High Blood Pressure
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure Management

Posted by Mmc (Emigrant, Mt, Usa) on 03/09/2012

Approaching the HBP problem from a seemingly different angle, if you search "Buteyko" you will find the work of a Russian who concluded that the issue is caused by excess oxygen taken in by excessive and erratic breathing, which oxygen then becomes free radicals, highly destructive.

The body creates HBP to stop it from burning up from excess oxygen. Compare it to a deep sea diver who has to carefully monitor his intake of CO2 and oxygen. Similarly do we. there is much reading and practices one can do to heal HBP thru correct breathing- not "deep breathing".

I understand that ACV works because the hydrogen protons in it [ pH is best understood as "hydrogen potential power for the number of protons available for dealign with oxygen] .

So increase your hydrogen to counter oxygen, and/or reduce your breathing to where it ought to be, and the need for the body to manifest HBP and many other conditions will vanish.

Manage your breathing and it will drop 40 points quickly.
