Mite Infestation
Natural Remedies

Effective Mite Infestation Treatment: Top Natural Remedies

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Julian (Toronto, Ontario) on 04/08/2011

Hi Guys,

I have a very interesting story I want to share with all of you who are suffering from a mite problem.

About 9 months ago I was doing a yoga session at a friend's house, in his attic to be precise and I lay my head on the carpet floor for about five minutes...

That evening I felt a strong "bite" or "pinch" on my scalp. At the time it didn't worry me too much because I had no idea and had never heard of scabies, bird mites or any type of mite that could be a problem for humans…. Boy was I ignorant. The bites got worse and more frequent and a few days later I felt like a "popping" feeling and the spreading of little insects all over my head they spread down to my shoulders, arms, legs, in short all over my body. I could actually feel them walking down my cheek and could catch them with my fingers. These little buggers felt like a grain of sand and they would bite me everywhere!!

The problem was mainly in my scalp but after a few months it spread to the webbing in my toes too and they would then come up my legs as well!!

Despite washing my hair every night with anti nit shampoo the problem had gotten out of control and my small apartment got totally infested.

At first to keep them at bay I would blow dry my hair and body after showering with anti nit shampoo, 1% permethrin. During this period I tried everything I could and in different combinations and strengths until I got a handle on the problem.

My first real discovery was citronella essential oil mixed with alcohol and a touch of eurax lotion. This combination I would spray on my hair and it would kill or stun the mites for about 4 hours…

I then elaborated on this by adding to the citronella: peppermint, eucaliptus, clove, neem, tee tree, oregano essential olis as well as a bit of regular olive oil…. I mixed aproximately 10 drops of each, maybe more peppermint and eucalyptus and then added rubbing alcohol and put in a mini sprayer of 60cc. I sprayed my head and feet throughout the day…. This was really working but I didn't feel it was killing the female below the skin…. How could I get to her??

The answer to this many of you may not believe but it is worth a try because it is totally free!!

I used my own body energy, that's right I used my own bio-electricity to zap them. This idea came about by a chance meeting with a friend on a bus ride. He told me he had been in a terrible health about a year ago with liver problems, prostate and back pain and that a therapist who used energy healing had cured him of all his problems and had then taught him how to do it to himself. I asked him how it was done and he taught me. I started to do it immediately on the bus!! And I was amazed to see that the problem started to decrease at once!! It is very simple so here it is:

Sitting (you can do this while driving btw) imagine an energy beam of white light coming down through the crown of the head. Take this energy and concentrate it more on more in the chest area or the belly which ever you feel is better. Then exhale and try to feel that you are pushing the energy down to your feet. You WILL feel this it is not imaginary by the way then keep playing with it and try directing the energy to the problem areas of your body.

I am not an expert in this so don't ask me to be more specific just inhale through the nose and visualize, feel and direct the energy.

I now believe that when the body is at its full potential of energy all the little buggers just can't handle it and leave you alone.

By the way other bits of info that might help:

1. Take showers and then rinse the tub clean!! I thought that taking long soaks would help. Wrong! These buggers just float and the hot water doesn't kill them so when you get out of the water they just land back on you. If you use bleach that does kill them but it screws up your skin.

2. Tumble dry clothes on high heat or bleach with water soaks to cleaned my clothes.

3. Gave up sugar, soda and chocolate.. this really helped!! The bugs got slower and less aggressive.

Good luck to you all and may God bless us all.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Sharon (Wesley Chapel, Fl) on 04/07/2011

l used undiluted lamp oil. lt is purified kerosene. L have since found out odorless charcoal lighter fuel is kerosene but it smells some. l got re-infected by a relative's visit, but took steps immediately. l am currently taking hyaluronic acid from Teds back pain remedy and the scars are going away very fast. Again, thank you Ted.

General Feedback
Posted by Misdiagnosed (Dayton, Oh/usa) on 03/29/2011

Hi there, I was glad to read your post, because I too became suicidal and delusional. I ALMOST lost my job too. This condition is awful, isn't it? I am near the end; only have a few bites a day, but there was a time a few months ago, when I was getting bit 100x per hour. Couldn't focus, couldn't concentrate. My house was a mess and I'm typically a neat freak! I started spraying the furniture, clothes, car, and office with a mixture of about 12 drops of peppermint oil to a large spray bottle of water. This helped tremendously. I now know if I can just get this spray in contact with them, they die. The trick is they hide in crevices and tiny cracks. I took apart my office chair and sprayed it this morning - HUGE relief!

General Feedback
Posted by Brandy (Denham Springs, Louisiana) on 03/04/2011

I went through a horrific experience with bird mites. At first, I was the only sufferer since females are usually attacked prior to anyone else in the home. I felt alone since no one believed me and started to think I was going insane. I lost sleep every-night and became delusional, enough to where I lost my job. My intense research brought me to where I finally had an answer. I went to the local pest store, bought residual indoor and outdoor products, fumigated the attic and also sprayed the yard and trees. A few months later did the same thing to kill the rest that hatched. It worked!!

Finally figured out that they came from a dead bird that was found in the attic after a hurricane. Also noticed it got worse when it rained or was humid outside (which is common in the south). If it would have gone on any longer, I probably would have taken my life -- that's how severe it became and I'm not a suicidal or depressed person. I am still angry that I was so alone and want to help anyone suffering from it. It can be defeated!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ron (Denver, Colorado) on 02/22/2011

It seems to me that before one begins trying the dozens of proposed remedies or solutions offered on this website, the first thing that should be done is to identify the biting critter that is microscopic. I've tried to collect samples by putting out a sticky wrapping take, but none of the pest control companies I've contacted actually use microscopes to indentify the type of mite. Has any one actually trapped any of the mites and had them identified by a university or health department? Doctors are of no help. Please advise - I'm losing sleep and my health over the infestation I'm suffering from. Ron

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Leevra (London, United Kingdom) on 01/22/2011

Hi, Firstly I wanted to say thank you to forums like this, where people can share their experiences, without which I would have probably gone mental and contaminated my body with more harsh chemicals! I'm not free of these mites yet but I seem to be on the mend (touch wood) and also wanted to share what has helped me so far.

I think I'm onto my fourth week of hosting these little buggers but have been actively trying to get rid of them for the last two. Not sure where I picked them up from. I did some volunteering with homeless people but also slept on friends' couches and was around different people over the festive season... Who knows! These mites do not discriminate. I should've gone to the doctors sooner than later though... Even if they were not so certain...

So, one dose of Permethrin didn't work. After reading comments on this site and a million others, two days after the slather of permethrin I set out to look for SULPHUR SOAP, TEA TREE OIL, BORAX and NEEM OIL. Unsuccessful in securing the latter 2 within supermarkets/pharmacies.

If you live in the UK (or London at least) don't bother scouring the shelves for Borax. Shops don't sell it anymore (not even Boots), the usual health & safety talk. You can get it online though (i haven't tried it yet).

Unfortunately I dont have the luxury of a bath. A good soapy lather of sulphur suds all over your body for a few minutes, day and night seems to have helped so far (it has also been amazing for my skin! But you need to moisturise after as it dries it out) After showering I'd put Tea Tree oil neat on lesions and bumps. Stings like anything on the lesions! But gradually subsides. My lesions seem to have joined, from all the scratching, so I've got big ugly blotches on my trunk. Try not to scratch and don't scrub your body too harshly either. Once your skin breaks you're open to secondary infections.

If I feel the lesions need a break I don't have the second shower but will still rub something over them. They wont heal if it keeps getting wet and I rebreak the skin. I eventually stopped putting neat Tea Tree Oil on them as I think it was perhaps too strong for the lesions that seemed to be taking a while to heal. Instead I mixed a few drops with aloe vaseline lip balm and smothered that on. Other than smelling like a tub of vicks it really helped!!

By day 6 the crawling sensation and need to scratch seemed to pick up again. I figured that it was hatched mites (7 day cycle or whatever! )I was even feeling them on my eyelashes.. YUCK! Frustrated I slathered on the second tube of permethrin. Regretted it because I felt some side effects but it has probably helped me to get to the stage I'm at now.. However the side effects although slight were scary.. And everything else I've read about it.

A day after the 2nd slather I purchased some Neem Oil and Neem and coconut cream online from NeemTeam. I continue to shower with sulphur soap. For bedtime I rub Neem Oil all over the infected areas and for the day I use the cream. It doesn't smell as bad as I thought it would (I read in many forums about the stench). Actually it just smells very nutty.. Not the nicest nutty smell but it could be a whole lot worse!!

It's day 7 again and I've been on alert for new bumps, the increased need to scratch or crawlies etc. So far... So good. The lesions are healing too. Much less need to scratch now and near zero with the crawly feeling. I initially thought the advice about 1. Washing everything everyday, 2. Not wearing anything twice, 3. Getting a plastic cover for your mattress was excessive.. But it isn't.

I had not been as militant in the first week.

I don't have time or the facilities to wash everything everyday so before the evening shower the days clothes go into a plastic bag kept away from everything else. Some people might mistake me for an employee of the laundrette now... But who cares. Hot wash and hot dry!!

I've bagged the clothing I don't wear as often, the duvet, pillows etc and stored them away (ie no longer in my room). I've isolated the clothes I'll likely wear to one closet, so that I'm not having to go through all my drawers etc. Never one to iron, I now have an iron LOL. I've read a few times about the mites not liking extreme heat/cold so I'll iron the sheet I sleep in if I can't manage to get it wash and dried. I'll iron clothes if I feel I need to. It's winter at present so for once I'm happy to get a good chill over me now and then. I just picture those mites getting a good shock!

I'm using the plastic side of an inflatable bed to sleep on top of my mattress and my sleeping bag to keep me warm. I've read a few times about the mites not liking the plastic and how they can burrow into your mattress and come back to feast on you when you return to bed. GROSS! At least I can scrub the plastic and put the sleeping bag in the drier.

My room gets hoovered at least twice a week, I sprinkle soda crystals and shake and vac on the floor before so. Thats probably excessive and I don't know if it does anything but you start to do these things lol. I've noticed a lot of dry skin on the floor (its a dark colour) due to peeling from the lesions as they heal and dried out bumps so its been another reason to hoover more often.

And don't wear your hair out, especially if you have long hair. Those buggers will crawl up and onto your scalp. I started noticing the crawling sensation on my head after the first permethrin tube so I started washing my hair with the sulphur soap too. That's worked.

I'm eating more healthy foods and keeping a positive attitude too. This is definitely helping to keep up the regime and hopefully will get rid of these mites sooner than later (when I read people had it months I nearly cried). Looking back to December I think my immune system was low - lethargic and all!

I've got olive oil, olive soap and grounded tumeric on standby... And will need to buy another bar of sulphur soap soon. I'm building up quite a collection..

While I can't wait to be rid of these mites and the scarring, I'm grateful that it has turned me to sites such as this and made me aware of the natural products I'm now using on and in my body. It's something I am going to continue with even after the mites are gone.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Rose (Fort Worth, Tx) on 12/26/2010

Sharon, what are the exact measurements used in the mixing of the lamp oil, coal oil, and purified kerosene? Also, where can I find coal oil and the purified kerosene? thank you!

Posted by Self (Ny) on 12/12/2010

Until Ted can get back to you personally:

Borax can dry the skin out, that's part of what may kill the mites. Ted did also recommend this on the rosacea thread (which also deals with mites) that if the skin gets too dry, apply jojoba oil or aloe vera or lavender oil.

Perhaps you need to lessen the borax to 1/16 a teaspoon or less and take it less frequently as well. Some people are more sensitive than others. If it is still too much, stop. This website will tell of some of borax side effects. Most people who take the borax in the small doses listed in E.C. Seem to tolerate them well. But some sensitive people may experience the side effects listed here. Sometimes doses on E.C. have to be tinkered with as we all react differently to different things.

Posted by Brendan (Adelaide, South Australia) on 12/12/2010

Hi Guys, I started taking 1/8 teaspoon of borax in one litre of water to try to cure my skin problem which someone suggested might be caused by demodex mites. I had red, flaky, and sometimes stinging, and itchy skin on my forehead, cheeks below my eyes, and around my ears. When I started taking the borax it seemed that the redness of my skin calmed down on about the second day and so I continued even though it felt to be a bit dry.

Its now day 5 and I have stopped taking it. Yesterday it had become so dry and felt really raw so that I couldn't stand it. It stung like I had sunburn. Im wondering if anyone has any idea what could be going on. Also how can I direct a question directly to ted, he seems to have helped a lot of people. I was hoping I could send him a photo and some background info and see if he can shed some light on whats going on. I cant say how much it would mean to me to get this problem under control. Thanks everyone and I wish you all good luck in treating your conditions.

Posted by Self (Ny) on 12/11/2010

Yes, the container does say that but in small amounts, it is ok. As long as it is borax and not boric acid. Well with 6% H2O2, you can dilute it down to 3% by mixing equal parts of each H2O2 and water (half each). Yes, you can mix the borax with H2O2 to make it even more effective (men can take 1/4 teaspoon and women can take 1/8 teaspoon of borax and one cap (use the H2O2 bottle cap) of 3% H2O2 in one liter of drinking water and drink a cup every hour. When it runs out, drink regular water. Also take 1, 000 mg of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) a day to counteract H2O2 oxidation (e.g. Helps prevent detox headaches)

You can also wet some borax in 1% H2O2 and apply the paste to the area and leave it on, don't rinse. If the skin gets dry, use aloe vera or some natural oil to moisturize it. To dilute H2O2 down to 1.5%, just mix one part 6% H2O2 and 4 parts water (e.g. 1 oz H2O2 and 4 oz water).

Posted by Kate (Dublin, Ireland) on 12/11/2010

I bought borax in the chemist to see if it would help me to kill the demodex mite. I haven't taken it yet because on the container it states that its only for external use. Is it okay to use, say small amounts-a quarter teaspoon to a litre of water or do I need to get a special type of borax powder? Also would it work on its own or do I need to mix hydrogen peroxide with it? I could only get 6% hydrogen peroxide. Unfortunately I couldn't source the food grade type. Please help as I'm going insane with skin and eye problems. Tea tree has made a small difference with my skin but not my eyes :( Any advice on eliminating this horrible condition would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Kate

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Piper (Toronto, On) on 09/13/2010

I made Ted's recipe for demodex treatment. 1/3 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 2/3 cup of water, 2tbsp borax. I apply with a cotton ball and rinse. It is the best face wash I have ever tried. My face feels soft and smooth after using.

Borax, Tea Tree Oil, H2O2, Vitamin E
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 09/05/2010


ON A ROLL, this is my third input today. This is not my procedure as I got it off this site, but I have refined it. I now only put the borax, tee tree oil and hydrogen peroxide solution in my nose where the hair follicles are. Also I have added Vitamin E for the oil. This is more effective and I have been doing this for several years. I have concluded that you never get rid of these buggers, you just control them.

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Tina (Toledo, Ohio, Usa) on 09/02/2010

Can you tell me where to get Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth? thanks

Air Purifier
Posted by Roger (Shady Point, Ok) on 08/29/2010

I tried most everything on this web site and it all helped but I was still overwhelmed by these mites. Not knowing what to do I prayed and that same day I stumbled across an ion air purifier. It zaps mold, bacteria and mites and it worked immediately. I don't know about other brands but this one is good for 3500 sq ft and problem solve. I wanted to share this only to help. Good luck and GOD bless.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Borax
Posted by Niki (Dallas, Tx) on 08/29/2010

I tried the hydrogen peroxide and borax solution on my hair for dust mites. I kept the solution on for a little while. When I washed my hair normally very dark brown) turned blondish orange. Now my hair is falling in clumps. It is literally melting in my fingers. I use to have a head full of extremely healthy thick and long hair. I can't recognize myself in the mirror. Any suggestions? Please help this is very frightening.

General Feedback
Posted by Kim (St. Paul, Mn) on 08/08/2010

Check out Morgellons online and make sure it's mites and not Morgellons...

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pdidit (Alexandria, Va) on 08/02/2010

HI Ted,

I have morgellons and I know there has to be some sort of biofilm that is protecting this colony of horrors so that most remedies take a long time to reach the real infestation. In fact, this is why I think I still have this on my head, scalp and hair... Sticky, hard substance that I presume is some sort of barrier of biofilm that protects them. If you could help us figure out how to get rid of this protective film, that would make a huge difference and impact on what is used to kill the infestation. At present, I am trying an enzyme supplement dissolved in vinegar, then add the borax and some neem oil; then pour and comb through hair and cover with plastic bag. My ears are all bitten up and while it stung initially, by the morning, I was much better. But I can't sit in my condo for too long without the familiar sting and accumulation of these things again... Any suggestions would be welcome and thanks for trying to help!!! Btw, am FOUR years into this, with it destroying my friendships, leaving me with a broken home and family, financial devastation, and living a very lonely isolated life. This disease is progressive if not caught in time and stopped in its tracks... I have lost my hair, looks, 20 pounds in weight and if I don't get to the bottom of this soon, I don't see me surviving this. God bless you for your help and for sites like Earth Clinic

Jan's Recipe
Posted by Jan (Louisville, Co Usa) on 08/02/2010

I have cured Cheyletiella and also skin yeast infection with this recipe. It took me 11 months, a lot of research and was hit and miss until I finally came up with the following. Please pass this along because I know what it is to suffer with this, and I have never had anything worse.

Here is my remedy-
2 oz. Virgin coconut oil heated to where it is just melted
2 oz of colloidal silver (This is important - it must be at least 50ppm. I make my own. )
1 oz of red liquid liniment from old company established in 1868 starts with "W", which contains camphor, capsicum and spruce oil
1/2 oz. Liquid vitamin E which helps the skin to heal faster and reduce scarring
1/2 tsp. MSM
15-20 drops clove oil

Shake to mix and apply on skin once daily until the mites are gone. It is actually very soothing. It also worked on the dog. I sprayed straight colloidal silver on the cat as needed. Any area that itched I sprayed and it seems to kill them within seconds, but again, it has to be at least 50ppm. You will stop itching within days, and should be mite free in less than two weeks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Overwhelmed (Chicago, Il) on 07/20/2010

Did it work? I'm completely overwhelmed here. . . Dealing with the same thing.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 07/16/2010

Hi Fran. . . I live in the tropics and I had the same problem as you, bites and sores all over mainly my back and lower body. I had a favourite couch that I used to sleep and doze on regularly which had mites in it. This is what I had to do.

* I used a simple combination of 1%-3% hydrogen peroxide and a tablespoon of borax (20 Mule Team is fine) in an ordinary 8 oz flower garden sprayer. Also add one tablespoon of Milk of Magnesia. All I did was to spray my body (particularly the bitten areas) after my shower and before bed with this mix and then wash it off the next morning. I found that, next day, I hadn't been bitten anymore and my bites had actually gone down and didn't itch so much. I still use this mix if some critter bites me, it's very effective. Only use this mix topically and avoid use near the eyes.

* Take your couch/bed mattress and put it outside in the sun and heat for the day. The mites and bugs will hate the sun, they will run away and leave the couch/bed mattress.

* Also make sure you clothes are not infested by washing your clothes with generous amounts of borax.

The borax will kill the mites directly as will the hydrogen peroxide which will also kill any other associative bacteria and viruses as well.

The Milk of Magnesia (MoM) will kill the bugs and anything else in 2 other ways. First the MoM is so alkaline -- pH 10 -- that it will kill any bacteria, virus, fungus or bug easily. As well, MoM contains mainly Magnesium Hydroxide, which is highly hydrohobic (drives water out). So using MoM will also dehydrate the bugs or mites and kill them that way too.

Posted by Diane (Berkeley, Ca) on 07/15/2010

Fran: Those sound very much like bed bug bites. They typically come in groups of 2's to 4's, and when irritated can have a "ring" around them like you mention. You may have an infestation. I don't have advice as to a cure, but it's worth looking into this as a possible cause, because if so you will need to treat the home to remove them, and any internal treatments, while soothing may not be sufficient.

Posted by Fran (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 07/15/2010

I recently stumbled across this site, and I know it was a blessing from above. A few months back I started an internal parasite cleanse with wormwood, black walnut hull tincture and cloves also using cascara sagrada and probiotics because of anemia and fatigue. Think something went wrong. Seems at the end of the cleanse, I ended up with these bites from the "inside" of my skin. May have stirred up something. They were really itchy at first. They started on my left arm and center of my chest and seemed to come two marks at a time. My left upper arm was/is covered with bite marks (now slowly disappearing). The bites slowly made it to other parts of my body, but they are random, not everywhere. The bites have gotten to my legs pretty well, though. The itching, for the most part, had stopped. The bites have turned to sores with a black ring around them. When I pick the "strange looking" scab, it leaves a "crater" in my skin. I do see what appears to be "tracks". I thought at first it was scabies, but the doctor assured me it wasn't. I did notice however, two "raised" bumps on my back. Being naturally prone to pick, I picked one of them and it was dry and squeaky. No blood or fluid. I was able to pick out some little black dots. Seems as though something may have been "nesting" in my skin! I am beginning day three of the borax in water. I do feel better, and it appears as though the scarring and sores are improving. Does anyone have any idea what this might be? Any other advice?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sharonq (Wesley Chapel, Fl) on 06/16/2010

Sorry guys, must be old-timers disease here. I bought MSM at the feed store last year, cleared up my falling hair and skin issues. Recently, I purchased mms mix and started taking the mms mix baths at 4 times the recommended dose to help heal the skin. It did kill the mites in their larval stage, but didnt kill the adult mites in the baths. Extremely soothing and calming. Great for the skin. I had success using 1 tbl mms mix in my portable steamer on the furniture and car seats. I took the MSM orally for 6 months and watched a whole lot of scars go away. It tastes terrible. You have to drink a lot of water with that dose. The mms mix has no flavor and is easier to take. I am currently taking 1 Tbl diatomaceous earth daily and love how it heals the scars. Been on it for a week. I am going to double the dose as I have much to heal. No flavor to it either and no side effects, unless shiny hair and clear skin, and no more arthritis in my knee is a side effect. :)

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Sharon (Wesley Chapel, Fl) on 06/16/2010

I knew we had mites cause they got on our parrot. the cage had some cobwebby looking things form and I sent these off to the university of texas for id. They said it was a rat mite, D Gallinae/ One Swedish study reported D. Gallinae can live nine months without a host.

Possible Bird Mite Infestation symptoms:

* Pinprick bites with or without lesions
* Frequently intense itching of the skin
* Vague sensation of crawling on the skin
* Bite marks and lesions that heal very slowly
* Increase of symptoms in certain areas of the home
* Increase of symptoms at night and in humid weather
* Physician suspects scabies but the treatment does not help.

I know they are dead, because I'm not getting bit anymore. After I went thru the house, I'm now going back thru and washing contents of drawers, linens stored for awhile, hanging clothes I havent worn in awhile, and trying to treat any and everything that may not have been treated in awhile. Thank goodness for the hints and tips from readers, like running the wash cycle longer to allow the borax to have time to kill them. It is worth it to read every single letter in this mite infestation page and scabies page. There are some smart ideas coming in. I just loved how fast the lamp oil worked. You could wash it off after an hour if you wanted. I just had so many of the dadburned things on me.

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Theo (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 06/11/2010

Hi Sharon,

Thanks for the post! How did you know you had mites? What symptoms did you have and, moreover, how do you know they are dead now?

Lamp Oil, Borax
Posted by Sharon (Wesley Chapel, Fl) on 06/09/2010

Well, I finally fixed it. Killed all the mites. Thanks and much thanks to Ted's borax remedy. However, what killed them fast is plain old lamp oil, coal oil, purified kerosene. Put in a sprayer bottle and went to town with the purified lamp oil sold in crafts store for the hurricane style lamps. Not much smell. Used the oil on my hands to treat my face. Really sprayed my long hair and scalp.didnt burn or have but one side effect-- brought all those critters up from underneath the skin and they chewed their way up. Looked like a sunburn where they were, and welts formed. But I kept dosing it the next day and the next and it dried them up. Itches were gone in 4 hours. First night I have slept thru the night in four years. At first I thought the lamp oil had burned me, but then I realized that it was only red where i was itching. Even my face and eyelids were not "sunburned" the tenderest part of the body. Now that I killed them on me, I treated the rest of the house, using Ted's borax mix, bleach where I could,took a week to treat everything properly to where I was not getting bit. Its been 4 weeks. Once you kill them on yourself and have a quick spray-on for the re-infections, it goes fast. The cars were the worst problem. Hooray

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pat (Athens, Al, Usa) on 05/27/2010

What does MMS stand for? how is it used and where is it to be found in the US - I have rosacea due to demodex mites and also suffer from hair loss as well as low thyroid - anything that might help I'm willing to try

EC: MMS is the acronym for Miracle Mineral Supplement:

It's sold in many places online... You can check google shopping or amazon for sources, but please make sure you read all the reported side effects on the section above!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Peggy (Somewhere, Us) on 05/27/2010

was this mms or msm?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sharon (Wesley Chapel, Fl) on 05/27/2010

I started using MMS for various reasons. Bought at the feed store for $7.50. My hair, which had been falling out from overtreatments for mites and stress, started growing in soft and beautiful, very fast. My nails got strong as well and my scars on my skin started fading fast. I swallowed 3 scoops a day for a month, then cut to 1 scoop a day. Stuff is bitter. As long as its dry there is not much taste so slowly pour it onto the end of your tongue, then swallow water and gulp it down. The results are worth it. Use borax baths (use teds recipes) and soak for an hour for soothing scalp issues. Don't forget to add hydrogen peroxide to the water first. Make like a mermaid as they live in your ears, nose and throat. throw out your pillows they are infested. buy new ones and cover with plastic and tape any openings, even zippers.


Ted's Remedies Reader Feedback
Posted by Chris (Longmont, Colorado, Usa) on 05/25/2010

I am glad, also, to have found this site. I have been dealing with cheyletiella mites for a long time, since my 2 long-haired cats and I lived in mite infested Nederland (dog city) Colorado. On this site I found a helpful suggestion about drinking Neem tea & where to get it. So I would like to share about cleaning your house and doing the laundry with something that will kill the mites. I use a rather expensive ($6.00/bottle) enzyme cleaner. I can not tell you the brand but it also contains real lime extract and it is organic & comes in a lime green bottle with blue trim. You can dilute it with water and spray it on your rug before vacuuming (just let it dry a bit first), you can spray it on your walls and clean the shower with it. It rocks. For laundry use it straight, a couple teaspoons per load. Ok, right now I am going to bathe in epsom salt & lavender oil. Some use Eucalyptus but it irritates my skin. Thank you, all you helpful people.

Chris in Colorado

PS: do NOT use this enzyme cleaner on your body

Posted by Lakota (Paha Sapa, South Dakota, Usa) on 05/16/2010

borax/dermodex mites

Hello, im new to all this but im so glad i found this site. I found it through searchs at i knew i was dealin with nanoinsects and iv been using the exact measurements of borax and alittle Hydrogen Peroxide with a liter of water that Ted says to do. Iv been on it for about 5 days now and many many of the dermodex mites came to the surface of my skin. Its really gross, its all over my arms, shoulders and back. All over my stomach and legs. I dont know how i got it but i know i had it for many years since iv suffered from eczema all my life, im 27 yrs old now.

I really hope this stuff works quickly because as of right now i dont even want to go to the store. I got long sleeves but its really bad. I took a few baths with borax and i know its working. I always wanted to get to the source of the problem and attack it but i never found out how till now. No matter how long it takes i hope to be cleansed of all these nasty bugs. I also wanted to write and thank you for leading people to the truth and what most doctors wont tell us. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.


EC: More info on borax can be found here:

Yogurt With Cinnamon
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan) on 05/07/2010

Hi: Sounds like your apartment, not you, has the issue. And your issue is solving itself. Good thing you are not brainwashed into thinking doctors have all the answers! Anyway i think you need to borax your whole aparment often. Buy boxes of it. Drive it into the carpet with a broom all along baseboards. sprinkle it all over your mattress. If you leave it for a day before you vacuum that is better and do it often.
when you treat yourself and your environment they will go away.

I hope you post again, would like to hear how you do.

Yogurt With Cinnamon
Posted by Viv (Camarillo, Ca, Usa) on 05/06/2010

I have been having skin problems for over a year, since I moved into my apartment--itching, burning, and finding tiny bites all over, especially on arms and legs. When I would sit at my computer I could feel invisible things biting my feet and lower legs. The "bugs" are invisible, but sometimes I would feel something like a grain of sand.I'd sometimes have a tiny grain in the corner of my eye, also. Also the beltline area of my body was very red and itchy.

To come to the point, one of the latest things I have tried is plain yogurt with a little ground cinnamon. I took a couple of tablespoons of plain white yogurt (not sweetened) and mixed in about a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and put a little bit on my skin and rubbed it in. I started with the lower part of my right leg and rubbed hard. After a few minutes tiny black specks seem to appear that look like very short black hairs. I kept rubbing and after five or ten minutes a large amount of whitish "debris," like flakes or grains, starts falling off of my skin. I don't know whether it's just flakes of dead skin falling off or some kind of mites or parasites that had been inside my skin that have come out and are falling off. I did the same thing on my other leg and my feet and arms and as much of my back I could reach. In some places there was a large amount of white "debris" that came off my skin and in other places I didn't notice any. The whole process can take some time. When I was done I rinsed off my skin and it felt and looked extremely soft and clean. That was last night. I did feel a couple of biting sensations during the night, but that was all. Also, when I got up this morning my legs were no longer swollen. They had been swollen for the past year.

I also had been noticing long indentations or lines that would appear on my arms and legs for the past six months. They would come and go. I still have some of those on my upper legs.

I went to a doctor yesterday and tried to explain my skin problem. She insisted that it's just a skin allergy and prescribed hydrocortisone. She also said when bathing to use a very mild soap such as Dove and not to use hot water, and for laundry, to use hypoallergenic detergent and not to use fabric softener. She didn't even examine my skin. I have many visible tiny bites on my arms and legs, and some larger bites on my body--I don't think those could be caused by an allergy! I told her that if I put a little hand sanitizer on my arm and rub it gently, I start to feel soft granules. She said that just means I'm allergic to the sanitizer. I showed her two small rows of bites on my lower leg, and she said those were scratches.

Another strange thing: During the past year I have thrown away some underwear, clothing, and even blankets that had mysterious "lint" on them, sometimes dark, sometimes pale blue, sometimes reddish, sometimes white. Once I had a hand-knitted white wool sweater. It looked clean, but when I held it up to the light, I saw that it was covered with very pale blue lint, especially clustered along the seams. I threw it away.

A couple of months ago, to keep my couch clean, I had a pale pink blanket on it. I put a clean, white, padded mattress cover on it and put a clean off-white sheet over that, and was sleeping on the couch. I left it that way for perhaps a couple of weeks. I'd been having itching problems. I took the sheet off and was surprised to see that the mattress cover seemed to be disintegrating and was full of small reddish pieces of lint. There had been nothing in that area that was reddish. My couch is moss green. After that I would sometimes find reddish lint in my clothing or underwear that seemed to have some connection to my itching. I know that it doesn't make any sense.

Also, bathing in very hot water twice a day with about two cups of borax and 1/2 to 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide helped a lot. I did it for a few days. When I skipped one evening, I started to have itching again. I also have tried a deep cleaning salve that I got online, and it helped, but I ran out of it.

I'll mention also that I almost always wear something only once and then wash it. I always use hot water and use borax in addition to laundry detergent. I have tried other additives in the past: ammonia, bleach, vinegar, or disinfectant. I vaccuum frequently; I rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned my carpet. I washed the vinyl flooring. I bought an air purifier and have used that, also, to try to keep the air clean.
I think I have conquered the problem. Mainly, I wanted to share the idea of yogurt with cinnamon--at least it doesn't hurt to try it.

Diagnosing Mites
Posted by Eden (Mesa, Az) on 05/04/2010

What about the hair?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Amie (Coopersville, Michigan Us) on 05/04/2010

I don't know if this will help, but I once treated a cat successfully for mange (hair loss caused by mites) by feeding it brewers yeast tablets. Not sure on the dose or why it worked; I saw it in a magazine. The hair just started growing back on the cat and it came in really soft! Good luck!
