Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

Essential Oils
Posted by Jillian (Tampa, Florida) on 04/30/2008

Skin Parasites-Morgellons: There is a woman in Florida that has a patented invention for skin care. It is patent US#7060306. Made with German Chamomile, shea butter, Carrot seed essential oil, Rosewood Essential oil, Cedarwood Essential oil, no fragrance oils, no chemicals and has helped many with Morgellons and Psoriasis, eczema. I am a testament to her. Her website is The Preservation system has no chemicals, just essential oils.

Reader Theories
Posted by Laurie (Sayward, Canada) on 03/22/2007

Seems we have lots of skin conditions going around....another SILENT EPIDEMIC happening is Morgellons.... The CDC has been warned by the ones infected (NOT the doctors???) something serious was happening to the people and they have done NOTHING to help us....

My husband was infected 13 years ago 1993 the chemical plant he worked for introduced NANO sized microbes into the waste water treatment plant to cleanup the sludge in the waste water.....near Freepport, Texas one of the hot spots for this disease...imagine that!!

There were NO SAFETY PROCEDURES in place for the maintenance/mechanical workers working around these microbes and working on the equipment needed for the open pit digestros and blowers....

After finding out from media information May 2006, we did our own people research and when we located several co-workers from my husband's crew were all sickened with Morgellons symptoms....and quite a list of symptoms I might add....Morgellons symptoms for your review....

Since then my husband being infected from his job site has now infected me and our pets and WE have infected other family members and close contact co-workers and friends....once infected you CAN infect others....this is an infectious disease.

These NANO sized microbes and there were 5-6 different parasites and bacteria MANipulated to do a we believe there are different varities of Morgellons just depends on what microbes you came into contact with as each batch was designed for that particular sludge in that wastewater different wastewater treatment plants have different recipes of microbes....and these same microbes have been used for oil and chemical spills and other types of environmental issues and also in pesticides...the real kicker is these NANO sized microbes have been used for 25-30 years now and all I see is disease....disease in humans, pets, wildlife and plants....anthing that comes into contact with these microbes becomes fact Morgellons is killing our cold blooded animals at an alarming rate.....and has been reported in many pets like cats, dogs, horses and is being considered as a major player in the BEE CRISIS we are experiencing across the country....and is responsible for the disappearance of frogs across the country....and we believe is responsible for the dead zones in our oceans and the cause of much of the mass wildlife deaths recently growing in the past few years....

In one year the number of registered households has risen.....March, 2006 - 1,250-1,200 to 9,592 March, 2007..... this is households.....the number for indiviuals is that much higher.....many many households report the whole family infected including their pets....many still do not know of Morgellons or do and are in denial, or misdiagnosed into other categories depending on symptoms so this count is mild compared to the real count that is out there.....

This disease creates skin rashes and lesions that can spread easily if scratched and opened and take sometimes years to one is immune from this disease it is reported in people 0-100 years old and in 15 nations and growing.....

This disease takes time and time it has had.....25-30 years of MANipulating microbes (parasites and bacteria) and setting them free across this great land of ours....and now they have had time to reproduce in our environment and once infected you can now infect others....

I suggest you familiarize yourself with a disease that will become a household name very soon....called Morgellons....

I call this the BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY...

This disease is very real and spreading like wildfire....

Support Forum
Posted by Linda (Linnysue) (Park City, Utah) on 01/30/2008

I wanted to send a link to a supportive discussion forum for Morgellons sufferers. The forum is called Morgellons Sanctum and the URL link is: Morgellons Sanctum provides educational articles, healing treatments, hope, and support from members who care. I was wondering if you would like the add the link to your website. We could also add your link as well. Thank you.

Red Wine Vinegar and Garlic Tablets
Posted by Anita (Old FORT, N.C.) on 03/17/2007

Morgellons Disease, MRSA: red wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon a day, for 3 or 4 weeks. Also garlic softgels,1000mg, 1 day a week, take five. The garlic might also be used for MRSA. This is what I use for all of my family, we do not go to doctors.

Posted by Menna (Wildomar, CA) on 08/01/2007

Alfalfa tabs in bath with Sun Laundry Detergent/with color safe bleach for Morgellons. I couldn't believe what all was coming out of my skin. I just did it yesterday, and again this morning. They aren't gone, but incredible results so far. This was done after starting the twice a day baking soda 1/4 tsp in water and Natural Cellular Defense drops for 1 week.

Molly's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/05/2007 391 posts

Yes, I have heard of the salt and vitamin C remedy, however, my own personal feedback from the salt and vitamin C remedy creates a lot of problems and symptoms from people who have used it.

The ones that I have most successes with the least problem from my end is the borax and baking soda remedy, plus plenty of magnesium. The worms or tiny insects (that is seen in the microscopes), sometimes with tiny furs, seems to be more peculiarly sensitive with borax than the salt. It alters their ability to reproduce and a die off is quick after only a week, about 90% reduction is seen, while the salt and vitamin C remedy took a lot longer, such as a couple of months.

Molly's Remedies
Posted by Molly (Kenai, Alaska) on 08/26/2007

Thank you so much for your initial email. I wanted to reply and share what I've learned. In my opinion, Morgellon's may likely be caught via a mite vector, but the disease itself is NOT from mites but from a more "worm-like" creature that seems to like living directly under the skin, hence the creepy-crawly feelings, etc. The creature also appears to lower the immune system, making the person vulnerable to a billion other infections/infestations/problems).

This worm/thing is EXTREMELY hardy and is not easy to get rid of, however, it is vulnerable to a few things, particularly the simple "condiment" we know of as SALT.

The following "remedies" are what I've been doing and seems to REALLY help. I thought I'd share in case it might help others. The first two are the most important.

1.) Salt and Vitamin C Protocol:

- 1 mg salt (1 salt tablet, "sodium chloride") per 10 lbs of body weight, not to exceed 18mgs per day), taken three times per day, along with 3,000 mg Vitamin C per day (taking 1,000 mg each time you take your salt tablets).

Both the salt tablets and the Vit C tablets are really inexpensive (you can get salt tablets at your local pharmacy---they are usually $5.00--$7.00 per bottle of 100.

For example, I weigh 120, so I am taking 12 salt tablets per day, though usually I add one or two extra pills in for good measure at night. Drink a full cup of water with your dose, as well as drink a LOT more water throughout the day. The full set of instructions can be found at where I first read about this.

Whatever these things are, they *hate* salt!!!!

The salt creates quite a die off effect---the first couple weeks in particular will be rough. Most days I woke up feeling like I had the flu, though usually I was able to function okay. There were a few days that were more difficult than others (vomit, diarrhea). All in all, it's tolerable (hey, if they're dying, I'm happy--lol).

Though the die-off will continue, you should notice a very sharp decrease in symptoms after the first couple weeks. The salt protocol should be followed for as long as it takes---usually the length of time it's been since you were first infected, so that you can kill off all new hatchlings.

[Of course, people with high blood pressure will want to approach the salt therapy carefully---please do it only while monitering bp, or checking with your doctors, etc].

2.) Sugar Free Diet:

This diet is the same for parasites, candida, and Lyme Disease, interestingly enough. These things feed off of sugars, therefore sugars must be avoided.

As a natural vegetarian, I find this diet very hard (and thus have gone from 130 to under 120, at 5-8"), but it's invaluable, and I'm just trying to do a better job of eating more even though I don't like the food, so that I don't get too skinny! :o)

The basic jist of the diet is to eat only meats and non-sweet vegetables. No dairy, except for butter and eggs. No fruits or juices. No gluten grains, no breads, no starches (no potatoes, etc). No black tea, but black coffee is okay (and I've noticed that plain green tea seems okay for me) and stevia may be used as a sweetener.

Brown rice is okay, and non-gluten grains like quinoa *may* also be okay. Walnuts are okay, and some people can have almonds and almond butter without a problem, but most other nuts are a no.

If you notice an increase in symptoms after eating any food, then stop eating it. Symptoms can often last for a couple days before dying down, but eventually you'll figure out what you can have and can't have (example: can have shrimp, can't have sardines, etc) based on whether or not you feel the little "wigglers" wake up or stay asleep.

A few days into this diet and you should notice a sharp decrease in your symptoms (and it weakens them up so that the salt can really do a good job of killing), though you will likely also experience significant cravings for the forbidden sugars and grains. Break the diet and you should notice a sharp INCREASE in your symptoms.

After the initial big die-off's with the salt treatment, I began having small amounts of sugar (a piece of whole wheat bread here and there, etc) without noticing a huge problem.

There are people who claim to have beat this disease by diet only, if that helps to emphasize just how important the diet is. The stricter you can be, the better.

3.) Helpful herbs:

Olive leaf extract and olive leaf tea. I drink 2-4 cups of the olive leaf tea per day (it does cause a herx reaction---you will initially feel flu-like as it kills stuff). I don't know if it kills whatever is behind Morgellons, but it sure helps kill off something and keep your body healthy. I get my olive leaf tea leaves from, because I can buy it in bulk there and thus save money. The olive leaf *extract* is the more powerful one of the two, though, and can be found in capsule form just about anywhere that sells herbs.

I take Garlic and garlic supplements and also Oil of Oregano (capsules are easier to swallow than the oil). Garlic and onions in all your food is always a good thing---the more, the better. Many Morgellon's sufferers have reported that heavy doses of garlic really helps them.

Cat's Claw is reported to be amazing for Morgellons---I just started taking it so I can't really say either way, but I've read that it's VERY powerful against whatever this is. I've been taking 3 capsules, 3-4 times daily with meals, but I just started this week, so I can't really report either way, but it's such a health-giving supplement that I figure it can only be a positive addition! :)

Grapefruit Seed Extract (in pill form) is another thing I am taking, though only here and there. I've also heard good things about Teasel and Pomegranate Extract w/ Ellagic Acid (both in fighting Morgellons), but haven't tried either of those yet.

I've heard amazing things about ionic silver (3 mgs in mornings) and ionic copper (4 or 5 mgs nightly) (both from, Water oz or Angstrom brands, and I'm sure other places as well), which I have just ordered but also haven't actually tried yet. The copper is supposed to be very beneficial, but just as a reminder, is dangerous to take in tablet form, so the ionic liquid is best. Ionic sulfur (10 mgs daily) is supposed to be very helpful at healing lesions on the inside and outside of the body.

Lavendar Essential Oil works very well on the initial "bites" (the large red zit-like things). It dries them up quickly---apply often and they should start healing up within a few days.

4. Espom Salt baths are helpful (2 cups in a tub) and adding a bottle of hydrogen peroxide helps it get deeper into the skin. I now take a bath almost nightly.

30-40 minutes worth of soaking is important---the salt won't draw stuff out if you only sit in the bath for 10 minutes, so get a good book from the library and relax.

5. Clean with Enzymes!
Enzyme cleaners are good---I've heard raves about Ecovie, but I have Bac-Out in my area, so I bought that instead. I put a bit in a spray bottle and dilute it with water so that I can spray myself down (including eyes and ears) as well as my environment (including the sheets I sleep in, etc). Anytime I feel itchy, I spray down myself, as well as everytime I get out of the tub or shower. It's also nice to add to the laundry to kill things that might be on the cloths. I take a bath in the Bac-Out a couple times a week instead of the Epsom Salts ---probably a 1/3 cup of the enzyme cleaner or so to the bath water.

Another enzyme clearer is Kleen-em-Away---any enzyme cleaners should work well, really. I also bought some Orange TKO (very economical---a little goes a long way) and use that regularly as a spray cleaner that kills everything (including mites) and is also safe for humans.

6. Shaving!
I know this sounds weird, but I shaved my arm hairs and found it very helpful. One of the terrible parts about Morgellons is how "sensitive" you get to anything that feels like movement. The air against my arm hair made me feel like something was crawling on it, simply because of the creepy-crawly feelings that sometimes really WERE there. Shaving hair off really helps me.

In Conclusion:

I am taking all these natural herb weapons, along with doing the salt and the diet, just because...I prefer a "full guns" approach to this thing, as it appears to get VERY nasty when allowed to progress. It seems like the Morgellons breaks the body down in so many ways, I figure a many-pronged approach to fighting it is in order. Some things go after whatever is behind Morgellons, while the other herbs help the body stay strong.

Personally, the worst thing about Morgellons for me has been admitting that I think I have it. It is horrific. I've caught myself wishing many times that I just had cancer---something KNOWN, you know, for which there are certain protocols, etc, or something like that. It has been a true terror-filled nightmare to realize that I am dealing with this mysterious *thing* that seems to be crawling all throughout my body. Falling asleep at night while something is literally crawling up your face is just plain NOT a pleasant feeling!
I struggled with just wanting it to be GONE, to be fixed, for God to just heal me or something (as if He owes it to me). I also struggled with GREAT fear---fear that my children and husband would become infected, fear that we would infect our friends...

But eventually, and I think in good part due to God's grace, I have settled in to this, to admitting that it's real, that it's very strong and WILL damage me if allowed, and thus have committed to FIGHTING it, as in full-scale war. It is not something that is going to get us---WE are going to get IT. This has been a very helpful change in thinking.

I hope this helps others. I am greatful for all the help I've found via a million sites on the internet, including this one. Working together, we can beat this thing!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Paula (Joshua Tree, Calif.) on 10/18/2007

It may have to do with the strength of the silver solution, my friend had a severe case of morgellons and she drank a lot of it every day,she figured she had nothing to lose, she also sent me an e-mail about some researcher who used silver with some great success. my friend is on vacation now, when she gets back I will see if she can send me that e-mail again. I am not a doctor but I know what I saw. I will also pass on to her your info about the baking soda but she is well now. Thank you so much

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/21/2007 391 posts

Great to hear that colloidal silver and vitamin C works. The reason for my lack of use in large amounts is that some people complain to me about the constipation it caused.

The other thing is that a colloidal silver I used that seems to be effective is a colloidal silver oxide solution.

It is prepared brewing the colloidal silver batch in a 0.5% H2O2. The resultant colloidal silver will be completely clear white and no yellow. All colloidal silver with the H2O2 won't cause agyria, since it is a silver oxide colloidal solution. A company patented a tetrasilver tetrooxide, which were found to be more effective than ordinary silver, due to silver's affinity to oxygen.

However an interesting effect I found is that while it is more effective, it won't cause the constipation. The reason why colloidal silver is not used, in some areas (except the U.S.) is the silver (pure from) are relatively difficult to acquire, which discourages some use in other non-U.S. countries.

There was one person who had AIDS used a single I.V. drip using tetrasilver tetrooxide and was cured of AIDS. It's mentioned in the patent on that too. So my guess is, we can make a similar analogue of that, just by adding a high peroxide 0.5% concentration of distilled water during the brewing process of low volt D.C.

The major reason why silver is effectiveness according to NASA is silver molecules has a very high affinity to oxygen and it is the oxygen that kills most anaerobes. If adding peroxide during the silver brewing process, this would result in a more effective antimicrobial properties. I have read that the three most effective antimicrobial metals are silver, zinc, and magnesium. Perhaps in their salts, or compounds such as silver oxide colloidal solutions, is what I think in combination would not require to take too large of a dose that some people might find too much. While copper colloidal is possible it should be mixed with a zinc colloidal or its appropriate salt where the zinc to copper is something like 4: 1, so that the body won't have the toxicity from copper, as zinc is an antagonist. If a zinc together with copper, taken together, or even the electrical properties of silver, with the copper, will result in electrical flows generated by the body's own salt, thus short circuiting the morgellon's, or perhaps virus. One clear example to prove to you that the body's salt, in presence of zinc and copper is killing the bacteria is this: get a multimeter, and measure the volts going through your body where the left hand for example is zinc rod, and the right hand with copper rod, attached to the multimeter, you will get about a hundred something volts, and some milliamps. This amount of electricity running in your body of copper or zinc colloids in the blood serum in presence of the electrolytes as it conducts electricity would be enough to kill the organism, and given the silver oxide, it will oxidized the microbes too, which generally all three would cleanse the blood of the microbes. A magnesium citrate in that form added as a supplements have antimicrobial properties too. Of course borax and baking soda is one remedy I know of Morgellon's. There are others, but those still needs to be tested. Hence, I suspect, also the silver acts as an electrodes too much like zinc electrodes, although in presence of all three this the electrical charges taking advantage of the body's salt would cause a high electrical potential which killed the morgellon's and other microbes, much like Bob Beck's device, or Hulda Clark's device, athough this one is done inside the blood stream, which would be more complete than the use of externally applied electrical appliances.

You can prove to yourself also that a simple sea salt solution, for example, in presence of zinc/copper, or silver/copper, would generate a electricity of several hundred millivolts and some milliamps. Theoretically speaking, the electricity potential at that rate would be technically more than sufficient to zap the microbes.

Thank you for your input! Will be most happy if you can provide me more information in the future!

Oak Gallnuts
Posted by petersen (ft laudedale, florida) on 09/15/2007

Hi, I would like to post this comparison I've seen between what is known as Morgellon Disease. What I have noticed is that Morgellon Disease seems to be a mite and also a fungus or bacteria. It is not unknown to the government nor is it new to doctors or botanist.

Okay have you ever heard about "Oak Gallnuts"? Gallnuts are nuts that grow on many different type of trees mainly in China. The important part of the gallnut formation is the parasite or insect that stings the nut and help it form this cyst like crust. There are different types of insects that sting these nuts ex: wasp. I believe that the government was intrigued by this union that they tested and studied these trees or plants. This is because many of the trees or plants that produce these nuts are actually the natural herbs that kills or stop the formation of parasites in and on your body (morgellon's disease). There are many different gall nuts that's why there are different forms of this disease. If you study the different types you will find that these nuts produce the tannin that kills the symptoms that works relief for you. Funny how the CDC was not aware of this disease and there is no cure for it. That is because the cures are the natural herbs and the drug companies don't consider natural products medicine. Examples of this is alum (found in arid extra dry), black walnut hull (kills parasites) tea tree oil (astringent), cedar and pine trees there are many more. Mainly whatever gives you release for morgellons have plant or tree that are stung by these parasites or insects. So the government studied and alter this process and made stronger versions of this and used it against parasites in water, on plants and so forth. So we drink the water and eat the plants and wear clothing that have been altered with this. Some of the nuts do not break down completely but are what is called "polymers" (sounds like cotton or fibers to me). The nuts look exactly like the cyst that many people suffer with. The glucose in the nut is what helps with the cystic formation. Gallnut tannin are used to make ink and used to emboss leather. How I see it is if you locate what symptoms you are having and connect it to a plant or tree tannin is being used you will be cured after a period of time on those herbs.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/17/2007 391 posts

Actually the Morgellon's as they are loosely called is a synthetic superbugs, which you can peruse at :

A more detailed description in layman's terms on getting rid of this is:

Actually my remedy is to take baking soda to get the urinary pH to 7, plus borax 1/4 teaspoon in one liter of drinking water. It appears that the remedy that is missing to completely kill them are the essential oils found to contain sesquiterpenes. The sesquiterpenes is well known to weaken HDPE, which is a major component breakdown of Morgellon. The HDPE is a plastic, of high density polyethylene and its fibers can be grown in a plain glass of petri dishes with no nutrients. Silver colloids seem to limited in a full blown Morgellon's although I haven't tested this with vitamin C, I do know taking orange oils were helpful too. Certain other that is helpful against morgellon's Include vetiver, clove oil, cedar oil, and pine needle oil.

However to completely stop with the open wounds due to Morgellon's (more like a gaping one) is to raise the urinary pH to 7, such as 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda twice a day in one half glass of water.

While I have using colloidal silver for over a decade, I haven't yet receive much positive outcome (perhaps lack of feedback) on the use of colloidal silver alone, and hence I don't usually use this a a remedy for Morgellon's.

What I can say is copper colloidal plus colloidal silver might be more effective, or even the addition of a copper peptide (soy sauce and copper chloride solution). However, that remedy is hard to do and was conveniently set aside, unless people still weren't helped with the original remedy. If anyone is doing these metallic colloids, all I can say is chromium made the conditions worse.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Paula (Joshua Tree, Calif.) on 10/16/2007

Hi, I have a friend who had a bad case of Morgellons, her arms & legs were covered in bloody looking sores & she told me that weird threads came out of these sores, she had been to her doctor who didn't have a clue as to what to do for her. I got interested in colloidal silver after I became allergic to antibiotics and wondered what on Earth I was going to do the next time I got seriously ill. I got sick and it was going into my chest , I was coughing all the time & had a very sore throat, I was frightend, but I went to the health food store & bought a little bottle of silver and took it and vitamin c about every hour, just a dropper of silver and 1000mg of vitamin c, in just two days it was gone, before I would be sick for weeks. Later I learned about how to make it myself with an inexpensive machine see [email protected] and now I can stop everything before it gets me very ill. I brought some to my friend and she began to put it on the sores & drink it internally in a few weeks they were healing up and now it is all gone, she just has white scars wherethe sores were. This stuff will kill over 650 different pathogens including virus's whereas antibiotics kill only bacteria and only about 30 strains. I have been taking it for over five years with no ill effects and my friend with the morgellons has been taking it for 3 years with no side affects except to get rid of the disease.

Lemon Juice in Suave Shampoo
Posted by Elle (Baltimore, Maryland) on 11/21/2007

re: Help for mites in hair-- I belive that I have Morgellons, and this is what I do that has the greatest effect on getting it out of my hair. Suave coconut shampoo and conditioner (the conditioner is optional) every other day, and on the other days, spray hair until very damp and comb through with a solution of half reconstituted lemon juice and water. This is what I have been doing for over a month now, and my head hardly ever itches or gets sores.

Use Borax or Washing Soda Instead of Regular Laundry Detergent
Posted by Jill (Punxsutawney, PA) on 12/09/2007

This is not a remedy or cure for an ailment, but rather a suggestion that might help Morgellons sufferers find a small measure of releif. Morgellons sufferers, stop using laundry detergent and start using Borax or Washing Soda to do your laundry, because it is quite possible that your clothes are re-infecting you. Borax and, or, Washing Soda will clean your clothes without detergent, and since the Morgellons "bugs" seem to hate salt, maybe they will leave and not come back? If you get a grease stain, just use a spot treatment of detergent. Other than that, just Borax or Washing soda (a generous 1/2 cup per load) by itself will get the wash clean and fresh. You can also add just plain table salt to the wash, too (25lb bags at a big-box store).

Olive Leaf and Pantothenic Acid
Posted by Karen (USA) on 12/17/2007

Will you please post this handling for Morgellon's which makes sufferers so miserable?

My nutritionist/chiropractor did muscle testing on me. I touched the worst Morgellon sore on my ankle and I tested positive for Olive Leaf extract (6 daily) and for Pantothenic Acid (also 6 daily). These are a very good remedy, not expensive and did the job in 3 days. I also put vitamin E directly on the sores. Such a relief! Olive Leaf extract is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungual. - a 2000 year-old natural remedy. Check it out!
