Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Natural Remedies

Top Remedies for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Calendula Oil, Turmeric
Posted by Susan (League City, Texas) on 07/19/2012

Hi, I just had to share some of the success I have found in managing this chronic ailment. I have increased my tumeric to 2000 mg, split morning and evening, lost some weight, clean areas with, the female wipes, apply emu oil, here is the kicker, Calendula Oil. I saw the recipe on Martha, but if you don't want to wait for the 4 weeks of infusion. I did buy a bottle, 29$ for like 8 ounces. I got it from farmaesthetics. I went on amazon and got dried Calendula petals, and made my own. I hope my batch turns out well, it comes out of the pantry on Sunday. I am Loving It!! Hope this benefits others that struggle every day like I do. Take Care

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ricaninlv (North Las Vegas, Nv, Usa) on 06/25/2012

I have had HS for over 15 years and have always had them lanced with no permanent solution; they always come back. I recently went to a doctor for an official diagnosis and was told it is HS. Now I am in search of a homeopathic solutions nothing else has cured it.

Here is what I have tried that has helped:

1. Hybaclens - antibacterial soap

2. Topical antibiotics both over the counter and prescription

3. Hot compresses

Now I recently found this to be very helpful reducing the swelling and removing the puss within 2 hours of use.

1/2 teaspoon Tannic Acid (powder) in 1/4 cup warm water plus 20 drops of DMSO (liquid). Applied to infected area repeatedly for 1 week. It does not burn but stings a little.

If you have any other homeopathic remedies please post here. Thank you!!!!

Posted by Tee (Atlanta, Ga.) on 06/25/2012

I have had HS for years now and was diagnosed a little over a year ago. I was so relieved to finally have a professional tell me what I thought it was. My family doctor kept calling it hair bumps and told me to stop shaving down there. My outbreaks occur on my panty line so needless to say just walking hurt like heck. I was constantly wearing band-aids to stop my panties from rubbing up against them. I even wore boy short panties for awhile, but that did not help.

Well, I visited a couple of sites, including this one, and figured I would give the turmeric a try. I went to a health food store that I always go to get cleanses and stuff and the owner, who is very informative, told me to take the kind that says curcumin, not turmeric. Even though they are the same, for some reason curcumin seems to do better. I have no idea why since they are the same, but WOW! I had a sore that would not go away or heal for close to a year. It looked nasty and was very painful. It has finally healed and looks so much better. I am also taking zinc with it as well. I take one zinc pill that is 30mg and one curcumin pill that is 1000mg. When I first started I was taking 2 of each, but lowered the dosage once my sore closed up.

I have always been taking the zinc, but did not see any results. Right before I started taking the curcumin I started taking 2 zinc pills and actually noticed a difference. So I am not sure if the zinc may have worked on its own or not. I actually believe that curcumin helped. I will be taking the curcumin for life if I have to because the way my sores looked and the pain I felt before I started taking them is not something I ever want to feel again.

I hope this helps someone that is looking for some relief.

Oh, the curcumin also helped with my back pain since it is an anti-inflammatory as well. Knocked out two birds with one stone....

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Susan (Detroit, Michigan, United States) on 06/03/2012

Diagnois with this disease last year when moved to a humid and hot climate. I am on an antibiotic off and on. What I've find that helps is washing with Hibiclens in infected areas, using Oregano Leaf (drops), not Oreganol oil, on infected areas daily. Also, using a "anti-fungal cream to pull the pus to the surface quickly when a bump appears, after it shrinks I apply the drops. Bandage will not stick to underarm well, so I use duct tape to keep cream in place until it shrink. Then I use the drops. I am beginning to think the bumps under my breast are something else. What seens to control it better than anything, thus far, is keeping it drop, and I am now using [an absorbant] powder. I am seeing a difference under the breast.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bill (Springfield, Ma) on 05/07/2012

Let me be clear. I have had this problem for 13 years in my groin and armpits. I have tried everything under the sun, multiple anti biotics, different soaps, different vitamins, many topical oils and gels, and many other things.

Hydrogen peroxide is the only thing that works for me. It doesn't make it go away, but it reduces the pain to almost nothing. It also keeps the boils from recurring as frequently as they did before. Simply get a spray bottle, heat it in the microwave to where it's hot (Not intolerable) and then spray it on the afflicted areas once or twice a day.

I hope this helps!

Oil of Wild Oregano
Posted by Taylor (Tx) on 07/07/2018

I have a small open sore in the bikini line area. Can the oil of oregano be put on an open sore? It was lanced a month and still has not healed completely.

Eliminate Allergen Foods
Posted by Amy (CA) on 02/13/2021

What foods were you allergic to? And what foods did you eliminate?

Zinc Gluconate
Posted by Mariapkane (Eatonville, Wa.) on 11/10/2014

I used a LED-UV light for 5 minutes and within 24 hours, the boil popped. I also used Ichthammol Ointment prior to using the LED-UV light (from an Auto-Leak-Detection Kit), and also am taking zinc and Turmeric. After the boil popped by itself I put Neosporin with a bandage on the boil.

Antibacterial Soap, Turmeric
Posted by Mich (Milpitas, Ca.) on 02/01/2012

I have had HS for a little over 2 yrs. and I have used an antibacterial soap and tumeric daily.... It does seem to help a lot....

Colloidal Silver, Zinc, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Philadelphia, Pa) on 12/26/2011

I have had HS for about 4 years now. Sadly, most doctors are not aware of the skin disease, and I have been diagnosed with Boils, Cysts, ingrown hairs, and was told to wear loose clothing, don't shave; everything they told me not to do- didn't work.

I only get them in my groin area- and it is the worst pain you could imagine. I am not overweight, nor have I ever been; as many say that is a big cause. I have never smoked. I have tried so many things including antibiotics on several occassions, topical antiobiotic creams, eating healthy, etc.

I have been taking Colloidal Silver for the past 7 months, and have seen a drastic difference. I don't get flares anymore (as long as I take it) but I know I am not cured becuase I can still feel the sacs under the skin and my skin is discolored. I had a wound that didn't heal for 4 months! That was when I started the Colloidal Silver. (My mom had told me about it). If I forget to take it, I am reminded when I start to get a flare up.

I also take Zinc supplements, and Apple Cider Vinegar tablets. I read on one of the forums that Oils (such as Omega) helps, as the oil glands are blocked because it is hardened. To me, this makes the most sense. I am going to try to include Oils in my supplements. We are all different, and every person's body reacts differently- which it's so hard because what works for one, may not work for another. You just have to keep trying different remedies, until you find what works best. I'm not sure which of the supplements I am taking are actually helping the most (of if all are) but I'm not stopping since it's working!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Dolly (Cairo, Egypt ) on 12/04/2011

For Hidradentis Supperative use Turmeric from 3 to 5 times daily in the first week and then decrease the number to 3 times daily this is a forever treatment, 50 mg of zinc daily forever 1 tablet of iodine. Use only sulphur soap on the infected areas, no cream, perfume or anything allowed to come in contact with the infected areas. Try to always keep your body alkalinized, drink at least 2 juiced lemons/limes per day.

The Turmeric drink method:

I teaspoon turmeric 1 table spoon olive oil or coconut oil mix together until the turmeric disolves add a pinch of black pepper half a lemon and stirthis mixture add water and drink.

The other way is to add the same amount of turmeric 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 1 teaspoon of honey a pinch of black pepper water or warm milk and drink.

Eliminate totally sugar and caffeine (at least for the first month) be stress free as much as you can.

Wear cotton underwear only and wash at least 3 times daily with sulphur soap.

If you have sinus tracts you must go to the doctor to drain/clean the infected areas first (surgery).

Stay in a cool place and avoid humid and hot places as much as you can.

Turmeric treatment will not help if your wounds/boils and tunnels are not cleaned first.

I hope this helps, good luck to you.


General Feedback
Posted by Brittany (Knoxville, Tennessee ) on 10/13/2011

I see many people saying that turmeric helps with their chronic boils on this site. I wonder if these people have what I have, which is a skin condition called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I've found that applying turmeric topically helps the boils greatly. HS has no cure, and no medical treatments so it's great to find something natural that can be so helpful. I do worry however about the blood thinning properties of turmeric....

General Feedback
Posted by Kimk2 (Charlotte, Nc) on 01/05/2012

Turmeric - I've suffered from HS since puberty... But it gets worse with heat (and I moved South! ). Turmeric is the only thing that brings the boils down... I've never tried it topically, but take it orally (the spice rack in the grocery store is the cheapest place to get it). A couple of tbsps. In a cup or so of warm water every day (tastes awful, but I drink it quickly... Others put it in yogurt). I still need antibiotics if it gets really bad (i.e. - cellutitus sets in), but this really does work. Please give it a try when you first feel symptoms coming on and you will see. I've turned my brother and father on to this also... They both REALLY LOVE ME now. Good luck!

Laser Hair Removal
Posted by Ace (Vancouver, Bc) on 08/07/2011

Since HS seems to be tied to the hair follicles, I am undergoing laser hair removal procedures - have completed 6 treatments, and have noticed a significant decrease/reduction in HS activity after the 4th or 5th treatment... Not cured, but a lot better!

Laser Hair Removal
Posted by Rose (Toronto, Ontario) on 08/29/2016

Can anyone tell me what TYPE OF LASER they think the poster from 2011 used as there are many different technologies?

Laser Hair Removal
Posted by L. Moses (MN) on 07/04/2022

I am African American. The only laser that penetrates the follicles for darker skin is an ND Yag Laser. That is more than sufficient if you are not AA.

General Feedback
Posted by Anervouswreck (Elizabethtown, North Carolina, U.s.a.) on 07/22/2011

Paula from NC. I like so many others are glad this site exist. HS is terrible to deal with. Have had mine for 40 years but not as bad as some. When I was in my 20's , living in SC, my OBGYN Dr put me on Erythromycin pills. The boils would be the size of a marble full of pus and blood. Some when touched would send a pain like a needle going straight in. The doseage was 2000 mgs a day for about a week. Taking Erythromycin has never caused me a days problem but some Drs may shake their heads no to put someone on this medicine for a long time. This dried up all the boils and inflamation for about 3 months then it would start up again. Process would have to be repeated. Of course I would get lazy and just deal with it. Over the years the infection has lightly spread up above the hair line. Now getting off my duff and going to a new OBGYN Dr she put me on Doxycycl. Before one week was up no boils, itching or inflamation. Just being knowledgeable about my symptons and treatments HS needs to be treated from the inside not outside. Hope some of this may shed some light on anothers situation. Best to all Hs suffers.

Whey Protein Shakes
Posted by Mark (London, Greater London) on 07/15/2011

Hi guys, I have had this for quite a number of years. And while I'm sure tumeric and the other remedies discussed on here work, for me protein shakes seem to be the answer. Of course it is not a cure but it makes the HS very manageble and takes away almost all of the pain.

How did I find this out? Well I heard someone say they were going to try it for their HS and I thought I should look into this. Apparently there is an enzyme in protein shake that reduces inflamation, this being an imflammatory disease affecting the biggest organ ( the skin) I thought it might work and it does.

You don't have to even drink it everyday. I would say like 3/4 times a week should be fine. Also protein shake does NOT make you muscle bound. Please don't be naive.

I hope it works for you. Lets pray the find a cure.

General Feedback
Posted by Mary (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 06/27/2011

I read a lot about peoples boils draining on their own. I have only had HS for about 4 years now, and none of mine have ever opened on the surface. They are always deep and VERY painful! So painful that I have had them lanced and drained by a docter before they could get to that point. I can not even imagine waiting for them to surface.. Ouch!! Because of them always being deep I can not understand how anything applied to the skin will help?? Within one year I have had my armpit lanced 8 times and my groin once always deep and about nickle sized. Am I the only one who has a situation like this???

General Feedback
Posted by Tracy (Toronto, Ontario/canada) on 04/20/2012

In most recent time, I had one of the most painful episodes, it had been developing for 1/1/2 months and even with frequent hot water washing... The boils deep within developed. They have been recurring for 20 years and I do have an immune depressed system. Anyway, first I used hot tea bag compresses on the area. When the boil is hard and painful, the compress brings the pus ( whitehead ) area to the top. Then I used a 2 -1 ration of tumeric and baking soda in a gauze wrap and kept on changing as the blood and pus seeped out. It was painful, it took 2 days. I did them in the night. And when I went to show the doctor she was impressed with my natural remedy. The area of the boils is about my palm hand span, so they were big. But at least no surgery, or scarring.

Swiss Cheese
Posted by Jacob (Rancho Cucamonga, Ca) on 06/19/2011


I have had HS for around 7 years now. Some breakouts are bad and some are bearable. I think there is really no rhyme or reason to it. Around this time of the year (summer) is when it is at its worst for me. Luckily I have not had any outbreaks since last July of 2010. It ruined my world cup experience. My doctor had prescribed me Keflex also known as Cephalexin. The problem is you can't take Keflex year around because it is a strong anitbiotic. I typically have a jelly bean size and very hard bump under my armpits. I experience discomfort but it is bearable. When the infection starts to get bad it can turn into the size of an egg until it drains. When I can feel the infection worsen I take my Keflex and it has been keeping it in check but the bump never went away. I also clean with hibiclens but from what I understand hygeine has absolutely nothing to do with it. The Keflex has had my spirits up and feeling that I could contain this. I was also prescribed clindomyacin lotion.. But... NOW READ THIS. I SWEAR IT WORKED FOR ME. I FEEL OBLIGATED TO POST THIS.. ITS UP TO YOU IF YOU WANT TO TRY IT OUT. IT IS VERY INEXPENSIVE COMPARED TO THE THROBBING ACHING PAIN WHEN IT GETS BAD..

All of my friends are aware of my problem because I decided I wasn't going to be embarrased about it anymore or let it affect my personal life. When my friend told his dad his dad told him he he had a friend that had it too and he went to countless doctors who were unsuccessful in treating it. The last time he went to the doctor (because obviously he never had to go back since this worked for him) the doctor told him to simply eat swiss cheese. I know it souds crazy but please keep on reading. Apparently Swiss chesse has a different type of bacteria than any other cheese and the reason for the holes in the cheese are because the bacteria expels gasses. Something in that counter acts what we have. I can honestly say I have no bumps and have been eating Swiss Cheese for 2 weeks now. I don't eat an insane amount but I go through about 1 lb in 3 days. I only eat the swiss cheese from Switzerland not made in Connecticut or anything like that. I don't know if they use the same process. I found it at Sams club for $1.17 per lb. , which cost around $25 a week. Someone please try it. It WORKED for me.. I do not own a cheese company or invest in any stock of any kind. I just want someone else to try it because maybe this is a coincedence... But maybe not.

Feedback Please.

Vitamins A, D, Zinc, Led Light
Posted by Corina (Arvada, Colorado) on 06/10/2011

I have had no luck with anything my doctor/dermotoligist has suggested, mostly long term antibiotics. I have has some luck with A&D with Zinc (it is a diaper rash ointment). It makes the swelling go down over night (warning: it does drain quite a bit) and makes them much less painful. I have also had good results with red and blue led lights under my arms for 15 minutes a day.

Salt Crystal Deodorant
Posted by Deborah - Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 05/12/2012

I sometimes even use the crystal deodorant under my breasts. I have not found that it stings at all - although I must admit that if there is an open sore, I do not apply it directly to that area.

I am glad to find that there are other people sharing and talking about this disease. I find the worst part - after the pain of course - is the guilt and shame. I am in the midst of a flare up right now and the self blaming is just awful.

Glad to find others being hopeful. It helps to know I am not alone.

Salt Crystal Deodorant
Posted by Misty (Fort Erie, Ont) on 05/16/2012

Hi deborah how are you doing with the turmeric. I have suffered with this for 40 yrs and this is the first I have heard of h s. Please respond You can email me at mistyblue13(at)sympatico.ca I have started the turmeric powder for about 2 weeks but not much has changed.

Salt Crystal Deodorant
Posted by Jazz (Mi) on 07/30/2013

Hi, I had severe hidradenitis suppurative (hs) and now I am just trying to clear the rest of it up. For me my mother by the grace of God found a clinical trial and they put me on a high dosage of antibiotics which calmed my condition then I recieved laser treament which I am currently doing. I consider myself almsot cured because I dont get any new boils I just have ones that are already open still leakin. But anyways my question was about the vaginal area I have gotten to the point where I feel almost not like a woman because its so disgusting to me and often times I get depressed. But if I were to apply this deodorant on the vaginal area would it also take away the unwanted smell and also help clear up the hs?

Salt Crystal Deodorant
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 08/01/2013

Dear Jazz, Have you tried any of the things on Earth Clinics page on this particular problem? I would definitely try the turmeric that is written about. Taken internally, I have seen it do wonders for skin problems.

Hope you find a solution, soon!

~Mama to Many~

Salt Crystal Deodorant
Posted by Debarpita (Dubai) on 02/25/2021


Do you mean Crystal Mineral Deodorant Stick (unscented)? The one that has to be wetted before application?
