Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Natural Remedies

Top Remedies for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Black2moose (Atlanta, Georgia) on 04/12/2011

Does anyone know if HS is a form of candida?

I've had HS since high school and I'm in my 30s now. It's pretty much all over my body, face, neck upper and lower back, thighs, armpits and back of arms. It gets worse when I'm stressed or I eat sugar or drink alcohol. I have been diagnosed with Candida. I know that sugar and alcohol both make Candida grow. While I was on the Candida diet my abscesses got better but as soon as I got off the diet they got worse.

Somethings that work for me but are by no means a cure are as follows:

  • exfoliating regularly
  • apply ACV topically - ingesting is good too
  • probiotics
  • soaking in a hot bathtub when the cyst is infected/painful will help open it
  • apply a paste of garlic topically as well as ingesting raw garlic
  • Surgical removal
  • Antibiotics don't work and if this is a form of Candida the antibiotics will just make the candida worse since they eat the good bacteria with the bad.

Antifungal Cream
Posted by Glenn (Durban, Kzn South Africa) on 04/05/2011

HI been suffering from HS for about 15 years got totally ripped off by the medical profession for ten of those years. Diagnosed myself from the internet. Been using a broad based anti fungel cream under my arms each morning(cheap) has kept HS at bay but not cured. I havent had a boil once while on treatment but when I stop HS returns am now going to try tumeric as well. Will let you know how it go's thanx Glenn.

Antibacterial Soap, Weight Loss
Posted by Tracy (Fort Collins, Colorado) on 02/12/2011

I have kept HS at bay for 8 years now with the following: 1. Wash with Lever 2000 original (Dial does not work for me). 2. Apply hand sanitizer with Aloe Vera "Germ-X" after every shower, and any time you feel sweaty. 3. I wear "Under Armour" compression shorts almost every day as they keep my groin area dry and prevent my thighs from rubbing. After your used to this, it feels comfortable and I feel undressed without them. 4. I think losing weight helped. If you Google images of HS, all the images are of overweight folks, so there is obviously a weight connections.

On Scalp
Posted by Dee (Toronto, Canada) on 02/05/2011

Hi When I first started having thes things before it was diagnosed 19 years ago, they started out on my scalp. Doctors thought it was a cyst. They covered my whole head and I lost a lot of hair. Then in the places where they healed, they healed with a keloid so they never went flat down and the dermatologist says hair will never grow there again because the follicles are dead. Then progresses to my armpits, my groin and my buttocks. I think it's fair to say I have a severe case of it.

The thing is I never hear anyone say they have had it on their scalp but me and I am female so you know how devastating that must be. Is there anyone out there who has had it on their scalp or know someone who does? I feel very isolated in this. All I want is for something to flattent these keloids on my head or recommend something to grow my hair back in these areas. I used to have thivk abundant hair and now this disease has destroyed it. It makes me sad to look in the mirror and see what a evastating affect this thing has had on me and that I probably will have to live the rest of my life with these raised scars on my head and thr hair loss that comes with it. If anyone know of anything, please let me know. Thx.

On Scalp
Posted by Tupperwareandavonmomma (Sevierville, Tn) on 04/17/2011

I do too have the HS on my scalp. Then it spread. I have been diagnosed for about 6 months but I am decreasing the outbreaks by using Melaleuca shampoo, Selenium sulfate 2.5 (alternated), rarely ever use hair products, I take bleach baths when it gets really bad (once a month or so). I do my own drains and compresses and have not had surgery yet although there are a few times before I got diagnosed I probably should have. Good luck.

On Scalp
Posted by Ace (Vancouver, Bc) on 09/14/2011

I put Aloe Vera gel all over my scalp every single night before I sleep and keep it on all night (and shower after I wake up in the morning)...

I have the same problem in my head... but this seems to have really controlled and reduce the problem (takes time to fix)...

I also use Shea butter shampoo bar (by African Trade Society) on my head....I would recommend both.

General Feedback
Posted by Wilma (Chino Valley, Az, Yavapai) on 02/03/2011

Hi. I am so glad that I found this site! :) I really thought I was alone with this terrible disease. I have had HS since I was around 10yrs old. I am now 38yrs. Like many of you every doctor that I went to for many years gave me a different answer and a different treatment. I have been on so many different treatments that it makes me sick just to think of it. What I did notice though is that both times I was pregnant that I hardly had any flare ups. I also notice that when my hormones are going bonkers the boils will subside or act up depending on what my hormones are doing. I always have at least two going at a time if not more. Because certain areas are now numb (i believe because of the boils) sometimes I don't know that they are there until I notice them draining.

I had surgery about 5 years ago under the breast to try and remove some lesions that would not quit draining. What the doctor did was "an upper tummy tuck". I scarred miserably and they were back within two years. I now take magnesium tablets and that seems to help some. I also have found that prescription strength Silica and Hehp Sulph works great at the onset of a boil. It speeds the process up for me. I also use a salve called RID. You can buy it at the pharmacy. This helps with the pain to a degree. I plan to try some of the suggestions that I have read today.

Thanks for listening.

Posted by Prasanna (Mumbai, Maharastra / India) on 01/26/2011

i have been suffering from HS for more than 20 years. I did homeopathic medicine which resulted in reduced occuring of boils but it started again. I have notice lack of sleep creates more of infections in the armpit. If any one has permanent remedy for this please let me know...

General Feedback
Posted by Kara (Chicago, Il) on 05/03/2011

I don't even know where to began but I know that seeing others post on this site has been soo helpful and encouraging for me. I have had HS for 15 plus years now and have been through many of things mentioned on this page. I have draining from openings in the groin & armpits areas for years now. I have had many surgeries but decided I didn't want to be cut anymore as they always returned. I have been on antibiotic regimines/antibiotic topical creams/hibiclens/tea tree oil/turmeric/probiotics/multi vitamins/omega 3 oils/turmeric topical cream/espon salt baths/800mg ibuprofen for the pain the list goes on. I also played ginea pig for the drug Humira in a trial study... NOTHING has worked for me as of yet.. I am currently in the process of changing my diet to a more veggie/fruit/fish adding some exercise into my life as well... I am at my wits end so I hope the diet change along with my current regime of vitamin b-12 stress complex, omega 3 2000mg daily, clyndamycin antibiotic 2x a day(I hope to take out of my regime), washin with hibiclens/tea tree oil on new boils & tea tree antiseptic cream on existing draining boils, probiotic. I will be adding turmeric back into my daily regime. I will keep all posted.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Holly (Kelowna, Bc/canada) on 11/28/2010

I am 39 years old and have had HS for over 30 years. I've tried Retin A and Accutane, neither of which worked. I've also tried Bactrim (Sulpha) which worked until it killed all the good bacteria in my gut and I ended up in the hospital with clostridium difficile toxin. I also have Ulcerative Colitis and Vasculitis (both of which are autoimmune). For these, I take an immunosuppressant called Imuran. In search of something to take that would not greatly boost my immune system (counterintuitive with the imuran) I am currently using Native Remedies' Boil-RX. It is a homeopathic tincture and it is really working well for me. It has softened some of my most tenacious "boils" (that I thought were just remnants (scars) of old boils), has allowed them to drain and now they are drying up nicely. I got good results from Turmeric.... But it gives some pretty bad breath. I am currently trying the zinc gluconate 15mg x 6/day. However, it seems to have made things ALOT worse. I'm hoping it starts that way and then calms down. So, in an attempt to calm down what the zinc may have flared up, I'm using the Boil Rx and all seems well now. It's tasteless, just put 10-15 drops in some water and sip. I believe that homeopathic tinctures only actually contain a very VERY small amount of the thing they claim to be the active ingredient. Because of this, I am not worried about it mounting a huge immune boost and wiping out the effects of the Imuran.

I suspect many of you with HS also suffer from autoimmune disorders as well as pilonidal cyst/sinus. I've had a couple of surgeries to remove a pilonidal sinus. I believe it's all part of online you will find some interesting info. Symptoms these remedies treat and personality traits seem to go hand in hand. These remedies treat both for mind/body wellness. An interesting way to go. I don't completely understand how it all works. However, it seems to be doing the trick for me.

Posted by Ana (Las Vegas, Nv) on 10/20/2010

I went to my surgeon yesterday who says there's nothing else he can do for me. If that wasn't a big enough blow to my mental state after suffering with HS for years, he also prescribed me some antibiotics that I am weary about taking. The first is Cleocin and the other is Rifampicin. I have read the literature on both and the side effects are scary to say the least. Does anyone have any information about these drugs and their use for HS? I am already suffering with depression from everything I've been through over the years with this disease so I'm wondering if I am needlessly worried about these drugs. Can anyone help?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by E.j. (Brevard, N.c., Usa) on 08/22/2010

Hi I had HS, over 25-30 yrs. Stopped antibiotics 10 yrs ago. HS is an autoimmnue disease, that antibiotic only help if you get a secondary infection like staph in an open wound. For me, heat and stress, make mine worse. I use turmeric, also tea tree oil. Also, epsom salts (2 cups) in a hot bath, or a black drawing salve with ichthammol 20% in it, it help draw it to a head to drain plus relieve pressure and the pain. If, I am working outside and get to sweating I come in and take a cold shower to lower my body temperature down, so I don't have a large boil, later that evening or the next morning! EJ

Antibiotic Ointment in the Nose
Posted by Rob (Palm Desert) on 09/24/2015

By the way, I did have a cerec crown put on a tooth almost 9 months ago (I don't recommend the cerec it has only been a problem if you need a crown do it the old fashioned way). My bite has never been the same, and the tooth is still sensitive. I do believe this could be a or the initial cause of my HS problem. I still have to have a root canal now since the tooth has never been right. Perhaps our HS problems are staph due to dental work that invades our body. Toxins have to come out and it's through our lymph nodes. Its a common denominator worth looking at.

Vitamin C, Aloe Vera, Spirulina
Posted by Carla (Greenville, Nc) on 05/09/2010

I have been having trouble with boils for about 8 months. They were in my genital area and my under arm. I tried everything from turmeric to salt, to acv. Finally, one weekend, I had been at a party with friends, and had a flare up. I had read about several things to try online. I tried a tablespoon of buffered vitamin C and a teaspoon of aloe vera gel in a glass of water, with 2 500 mg tablets of spirulina, and by morning the boils were completely gone! I could not believe it. I have now been taking this 3 times a day for several weeks, and NO boils have come back. I am so happy. Just wanted to share. Thank you Earth Clinic.

General Feedback
Posted by Michael (Suzhou, China) on 04/15/2010


I'm Michael and suspect I have this condition called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Although I'm British I live in China and have had two operations in the last three years over here. I'm feeling quite depressed at the moment since my last operation was only three months ago and the wounds have not healed fully.

I had three big holes in my groin area after the operation and words cannot express the pain I went through. I've been reading up on this disease and it seems to fit exactly with all the sypmtoms I got.

It all started with lumps in the groin area. These became swollen after a while and eventually burst. I had three interconnected tubes connecting the different sores and so the doctors removed all the surrounding flesh and went quite deep as well.

After the first operation I said to myself I would never have that done again. After the second operation recently I thought the same again. Never again.

The thought that this problem might just re-occur over and over for the rest of my life is just unbearable. The thought that I may need another operation in 12 months or two years just fills me with dread.

I just don't know what to do. Phrase 3 Hidradenitis Suppurativa really sucks!!!

I was reading about a surgery procedure that looks far more painful than what I have endured to date. And the Doctor at the local hospital showed me some pictures of the patient after the surgery and it looks like all the flesh around his buttocks has been removed.

Has anyone out there had this operation or something similar? Was it successful? Can you offer any advise or suggestions?

My email is: [email protected]

Thanks for any help you may have!


General Feedback
Posted by Anita (Edison, New Jersey, Usa) on 04/18/2010

turmeric and neosporin were what i tried. i am from india and that is what i went for first. the boil has burst, is hard and hot and i now have infected glands in my groin. a chinese herbalist has given me a combo of a natural tincture and cal sulph 6x homeopathy. dont know yet but it seems not to work still. starting a fever now and will have to go to a regular doc tomorrow for a strong anti biotic. yikes

General Feedback
Posted by Michael (Suzhou, Jiangsu, China) on 04/19/2010

Hello Lisa, Alfred and Anita,

Thanks for replying to my message. It seems my wounds are slowly healing, and after a visit to the hospital yesterday the doctor said I didn't need to go back unless there was a problem. I spent a month in hospital after the last operation and have had to go back every three days to have the wounds cleaned for the past two and a half months.

I'm very conscious that the problem could return at any moment so I guess I should give some serious thought, and action to preventative care.

I'm going to try that Apple Cider Vinegar that you suggest Alfred, and the Turmeric with the black pepper, thanks for your encouragement Lisa.

It helps just to know that I'm not alone with this thing. That there are others out there that understand the pain and trauma of dealing with this.

I also like your suggestions on changing my diet Lisa. Although I've never been a big fan of vegetables and fruit, it makes sense to me, so I'm going do my best to make some serious life changes. If anything can help to prevent another operation then I'm game.

Thanks so much for your support and understanding. It's much appreciated.

Michael xx

General Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/16/2010

Hi Ana, the Diane pill has been used for acne here in Europe for decades and it seems to work very well. Here it is prescribed by normal doctors. I hope that you get better soon!

General Feedback
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 05/17/2010

I have PCOS and my doctor mentioned putting me on the pill if he could get my periods started back again. He has induced them with meds. They go for a month and stop again, then induced go for another month and stop. He says he would like to put me on the pill so they might come consistently if they stop coming on their own. I have to go back and tell him they have stopped. The problem is I would like to find out if the diane35 is suitable for a 46 year old woman with PCOS. I would benefit from the relief for HS as well I have had it
since I was in my early teens. Does anyone have any adverse effects to the Diane Pill? With similar circumstances? Thanks, Sara.

General Feedback
Posted by Ana (Las Vegas, Nv) on 05/18/2010

Thank you Francisca. I hope to feel better soon and I have ordered the Diane35 so just awaiting its arrival. Good to hear that it works and has been used for years in Europe.

Sara; I don't have any info on PCOS and Diane35 but I have had a hysterectomy so I obviously don't have a period either. I've researched other BC pills available in the US and none of them have the same formula as Diane35 even though they state they help with moderate acne. I've spoken to 3 different MDs in different specialties and they all agree that Diane35 is the way to go in regards to HS. Hopefully someone will be able to answer your questions soon. Take care Francisca and Sara.

General Feedback
Posted by An (Las Vegas, Nv) on 06/14/2010

Well it has been a month since I started Diane35. To be honest I questioned whether not they were worth taking. The nausea, mood swings and irritablity were pretty intense but I noticed a change in the HS so I'm sticking it out. All of my doctors did tell me that I should take them for 3 months before I would see any significant change. As a bonus; I also have facial hair growth that has slowed down immensely. The mood swings and irritability have started to level out but keep in mind I had a hysterectomy so I've been without normal female hormones for several years. Overall I'd give them a thumbs up.

General Feedback
Posted by Efgirl (Chattanooga, Tn) on 04/15/2010

I guess one could say that I've suffered from HS for close to a decade. Yet, didn't really have a name for it for years and years. I am a few months shy of my 30th birthday and I remember when I first started to get the lesions in my groin area and thought they were an irritation from ingrown hairs and shaving. Not much later I feared they were some demented STD that I hadn't heard of... even though my fiance didn't have they same symptoms. I spoke to three different doctors that said they were weight related, if I lose weight and keep them clean they will go away. I have always been cautious about body odor so keeping it clean wasn't the problem and my weight has fluctuated over the past ten years but the sores got progressively worse. It wasn't until about a year ago that I started to try and research for myself what exactly was going on with my body. I believe that I have been blessed to not have ever experienced some of the worst of it yet. At their worst, the sores were no larger that a large grape. Still painful and still distracting from work and relaxation and so embarrassing that I had lost all confidence in my sex life. My armpits, stomach and groin area, i fear, are permanently scarred. I am writing to say that at the very least, finding this website has allowed me to feel less alone. Knowing that HS is a real ailment that others live with daily helps me to not feel so stupid for the misdiagnosis of uninformed health practitioners, or the awful days when I had to change my clothes three times in order to find the outfit that HURT the least, or the utter disgust I have felt seeing my naked body (let alone letting others see it). I have read advise from others who understand this pain, others who have tried remedies and failed or succeeded. I work at a health food store, and until tonight, haven't truly thought that there could be some relief to be found in the place I am everyday! I am planning on trying Tumeric starting tomorrow. I can only keep my fingers crossed that the first time trying to end this pain will be the charm. However, if it is not, at least I have so many other helpful suggestions on this site that I can always keep trying until I find the answer. Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, Manuka Honey
Posted by Susan (Argyll, Scotland) on 04/13/2010

Hidradentitis Suppurativa

Hi, firstly can I say thank God for this site! I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago and have had HS for the last 3/4 years. Through your site I am now realising that I may have had this disease for longer but before my hysterectomy I was on the contraceptive pill Diannette which I see from some previous posts has helped with HS.

I started off on the cures for boils as this was what I thought they were and went with the turmeric and garlic as I get severe outbreaks on my groin and buttock area. Neither of these worked for me unfortunately.

On reading through this wonderful site I now realise that I have HS and have been trying to treat it for the last 6 months as I was due to go back in for surgery and after having this done previously to no avail realised that I should start looking at alternatives.

At present I am on ACV with mother and Manuka Honey twice daily, shower daily with non scented soap and apply dressings with tea tree oil cream to affected areas to keep covered and stop spreading any further.

I haven't had a new outbreak for about 6 weeks (which is the longest in a while) but the problem that I have is that 1 of them is still leaking and there are 2 big holes at the area and the others just aren't going away. I am a very patient person (as you have to be with this) but wondered if anyone could provide any other things that I could try.

Thanking all of you for your help

General Feedback
Posted by M. (Wenatchee, Wa) on 04/06/2010

Im only 15 years old and i found out i had HS about 2 years ago but the symptoms started when i had started to get my period around age 12. I thought it was from my weight so for the last 3 years i have been unsuccesfully trying to loose weight. I only just started to think about my future with this. and so i researched it. I dont have the severity of this condition as some people do but it still scares me. So, thank you for the tips. Since i suffer from depression as well, this disease doesnt make it any better. This is probably going to be more helpful than what my dermatoligists give me. HS has ruined part of my social life.. i was wondering if any body has any Wifes or Boyfriends or any signifacant other and how you told them about it.

General Feedback
Posted by Jessica (Lyndhurst, Nj) on 10/08/2011

I am interested in talking to you more about how to introduce the " bad news" about HS to your potential mates, I have actually been married for 5 years and had several boyfriends before that, none of my partners ever cared as long as you explain it-

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Studies
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 04/06/2010 84 posts

Just noted a study that has been reported in Medscape that would be of interest to sufferers of this condition. I don't know how to create a link but if you google "Biologic Therapy for Hidradenitis Suppurativa" by Graeme M. Lipper, MD, it should come straight up.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Studies
Posted by Sara (The Beach, Canada) on 04/07/2010


this link only took me to a log in page for a user account.

EC: Sorry, you are right. Oddly, the link only works if you click on it from Google search results!
