.

Posted by xiusiq (TX) on 04/10/2021

I experienced a skin condition in about late January 2020. It happens that I am familiar with morgellons prior to my experience. I am a long time follower of earth clinic and ted.

There was a sensation sometimes biting my toes. like a flea or something. I paid attention whenever it would happen. Then one evening when I was paying attention to the biting sensation, I felt a vicious bite on my cuticle of my toe that I about jumped out of my skin. I searched multiple times, turning light to see, only nothing; using a flashlight to try catch in the act, nothing. there was always nothing to be seen. I put bug lotion with permethrin and white larva looking things came out of the skin legs, arms apparently microscopic, there were the seedlike things also along my hairline eyebrows, they looked like sesame seeds. I had never seen or heard of anything like it (a former science major I liked microbiology).

I was not able to resolve this on my own initially, I tried to see MD at a clinic and he wouldn't diagnose and didn't even try. I was losing a lot of sleep every night. Seemed they knew when it was dark in that way it seemed like scabies but it wasn't. I read what I could do. I don't necessarily recommend this but it was what worked. I mixed permethrin home professional strength buy chemical into lotion (I calculated to get 3% in the cream). slept in it. washed the next day. washed sheets, clothes etc, didn't wear more than 1 time, washed bedding after one use. stayed off the furniture. I treated the whole room with chemicals because I didn't know what it was and where it came from.

The above helped but it wasn't enough. I showered using borax laundry booster like a body scrub, washed my face with it too. Not on hair, it is hard on the hair. It is a salt, leaves skin really soft.

I kept reading as the treatment would work temporarily, but after a day or two it would return. I read about ivermectin and decided to try it. It is available in pill form in other countries but not really in the US. There are other postings of how much to take. have to do your own search if you are going to try.

I took the dose for my weight, on day 1, day 2, and again on day 8; then 3 months later and 1 year later. whatever it was died off, my skin was expelling something from the layers like little pimples in a few cluster areas. Though there was no more evidence of the problem the sores took a long time to heal and the skin flaked weirdly, this kept on, some months later I had a respiratory infection and was prescribed an antibiotic, I think it was doxycyline. The skin finally started healing normally. I have scars on my arm they are not terrible I hope they continue to fade.

I later saw a video on YouTube, some fellow from UK filming things crawling out of his arms. They look just like whatever I had going on. He had been going at this for 7 years and he has not figured how to rid of it. He is in Mexico now. He was lured out there with the promise of a cure and stuck there now. In his videos he puts oil on his skin and they just come out. That's how it happened to me also. So I got through my ordeal the worst of it in 3 weeks, the skin didn't settle down until I took the antibiotic. I was looking up what it could have been and I'm still not sure but I think it could have been strongyloids which is a microscopic nematode which is a worm-like creature.

This experience I had was torturous. I am glad I somehow found a remedy. I hope this helps someone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Katielyn (Howell, mi) on 02/13/2021

Please help me. Im in howell mi. I feel so alone in this. Please someone help me.

Infrared Therapy
Posted by Cynthia (Anacortes, Washington ) on 02/12/2021

I have the sores on my scalp, I have tried SO many things and have been dealing with it for years now. Today I learn it's Morgelens and I am ready to LEARN more!! I looked at the scabs under a magnifying glass and saw those “Black threads) and yes when I am under any stress it does FLARE..Someone else said the heat, like from a hairdryer made it worse? Your saying the sauna helps? I'm open to suggestions, omg I long for some good old fashion home cure. I always felt this was connected to Chem Trails, you?

Shungite Water
Posted by Cynthia S. (Anacortes ) on 02/12/2021

Thank you! I have been dealing with these for 4 years, not knowing exactly what it is?? I have Shungite, I request a Protocol? Fast, Oregano Oil, currently I was with Hemp Soap and apply Hemp oil, what else can I do? Thank you so much!!

Articles of Interest
Posted by Patricia (Massachusetts USA, ) on 02/01/2021

Hello - as the saying goes, "misery loves company". I do not wish this horrible condition on any living creature but I would love to have someone to talk to that understands what it is like to have morgellons disease. I am 64 years old and have been suffering from morgellons since about the age of 12. Every time I think I have seen it all, some new horrible symptom emerges. I am currently using plant based products, herbs and spices mostly, and have had some really wonderful results. The best results in 50 years. But I am far from cured, this disease is not yet done with me but I am still fighting and I will win. I hope to hear from you. Positive thoughts.

Articles of Interest
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 01/26/2021

Skin Formula Without the B/S - YouTube

Articles of Interest
Posted by Dean (Toronto) on 01/26/2021

I really need to speak with someone from Toronto, Morgellon sufferer for over (35) agonizing years.

General Feedback
Posted by Joanne (FL) on 01/19/2021

I also would like to know more about this post. And Leslie's reply- I live in Sarasota, FL.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 12/29/2020

Hydrochloric Acid Benefits, Uses, Supplements, Dosage, More - Dr. Axe

life has controversies, but as we age our hydrochloric acid levels tend to dip and we don't absorb minerals as well and our bones and teeth get weak and fail

Hydrochloric acid poisoning Information | Mount Sinai - New York

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thoroughmom (New England) on 12/28/2020

NO NO NO NO Hydrochloric Acid!! It is dangerous and NOT naturally in the body.

" Ingesting concentrated hydrochloric acid can cause pain, difficulty swallowing, nausea, and vomiting. Ingestion of concentrated hydrochloric acid can also cause severe corrosive injury to the mouth, throat esophagus, and stomach, with bleeding, perforation, scarring, or stricture formation as potential sequelae."

HOCL - Hypochlorous Acid IS naturally occurring in the body and may well be useful in combatting MD. It is an all purpose bacteria killer, sanitizer, and is regularly used in wound care and disinfection. THIS product COULD BE safely used. In addition, it can be used in a fogger in the home, in nasal rinses, and consumed a 1/2 teaspoon or so in water at a time. It makes sense that it would help.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Patty (North east United states) on 12/13/2020

I don't know what is really wrong with me, but recently I have been having what I thought was pimples on my behind, but they do not respond to vinegar with essential oils, like pimples usually do, they don't itch, just painful at nights with the sensation of something crawling in my skin both around my eyes and on my legs and butt. So I tried something that I read in earth clinic that was meant for mites which is petroleum jelly -which would clog the pores of any insect- with one to two drops of an equal mix of tea tree oil and lavender oil per ounce of tea tree oil, applied both morning and evening. The pimples decreased in size significantly after 1 week and are now almost gone, and no new ones appear. I also dusted my furniture and rugs with Borax, and sprinkled Borax around the corners of rooms.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by CPN (Somewhere) on 10/19/2020


I know browsing Earth Clinic can take some time so when I see anything and think I can help, I post again. Orange oil seems to be the main thing that help me get control of these little buggers. Lots of stuff helped, but until I got some orange oil in me they never totally went away.

I really believe that is what got mine under control, you have to be very careful and also avoid sunlight when taking Orange Oil, I start very slow or I try eating orange peeling as well. I started with like one drop of orange oil and worked up. What I thought was scarring must have been them buried in my skin, because all of that started fading away, now almost completely gone. The little white pimples and all gone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lind (Cape Town) on 10/18/2020

Natural affordable pain control, boosting my immune system and control of systemic parasites and fun

I have been fighting a battle with what is known as Morgellons. I think it may be because of an immune deficiency as a result of years of unnatural stress through financial hardship and Arthritis of the spine, neuropathic pain and Fibromyalgia. I have also had a bilateral hip replacement.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Frédérique (Quebec) on 06/20/2020

Hi! I don't suffer from Morgellons....but I did get the shingle 4 years ago leaving me with terrible nerve pain..Now, you are absolutely right with Vitamin C and Lysine... I take these 2 savers 3 times a day...Wish you best health for the coming future. And God bless.

General Feedback
Posted by Annie (Hollywood, Fl) on 11/11/2018

Hi, I have had symptoms since Dec 28,2014. Have tried many things. For me what I have found works best to control it is Kleen Green by natural genesis. Tell them u have Morgellons. Then about 2 12 yrs ago I started using essential oils on a regular basis. I now sell them. Contact me and I will help u get them wholesale. I use doterra DDR Prime 8 drops day have taken 2xday. Clove, oregano, frankincense, rosemary ... 5 drops each day. In the beginning I used 2-3xday and added cinnamon and thyme. Thyme gave me migraines. Cinnamon hot flashes got too intense so dropped them. Oils are a little hard on my stomach at times so I make sure to take after food and even coconut oil. Occasionally I will back off a couple days. I do think they are contagious but not everyone gets or suffers like with about everything. Worse during full moon. I think I get reinfected by my two cats. They r too precious to me to get rid off. I do use a mixture of oils I got from a vet called Kitty Boost. I forget to put on them regularly ... they are not fond of it but tolerate better than kleen green and baths. In the beginning I went thru some pretty bad emotional times. Find a way to believe u will heal and it will end ... your thoughts are very important ... keep a positive focus. I had to stop reading posts in morgellons groups. I am an empath and It affected me too much. I am told there is a video ... How I healed from morgellons... but I have not listened to it yet. Sending love and blessing to all!

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Kelly (Pasadena, Ca) on 11/08/2018

Absolutely not, dry rot it is from a bite from an insect usually giving a person Lyme. The right lab test needs to be given or it is misdiagnosed as a psych disorder. There may be a different diagnosis for the person with the movement in the scalp. Recently I went to emergency room because I had something in my scalp moving. They took a ct scan and said it was a cyst. But when cut, the emergency room doctor extracted out an inch long larvae that looked like a caterpillar. It was horrible, he said it was most likely a tapeworm that's egg got in the bloodstream. The doc thought it was funny and asked if I wanted to name it. I did not laugh.

Corn Huskers Lotion
Posted by Kelly (Pasadena, Ca) on 11/04/2018

Accutane is awful, it had my niece thinking of ways to kill her brothers and sisters and when she stopped the Accutane she had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder her hands bled she washed them so many times.

Coconut Oil, Aloe and Lemon Juice
Posted by Alex (Coral Springs Fl) on 10/25/2018

I totally agree about the coconut oil it was suggested to me by my hyperbaric oxygen therapist, I quote unquote cured myself of the black specks and the fibers but I then found out that I transferred whatever the crap that comes out of our body is into my environment and into my clothing which I was steaming so I was like steaming the Morgellons directly into my clothing. I reinfected myself cleaning out the washing machine, and got my first lesion in 4 months since completing 30 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen. It's been 15 months total that I've had the morg now and I never itched (i burned, and I definitely had clear fibers coming out of my body spontaneously so it's impossible to call it anything but Morg) until 2 weeks ago now I have these itchy stabbing biting pains. Can you tell me where you get this aloe pulp? And can you give me a little more detail about the amounts you mix I'm a terrible cook lol. I'm in the process of disinfecting my room but I'm highly allergic to the Dust it seems this fungus thing colonized the dust and took over parts of my wall. This thing is a pathogen on steroids. Thank you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alexis (Coral Springs, Fl) on 10/25/2018

I just wanted you to hear this so you have hope that it CAN go away. What I did I am not sure will work for everyone ( although I suspect it would to some degree it just depends on how many treatments you do the more the better in the smallest amount of time.) So here it is: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. I started with the usual symptoms the black a specks, the flesh-eating lesions covering my face my arms my legs my stomach my chest, progressed to getting the fibers or at least noticing the fibers I pulled 16 inch long twisted up 'somethings' of the backs of my legs especially when I sweat sometimes I would spontaneously get a clear fiber I never saw any colors that's just me but I only had a 40x microscope. So hyperbaric oxygen. It's not cheap and if you find it for cheap then you are probably getting screwed somehow. There is no getting around paying for this. But, it's so worth it if you don't have the money right this second start saving it it's not in an enormous overwhelming amount of money to save... I did 31 treatments it cost me about $3,500. At one point my legs were so so swollen I believe I was close to going into renal failure. Two sessions in the Hyperbaric and they were normal. I was producing the black specks they were in my urine in other places everywhere I am not anymore and I do not see any fibers or pull any fibers from anything anymore. Whatever this bug is comma it may have been artificially engineered butt it has commonalities in parasitical forms and fungal forms and oxygen Chambers kill all anaerobic bacteria. I learned a lot from the lady who ran the place I couldn't do only Hyperbaric and get better I had to stop smoking I had to change my diet like everybody says on this site I had to give up sugar, I had to start doing coffee enemas, I started using Hulda Clarks parasite removal then I intend to do the liver and colon cleanses it gives you the order to do them in. Other than that, I would recommend chitosan. 1500 mg a day to start go up 500 mg a day till you get to 15,000. I am just starting that so I can't tell you if it works 100 percent or not yet also I no longer have the blacks packs I'm using it as preventative because I reinfected myself cleaning the washing machine and got a big lesion on my forehead and it's definitely trying to spread but I'm not letting it silver I also agree is good. If you want to know more just let me know also I do recommend Ted's protocol his cor protocol of alkalinity it's taught by all the great doctors who study chronic illlness I started using Ted's protocol initially I wouldn't say that it didn't work I would say that I didn't follow through with it in the proper way whatever protocol you choose you have to do it and you have to do it everyday and you have to do it at the same time and you have to make it part of your life. Good luck.

SSKI and Enzymes
Posted by Alex ( Coral Springs Fl) on 10/25/2018

Can you explain that a little bit further. I know what sski is but I don't know what radiant heat is and do you have an example of a product with these enzymes? I know about products with enzymes like Kleen free and kleen green I don't know if they use papaya, and how do you use it how many times a day in what manner, if you don't mind?

Seaweed & Sea Salt
Posted by Emmy (Somewhere In Ny) on 10/23/2018

I have seen his web page... he seems very knowledgeable about the subject. R u still doing the seaweed & sea salt? R u feeling any better?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sky (Boston, Ma) on 10/14/2018

Morgellons: I have had this for a few months only. I found that ivermectin helped with the initial horrifying outbreak, and now I am on a protocol of various vitamins and supplements, plus bio-active silver. The silver helps a lot...when I feel a bite or pricking sensation in my skin, I rub a little silver water on it, and it goes away. Also seems to help heal my skin. Changing my diet has been hugely helpful--no sugar (no fruit except lemons and limes, no maple syrup on honey), no carbs (no bread, rice, potatoes, etc., only a tiny amount of lentils sometimes), no grains, no dairy, only organic meats, veggies, eggs, almond milk, plus lots of water and herbal teas (green tea.) No coffee or caffeine. I once went off my diet, because I was feeling so good, and had a major diet is key. It's hard in the beginning, but you lose your cravings for sugar soon..and it stabilizes your appetite. I can easily go from lunch to dinner without wanting an afternoon snack or caffeine which is a first for me. I've lost 20 pounds effortlessly, too.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jane (Barrie, Ontario) on 09/25/2018

Would like to know if there are any substantiated cases of cured skin mites or morgellons. The site contains testimonials suggesting people are progressing, but none seem to be posting an outright cure.

Also--wondering if there are any physicians or alternative medicine specialists who might be familiar with these conditions - have been battling a condition with symptoms in line with your website - have tried many recommendations, still not cured. Willing to travel to meet with a potential health expert familiar with this condition. Any recommendations?

Turpentine Baths
Posted by Marie (Peterborough) on 09/19/2018

How much turpentine do you use in the bath?

Posted by Umran (Halifax) on 09/18/2018

You make sense brother. 7 years on from your comment. I see light emitting from them. Can you help me brother

Lactic Acid
Posted by Tim (Georgia (Rep.of)) on 08/07/2018 21 posts


40% lactic acid is referred to by some Morgellons sufferers as an effective treatment for external use in this part of the world use for months.

Posted by Yvonne (Ca) on 06/29/2018

I have lived with this for many years and just can't get rid of it. Thank you for posting it. I am glad to see people are coming forward.

General Feedback
Posted by Deb (Usa) on 06/15/2018

Diatomaceous earth, probiotics, silver colloid

SSKI and Enzymes
Posted by Linda (Tennessee) on 05/30/2018

For Morgellons, SSKI and radiant heat used with the application of an enzyme solution made from papaya and enzymes is very effective.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Diamondintheruff (Livonia, Michigan) on 05/11/2018

Uses of Citric Acid and Tetrasodium Edta for Morgellons

Dear Ted, I have Morgellons and was wondering how much citric acid powder should be taken. Also, will citric acid help raise my PH level? I mixed one heaping teaspoon in distilled water with no ill effects. I ordered the Tetrasodium Edta salt that I mixed into water, along with some citric acid, and borox, as a spray for morgellons in the house. I was wondering if a small amount of the Tetrasodium can be mixed with water and taken internally, and if so how much each day? I read that it used to be used in many foods in the United States, so people have eaten it in the past, so I assume that a small amount might be okay, but I need advice on what amount could be taken mixed in water internally.

The following things have helped my condition by about 75% over the last month: I'm taking one tablespoon baking soda-1/8 teaspoon borox, and one heaping teaspoon diatomaceous earth three times a day in distilled water. I drink 10 drops of food grade 35 percent hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water each day. I also drink a couple glasses of unsweetened coconut milk each day. I only eat the egg whites of hard boiled eggs, with lots of sea-salt on them, tuna, and lots of low carb organic vegetables. I eat lots of organic lettuce with a dressing made with organic apple cider vinegar, some spices, and a few packages of stevia. I cut all all sugar and carbs. I do eat a tablespoon of sugar free organic peanut butter each day, and one cup of coffee in the morning, and these sugar free, low-carb items have not made my condition worse like so many others have reported. These foods are low carb and have no sugar so how can they be as bad as eating sugar? It seems like the one teaspoon of turpentine natural pure gum spirits mixed with one teaspoon of melted coconut oil helps quite a bit. I also add a drop of clove essential oil to the mixture. I also rub this mixture over my problem area of my face, and neck, three times a day. This seems to have really helped my bumps and lesions, and my complexion looks so much better-almost normal and it really makes your skin look youthful and glowing. When I started taking the turpentine, I noticed that after a few days my energy levels went through the roof, and I haven't been tired since, so I know it was the turpentine that restored my energy levels as I had been taking most of the other things I mentioned for a long time. I had been wiped out for years struggling to even get out of bed each day. I felt that death could be near and I visited many doctors who all told me I was dellusional, but not one of the doctors would even come within ten feet of me, so I knew they knew exactly what this is, and they are such trash that all they will do is lie and ridicule you to get rid of you because they are instructed not to treat you. All they did was make fun of me, and not offer me any treatments for the bumps and lesions all over my body. Strange fibers, seed type things, fuzz ball type organisms, hair-like organisms, wispy thread like organisms, shiny glitter, and hard, rigid yellow grains were emerging from them, and they would not check any of this and no doctor would come anywhere near me, and just label me dellusional even though I've never had any mental issues.

This morgellons is 100% real and very, very bizarre with the things I've witnessed while having this disease. I feel it was definitely created in a lab to infect, and torture, and shorten many people's lives. I was a 100% healthy athlete prior to getting this, so I don't believe healthy people cannot get this. I know there is a 100% cure because none of the people in power are getting this and all seem to live very long lives. I have no doubt that many people are dying from this and it is stated as another cause of death. I do believe that the doctors are instructed by the US government to treat all morgellons patients in this manner. They stated that I created the 100 plus lesions on my body which they know is a total lie. The good news is that I only have a few bumps on my face now, and they are flesh colored and not really visible. No other parts of my body have the lesions anymore so they like the face area the best and why I think applying the turpentine-coconut oil-clove oil mixture has helped this area so much. The white scaring has almost completely went away, which I thought was permanent, because so many people stated that, so I don't believe that is true because I was able to get rid of the white scars with the turpentine-coconut oil-clove oil mixture. This mixture feels really good on my skin, and really helps to heal. I tried pure turpentine oil and it turned my skin beet red for two days, and then my skin returned to normal. I recommend mixing it with the coconut oil as it doesn't turn your skin red. After applying the turpentine mixture, I dip a brush into lavender oil and brush that over the turpentine mixture to make it smell better, and it also fights the morgellons organisms. This has helped the hard bumps to go way down, and the lesions are hardly visible since taking the pure gum spirits internally, for two weeks, and putting it on my skin. I've been using the pure gum spirits turpentine in the amount of about 2 ounces in my bath water along with 3 tablespoons tumeric powder, and 1/2 cup of each of the following: sea-salt, borax, vinegar, epsom salt, and baking soda. I also add several drops of lavender oil, and several alfalfa tablets. I soak for about an hour with these ingredients every other day. These baths always help greatly. For laundry, I first add the clothes, then I add a cup of borax to a large load, 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide, and one cup powdered sun bleach detergent. I also add about three ounces of turpentine pure gum spirits since the morgellons seem to hate it. I let the clothes sit overnight. The next day, after I wash them, I add 1/4 cup borox into the dryer so that it will cut up the morgellons organisms if any are still alive. This washing, and drying, method helps get about 90% of the morgellons fuzz balls organisms out of the clothes. I don't know if the other 10% are still alive or just embedded in the clothing. I mix a spray bottle with vinegar, a tablespoon borox, a tablespoon tetra sodium edta, and two ounces of turpentine pure gum spirits into a large spray bottle. I spray this solution lightly over all the clothes that I took out of the dryer and let them sit until they are dry as another precaution. I also spray the lint collector from the dryer with this solution as well as inside of the lint collector compartment. I also use this as a spray for my house including the walls and ceilings. I was getting stinging sensations in my feet, and I started adding several drops of turpentine pure gum spritis into my shoes each day and all the stinging sensations stopped. I have no doubt that the morgellons organisms hate the pure gum spirits turpentine. It has a strong smell, but I don't find it unpleasant, and when the clothes dry the vinegar and turpentine small goes away. Also, after an hour most of the scent is gone from your skin, especially when you cover it with lavender oil.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Katelynn (Us) on 05/04/2018

Thank you Nicolas! I'm a recently Targeted Individual who is trying to figure all this out (please look up T I and read the symptoms). Targeted Individuals also have Morgellons, and we are additionally tracked, stalked and physically attacked using direct energy weapons everywhere we go. With the current satellite technology at their disposal the entities that torture us can do it completely remotely. They can activate the nano s or smart dust that we all have taken in our bodies via chemtrails, food additives etc. and do what they want to. We are all victims of this horror, nano/smartdust it's been dumped on us ALL for decades and our generation is reaping the consequences.

I blessedly came across a person who is cured of all his symptoms. His entire family was targeted and attacked but through a protocol he figured out with massive research and physical experiments on himself, he stopped being able to FEEL the attacks. (They don't necessarily stop attacking, but those cleared from it just no longer act as an antenna.) Due to this stuff in our systems we are nothing more than an antenna but once the things he utilized to clean out his system were deployed, they could no longer target him. His moniker is Lookoutfa Charlie and has videos on YouTube as well as a blog.

His techniques are based on treatments for barium poisoning (heavy metal poisoning), Morgellons, as well as sporotrichosis (a fungal infection that can cause death if it reaches the brain, which a good friend of his died from). The treatments are similar to many of those listed here but the primary ones are listed below.

Daily hot as you can stand them baths with minimal 4 cups epsom salt for minimal 30 min.

Borax for laundry using hot water and drying your clothes in the dryer till they are completely dry. Otherwise you're not killing these things. (Borax can be used for nearly EVERYTHING cleaning wise and is both an antifungal as well as antibacterial.) He even notes you can drink Borax if properly diluted but you can get it in pill form called boron. Please look up the health benefits of boron as it's something we could all benefit is sad that I had never even heard of it till this. I now give it to my pets too. I add it to the bath as well. FYI Borax / boron are not available for sale (it's illegal) in Australia. Apparently a man was deemed incurable by doctors for some sickness but discovered borax healed him. When he brought this to the attention of his doctor so others could be treated and cured as well, this doc took it to the medical entities and they got it banned. Look it up.

Palmolive antibacterial as the ingredients for THIS PARTICULAR Palmolive act as lactic acid. This he used on his skin and let it harden. A few days later it cracked off and felt like 3r d degree burns but he never felt the attacks in that area again. I've done this too and it works but the skin looks damaged for a time afterwards so just be aware that in time it will heal. This may help kill these things.

SUGAR, as he puts it, is like a steak dinner for this stuff. You'll need to cut out all sugar for awhile at least. One commenter said it's candida so going on the candida diet in its strictest version is what I've done and it's helped tremendously.

The biggest killer of this stuff (combined with the other requirements) is super saturated potassium iodide (SSKI) taken orally daily for months. The name of the only supplier of this FDA approved product is Morgellons Direct and can be purchased on Amazon. In a comment on this website a man said his thyroid was destroyed and he had no energy. SSKI protects your thyroid and is used after nuclear disasters to protect people's thyroid. Lookoutfa Charlie noted that they (gov) are considering taking boron and SSKI off the market. Very scary. Potassium iodide in this form needs to be diluted so be aware and Charlie recommends looking up dosages for sporotrichosis to know correct measurements.

There are other things as well but these are the biggies. He like most of us, is not rich so he always recommends the least expensive choices.

Several people have been cured using this and I can testify that it has stopped most of my symptoms and I've only been doing it for a little over a month. He's realistic and states it takes several months to achieve complete freedom from ALL symptoms and also that we will have to do maintenance for the rest of our lives. Keep in mind that TIs have Morgellons on top of being attacked so I completely understand how horrible this is for everyone.

There's a video on YouTube titlled, Touchless Torture: Target Humanity, that explains much of what Nicolas says about these creatures being made out of barium etc. (Be warned that at the end it talks about alien black goo and aliens that I don't advocate.) A man in the video says our best bet is to stay ahead of the wave in order to survive and believe it or not, due to our exposure to this horror now, we have a chance to do this.

Ed Snowden the man who leaked secret papers to Wikileaks noted that prior to him releasing all the documents he did, many FACTS AND TRUTHS about certain gov programs were considered conspiracy theories such as the PRISM and HAARP programs. (Just because they DENY the truth and legitimacy of what we're living with doesn't mean it's not real, just that they're liars.) All the big money companies such as Google and Microsoft have gone to court trying to keep the gov out and allow their customers privacy but they have all lost. Ed Snowden also points out that in the past it cost a lot of money and many man hours were needed to track people but this is no longer true as it's all computer tracked now so costs are low.

When we are an active antenna these satellites can track is via our brain waves as each person's and animals brain waves are unique like a finger print so the computer can follow us 24/7 and attack us. Our sense organs such as eyes and ears send out signals that can be tracked and now they are even using the external ear itself as a unique signature/fingerprint, as ears don't change much over time.

I was in line at Wal-Mart buying epsom salt, purified water, borax, celery etc and a woman behind me asked if I was doing cleanse. I told her yes and she said she had lyme disease and asked my technique. I told her I was a TI and then listed what I was doing. She was amazed that there were so many things we had in common and again asked if it was lyme disease to which I told her there's a lot of crossover. I believe as many here have said, that it's all due to this smart dust.

We are in the biblical end times and things are going to get so much worse so we all need to work toghther little ones. I'm grateful for all who comment on this as I've learned so much, please don't stop.

Posted by Susan (Ms) on 05/04/2018

Hi Stephanie,

I am sorry for your nightmare, as I share the same. I am a RN who developed this nightmare in 2015.

I have and still do try alot of different strategies to get better. None have been a cure but some very helpful.

Not going to share all. But look under Charles Holman Foundation for tips. Bathes a must. I believe we need strong antifungals (orally) and antibiotics but no luck even here getting them. After 8 dermatologist 12 biopsies only MRSA showed up. Been out of work since 2016 with this mess.

Posted by Stephanie (Pennsylvania) on 04/27/2018

Hi Eve! I was wondering if you've had improvement? I live really close to Lancaster near Coatesville, Pa. I have been in the situation such as homeless, broke, with Lyme disease and MD and still at a loss as to what to do. I finally after 2 years fighting on and off because I thought I was well ( and hoped I just dreampt all the chaos up) requested Lyme testing from the physician. I know I had a positive for Lyme 20 years ago but only hope it shows what's going on inside so I can start getting to the bottom of this. How did you come across the MMS? I tried the Tetrasodium EDTA and Ammonium Chloride solution which did burn a little but I didn't notice any changes like others said they had. I believe the Biofilm has caused me great problems inside and out. And strangely, it was as if my body chemistry changed and the solution burnt my skin like a chemical burn. It was a weeping wound, extremely sticky like it was biofilm. I still am unsure about that. I don't speak of this much and hope to hear back soon.

Many Blessings!

Posted by Alisha (Youngsville, Nc) on 04/27/2018

Hi im responding to your comment where you say one of 5 dermatologists almost sent you to Duke....have you been to any further appts with this Dr to tell them of your success on your own? So they can actually help there from your help? I just hope more Drs start recognizing this....I just realized what I have through research and am appalled we've been left to fend for ourselves and we have. I've been suffering for a long time. But its gotten me to a non functional state. So I've been researching for months what could be going on with my body. I wished I wouldn't have pushed this possibility away months ago bc I just wasn't realizing I did on fact have these fibers in my skin. But its true I did and do. And I'm close to Duke so I knew you're in my area and was curious.thx so much for gives me hope.

Posted by Suz (Massachusetts) on 04/11/2018

Eat as clean as possible, avoid alfalfa or anything that makes your hair grow bc it will grow with it. Soak all produce in purified water with a pinch of activated charcoal and some vinegar and then rinse. It's a bacteria that behaves as a virus, with fruiting fungal bodies that will alter and attach to your dna, it knows how to hide and to fool your body into thinking it is part of YOU, which is actually kinda is unfortunately. Take only organic supplements from a reputable source bc a certification by the USDA isn't worth the ink in the stamp. Avoid supplements and vitamins with magnesium sterate. Up your vitamin C, do some vitamin C flushes and also some salt flushes. Detox Dudes and Earther Academy are some sites to look up, they offer excellent advice. To understand the depth of what is being dealt with search Harald Kautz Vella and watch some of his videos/talks. Eggplant, limes, ginger, parsley, cilantro, thyme, oregano, tulsi (holy basil), cloves, zuchini, cucumbers and arugula are all great foods to start consuming. Avoid quinoa bc it often has mold. Get your b vitamins from nutritional yeast, take flaxseed oil twice daily and aslo apply it to your skin. Sea salt only, himalayan salt is mostly not really that. Once a week or so take a tsp of food grade activated charcoal with another of bentonite clay and a splash of lemon, being sure not to mix it in a metal cup or with a metal spoon. Drink it in water or juice if you hate the taste and follow with A LOT of water. Now foods makes an excellent Silica complex. Also get: Dr. Christopher's Bone and Tissue Formula, Ionic Zinc by Trace Minerals, Nature's Answer Olive Leaf (liquid), Nature's Answer Liver Support, Coptis, Spilanthes, Dragon's Blood, Yarrow, Neutralizing Cordial, Butternut Extract, Planetary Naturals Triphala, Organic India Neem, Manjistha Powder (blood cleanser, also known as Indian Madder Root), Breathe Right by Organic India and Black Seed Oil. Whenever possible get the liquid forms of the supplements. Ivermectin doesn't work and will only tax your already taxed liver. Some good brands you can trust are Herb Pharm, Secrets of The Tribe, Dr. Christophers, Organic India, Samsara Herbs, Trace Minerals, The Synergy Company (great food based multi vitamins and vitamin C), Nature's Answer and some Now and Doctor's Choice products. Take the tinctures on and off, mix it up so that it doesn't figure out how to hide from it. To break up the biofilms you will need Grapefruit Seed Extract and an enzyme supplement called Restore-Activ. To stop the bacteria from communicating (it does this audibly, many ppl get an ear ringing) take organic lemongrass oil or lemongrass tea. For your home environment clean everything daily, it gets tiring but otherwise you'll reinfect yourself. Use Borax (keep away from cats) in a spray bottle with salt and clean water to spray all linens and furniture before cleaning. Clean with garlic essential oil and soapy water, diffuse cedarwood oil and spray ceilings and wipe down walls with it. Around outside hose down windows and walkways after it rains. Sweep walkways into home daily, put diamateous earth around the yard and home. Use an ozone generator bc it kills it. One room at a time, with the room sealed off, as much as possible. Get an allergen vacuum so nothing escapes and some quality air purifiers. Surround Air 8400 is a great one for less than 100. Switch back to incandescent bulbs bc the new energy saver bulbs don't save anything but they do deplete your vitamin D which is essential for healing. Consider getting a vitamin d3 spray and spray under your tongue 3x twice a day. Switch internet from wifi to wired and use bridge mode, shut off your router's hotspot bc they all have them. Swiffers will be your best friend, the wet pads are great. Change bedding constantly and use a lint roller on the linens in between washings. For detergent use Borax, baking soda, distilled vinegar and niouli oil. For dryer sheets (static is a trigger for sure) use Seventh Generation or something like that. No chemicals or hormone disrupters. Get a shower head filter. Spray all faucets and drains with the borax mixture, clean all vents, get heating vent filters (3 bucks at Home Depot) and one for the air return. Get plenty of sleep, stay as active as possible, get an anti static lotion for skin and use coconut oil and also an arnica cream. For homeopathic remedies: cina, hyland's cell salts (#10, #4 and #5 are essential). Coffee enemas and water enemas. Carrot juice and hyssop tea are good. Clean your vehicle thoroughly like you would your home. And get an rf safe case for your mobile phone.

Best of luck. Keep your spirit high. Be love.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Deb (Battle Creek, Mi) on 04/09/2018 12 posts

How are you now? I have done DE but not long enough

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Steiny (Williamsport, Pa) on 03/24/2018

Dear Ted, I've spent all day reading your posts and have a list about a mile long of stuff to order from Amazon because your cures all seem specific to the individual so thought I'd write and ask personally because I'm already taking soooo many supplements and doing so many things, I'm sure I'm killing my liver if the morgellons isn't already. Anyway, about 5 years ago I got morgellons (a bite or mulching?) and somehow managed to get rid of it after about 5 months, but it was pretty mild, in my skin only and clove oil and acetone (yes acetone) seemed to work, along with soaking in a hot tub (which I no longer have access to). Somehow I got it again about 3 months ago (I'm thinking a hotel room) but this time it seem so much more aggressive and immune to stuff and its everywhere, my skin which I seem to be able to control somewhat, my scalp (a real big problem), my eyes slightly, and internally which is scaring me to death - literally. I know its in my intestines and I'm really scared for my liver. My doctor just took out my gallbladder from stones and pain, but now the pain is 3 times as bad so fear it wasn't my gall after all and worry about my internal organs. Plus they have me scheduled for a hysterectomy due to large growths in my uterus. Doctors here do not believe in nor will treat you for morgellons so I've been taking all sorts of remedies from the internet and think I'm going way overboard, especially with herbals (chorella, gluthasmine, oregano, garlic, vinager, tumeric, probiotics, and about 10 others...), perscription pills thru India? (nizrol, ivermectin, docycline...), drink solutions (msm, mms...), drops (soverign silver, grapefruit seed extract, food grade hyd perox, iodine...), - not all at once mind you, but trying many different things, but even with reading your remedies I've came up with a lot of different things to order and I think I need to eliminate stuff and simplify stuff. Can you please tell me what would be best specifically for me to kill this. I've been usiing kleen green for my enviroment and laundry too, washing sheets daily, vaccuuming daily, bath soaks every night (bleach, hyd perox, bake soda, borax, epson salts... I mix it up a bit). I work and this is exhausting - all I do is work and sleep. I basically have the black specks, and painful sparkly specks coming out of my skin, and black specks in my bowel movements (lots of crawly feeling around my anus too). Looking at them under a microscope they look like black worms or threads. I have the creepy crawlies, itching, biting sensations, some lesions, and terrible scalp itch and crawly feeling that I can't seem to control, and of course the internal pain that is scaring me to death, and being soooo tired. And probably having surgeries that I don't really need. Please advise me (in layman terms as I seem to be getting confused easily) of what should be my specific protocol internally and externally. I'm getting confused reading all your various ones. I know my immune is very low, I'm a 58 yr old female, I'm also thalasemic. I've already lost 25 lbs in 3 months and it doesn't seem to be stopping. Thank you so much.


Wanted to add a couple more things to the email I just sent you since its still being reviewed. Also used DE external and internal, and bentonite external and internal, and bought a cheap FIR/FAR Infrared blanket system because I read that helps them come out. I just don't want to be driving them in deeper. I'm right now trying your borax, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide drink. Hope I don't get sick since I'm having horrible post-op gallbladder surgery pain from 3 weeks ago. They're actually sending me for a cat scan Tuesday cause they think something else is going on in there, besides also the growths in my uterus I'm scheduled for surgery too for. Desperate for advice. Wish you lived closer!

EC: So sorry, Ted had a stroke in 2015 and is unable to correspond with our readers.

Dietary Changes, Baking Soda
Posted by Patty (Massachusetts) on 03/13/2018

Hi Lana. Are still posting to this site? I have also had Morgellons for 40+ years and would love to chat with someone who can relate to this illness.

General Feedback
Posted by Marcia (Scappoose, Oregon) on 03/12/2018

Well, I'm 75 years old, and I know what you mean by energy loss! Here's what I've experienced:
An itchy rash on the back of my neck.

Wild hairs growing out of my head and face

Ears are very sore and I have a discharge coming from each. Discharge solidifies into a crust that covers the skin.

Other: Dizziness, blurred vision, muted hearing, and bumps (sores) all over my scalp.

I need to find someone who can grant me a way to rid myself of this or I'm soon to be a goner.

Family doesn't care/doesn't listen

One son had same symptoms (sores on the back of his neck and itching. He washed his neck twice a day and followed that with a dose of Bacitracin. Worked for him. Worked briefly for me then ceased to work.

We get a lot of aerial spraying here on the west coast.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by ümmügülsün Y%u0131ld%u0131z (Türkiye) on 03/10/2018


yazınız okudum. Morgellons parazitleri gerçek üniversitede palinoloji bölümüne doktora yaptım, bu parasiti önce fark edemedim önce kafa biti sandım internette uzun araÅŸtırmadan sonra mikroskopta biraz tarayarak morgellons hiflerini kullanarak ettim doktora gittim. Morgellons hastalığını duyduÄŸunu söyleyebilirim ve tam bilmediÄŸini parazit demedi. 4 aydır mikroskobumla araÅŸtırıyorum. SöylediÄŸiniz gibi morgellonslar dünyamızda her yerde. Bir gözlemci olarak benim görüÅŸlerim; Morgellonslar önce saçlarımıza yerleÅŸiyor ( kaÅŸlarada) sonra vücudumuzda her yere yerleÅŸiyor geçenlerde deffirizden tavuk çıkardım su içersinde buzunun çözünmesi için beklettim zarında internette gördüÄŸüm bags vardı mikroskopla inceledim konra yılanı gibi hifleri hareket ediyordu yani canlıydı.kesinlikle tavuk ürünleri yemeyin. Bunlardan insan oÄŸlu nasıl kurtulacak bilim adamları uyuyor mu? yoksa birÅŸeyleri insanlardan saklıyorlar mı? Bilimde ileri olan ülkelere ve bilim adamlarına sesleniyorum.EÄŸer bu konuda bilimsel bir açıklama yapamıyorsanız bu iÅŸi bırakın. Morgellonslar canlılar aleminde sınıfı nerede canlı mı? Bitki, Hayvan, Alg, bakteri, Mantar mi? hangisi bana göre hiçbiri uzaydan geldiklerine inanıyorum dünyamızda benzerleri yok bir örnek veriyim 4 yıl önce Morchella spp. üzerinde çalışma yapıordum. Morchella sporlarını bazik fuksinli gliserin jelatin içerisine koyarak preperat yaptım preperatların etrafını parafinledim ve karınlık bir yerde muhafaza ettim. Morgellons hiflerini o zaman görmüÅŸtüm. ama ne olduklarını anlayamadım. Åžimdi 2018 Yılında Morgellonsa sahibim preperatları tekrar incelim. Buna inanamıyacaksın Morgellons bütün preparatlara bulaÅŸmış ve hala canlıydılar sanırım enerjilerini Mikroskop ışığından alıyorlar. Bunlarla baÅŸ etmek imkansız.Konra yılanı gibi olanlar hareket halindeydi dehÅŸete düÅŸtüm. aman tanrım bunlar ölmemiÅŸ hala yaşıyorlar. Sanırım bunu gördükten sonra bunların dünyamıza ait olduÄŸunu düÅŸünmüyorum. EÄŸer bunlar Biyolojik ÅŸavaşın bir parçası deÄŸil ise bunlar uzaylı kısacası caresizim ve internette tedavi yöntemleri arıyorım. ÅŸuan internette borax uygulamasını okudum onu yapacağım, SUN marka Çamaşır deterjanı ile yonca alfalafa tabletleri ve çamaşır suyu çamaşır deterjan banyosunu yapacam inÅŸallah kurtulurum. Tanrıya dua ediyorum. beni ve bütün insanoÄŸlunu bu hastalıktan kurtarsın diye.

Hello there,

I read it literally. I did the Morgellons parasites to the doctor in the department of palynology in the real university, I did not notice this parasiti before, I thought of the head end, after a long search on the internet, I went to the doctor by using a morgellons hifler by scanning a bit in the microscope. I could say he heard Morgellons disease and he did not know what parasite he had. I'm investigating with my microscope for four months. As you said, morgellons are everywhere in our world. My views as an observer; Morgellons first settles my hair (in eyebrows) and then we get in our bodies every day. I have been waiting for the dissolution of the ice in the water. How do scientists who survive human sons fall asleep? or do they keep something from people? I am speaking to countries and scientists who are advanced in science. If you can not make a scientific statement on this subject, quit this job. Where is the Morgellons living class in the living world? Plant, Animal, Algae, Bacteria, Mushrooms? which I believe none of them have come from the world I have no equivalent in our world 4 years ago Morchella spp. I work on it. I made preparations by putting Morchella spores into basic fucsin glycerine gelatin, and I paraffinized the preparations and kept them in a place of a small thickness. Then I saw the Morgellons hybrids. but I do not understand what they are. Now I review Morgellons' own preparations in 2018 again. You can not believe that Morgellons were infected by all the preparations and they were still alive, I think they are taking their energy from Microscope light. It is impossible to cope with these. Those who were like the serpent were on the move were terrified. Oh my god they are still alive and they still live. I do not think these things belong to my world after I see it. If they are not part of the Biological Warfare, I am looking for alien abstraction and treatment methods on the internet. I will read it on the internet borax application, I will make SUN brand laundry detergent and clover alfalfa tablets and laundry water laundry detergent baggy inÅŸallah kurtulurum. I pray to God. to save me and all human beings from this disease.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Vicky (Deerfield, Il) on 01/27/2018

Interested in vibrational healing for Lyme etc

Posted by Pip (Uk) on 01/11/2018

Hi, please could you tell me what strength of magnet is best one to use?


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nicolas B. (Johannesurg, South Africa) on 12/07/2017

Please check your drinking water the Cadmium is most likely coming from that. The active problem is Barium in the Morgellans.

Try extra high doses of Colloidal silver and get to a practitioner that uses RIFE frequencies treat Iron eating parasites and also ZInc eating parasites as well as old bacterial strains in a 4 hour cycle on repeat.

The genome they have created steals Silica from your body and builds itself around the Silica like antennae.

Bathing in white vinegar diluted of course in hot water and immediately after a hot bath, oil your entire body with virgin olive oil mixed bentonite clay and let it set, then wet it and scraping off the mixture with a sharp bamboo edge or sharp edge, be careful not to cut yourself.

8 drops of Lugol's iodine 2 x a day in a glass of spring filtered water (not from a faucet! )

The electronics of the Rife frequencies will destroy the invader if you can get your practitioner to find the exact frequency. I am still experimenting with frequencies I think they may be in the range from 525 to 750 Hz. I also know that most of the Military communications are done at the mobile phone levels so you can block the signal around 150 Hz. Look up the "iron eating parasites as well I have noticed sufferers have a low iron level as well.

Note the times that you suffer most from the itching and check your circadian rhythms, they are interfering with your circadian rhythms to throw out your body functions.

I hope this helps to show how malicious they have become.

It is imperative during your infection time to maintain even non-emotional state. Emotions accelerate and exacerbate the condition.

Finally, supplement your water intake with 20ml of High PPM Colloidal silver, minimum 300 ppm

Essential Oils
Posted by Nm (St. Louis, Mo) on 10/07/2017

Morgellons - Essential Oils: Cinnamon, Cloves, Red Thyme, Oregano, Lemon, Rosemary: 3-6 drops ea 3x/day orally - say see results within 48 hours - might want to mix same in water solution with few drops of liquid dishwashing soap to mix into water and spray all over body, including head - watch out for eyes

Morgellons and Lyme Disease
Posted by Sheila (Ontario) on 09/29/2017

I have been doing salt/c protocol for 19 mths. and it definitely works. I have seen a more rapid improvement since I started taking serrapetase for biofilm breakdown. My mycoplasma infection was the result of a tick bite but research shows that this mycoplasma is in the vaccines. See So those who don't remember being bit may have got it from vaccines.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Linda (Maine) on 09/29/2017

I've had similar experience and just discovered the topic of Morgellon's. I'm flabergasted, but relieved to see I am not the only one. Feels like I am delusional whenever I find these creatures on my chin and feel them moving under my skin. I've had brain fog, and have been diagnosed and treated for Fibromyalgia for several years. When I went off all the pharmaceuticals, suffered two years of chronic IBS with diarrhea daily, lost 65 pounds, and had horrible break out (2 occasions) of intensely itchy skin rash on arms and abdomen. Now, for a very long time (years), I've had lesions on my chin with the fibers/filaments described for Morgellon's. I'm sure if I went to the VA, they would admit me for delusions. Also have very loud Tinnitus and difficulty following conversations. Hope those of us with Morgellon's can help each other and get rid of this nuisance!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Deby (Tulsa) on 09/25/2017

Sammie, Thank you so much for your post! I am going to try the ointment recipe you posted. I have had people tell me not to use saran wrap because it supposedly drives them deeper. Well they are already deep in the body. It makes sense to treat the skin as well as do what we can to treat the gut and bioterrain. Gid bless you!


Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Jana (Vallejo, Ca) on 09/20/2017

hi..about the US patent and Image data website..went there and put in Morgellons like you said, and 0 results came up. did you hit another link or am I missing something? or has something been erased from there?...a possibility. when it comes to this thing, I would not be surprised. there is practically no information really on the internet about Morgellons, especially in the last few years. makes you wonder! ..well, at least me..:)

Corn Huskers Lotion
Posted by Paula (Oklahoma) on 08/30/2017

Hello, I was just wondering if you have found a cure for what you are going through? I have also experienced the same thing. I have been on a protocol for 14 months and I am seeing results. I do have a dr here that does semi believe what is going on with me.

Dietary Changes, Baking Soda
Posted by Isaac (Washington, In) on 08/22/2017

I understand that your post is older but I had a question regarding the baking soda regimen which is "Can I take more than (1) heaping tablespoon of baking soda during a day or is that too excessive health wise?

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 08/14/2017

Morgellons sufferers might be interested in doing a search on the US Patent Full-Text and image Database. Just the word Morgellons will give you interesting results, if not surprising.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 08/08/2017

ROBERTA,,,,,,,,,, got computer problems so you won't get my original long message. Forget eating stuff, kill the bastards with heat as I did with my mites. That will work every time.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Roberta (Malaga, New Jersey) on 08/08/2017

I am suffering, horribly, from Morgellans Disease. My head is full of open sores, and biting things come out. It has been for 460 days now. I am losing my hair, my joints and head hurt. my life has come to a stop because of this. I was taking, MSM, Diamateous earth, wormwood, Citrate acid, Ionic Boron. I have done heavy metal Chelation, because I have a 4.7 cadmium level in my blood. The cadmium level stayed a 4.7 before I did Chelation, and it was a 4.7, after I did 6 Chelations. It took none of my heavy metal out of my blood. I tried Atristatin, that made the Morgellans, worse, and made me sick. Now I drink berry smoothies, with Chlorella and Tumeric. I have received the tetrasodium EDTA and the Hydrochloric Acid, I have Borax, do I drink it in water? Is Ionic Boron, the same thing? And what do I do with th BoPeep Ammonia? Roberta

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Ms Perplexed (Trenton, Tn) on 08/07/2017

I had Essure placed in 2012. Immediately started having auto immune problems altough at the time had no idea thats what it was. I had it removed March 2017. One week after surgery I started having intenses feelings of something moving on my scalp near the crown area and my hair moving by itself. I have videos. I searched my hair until my scalp could not be touched it was so sore and found nothing. It would intensify everynight when I laid down. I got no sleep. It progressed towards my hair line until it went down the right side of my face at this point I went to the doctor due to ear and neck pain on the right side, needless to say it did not help. The night it moved down the side of my face I can only describe as a melting feeling running down it was terrifying. I constantly feel there is something in my ear, but doc says no. I got one of those bulbs you use on babies and I look at it under microscope there are always fibers on it. A few nights later I started feeling my right eye had something moving in it towards the inner corner. A few nights later I felt my throat constrict to the point my husband wanted to take me to er. I told him no because I could stil get air in and out.It also felt like my tongue was swelling with this. I can also feel like a "dumping" which makes me cough a little. The oher night I took an epsom salt soak and when I got out my neck and shoulder on left started to hurt to the point I cant turn my neck and have to take my right arm to lift my head off pillow. Two days later im still in lots of pain. Ive been to lupus doc and all came back negative. I have a grinding feeling in my neck a lot of times. Strange things like I put my hand on the wall to balance myself while helping my daughter in her room the other day and my wrist felt sharp pains like it was broken I cant put any pressure on it. Sometimes my big toe does the same. It's just unreal, Ive always been very healthy up to this point. Im only 44 and im scared. I've not had any sores except on my scalp when im trying to get this biofilm off my scalp. Barely scratch and it makes a sore. I do see these fibers on my skin in my nose, eyes, ears, mouth. It's a challenge to get up and go to work, im scared im passing this to others. Help!

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 08/06/2017

Morgellons & cyanobacteria/blue-green algae

Has anyone with Morgellons read of blue-green algae being the cause of the disease and the protocol used to treat?

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Deena (Sacramento, Ca) on 08/04/2017

Yes I have tot ally noticed that peroxide makes them grow!! I could feel it actually burrowing under my skin while I was putting the peroxide on and it burned burned burned. I saw no benefit from it sore just got larger around. it looks dried out right now but if I sat here putting my finger in a bowl of peroxide it would come to the surface and burn but they aren't don't die with peroxide so please don't soak in peroxide/salt baths. Im so grateful I read this before I had my 12 year old daughter do this bath soaking!!

Oak Gallnuts
Posted by Postal Canary (Washington) on 08/04/2017

I think that some type of parasitic wasp is involved. Some people have found this teeny tiny little wasp in the stuff that come out of the lesions.

The reason I think this, is I was watching a video about tiny tiny parasitic wasp that attack ant. They actually lay eggs anywhere on the wasp. The egg hatches and then its in larval stage for awhile. Goes thru a few stages. Then eventually becomes an adult.

Also there is a mite that comes from PIN OAKS.

There were thousands of outbreaks from these mites. People got them from sitting under the trees and in there homes. These mites can fit thru window screens.

The county vectors offices say they bite, but sores only last a few weeks. But what if the mite carries bacteria like sporo schenkii? Read about that on wiki.

Most doctors wouldn't know about that tho. Sporotrichosis can be mild, or get into the lymph system.

U can get sporo from working in the garden too. Its found worldwide. Trees moss dirt mulch bushes ur pets can bring it into the house. Pets also can get sporo. It used to be commonly treated when people still raised their own meats and had live stock. Vets knew to look for it.

But now they don't, not the young docs anyway.

Sporo causes skin lesions that don't heal like they should. It causes achey joints fatigue. Sporo is a fungus. U get it when sporo fungal spores gets in the skin. Through cuts, or even bites from ticks.

Bird mites it seems to me could carry this too.

If u have breathed in the spores in can damage your lungs and make u very sick.

Weak immune system maybe involved too.

Sporo can also grow in ur house if you have a small leak somewhere. The wood begins to break down and fungus can grow.

They used to use potassium iodide to treat people and their animals.

They still use it, but now have added antifungal. Google some pics of sporo, and read about it.

I've also been following a guy on YouTube

That was able to get rid of this.

He's been making videos for a while now.

He's one of the few, I think is for real. There is another guy call unknown cat.

BUT, MAKE SURE, u include the word THE




Watch his videos from the start. Before he started getting well.

I got this in the 1980s. There was no internet back then. A bunch of us got it after a roof and ceiling repair was done.

When they ripped open the ceiling all this weird dust floated thru the air. It was also discovered that rats and birds had been living I. The attic space. This was at a major department store in Sacramento. We only had each other to talk to.

Even back then, no real help from the medical people we sought out.

Tho I'm finally free of it, I can't tell u what exact thing worked. But after several MISERABLE LONLY YEARS OF THIS, IT WENT AWAY!!

TOWARDS the end, I was using black walnut salve by natures way. Also I would put ice cubes on the lesions that stung and felt like something was biting me, right in the middle of the sores. Itcwas slow work. The ice cubes took that feeling away and allowed me to sleep.

I also quit my job, because were moving.

I think more than anything there is a fungus that attacks bugs to us. The bugs lay eggs on us or our clothing or bedding.......

Oh sh**! I don't know WHAT I THINK IT IS! LOL. I've never forgotten the suffering those years tho, and I'm STILL looking for answers.

Maybe my long verbal rambel has some good info for someone.

I now have a dear friend who has it, for about 2 years now. Hers kind of comes and goes. Mine didn't do that. But I've read about that for other people too.

Good luck. I appreciate all the post old and new

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Roberta (New Jersey) on 07/31/2017

Hello, I wrote You yesterday, about My problem with Morgellans Disease. I ordered what Ted recommends on his site. I am now taking Wormwood, clove, and black walnut hull. Only drink smoothies, and eat salads, for over two months. I do drink two cups of decafinated coffee, a day. It has been such a BIG PROBLRM IN MY LIFE!!! Can hardly go anywhere, without getting bit, and feeling them crawling, all inside me!!! I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!!! Also cannot find anyone who sells BoPeep Ammonia, so what do I do? Also, once I start Ted's recipe, how long will it take for these MONSTERS, to GO AWAY!!!??? Please Respond, I AM IN DIRE STRAITS!!! Thank You for listening to me, Roberta

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by Sofi (Sweden) on 07/12/2017

An alkaline body will heal ANYTHING. An acidic body will kill you, one way or another.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (North Carolina) on 07/09/2017

Is hydrocloric acid borax? Did u have any bad side effects and how did u take it? Thanks in advance for your response. Best Regard

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Deadly To Meteor Worms (Southwest) on 06/20/2017

Dont use hematite for a magnet. The iron activates this. Copper kills bacteria and fungus when worn on skin powerfully. I read it's caused by Shungite meteor stone. fullerenes from this 4th kind of carbon can be dissolved. Certain oils break the fullerenes down. Caraba's resturante's appetizer kills this crud. Wear bright clothing and meditate on white light, which this stuff hates. Try visualization of your body filled with white light throughout the day. It works powerfully. Do this for those around you. Anything with carbon in it doesn't seem to kill it for me. Sodium Bicarbonate didn't kill it.

Posted by Lynne (Florida) on 06/15/2017

Hi...You provided great information. Can you please tell me what kind of magnet to get? Especially on a budget? I am so confused about magnets and the kind to get to help morg.

Posted by Hategmo (Australia ) on 06/01/2017

hi can you please let us know if the mms is still helping. The thing is we all need different things too as we all have different pathogens (of course some of us have the same) but I think it's the pathogens and weak immune system or failing organs (aka I have cirrhosis and that's a massive trigger for getting morgellons cos when you have bad liver you can't filter the pathogens out the blood and it affects the immune system big time and makes you get very sick and itchy skin and severe infections etc I know cirrhosis triggered morgellons. Also it started when I caught ebv and some unknown infections which I still don't know What they are. I have caught so many infections last few years since having bad liver and I have aeromonas attacking my liver and Also ebv attacks my liver too and damage my immune cos it damaged thyriod and lymph system and glands in body as that's what ebv does to you, it attacks the glands and liver and things like that especially if you have bad immune and liver.

I also have chlamydophila pneumoniae and I think that has played a huge role in me having this evil gmo fungal parasite!! It should be illegal to make gmo and how dare they create new organisms as they have no idea what they are making and they have unleashed a plague of hideous parasites that you can never get away from as they are so hard to kill and super hard to keep out of the home.they live on all surfaces as they are in our dust, clothes, sheets, towels, beds, cars you name's in it!! Magnets make me get heaps of black fibres that go really crunchy and super hard like rocks and I think they are dead so I think magnets kill them.i get way more black stuff come out when I use my magnetic pulsar.its a strong electric magnet and works good at drawing them out and kills them I'm sure of it as I can't see them moving when they have been under the magnet when they come out the skin and untreated morgellons as you all would know move at times/ I have some good videos of some moving a lot so no way any one can deny this horrible organism as it's all I've read our planet and anyone who says it is not real is the delusional one as how can you deny what you see in front of you with your own eyes.anyway y'all need to get T3 tested and get some T3 as all of us with morgellons have a hard time staying warm and hair come out etc and thts due to thyriod hormone either lacking or you have trouble absorbing it like I do. I can't even absorb anything these days as the morgellons block all my darn cells and make it impossible for me to absorb anything. I take ginger, chilli, garlic, turmeric, fish oil and many other things to help my body absorb things and to unblock my cells of morgs and pathogens.i will chime in again when I get a reply and leave some more info on what I do to help me manage this crap.

god bless you all who have this horrid infestation

General Feedback
Posted by Ann (Toronto, Canada) on 05/28/2017

Try mixing Probiotic 8 Plus by Alpha Omega ( a blend of herbs, probiotics, and enzymes for dogs) with peanut butter (I use Kraft Whipped seems to work best). Add enough Probiotic to turn the peanut butter a dark green colour. Then apply to skin. You will be amazed at what comes out. I've been lesion free for two years.

Unfortunately, this only controls skin symptoms. The illness has to also be treated internally to cleanse away toxins and parasites. I've tried various dewormers, liver cleanses, and ESSIAC Tea also seems to help.

God Bless

Thermal Bath
Posted by Manu (France) on 05/28/2017

Try good colloidal silver in the nose.

General Feedback
Posted by Mb (Belgium) on 05/12/2017

Acupuncture, along with Chinese herbs and far infrared therapy + an appropriate diet saved my life (along with the use of natural cleaning products and essential oils).
I'm not completely healed (but this has mostly to do with environmental factors - I don't live alone, and keep getting reinfected via others) + yeast is a big issue for me.
Acupuncture helped.

Posted by Minnieg (The Woodlands, 77384) on 05/11/2017

What kind of a lab does that kind of work. I just found out to have stage 4 lung cancer, but since I did a cleanse, every color, every type, etc. has come out. Now I've got gaping hole on forearm and just don't have that much energy to learn all of this. Hospice doesn't come around because they are so afraid of

Posted by Carol Galbrecht (California) on 04/01/2017 1 posts

Ate you still doing well with the mms treatment?

Posted by Vicky (Mu) on 03/26/2017

Is besivance is working against morgellons? How can we own it or make it natural?

Posted by Robin (Oh) on 03/19/2017

I believe you are right on the money with your assessment. What was your Ivermectin protochol you followed? Please post with your doses. Sincerely, R

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by M-lo (La) on 03/10/2017

what is this foot ointment?

Posted by Hope4all (Salsbury Md) on 03/07/2017

Did you take any medications or sipplements. Im going on a year and a half with this, cant sleep, barely eat and it is starting to show a lot. I was able to buy Ivermectin and Albandozole but I am concerned that it will cause more harm than it is worth.

Gallium Nitrate
Posted by Diana (Toronto ) on 02/17/2017

I used borax for my poor cat. I made a bottle of water with a pinch of borax in it for me to sip gradually....I took a tablespoon of that water and added it to my cats water bowl for four days.....relief for the poor guy.

Posted by Diana (Toronto ) on 02/17/2017

Ivermectin did not work for me. Only borax and tetrasodium edta worked.

Corn Huskers Lotion
Posted by Diana (Toronto ) on 02/17/2017

I had been using retin a on face for years for acne. Also polycystic ovarian syndrome.....I think there is a connection with hormonal imbalance. Interesting that after using borax internally and externally, my periods became normal at age 44. I've also heard that low hydrochloric acid is the cause so I'm trying to increase mine.....yet they definitely go dormant when I drink baking soda so that contradiction confuses me. Borax has kept me sane every time I get reinvested. Let's hope they don't outsmart it!

Shungite Water
Posted by Drew (Sc) on 02/11/2017


Soak stones with distilled water in glass jar for 72 hours. Do not cover it.

Important to know there are 2 types of shungite. The black charcoal shungite and the elite noble. Use only elite shungite. It is the silvery metallic looking one.

After 72 hours pour elixir into another glass container. Refill stone jar with distilled water to infuse for another 3 days

Use elixir to drink, bathe and spray environment for 3 days. Repeat process. The bigger your glass jars and shungite stones, the more elixir you can make

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Itsanepidemic (New York) on 01/17/2017

They are under a Gag order. If we knew the source of the contamination, we would discriminate against people entering our country. Just my opinion.

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