Heart Palpitations
Natural Remedies

Managing Heart Palpitations Naturally: Tips and Remedies

| Modified on Oct 08, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Hilary (Va) on 11/21/2017

Molasses works great for my heart palpitations. But I am convinced there is more to it than just the potassium. I eat a healthy diet, take vitamin supplements and drink coconut water, which is higher in potassium than molasses. But during one particularly bad day of many lengthy atrial fib episodes (and 2 glasses of coconut water), I tried 1Tbs of molasses in hot water. Before I was finished with the cup, my a-fib was gone. I will continue taking the molasses every day. It's far better than what my cardiologist wants me to do.

Slow, Deep Breathing
Posted by Adrienne (Idaho) on 01/07/2022

Editor's Choice


I just want to report an incident that happened to me recently that may be good for others to know. I was trying to increase my potassium intake since I've had little or no appetite since my husband died. I ordered some powdered potassium chloride, and after taking the recommended amount for five days my heart went nuts! I suddenly had an irregular, racing heartbeat with discomfort across the top of my chest! I was concerned enough to take myself to drive half an hour to the nearest emergency room where I was put on a machine that apparently monitored my heartbeat for all to see. Nothing was done by the staff to fix the problem. I laid there and laid there until I was really bored.

The only thing happening around me was the occasional visit by a nurse, and sometimes I'd hear a group of nurses and what have you laughing, like down a hallway. It seemed I laid there for at least 2 hours and finally was so sick of it, ha, ha, that I suddenly got the notion to see what would happen if I did some slow, deep breathing. I took only a few of those deep breaths, check my pulse and it was normal!!

Then, one of the emergency staff came over, and, looking at the monitor, said, well, I see we're back to a regular heartbeat! I told the woman what I had done and was met with silence. Days later, while at a doctor's office, the same thing happened. I said I felt I had corrected my heart rhythm with deep breathing, and the doctor just got a very skeptical look on his face and didn't say anything. Ha, ha, but, it's really unfortunate that we have this divide, like our political divide. I wish MDs had a more rounded education.

Since that episode, I am noticing an occasional palpitation that would go away on its own, but I can stop it faster by breathing deeply. Interesting how all these various parts of us are connected, the brain-gut connection, brain-heart connection. I think there's a brain-breath connection, too.

Here's a bit from a website called "premier heart and vascular.com":

"Can breathing exercises stop palpitations? Deep breathing that causes your abdomen to rise and fall can calm a racing heart. Make sure to breathe slowly and deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling either through your nose or mouth. Repeat this deep breathing pattern until your symptoms go away, and your heart is beating normally. Sep 5,2019"

p.s. I'm 78.

Posted by Lisa (Lafayette, La) on 04/12/2012

Randall, my husband was diagnosed with the exact same thing as you, mitral valve prolapse. He was experiencing the same symptoms as you. It was hard for him, as he is a handsome, tall, athletic man who was not used to being held back by physical ailment. Dr. wanted to put him on beta blockers. NEVER go on beta blockers.

I began corresponding with a Dr. via email who wrote a few books. He put my husband on this protocol: morning - 300 mg. Magnesium, 500 to 1000 mg. Sodium ascorbate (vit. C), 500 mg. L-carnitine, 200 mcg. Selenium, 500 mg. IP-6, 100 mg. Co-q-10, 800 mcg (or mg. , however they measure it) of d-3, 100 mg. K-2, 100 mg. Quercetin. We get all capsules or powder, except for the d-3 and co-q-10, which are tiny enough for him to swallow, and I put it in a small cup, mix with about an oz of orange juice, and he drinks it up. With the exception of the selenium, repeat in evening, right before bed. Sounds like a lot, but do it. His heart palps stopped in their tracks. If he gets careless and adds a lot of sugar and a beer or two to his diet, it will recur. Palps stopped within a 2 week period or so. Keep up the regimen daily, if you want your life back.

If you feel one coming on during the day, take some magnesium powder in o.j. , maybe 500 mg. or so. It calms them right down. Also, fill pot or bucket with ice water, dunk your face into it, and rub it on your arms and wrists. This will stop palps in their tracks. As far as the motherwort and hawthorn, I ordered both thru vitacost. com, and they are coming in the mail any day, to keep on hand for emergencies. You can get your life back, it just takes diligence. Oh, yeah, above all; prayer is the ultimate healer. Ask God for his help. He has guided us through this. God is so good!

Adrenal Fatigue Connection
Posted by Sl (Philadelphia, Pa) on 01/10/2012

No no no, please don't discredit something you likely know very little or nothing about, except what you've been brainwashed to believe by "real" doctors and the pharmaceutical cartel's extensive effort to fix studies in order to keep all treatments flowing $$ into their own wallets. Most of all, don't discourage people to do their own research on alternative medicine--people have the right to study what's good for their bodies rather than simply acquiescing and taking anything their doctors have been paid to push.

Magnesium Phosphate Homeopathy
Posted by Kenneth (Midwest) on 12/15/2018

Editor's Choice

I had heart palpitations, and took a homeopathic preparation, on the 1st dose, the palpitations stopped in less than a minute...mag/phos was the name of the preparation.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

Editor's Choice

Dear Hank: Apple cider vinegar (with appropriate buffers such as bicarbonate or baking soda) removes the body of lactic acid, which in excess kills the cells and causes heart problems.

Yes, yogurt causes heart palpitations because it has lactic acid. Lactic acid is peculiarly toxic to the cell's mitochrondria. Atheletes dread lactic acid buildup and wish one day they can rid of them. Well there is a remedy, it is the acetates (and can come from apple cider vinegar and the side effects are also reduced with citrates - from lemon and bicarbonates).

As a student when I studied biochemistry I would cringe at the idea of lactic acid. If I do a cell cultures, and use lactic acid as a pH to adjust to ideal biological conditions, the cell cultures would immediately die. This is a well known fact.

Since the heart is the source of constant energy, mitochrondrial health is extremely important. Lactic acid buildup intracellulary is dangerous, and this is why athletes have short lives - from long lactic acidosis causing muscular fatigue, thus heart attack is frequent.

In my opinion, magnesium acetate and potassium acetate are an ideal form, and this is found best whenever apple cider vinegar and baking soda is added. May I dare say that apple cider vinegar and baking soda is a food for the heart.

The other issue is the calcium buildup which causes the cells to function improperly. Usually a citrates, found in 8 teaspoons of lime juice (or lemon) plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda is taken reduces the serum calcium buildup which clogs the cells. This should also help.

The best detoxification of lactic acid is either sodium acetate, potassium acetate, magnesium acetate. These acetate forms are found whenever apple cider vinegar is taken, in any brand, and it is reacted with the body's bicarbonates to neutralize and convert to acetate. The cells use the acetate to rid the body of lactic acid. The problem about ridding the intracellular is half of the problem. The other is the body needs to neutralize the acid extracellularly also, which I think is best handled with baking soda and citrates (lemon juice). I remember that whenever a person has a heart attack, they use Harvey Teams (in hospitals) to inject a large syringe of baking soda. This is a quick remedy, but not a complete one. Acetates, magnesium, potassium, and bicarbonates is the preferred remedy to use, in my opinion anyway.

I recently have a friend who came to visit me one day and told me her heart had a terrible heart palpitations that she would nearly faint and breathing becomes a problem. I knew it was a simple electrolytic imbalance. After taking 1/16 teaspoon of potassium citrate, 1/16 sea salt, 1/16 teaspoon of magnesium chloride, and some sodium citrate, the conditions stopped within minutes and never came back.

People never realize that these electrolytes are the power cells that gives cells their electrical energy. In the olden days, they use salt with a cardboard in layers to create electricity (Alessandro Volta). If you have a multimeter, most salt solutions do have electricity. Usually it is about 1/2 volts, in case you are wondering. Just imagine what happens if the body's electrolytes are imbalance or lacking, the heart needs electrical energy for normal heart beat too.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Posted by Jim (Rocklin, Ca) on 03/30/2016

I am 50 and have been experiencing missing heart beats, mostly in the early morning and late at night. It makes me cough and it's frustrating. The solution stemmed from an emergency visit 20 years ago. I remember the Dr giving me a bag of Magnesium via IV. I'm sure it cost a bundle. Fast forward to now: I was just experiencing a bout of skipping beats at 3 am.

I ate a half cup of roasted pumpkin seeds (one of the best food sources of Magnesium). Within minutes of the first swallow, the missing beats went away! I chewed as much as possible, then spit out the shells that I couldn't swallow. I thank God for providing natural & safe remedies. Going back to sleep now!

Ginger and Baking Soda
Posted by ACP (South Carolina) on 06/18/2021

Editor's Choice

Anyone who has suffered from PVCs and done any kind of research will discover thousands of sufferers claim a link between Acid Reflux and PVCs. Of course the medical community denies the possibility of this stating the only connection is that Reflux causes stress and stress causes PVCs.

My PVCs began hard and heavy during a stressful time of my life. Ironically, I was having acid reflux issues at the same time. I decided to take a course of Prevacid to counter the reflux and noticed that my PVCs began to improve. I just assumed the PVCs were winding down because the stress was. Be advised that I have "silent" Reflux, which means I don't usually experience symptoms even though I do have the reflux. I also don't take meds unless I have to.

So, as my Reflux felt better, I chose to stop the Prevacid. Shortly thereafter, the PVCs came back with a vengeance. So I began to experiment. I would start a round of antacids and then take a break for a while. Always on the breaks the PVCs became worse. Not wanting to take Prevacid the rest of my life, I started drinking baking soda every night before bed. This simple trick substantially improved my PVCs. Basically taking them from unbearable to manageable. I have done this for 2 years now.

Okay, recently I began taking ginger supplements. I noticed at that my PVCs were so rare, I felt normal again. I did not at the time make the connection with the ginger. However, about a week after I stopped the ginger, my PVCs started coming back. Again I bought more ginger and again noticed improvement within days.

I finally put everything together. I believe my PVCs are directly linked to my acid reflux. A trunkline nerve runs down your GI tract to the heart. It is called the vagus nerve. When your acid reflux acts up your GI tract becomes inflamed. It is my opinion that this inflammation aggravates the vagus nerve and thus leads the heart to misfire.

I do not believe I am cured of PVCs as they show up occasionally. However, God has given me my normal life back.

The protocol I use is as follows:

Baking Soda: 1/2 teaspoon mixed with 1 ounce of water at bedtime.

Ginger: 1100mg tablet daily.

Olive oil, Potassium Iodide, Taurine
Posted by June (Cincinnati) on 09/26/2017

I have had them all my life. This is my belief: some are caused by lack of magnesium, so that works for some people. Some are caused by thyroid problems, so a drop of potassium iodide in the morning works for those people. Some are caused by the vagus nerve and digestion issues, so three tablespoons of olive oil a day works for those people. Taurine can also be helpfull and b12. Some are caused by anemia, and molasses works for those people. In my case, a combination of olive oil and the drop of clear potassium iodide and taurine worked.

Posted by Kellie (Frisco, Tx, Usa) on 03/10/2010

Heart Palpitations, Molasses

Having discovered the site in Jan and using Earth Clinic to cure my chronic sinus infections, I checked opinions for heart palpitations. Ever since going on a lot of medications 1 yr ago for my allergies (which I never had prior to 1 yr ago), about 6 months ago my heart would skip beats. It was very very scary! It usually occurred in the afternoon or evening. I dealt with it for 6 months and then looked up cures on Earth Clinic. I immediately used what I had and tried Ted's solution of baking soda and lemon juice (1/4 tea soda and 5TB lemon juice in a large glass of water). 30 minutes later they seemed better, but I was still having them. The next day I bought some Organic Black Strap Molasses. That night the palpitations started again and I drank another glass of lemon/baking soda and 2 TB Molasses. 15 minutes later they were gone!! I have been so scared for 6 months and such a simple solution solved my problem! I did not have another palpitation for a week! Then I had a few and immediately got out the molasses. 2 TB later and they were gone for a week. I just took another 2 TB tonight, which is my 3rd week. I notice each time they come back they don't occur as frequently or seem as dramatic. Each episode is less severe. The molasses is a simple/easy solution and I can't thank Earth Clinic enough for this great forum and the people who contribute!!! THANK YOU!!!

Posted by Breeze (Wash.) on 07/24/2015

I have researched heart palpitations, and I believe the underlying cause may be infection of some sort either it : viral, parasites, bacterial, dental, sinus, ear, food allergies, environmental allergies, heavy metals, and candida overgrowth. The most accurate test for candida is a stool test . I saw a few cardiologist they offered some funny band-aid solutions. I had a vitamin deficiency and sinus issue.

I got checked for vitamin deficiencies/ micronutrient was sure to include B12 and iron levels. My research showed vitamins that help the heart are Magnesium. CQ10, Ribos, Taurine, work synergistically . Garlic and Omega 3 helps. I also think investing in low EMF sauna and increasing the body temperature helped me tremendously by increasing the body voltage.

Adrenal Fatigue Connection
Posted by Bldali (Austin, Tx) on 01/22/2012

Amen to that! I've begun to see that doctors often are in league with the pharmaceutical industry as well and will push products on their patients whether they actually need them or not.

Slow, Deep Breathing
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/08/2022

Hi Adrienne,

My wife found that your solution worked for her palpitations too!

You described it well.

Yet it is too straightforward to be acceptable to the experts, as it does not sit comfortably with their World View.



Vagus Nerve Theory
Posted by June (Cincinnati) on 11/04/2016

Hi, just wanted to share a theory! The theory is that most people who have heart palpitations actually have colitis and don't know it! The palpitations are the result of an irritated vagus nerve!

So in that case you would take 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil daily to heal your intestines. And maybe some inner leaf only aloe. Just wanted to share this idea.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sugarboo (Cocoa Beach, Florida) on 08/20/2012


.. Any kind of Vinegar can cause heart palpatations. Vinegar speeds up the metablolism and therefore can cause palapataions. Hasn't anyone on here ever heard of the "Apple Cider Vinegar" diet? two or three tablspoons a day of it. It speeds up your metabolism just like caffeine, diet pills, speed, any natural suplement that is supposed to aid in weight loss, or any kind of stimulant. I have major heart problems and was trying to lose weight by eating salads for lunch and dinner. I used white balsalmic vinegar for the dressing and didn't realize this is what set me off on a two week course to almost being dead!! No one could figure out why my heart beat was all over the place. I finally figured it out on my own, but it has taken three weeks for my heart to heal from the damaging of it having to work so hard from the fast heartbeats. Hope this helps someone out there...

Avoid Coconut Oil
Posted by Gerard (Independence, Missouri) on 12/06/2014

Having heart palpitations in the evening after using coconut oil when hypothyroidism is present may be explained as having the thyroid finally kick in and induce those rapid heartbeats. Those with thyroid problems report on curezone that use of coconut oil cleans this condition up. Try "Oil Swishing" forum as regards orally swirling coconut oil in the mouth for 20 minutes and spitting it out. This sucks lots of infection out of the sinuses and gums; cleans and whitens teeth by cutting biofilm; and can start clearing up what may be a sub-acute fungal infection of the thyroid suspected because coconut oil has a powerful anti-fungal, caprylic acid. Blessings!

Cardiac Ablation
Posted by Kvnc (Triangle, Nc) on 05/30/2012

Cardiac ablation should be avoided at all costs. It causes FAR more problems--weakness, debilitating shortness of breath, etc--than the problem it is supposed to correct. COQ10, goldenseal and selenium in combination, strengthen the heart muscle and mitigate against the misfiring of the electrical signals. Cured my own problem in the face of the threat of ablation four years ago, and haven't had a problem since, which watching friends undergo the horrors of ablation, which, of course, cannot be reversed once they've killed portions of your heart muscle.

Posted by Judy (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 11/06/2008

I just turned 41 & have started feeling the grips of hormonal changes along with having a history of huge fibroids. I had 5 lbs of fibroids removed last yr in a robotic surgery that went terrifically & preserved my fertility :) I still want to have children & decided to take a natural, active involvement in my health. I have always worked out religiously since I was 15 so I've been in great shape & been able to tolerate the pain of those fibroids. But at age 41 I was finding that I no longer could run on the junk food that I liked to eat & was lacking energy along with not having a normal cycle. I wanted so much to have a normal cycle without the complications of a birth control pill. ACV gave me that :) But I was also dealing with more heart palpitations that I just couldn't control with my diet & vitamin taking. Yesterday, it was really getting in my way of life so I ran out & got the molasses. And I'm so happy to report that it made those nasty heart palpitations go away, gave me energy to go play tennis that evening ( in fact, I was burning the court with my energetic plays) & is helping my chronic constipation. I've gone to the bathroom 3 times since last evening to this morning and that's simply wonderful!!! I urge everyone to try ACV & molasses ~ they are TERRIFIC!!!!

Posted by Wilma (Murrieta, CA) on 03/11/2008

I am 37, and my Grandfather used to give me BSM when I was younger. I have returned to using it since I have heart paplpitations and dizziness due to very low iron. I feel much better, and as one reader stated "the moons are back in her fingernails" so are mine.

I also drink Tonic Water around the cold/flu season to divert an oncoming cold.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hank (Florida) on 04/15/2007

ACV for acid reflux(heart palpitations)...I started having heart palpitations last October and went to my family doctor who referred me to a cardiologist who did a stress test and an echocardiogram and put me on a heart monitor for a month. He then referred me to an electrocardiologist for possible pacemaker. This Dr. referred me to a sleep clinic for sleep apnea. I now have a cpap machine, for sleep apnea but the palpitations were still coming quite frequently. I'm not sure the cpap machine is the answer unless that is something else that is going on, but unrelated. Out of desperation, I went to the internet and started doing some 'research' and found your web site. This is my 4th day on _____s apple cider vinegar and the palpitations have all but stopped, except last night I decided to try some plain vanilla yogurt which I thought would have a soothing effect. The palpitations started almost immediately and quite severe after eating the yogurt. I took another glass of water with 2 tablespoons of ACV and the palpitations stopped! Do you have any idea why the yogurt would cause this? Needless to say, I am very amazed at the effectiveness of ACV. Hopefully, the effects will last. What caused my reflux? I had taken ibuprofen for several years for back pain and have been on Tramadol(generic Ultram, which I was on before the generic came out) for several years. I definitely believe these drugs have caused a train wreck in my stomach. I am also on Zocor for cholesterol and Altace for blood pressure. Before the back pain(degenerative disc), I was a runner and had none of this although I did take ibuprofen some of the time during my running days. So far, I am looking at ACV as a miracle. Thanks so much!

Beet Juice, Hibiscus Tea
Posted by Jp (Usa ) on 07/03/2023

First if like to thank everyone for all their shared testimonies here! Every time I have palpitations and high Bp. I drink half cup of biotta beets juice & hibiscus tea. After 1 hr my heart rate goes down & BP. Because I use inhaler it's like a side effects of increased heart rate. I read it here also so I usually try warm water with a tablespoon of black strap molasses. I take this at night time and I sleep good with it. I take my regular heart medicine. I pray also and take communion daily. 😊
