Posted by Hilkil (Studio City, Ca, U.s.a.) on 10/07/2010
S. O. S. Help. I've posted before. I have really high blood pressure 185/120. I am mid forties, thin and do not smoke. I've tried everything ACV, lemon and cream of tartar, hawthorne berry, cayenne pepper, magnesium, celery, chinese herbal teas, acupuncture and I have purchased multiple products from the healthfood store. Can you refer a product or something to me that works. I am currently on a beta blocker that barely works and is making me sick. I am a single working Mother with two kids and it's even difficult to work. Please help.
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Hoax (Guerneville, Ca, USA) on 11/01/2009
Driving a big rig around the country, my BP has to be 140/90,or they pull my license. I've taken it all:garlic, ACV, cayenne, bicarb, salt free diet, HBP pills, potassium, colloidal silver, magnesium, bananas and colloidal minerals. I'm sicker from your cures than HBP. I'm still running 200/100. The medicine has unwanted side effects,but overdosing for the test,I get it down without a doctor's or homeopath's approval and feel great the rest of the year.