Heart Palpitations
Natural Remedies

Managing Heart Palpitations Naturally: Tips and Remedies

| Modified on Mar 09, 2024
Beet Juice, Hibiscus Tea
Posted by Jp (Usa ) on 07/03/2023

First if like to thank everyone for all their shared testimonies here! Every time I have palpitations and high Bp. I drink half cup of biotta beets juice & hibiscus tea. After 1 hr my heart rate goes down & BP. Because I use inhaler it's like a side effects of increased heart rate. I read it here also so I usually try warm water with a tablespoon of black strap molasses. I take this at night time and I sleep good with it. I take my regular heart medicine. I pray also and take communion daily. 😊

Posted by Shelly (Spokane WA ) on 03/25/2023

Mag oxide is the least preferred mag supplement. Not sure about allergic reactions, but I know it's the least absorbed form. Mag glycinate is best for cardiovascular issues.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/22/2023 489 posts

Is that along the outside edge of the thumb? I don't have palpitations or irregular rhythm but after I pushed there, what appears to be a major vein became quite visible. I don't know if I just didn't notice it before or if it only appeared after I applied pressure. I can't imagine not having noticed it before, it's so prominent...

Posted by Adrienne (Idaho) on 03/21/2023

I love this post by Louis from Cali, Columbia! I've been having a couple of skipped heart beats per minute since I did something that brought on arrhythmia a few days ago. I'm not sure what I did but luckily it calmed down except for the two skipped beats per minute. Anyway, I found an indentation between my wrist and the base of my right thumb. This is easy for me to find because of my age, ha, ha, I'm getting those bony hands. But, if you go down your thumb heading for your wrist you will come to a kind of knob just before your wrist. Then, on your right hand, immediately after the knob there's a kind of indentation, then another knob that is part of the wrist. That indentation is what Cali was talking about, and if you move in it slightly to the right you will see it's a bit bigger. I just put pressure in that larger indentation, and my heart is now beating without skipping any beats! Interestingly, when I first put pressure there, I could feel a pulse. But, now I can't. I tried my left thumb/wrist and again I felt a pulse at first, but after I let up on the pressure then pushed down again, I could no longer feel a pulse. You know, this reminds me of my friend Javier from Panama telling me I don't need strong pain pills after having a tooth pulled, just Coka Cola! He said, just let it sit on the area that hurts for awhile and the pain will be much less. Well, I gave it a try when I had to have a tooth pulled and lo!, it worked!! :-)

Magnesium, Salt, Potassium
Posted by Marsh (Colorado) on 02/16/2023

My heart palpitations woke me up at night. It felt like being on a very long, steep roller coaster ride. Tests revealed nothing. My cardiologist recommended magnesium, Himalayan salt and a banana daily. Stopped in 3 days.

Magnesium Phosphate Homeopathy
Posted by Cathy (PA) on 12/19/2022

What exact form did you take. Need help fast!

Posted by Sensitive Creature (Texas) on 07/21/2022

Hi! I have read where many people keep referring to Magnesium as the cure for their palpitations, but unfortunately they do not disclose which type/s they are taking (not brand). There are so many different types of magnesium, such as taurate, oxide, and citrate….just to name few What type have you been taking, and is it still helping? Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Colette (Houston, TX) on 04/13/2022

You know, you may have a point Christine.

I was fine until drinking Apple Cider Vinegar in water every morning for about 2 weeks and now I am experiencing heart palpitations. This is day 2 of not having the Apple Cider Vinegar and I'm going to see what happens while I continue to research.

Thank you.♥

EC: Heart palpitations are a common side effect of ACV. Read more from Earth Climic readers here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/apple-cider-vinegar-side-effects.html

Posted by Steve Andrews (Florida) on 01/28/2022

Hi, Shante. I'm an experienced Echo Technologist x35 years exp. Pulmonary valve regurgitation, (leaky pulmonary valve) is normal on everyone - this is not likely the cause of your problems.

Slow, Deep Breathing
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/08/2022

Hi Adrienne,

My wife found that your solution worked for her palpitations too!

You described it well.

Yet it is too straightforward to be acceptable to the experts, as it does not sit comfortably with their World View.



Slow, Deep Breathing
Posted by Adrienne (Idaho) on 01/07/2022

Editor's Choice Hello!

I just want to report an incident that happened to me recently that may be good for others to know. I was trying to increase my potassium intake since I've had little or no appetite since my husband died. I ordered some powdered potassium chloride, and after taking the recommended amount for five days my heart went nuts! I suddenly had an irregular, racing heartbeat with discomfort across the top of my chest! I was concerned enough to take myself to drive half an hour to the nearest emergency room where I was put on a machine that apparently monitored my heartbeat for all to see. Nothing was done by the staff to fix the problem. I laid there and laid there until I was really bored.

The only thing happening around me was the occasional visit by a nurse, and sometimes I'd hear a group of nurses and what have you laughing, like down a hallway. It seemed I laid there for at least 2 hours and finally was so sick of it, ha, ha, that I suddenly got the notion to see what would happen if I did some slow, deep breathing. I took only a few of those deep breaths, check my pulse and it was normal!!

Then, one of the emergency staff came over, and, looking at the monitor, said, well, I see we're back to a regular heartbeat! I told the woman what I had done and was met with silence. Days later, while at a doctor's office, the same thing happened. I said I felt I had corrected my heart rhythm with deep breathing, and the doctor just got a very skeptical look on his face and didn't say anything. Ha, ha, but, it's really unfortunate that we have this divide, like our political divide. I wish MDs had a more rounded education.

Since that episode, I am noticing an occasional palpitation that would go away on its own, but I can stop it faster by breathing deeply. Interesting how all these various parts of us are connected, the brain-gut connection, brain-heart connection. I think there's a brain-breath connection, too.

Here's a bit from a website called "premier heart and vascular.com":

"Can breathing exercises stop palpitations? Deep breathing that causes your abdomen to rise and fall can calm a racing heart. Make sure to breathe slowly and deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling either through your nose or mouth. Repeat this deep breathing pattern until your symptoms go away, and your heart is beating normally. Sep 5,2019"

p.s. I'm 78.

Hydrate, Turmeric +
Posted by Lynn (Westcliffe, CO ) on 12/09/2021 5 posts

Heart racing, fluttering, and irregular heartbeats:

My racing heart after years of the unknown cause is now clear…. First dehydration, second inflammation of the Vagus nerve, racing heart, all tied together. You get dehydrated, any injury that affects the Vagus nerve, including reflux, aggravates it. It controls heart rate, then all of a sudden racing heart (over 100) takes hold. It took me years to figure this out.

So, the treatment, immediately hydrate, get some electrolytes (since they are now out of whack), and start taking every 5 hours advil and add Turmeric for inflammation. Also, I added magnesium (in spray on form) or epsom salts work too. Your electrolytes need rebalancing also. You take the Advil til the inflammation in your Vagus nerve calms down, maybe be a week or two. I have a neck disc problem that is the culprit…and when dehydration affects your discs, they can inflame the Vagus nerve.

I have solved the problem, no more fear of high heart rate, all with the help of water, magnesium spray (on Amazon), turmeric, every 5 hours advil, and limit caffeine, add eletrolytes to rebalance. If you have reflux, you have a hiatal hernia most likely, push it down and take tums…..all of this works…finally, and no doctor helped…I am finally free of this symptom and if I forget or relapse, I repeat the above protocol.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jgny (Thousand Islands) on 10/28/2021

I found quite by accident that organic unsulphured molasses has greatly improved my palpitations. I take a tablespoon every morning.

Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 09/06/2021

What kind of heart palpitations? What kind and brand of magnesium where you taking? Thanks so much.

Heart Palpitation Remedies
Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 09/06/2021

Could it be a panic attack? Very similar symptoms you have.

Posted by Cheryl (Pensacola, FL) on 08/02/2021

It's the iron in the molasses that's helping most likely.

Ginger and Baking Soda
Posted by ACP (South Carolina) on 06/18/2021

Editor's Choice Anyone who has suffered from PVCs and done any kind of research will discover thousands of sufferers claim a link between Acid Reflux and PVCs. Of course the medical community denies the possibility of this stating the only connection is that Reflux causes stress and stress causes PVCs.

My PVCs began hard and heavy during a stressful time of my life. Ironically, I was having acid reflux issues at the same time. I decided to take a course of Prevacid to counter the reflux and noticed that my PVCs began to improve. I just assumed the PVCs were winding down because the stress was. Be advised that I have "silent" Reflux, which means I don't usually experience symptoms even though I do have the reflux. I also don't take meds unless I have to.

So, as my Reflux felt better, I chose to stop the Prevacid. Shortly thereafter, the PVCs came back with a vengeance. So I began to experiment. I would start a round of antacids and then take a break for a while. Always on the breaks the PVCs became worse. Not wanting to take Prevacid the rest of my life, I started drinking baking soda every night before bed. This simple trick substantially improved my PVCs. Basically taking them from unbearable to manageable. I have done this for 2 years now.

Okay, recently I began taking ginger supplements. I noticed at that my PVCs were so rare, I felt normal again. I did not at the time make the connection with the ginger. However, about a week after I stopped the ginger, my PVCs started coming back. Again I bought more ginger and again noticed improvement within days.

I finally put everything together. I believe my PVCs are directly linked to my acid reflux. A trunkline nerve runs down your GI tract to the heart. It is called the vagus nerve. When your acid reflux acts up your GI tract becomes inflamed. It is my opinion that this inflammation aggravates the vagus nerve and thus leads the heart to misfire.

I do not believe I am cured of PVCs as they show up occasionally. However, God has given me my normal life back.

The protocol I use is as follows:

Baking Soda: 1/2 teaspoon mixed with 1 ounce of water at bedtime.

Ginger: 1100mg tablet daily.

Adrenal Fatigue Connection
Posted by Kathy R (NJ) on 05/24/2021

Gerard, are you saying that coconut oil gave you palpitations?

Posted by Lisa (Illinois) on 01/29/2021

I know this is a long time ago, but my husband just started getting palpitations. He also started eating lots of nuts since he's working at home, takes 5 mg of manganese in his vitamins, and eats a lot of dark chocolate. I did have him start taking magnesium citrate. Maybe this is the solution.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Wm. (WA) on 01/24/2021

Xylitol. Anything on Xyltol?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sara (Australia) on 06/10/2020

Editor's Choice In addition to a host of other health problems (chronic fatigue, SIBO) I have also suffered heart palpitations. I have no idea why they started, but what has worked for me was to keep a food diary. I think some people, for whatever reason, develop a sensitivity to certain foods in the diet. For me, specifically, honey and jalapenos pose a problem. What tipped me off was a family member who also suffers from palpitations and arrhythmia (he sees a cardiologist and was formally diagnosed). So he was very interested when he read about some varieties of honey being linked to arrhythmia. So I noticed that I too frequently have palpitations when I have honey. Anyway, it's worth seeing if you can draw any links between the palpitations and what you are eating when you experience them.

Posted by RW (United States) on 06/02/2019

This is for heart palpitations.

D-ribose helps a lot for me. I take 2 or 3 grams in the morning--it's a powder so I mix it with a drink.

Heart Palpitation Triggers
Posted by June (Cincinnati ) on 03/17/2019

Palpitations in my view can be caused by:

1. Silent acid reflux. Many chiropractors know how to lower your esophagus!

2. Thyroid

'3. IBS


5. Iodine, magnesium b vitamin, iron, b12 deficiencies

Heart Palpitation Triggers
Posted by Deborah (Iowa) on 02/18/2019

Hi Tracy,

Have your thyroid checked.

Heart Palpitation Triggers
Posted by Tracy (US) on 01/15/2019

I've had heart palpitations off and on for as far back as I can remember. However, I noticed they've been much worse over the past few weeks. It started when I was PMSing and we went for a hike.

I was fine during but it was at the cool down period where I got the palpitations. Of course this sent me into a tizzy and I ended up having a few panic attacks. I went to the doc and he gave me atenolol and a water pill for my high BP, which was been high since I was pregnant. It seems to help as I haven't had them quite as much, but they still manage to creep in. I'm wondering if my hormones have anything to do with it. I'm also under stress having an autistic toddler. I'd just really like them to go away once and for all. It's always a good day when I haven't had them. I'm a 35 year old female.

Magnesium Phosphate Homeopathy
Posted by Kenneth (Midwest) on 12/15/2018

Editor's Choice I had heart palpitations, and took a homeopathic preparation, on the 1st dose, the palpitations stopped in less than a minute...mag/phos was the name of the preparation.

Vagus Nerve Theory
Posted by Janet (In) on 12/11/2018

Interesting video regarding Heart Palpitations and the vagus nerve.


Posted by Mp In Pc (Plant City Fl) on 10/06/2018

I think it is the mix of the minerals in Black Strap Molasses. It even has copper. I have been having Heart Palps, too. Last night in desperation, I drank ACV with Baking Soda...best night I have had in a week. Then I got up this morning and had a tablespoon of BSM. Feeling pretty good now! Heart palpitations are just the worst.

Ginger Tea
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 04/22/2018 233 posts

Hi, to make ginger tea I will grate fresh ginger and add boiled water, cover to steep twenty minutes then enjoy. Four times a day or approx every 4-6 hours when drinking for ailment (health) improvement. Also suggest Hawthorne berries for heart health


Ginger Tea
Posted by Lisa (Orange, Nj) on 04/14/2018

Hi did you boil it then drink or just added ginger to hot water and drink? Do you add anything else? How often do you drink the tea?

Posted by Hisjewel (Usa) on 03/28/2018

Hi Shante from Jackson MS,

if you have not already, replace all your drinks with water, for about a week and see the difference. instead of coffee or tea have a hot cup of water. Water. water, water. When someone ask what you want to drink say "Water please". No caffeine at all. it made a big difference for me after only two days. just water and food and that little change can make a big difference.

You may get a withdrawal headache, but each day it should be lighter.


Posted by Steve (Nv) on 03/28/2018

Natural calm magnesium will help with the palpitations.

Posted by Shante (Jackson, Ms) on 03/27/2018

I have a leaking pulmonary valve and my palpitations are going hay wire to the point I am very scared. Is there anything I can take?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Christine (Deer Park Ny) on 03/03/2018

Used acv every morning in water to loose weight and got palpitations. Now getting angiogram. Great, probably from the acv.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Velma (Wagoner) on 02/06/2018

I have noticed a connection between sugar intake on an empty stomach and heart palpitations.

If I reach for a sugary snack to hold me over until meal time I am getting heart palpitations.

I think a piece of cheese or handful of nuts would be better and will try that soon.

Olive oil, Potassium Iodide, Taurine
Posted by June (Cincinnati) on 01/30/2018

I forgot to add that sunflower lecithin and/or adrenal glandular supplements works for some people. Hope this helps someone, at least there are things to try. Love this site.

General Feedback
Posted by June (Texas) on 01/17/2018

I am pleased to read about the gas connection. I recently had a laparoscopic surgery, during which gas was pumped into my body. I got terrible gas pains after the surgery, but I also got heart palpitations. I had the following tests done: EKG, Xray, CAT scan, and blood tests. I was told my heart is very healthy and there are no problems. The palpitations continue. I am over 60, and I have been eating organic foods my entire life. My diet consists of seafood (caught in wild) fruit, vegetables, and grain. Except for the occasional Tylenol, I do not take medicine. I have read about the magnesium, and I know I am deficient in this. I just realized that I have not taken my regular Epsom salt bath for three months. I can only take showers because our house is under construction. I and have not taken my magnesium supplement for several months. I am going to start again.

Cardiac Ablation
Posted by Hilary (Va) on 11/21/2017

This is a dangerously uninformed post. Ablation is sometimes the best option for some people. There are several types of ablation therapy - radiofrequency ablation being the least invasive and least likely to cause damage to heart tissue. But, as with any operating room procedure, it is only as effective as the doctor performing the procedure.

I have a mild form of paroxysmal fibrillation which I have been able to control thus far with proper hydration, yoga, potassium and magnesium supplements and cutting back on caffeine. However, I have a nephew who had a severe, debilitating a-fib problem which sent him to the hospital on numerous occasions with chest pain, nausea and weakness. His problem was corrected through ablation almost 30 years ago, and he has never had another recurrence. This procedure was a blessing for him. The post-procedure weakness you mentioned is probably due to the anesthesia in the operating room - not a result of the procedure itself.

Posted by Hilary (Va) on 11/21/2017

Molasses works great for my heart palpitations. But I am convinced there is more to it than just the potassium. I eat a healthy diet, take vitamin supplements and drink coconut water, which is higher in potassium than molasses. But during one particularly bad day of many lengthy atrial fib episodes (and 2 glasses of coconut water), I tried 1Tbs of molasses in hot water. Before I was finished with the cup, my a-fib was gone. I will continue taking the molasses every day. It's far better than what my cardiologist wants me to do.

Posted by Eliza P. (Zamboanga City, Philippines) on 10/05/2017

I got heart palpitations Aug 19 this yr I admit for 3days in hospital I have med take till now for kind but when I take that med I feel weak. I am 41yrs old med I take vastarel, platexan, co q10, carvedilol so pls help me what remedies to take me d.if ever I get heart palp.just to stop palpited

I want to stop take this med.I just take if ever got pappited

Olive oil, Potassium Iodide, Taurine
Posted by June (Cincinnati) on 09/26/2017

I have had them all my life. This is my belief: some are caused by lack of magnesium, so that works for some people. Some are caused by thyroid problems, so a drop of potassium iodide in the morning works for those people. Some are caused by the vagus nerve and digestion issues, so three tablespoons of olive oil a day works for those people. Taurine can also be helpfull and b12. Some are caused by anemia, and molasses works for those people. In my case, a combination of olive oil and the drop of clear potassium iodide and taurine worked.

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Savannah (Id) on 09/05/2017

AVOID all the so called sweeteners, they cause SERIOUS reactions in many.

Posted by Melissa (Tx) on 08/07/2017

you have afib. Nothing play with .. it's dangerous if it goes up higher then you need to go to ER..

General Feedback
Posted by Omar (Toronto) on 01/15/2017

Take alkaseltzer with coffe double double .....it reduces acid, thins blood and improve to alkaline, your heartburn may be from too much acid..which gives heartburn from acid and heart pulpitition

I had same situation.....suddenly it will stop all movement including and breathing.....alkaseltzer and magnesium worked for me......you can give a try....

Vagus Nerve Theory
Posted by June (Cincinnati) on 11/04/2016

Hi, just wanted to share a theory! The theory is that most people who have heart palpitations actually have colitis and don't know it! The palpitations are the result of an irritated vagus nerve!

So in that case you would take 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil daily to heal your intestines. And maybe some inner leaf only aloe. Just wanted to share this idea.
