Heart Palpitations
Natural Remedies

Managing Heart Palpitations Naturally: Tips and Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Olive oil, Potassium Iodide, Taurine

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Posted by June (Cincinnati) on 09/26/2017

I have had them all my life. This is my belief: some are caused by lack of magnesium, so that works for some people. Some are caused by thyroid problems, so a drop of potassium iodide in the morning works for those people. Some are caused by the vagus nerve and digestion issues, so three tablespoons of olive oil a day works for those people. Taurine can also be helpfull and b12. Some are caused by anemia, and molasses works for those people. In my case, a combination of olive oil and the drop of clear potassium iodide and taurine worked.

Replied by June

I forgot to add that sunflower lecithin and/or adrenal glandular supplements works for some people. Hope this helps someone, at least there are things to try. Love this site.

Orange Juice

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Posted by Roy (Spokane, WA) on 12/25/2008

I was surprised to learn that yogurt may cause heart palpitations. However I know from my own experience that I would sometimes develop an irregular heart beat after eating this product. Orange juice or an orange can help reduce my heart palpitations along with calcium and magnesium supplements. Other people have also told me that an orange or the juice works for them as well. I've not tried the apple cider vinegar but will do so to see if it may work for me. I've had nuclear stress testing and apparently do not have coronary artery blockage thus far. I have learned through personal experience that high blood pressure meds (once took mycardis) may cause heart palpitations even after a year or more of use.


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Posted by Kingofdallas (Dallas, Texas) on 01/19/2015


Hello All.

I want to start off by saying Happy New Year & May God bless you, your off springs and your families with perfect health and long lives!!!

My Heart Palpitations started in early 2013 when my general physician gave me Claritin-D to open up my eustachian tubes he thought had blocked up causing water to get stuck in there make Tinnitus. That Claritin-D started giving me racing heart.....i started feeling my pulses in my throat...... Then once in a while my heart would skip a beat.**BOOOOM** that right there creates anxiety, panic attack and cold hands & feet like you have just seen a ghost or just avoided a bad bad accident.

This also creates a hurricane of all those negative thoughts like possible heart attack ??heart failure?? cardiac arrest??blocked value?? cholesterol?? hospital bed!!! Painful death!!! & what not.

I'm 34, Diabetic due to obesity. Married for 6 years, just bought a house. You can imagine the barrage of negative thoughts like...what if.............

I did some googling and turns out low potassium helps but why am I losing potassium??? Did claritin-d caused this?

Potassium helps but next day my heart starts racing during breakfast and don't calm down till I take potassium and even after that I feel like its lurking somewhere inside...the palpitation is alive and not dead.

There was a time when I had to stop drinking water to stop losing potassium...that also helped palpitations...

Homeopathic remedy called Thuja Occidentalis in 30 potency me for a month but for some reason they came back again.....

I sometimes feel chest tightness but I guess that's due to anxiety and that barrage of negative thoughts that come after one heart flutter.....

What do I do? I hope it gets fixed.There have been some bad people and events I had to deal with in my life that caused me a great deal of stress.

Someone plz advise!!!!

Replied by Carly
(Wa, Usa)

Hi King,

Wondering if you have researched taking magnesium to go with the potassium you are taking? Boron, Vitamin D, and vitamin K2 all work together with mag and potassium. The body also needs salt....we use pink Hymilayan sea salt....research that vs regular old table salt also.

A good, all around electrolyte replacement drink (without a lot of sugar) would most likely do you some good.

I had palpitations the other day after eating something I now believe I am allergic to. (another thing to consider....what foods do you eat that may be causing issues) I drank an electrolyte drink, took an extra magnesium, and then drank more water then usual. Thankfully it want away after a couple of hours.

Just some things to think about...I know how scary palpitations are! Good luck!

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Kingofdallas, when you lack magnesium you lose potassium faster. Take magnesium as well. I believe our foods are lacking mg big time. Minerals are constantly required by our body. All the best in your journey to health, God bless

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

K: I see you already got some good replies, and to add to the mineral recommendations, try also Blackstrap Molasses (BSM).

You proly should also do some reading on cardiovascular conditions/remedies as well as extensive info on any or all pharmaceutical medications, especially potential interactions. Here is the E.C. page for the cardio https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/heart-disease-prevention.html

Replied by Mr. Ree

Take 1/4 -1/2 teaspoon of sea salt or Himalayan salt in a glass of warm water...Drink slowly...By the time you get half way through your palpitations will be gone...Finish the glass and if so inclined do it again...It will not hurt you...

Replied by Cl

Heart Racing. I had that for 4 years before they finally figured out what was causing it. It started after I took my Two rounds of Levaquin Antibiotic, but it took the doctors 4 years to figure out what was causing it, and yes it will put a lot of stress on your mental state, and as the years went by the heart racing got faster and would not stop until Emergency services gave in IV meds to stop and start my heart. I was finally sent to UAB 2 years ago and they did an ablation and I have (knock on wood) not had any more heart racing issues.

But as my on personal opinion, I think that the antibiotic started it all, I think I had a condition called Roemheld Syndrome condition, which was discovered in the 1700's, and if you read up on it, it will cause your heart to race. There was not one doctor knew anything about Roemheld Syndrome Condition, even though it is in the encyclopedia and what was more they did not seem to care. all they wanted to do was go down my throat all the time and do Colonoscopies all the time. I make sure my digestive system is taken care of because I still have issues with it, but never had any problems until I took those back to back Levaquin.

Potassium and Magnesium Citrate Electrolyte Solution

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Posted by June (Ks, Ks) on 11/23/2007

I have read in several different places Ted's recommendations for taking potassium citrate and magnesium citrate for a variety of problems. The latest was a cure/prevention for heart palpitations. I've suffered from heart palpitations (HP) for 10 years. The severity of the palpitations has varied over the years but lately, for some reason, they had become extremely troublesome.

This problem runs on my mother's side of the family and I know my mother and her sister's solution has been to take prescription drugs, regardless of their serious side effects. The Rx approach has never worked for me so I am always looking for alternative remedies. I had used hawthorn to treat my heart issue and avoiding sugar and alcohol are also important. But lately nothing was working. I have taken CoQ10 in the past, but it is very expensive and difficult to take continuously because of the price.

Finally, I came back to earthclinic to do some further research and read where Ted said he had treated a woman with HP using potassium and magnesium citrates to replace electrolytes. I had already searched for these products from my supplement companies I use and could not find them and was wondering how to replace my electrolytes without drinking the sugary sports drinks that claim to replace electrolytes. I found the solution at a local pharmacy this week where I had gone to purchase iodine (another home remedy suggested here). I happened upon a $4 bottle of generic brand pediatric electrolyte solution used for preventing dehydration. The ingredients include: water, dextrose, citric acid, potassium citrate, sodium chloride, sodium citrate and benzoic acid. It's the closest product I could find to Ted's recipe. I figured I would give it a shot.

The result has been very positive. My HP almost immediately ceased upon taking the first dose. I've only had a few mild palpitations since I began taking the product 3 days ago. Even though I had several (mildly sweet) desserts during the Thanksgiving holiday (and two beers) I did not have the normal reaction of terrible HP that I could have previously expected before taking the electrolyte solution.

I know the best remedy is to avoid sugar and alcohol all together. And while I closely monitor my intake of those items it's not realistic for me to give them up completely. I will always want to enjoy a dessert on occasion and a beer once in a while.

I do hope the electrolyte solution continues to work for me. The taste is not unpleasant and is of citrus. It seems like there is only enough dextrose to make it palatable. There were two bottles to choose from, one was clear and the other was colored orange and contained acesulfame potassium, an artificial sweetener I try to avoid. I chose the clear product.

I hope this information helps someone else. And thanks to Ted for the suggestion on an electrolyte cure for HP!

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

To June from Ks (ll/23/07) google MSG, aspartame-read unwanted side effects of both- make a list of names they hide them under & then go to your kitchen and look for them in the ingredients in the foods you are eating. Trying to get rid of them isn;t easy. My niece says it takes her 4 hours longer to grocery shop now that she is looking for them in the ingredients before she buys foods containing them.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Thanks for the feedback!

I know the best remedy is to avoid sugar and alcohol all together.

Yes, in case the sugar is unavoidable, take plenty of water, such as one full glass. For example if one glass of solution contains 10% sugar, taken an extra glass of water would reduce the sugar concentration by 5%. A sugar level of 2% is generally benign and 5% is tolerable over the short run, but not recommended which is about the same as the concentration of urine sugar in a healthy individual.

Most problems of the heart is the electrolyte imbalance. In one instance when nothing can be found, a simple sea salt, 1/4 teaspoon is helpful too. Sometimes I found a heart palpitation is initiated by a long term low grade fever from cavities in the teeth of all places. In case of a low grade fever and a low level septicemia, frequently an aspirin 250 mg dissolve in 1/2 glass of water, will digest the low grade fever once the aspirin dissolved in water reaches the blood stream.

As a footnote, a famous comedian, Paul Lynde, who was a regular at Hollywood Squares and Bewitched died of a heart attack in 1982. His heart looked like an 80 year old man even though he died at the age of 56. The reason was the alcohol he drinks excessively. Alcohol tends to destroy the liver function and the nutrients in the liver could not supply food for the heart to beat, and this destroys the heart.

To further support heart function, 1 tablespoon of granulated lecithin will help and some weekly dose of vitamin B50 complex and vitamin C sodium ascorbate. It SHOULD BE noted that the most frequent deficiency I seen is the electrolyte, vitamin B50 and vitamin C, all these are water soluble and all these are related to heart problems. It is no wonder why people have heart attack, water soluble nutrients get depleted fairly quickly and we get deficient just as fast.

Drinking alcohol may also increase the free radical iron, and a green tea with no sugar and no milk will bind most of the free metal iron that tends to accumulate in the heart.

Still, electrolyte solution is still the best for most heart palpitation problems. The major electrolytes that is important is sea salt, magnesium, and potassium. The use of citrate is important to alkalize the body and permit healing.

Replied by Will Jones
(Batam, Indonesia)


After getting horibly short of breath and sometimes even distressed after a sudden bout of heavy exersise (e.g. climbing a few flights of stairs), an ECG reported that I have AF (Atrial Fillibration). I am a 59 year old male who eats of high plant low meat diet but drinks too much coffee and beer.

The local Indonesian doctor who found the AF issue, suggested a typical Big Pharma regimen of nasty drugs. I recalled a friend who said he had dealt with bad heart palpitations using Mg (Magnesium) plus other minerals and vitamin supplements.

Before coming here to EC, I researched the topic and found that in emergency rooms, Mg is often introduced intraveneously to control bad cases of AF.

While visiting Australia last week, I bought some large bottles of Mg Ca K supplements and made up mixture of Epsom Salts (Magnesium Suphate) and water in a nasal spray bottle, which I spray into my lungs.

All this has helped. but it seems that if I let the amount of daily supplemented Mg drop too much, I too easily go into AF after heavy exercise. In other words, I have yet to find the right daily dose.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Generally speaking Calcium is antagonistic to magnesium. So taking a supplements of calcium is generally counter productive. The other problem is there is a supplement that sells magnesium, but the ingredients are useless, which consists of magnesium oxide, magnesium carbonate and magnesium stearate. Firstly magnesium oxide is poorly soluble in water, magnesium is weakly soluble, while magnesium stearate is more like a wax which prevents the tablets from being easily dissolved. I would also not use calcium since it encourages blood clots in presence of high magnesium and worsens the heart as it is, besides calcium being antagonistic to magnesium. I therefore would likely use two forms of magnesium, magnesium chloride, or magnesium citrate. Some other marketing companies sells magnesium aspartate. That's counterproductive as it is an excitotoxins. When taking the supplements, it's also taken along with magnesium citrate (500 mg), may also include CoQ10, iodine, potassium citrate, and sodium bicarbonate. Electrolyte imbalance has to consider not just magnesium, but potassium and sodium bicarbonate. That being, vitamin B50, is important and it's effect is noticeably improved, at least in one case who was about to go into a heat attack, stopped within 15-20 minutes after taking the vitamin B complex, in form of B50, which are mostly 50 mg of each of the B vitamin, with exception of folic, B12, and biotin, which are often in microgram doses. I believe two most important onces for this condition is the magnesium and the vitamin B complex. A third runner up is the CoQ10, and followed by a natural Vitamin E 200 i.u.

I have a few cases who actually benefited from aspirin 500 mg, dissolved in a cup of water (taken only when there IS a problem) and iodine (lugol's supplement) taken at 2-4 drops plus 1000 mg of vitamin C taken at the same time, preferably in the form of sodium ascorbate. It tends to be warming the heart area when an iodine is taken, assuming that there is subclinical iodine deficienc of course. The iodine of 2-4 drops is taken in the form of lugols's solution, in a cup of warm water, along with the vitamin C. Whether a vitamin C 1000 mg or 500 mg, depend on individual needs, for me iodine seems to work better if 1000 mg of vitamin Ci is taken so that possible side effect of a mild headache does not occur, whenever an iodine is taken. However, if iodine lugol's solution is mixed in one liter of water, the problem of mild headaches doesn't occur as it is diluted one liter, and taken over the course of a day. Still the vitamin C 1000 is needed, but individual preference may prefer 500 or 1000 depending on the size and weight of the individual.

Replied by Neal
(Wilmington, Nc Usa)

This worked for me, One gm taurine and one gm of lysine three times day. Sounds too simple. Neal Turner

Replied by Neal
(Wilmington, Nc Usa)

Oops, I meant to say one gram of argenine instead of lysine. Neal

Potassium Gluconate

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Posted by Udpert (Ar) on 06/30/2016

I had heart palpitations that increased greatly this year, and I found that taking simple Potassium Gluconate 595 mg, of the kind sold in common grocery or health stores, decreased them significantly. So, passing it along.

Reader Warning

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Posted by Pat (Burlington, Vermont) on 07/10/2007


Although many of you believe you have been cured of angina by taking garlic and flaxseed, I am afraid that is is not true and you are in a dangerous situation. These supplements are very useful and strong if used correctly...as prevention. However, they cannot unclog arteries. Please be good to yourself and reasonable. Use all available treatments and advice together! There are plenty of wonderful cardiologists who have a holistic approach.

Replied by Alex
(Aventura, FL)

ever thought of uncloging your tubes with oral chelation, hydrogen peroxide food grade etc..

Replied by Vijay
(Sunnyvale, CA)

I have seen the best way to remove the clogging is to take cayenne pepper. Please take a t-spoon of cayenne pepper & dissolve it in hot water & sip it slowly. This will be a good remedy before the paramedics arrive. I have heard, read & seen many benefits cayenne pepper has on the body.

It removes stickiness in the arterial walls, removes clogs to some extent etc. Please do consult a doctor as these are remedied to prevent severe strokes & some measures to be taken before the doctor arrives.

Replied by Karen
(Newport, Oregon, USA.)

Vijay, must tell you that my mom at 85 yrs had a stroke & was "gone" by the time I got her out of the bathroom & into the bed. Had to really hurry & find cayenne powder which I mixed with a few drips of water then swabbed her tongue & mouth heavily inside with it. Next, Ran into the pantry, found my habinaro oil & proceeded to swab her tongue & inside of her mouth with it also.( it was much more hot!)The doseage was approx. a tsp of cayenne powder & enough water to make a quick paste. for the habinaro oil I put about a 1/4 tsp all around in her mouth. Then, her eyes opened! She was back- no brain damage observed then or now. She didn't feel the heat of the hot oils or remember them at all. It works & it's immediate.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

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Posted by Jim (Rocklin, Ca) on 03/30/2016

I am 50 and have been experiencing missing heart beats, mostly in the early morning and late at night. It makes me cough and it's frustrating. The solution stemmed from an emergency visit 20 years ago. I remember the Dr giving me a bag of Magnesium via IV. I'm sure it cost a bundle. Fast forward to now: I was just experiencing a bout of skipping beats at 3 am.

I ate a half cup of roasted pumpkin seeds (one of the best food sources of Magnesium). Within minutes of the first swallow, the missing beats went away! I chewed as much as possible, then spit out the shells that I couldn't swallow. I thank God for providing natural & safe remedies. Going back to sleep now!

Slow, Deep Breathing

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Posted by Adrienne (Idaho) on 01/07/2022

Editor's Choice


I just want to report an incident that happened to me recently that may be good for others to know. I was trying to increase my potassium intake since I've had little or no appetite since my husband died. I ordered some powdered potassium chloride, and after taking the recommended amount for five days my heart went nuts! I suddenly had an irregular, racing heartbeat with discomfort across the top of my chest! I was concerned enough to take myself to drive half an hour to the nearest emergency room where I was put on a machine that apparently monitored my heartbeat for all to see. Nothing was done by the staff to fix the problem. I laid there and laid there until I was really bored.

The only thing happening around me was the occasional visit by a nurse, and sometimes I'd hear a group of nurses and what have you laughing, like down a hallway. It seemed I laid there for at least 2 hours and finally was so sick of it, ha, ha, that I suddenly got the notion to see what would happen if I did some slow, deep breathing. I took only a few of those deep breaths, check my pulse and it was normal!!

Then, one of the emergency staff came over, and, looking at the monitor, said, well, I see we're back to a regular heartbeat! I told the woman what I had done and was met with silence. Days later, while at a doctor's office, the same thing happened. I said I felt I had corrected my heart rhythm with deep breathing, and the doctor just got a very skeptical look on his face and didn't say anything. Ha, ha, but, it's really unfortunate that we have this divide, like our political divide. I wish MDs had a more rounded education.

Since that episode, I am noticing an occasional palpitation that would go away on its own, but I can stop it faster by breathing deeply. Interesting how all these various parts of us are connected, the brain-gut connection, brain-heart connection. I think there's a brain-breath connection, too.

Here's a bit from a website called "premier heart and vascular.com":

"Can breathing exercises stop palpitations? Deep breathing that causes your abdomen to rise and fall can calm a racing heart. Make sure to breathe slowly and deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling either through your nose or mouth. Repeat this deep breathing pattern until your symptoms go away, and your heart is beating normally. Sep 5,2019"

p.s. I'm 78.

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Hi Adrienne,

My wife found that your solution worked for her palpitations too!

You described it well.

Yet it is too straightforward to be acceptable to the experts, as it does not sit comfortably with their World View.




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4 star (1) 

Posted by Breeze (Wash.) on 07/24/2015

I have researched heart palpitations, and I believe the underlying cause may be infection of some sort either it : viral, parasites, bacterial, dental, sinus, ear, food allergies, environmental allergies, heavy metals, and candida overgrowth. The most accurate test for candida is a stool test . I saw a few cardiologist they offered some funny band-aid solutions. I had a vitamin deficiency and sinus issue.

I got checked for vitamin deficiencies/ micronutrient was sure to include B12 and iron levels. My research showed vitamins that help the heart are Magnesium. CQ10, Ribos, Taurine, work synergistically . Garlic and Omega 3 helps. I also think investing in low EMF sauna and increasing the body temperature helped me tremendously by increasing the body voltage.

Replied by Kathryn4
(Maryland, USA)

Lyme disease can start also with heart palpitations - just know from experience unfortunately.

Replied by Melissa

you have afib. Nothing play with .. it's dangerous if it goes up higher then you need to go to ER..

Posted by Lisa (Lafayette, La) on 04/12/2012

Randall, my husband was diagnosed with the exact same thing as you, mitral valve prolapse. He was experiencing the same symptoms as you. It was hard for him, as he is a handsome, tall, athletic man who was not used to being held back by physical ailment. Dr. wanted to put him on beta blockers. NEVER go on beta blockers.

I began corresponding with a Dr. via email who wrote a few books. He put my husband on this protocol: morning - 300 mg. Magnesium, 500 to 1000 mg. Sodium ascorbate (vit. C), 500 mg. L-carnitine, 200 mcg. Selenium, 500 mg. IP-6, 100 mg. Co-q-10, 800 mcg (or mg. , however they measure it) of d-3, 100 mg. K-2, 100 mg. Quercetin. We get all capsules or powder, except for the d-3 and co-q-10, which are tiny enough for him to swallow, and I put it in a small cup, mix with about an oz of orange juice, and he drinks it up. With the exception of the selenium, repeat in evening, right before bed. Sounds like a lot, but do it. His heart palps stopped in their tracks. If he gets careless and adds a lot of sugar and a beer or two to his diet, it will recur. Palps stopped within a 2 week period or so. Keep up the regimen daily, if you want your life back.

If you feel one coming on during the day, take some magnesium powder in o.j. , maybe 500 mg. or so. It calms them right down. Also, fill pot or bucket with ice water, dunk your face into it, and rub it on your arms and wrists. This will stop palps in their tracks. As far as the motherwort and hawthorn, I ordered both thru vitacost. com, and they are coming in the mail any day, to keep on hand for emergencies. You can get your life back, it just takes diligence. Oh, yeah, above all; prayer is the ultimate healer. Ask God for his help. He has guided us through this. God is so good!

Replied by Sandy
(Hartbeespoort, South Africa)

I have been having "panic attacks" for awhile now, but have never thought to call it heart pulpertations. They have been very bad the last few days. Being holidays, I decided to have a break from all supplements aswell. I have gone back onto Selenium 500mg, Flaxseed oil 1000mg and CalciMag. What a difference. I also do the ice water to drop my core temperature. I would like to know if HP could be associated with menopause, as I actually take the above for the hot flushes. Works better than any chemical. Thanks for a brilliant forum.

Replied by Rjsvan54
(Pocatello, Idaho)

Sandy, your problem is most likely MSG poisoning. I had the same symptoms as you.your heart is beating irregularly, skipping beats, heart pounding, getting little sleep. Waking up with a panic attack. Things going completely out of control. Check the website msgtruth.org and many others, do a Google search, msg poisoning. It?s in almost every processed food. And hidden under ingredients on the label you will spices, natural foods, soy, enzymes and anything hydrolized. Keep a food log of everything, time you eat and record when you are having an episode. Keep in mind that all the food additives have at least 20 to 80% msg. The FDA lets the food processors hide this poison in the ingredients I have listed. You eliminate all processed foods and within 2 days your symptoms will disappear. If you accidentally get poisoned by msg dilute 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tater in 8 oz of water. Also drink 4 to 6 16oz of water to flush this poison out. Restaurants are to be avoid until you know what foods are most natural. Lot and lots of home cooking.

My name is Bob I am 59, married and my wife is a great cook. I've had these symptoms for 30 years and have wasted thousands of dollars on BS treatments from doctors. Holtergrams, cat scans, heart specialists. Now I am living symptoms free.

Replied by Sandy
(Hartbeespoort, South Africa)

Rjsvan, thanks for that bit of info. As a rule I stay away from non fresh foods, but am a sucker for anything cheese or olive. Will definitely take more care in reading labels. I was able to obtain BSM today. Start taking it tomorrow with ACV. Will share my experience as time goes by.

Replied by Sandy
(Hartbeespoort, South Africa)

Hi all, I am much better. I feel I cannot say cured as the time laps is to short. Flaxseed and selenium to start then BMS with ACV. I have not had an elevated heart rate in 10 days. Will keep on keeping. Up date to follow.

Replied by Kristi

Would anyone know the possibly type of Magnesium that is helping everyone, including Lisa from above. There are like 14 different kinds of mag and they all do something different lol. I THINK it might be magnesium taurate OR magnesium glycinate.

I've been having HORRIBLE heart palps for the past few months.

I thought it was caffeinated coffee so I quit cold turkey. Still got 'em.

I am on a protocol for S.A.D right now and one of the things I am taking is Glycinate but I've only been doing it for about 2 1/2 weeks. Maybe it takes time or that is the wrong mag for heart palps.

I am desperate. It gets so crazy when your heart beats like that!


Try 3 tablespoons of flaxseed (mill it before use) & add to 4oz of organic milk.


Kristi from PA,,, I had palpitations back when I was doing the keto diet. I had read on EC about the many benefits of organic unsulphered black strap molasses and started taking 1 tablespoon each morning. After a week or so it occurred to me that my palpitations had completely stopped! I was very surprised because that wasn't why I started the molasses! Good luck, I know how unnerving it can be!


It could be anything not just magnesium deficiency. What else you're taking in terms of prescription medication and supplements? See if it could possibly cause palpitations. If nothing, I'd start with an appointment with an acupuncturist and a homeopath. Some acupuncturists are trained in homeopathy as well. Trust me, I have POTS for 12 years and end up in a hospital at least twice a year with all kinds of heart “ acrobatics”. They just observe me. So if you have tried magnesium and other remedies and it's not helping and your electrolytes, glucose are normal time to see alternative modalities professionals. Also, try, if you can find these 2 homeopathic remedies. I could only find Cactus Grandiflorus in a tincture form, which I'm going to try, but perhaps homeopaths do have it or know where to find it.

Naja Tripudians

  • Common Name: Venom of the cobra
  • Symptoms: The remedy suits individuals who are sad, depressed and have suicidal thoughts along with chest pain.
  • Following symptoms are peculiar to this remedy. They help to distinguish from other remedies depending on the symptoms of the individual.
  • Pain and heaviness in the heart region
  • A Sensation of weight in chest near the heart region.
  • Chest pains radiate to the nape of neck and left shoulder.
  • Excessive fear of death with anxiety.
  • Along with chest pain and heart-related symptoms, there is pain in forehead and temples.
  • Rapid heartbeats.
  • Pain as if some stitches have been made in the chest region.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Fear of being alone is constant. Fear of rain is also marked.
  • The person feels better in open air.

Cactus Grandiflorus

  • Common Name: Night blooming cereus
  • Symptoms: Following symptoms indicate the need for this remedy.
  • Breathlessness along with a constant feeling of weight on chest.
  • Feeling of constriction in chest which makes breathing difficult.
  • Swelling of diaphragm (a layer of muscle separating the chest from abdomen)
  • Rapid heartbeats with pain moving towards the left arm.
  • Consistent sensation as if an iron band is tied around chest.
  • Cold sweat and anxiety.
  • Low blood pressure
  • Pulse is weak and feeble.


I'm taking quite a few supplements for quite a few things. But, I would love some insight, maybe someone will see something that could be causing it.

  • Biotin 500mg (once a day) - 1 pills - 500mg (hair and nails)
  • Collagen (twice a day) - 4 pills (joint pain and recovery)
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine 500mg (twice a day, am, pm) - 4 pills - 2000mg (recovery, fat burning, etc)
  • Glutamine 1g (twice a day) - 2 pills - 2grams (recovery/exercise)
  • Dopa Mucana - 2 pills in the morning
  • Vimerson health - Turmeric Chondontrin 3 pills (inflammation, joint pain, recovery)
  • Zinc 15mg (once a day at night) - 1 pill - 15mg (sleep)
  • Iron (once a day in the am usually) - 1 pill 18mg
  • Vitamin e-400 (once a day usually in the am) - 2 pills 268mg each (536mg)
  • Vitamin D3 (once a day usually in the am) - 2 pills - 10,000 UI (I stopped taking D3 despite the benefits because I thought maybe this is the issue)
  • Vitamin B12 (once a day) - 2 pills a day - 10,000mcg (tiredness)
  • Magnesium Citrate - 420mg, 4 a day
  • Inositol 500mg (3 times a day) - 5 pills (am, pm, before bed) 2500mg (Twitches/OCD/Panic)
  • I just started Berberine about 1 month ago.

Depression Protocol:

  • L-Tyrosine (only during the day, not at night) - 1 pill 500 mg
  • Curcumin 500mg (twice a day) - 2 pills (am, pm) - 1000mg
  • NAC 600mg pills (twice a day) - 2 pills (am, pm) 1200mg
  • L-Theanine: 200 MG - Fine on empty stomach
  • Fish OIl 2000mg (twice a day, am, pm) - 2 pills - 2000mg
  • Vitamin B6 - 3 times a week (2 melts per)


Thanks for the suggestion! I did my usual breakfast this morning, with Mag Citrate after because that seems to have KINDA been working for me. On those ROUGH days it just barely gets me by. And I tried your suggestion of flax seed with coconut milk and for the heck of it blackstrap added. It was pretty good. I have no idea doing that every day lol. CAN I do it everyday?

I can physically FEEL my heart trying to regulate. Like I get a little flutter and then it goes away.

Heart palpitations are terrible, I think they suck even more for people with anxiety because you start to think "Omg, am I dying?" lmao. Panic sets in quick when you have anxiety and anything goes wrong.

Replied by VT
(- in UK)

RE palpitations - Google 'paidalajin' -It is a two thousand year old chinese self healing exercises. You can buy an english translation of Hongchi Xiao's book -Heal Yourself Naturally Now - on Amazon. 30 million people in the 'far east ' do PaidaLajin each day - it is known as the poor man's cure.


Forgot to add that every time I hold my smartphone in my hands I start getting palpitations. I kid you not. That is why it is always at least a foot from my body when I don't use it and I prefer to do everything else on my MAC, including talking via FaceTime, signal etc.

2392 posts

Hi Kristi,

A quick look at your list and I think these have the potential to potentially cause palpitations in some people :

1. L Tyrosine

2. Fish Oil

3. L Theanine

4. Possibly the Mucuna

5. You didn't say how long since you stopped vitamin D3, but if it has been months low vitamin D3 can affect electrolytes so an indirect possibility.

6. NAC



Hi Art! You helped me with my insomnia about a year ago lol. Thanks for your input!

Out of the ones you listed, I had been using Tyrosine, fish oil, Theanine, Mucuna and NAC only until very recently and I've had the heart palps for longer than that time. I started taking these for S.A.D. So that's probably not it.

I started to take the S.A.D stuff on or around December 3,2023.

For the Vitamin D I only stopped taking about 4 days ago.

I should mention my birthday is on March 9th and I will be 43. I was thinking maybe I COULD be in Perimenopause. I really hope that if that is the case, I am not going to have to be living with heart palps for 4 to 11 years lol.

I've hardly ever had these in my life and tend to be pretty healthy despite a few issues like anxiety and S.A.D so feeling out of sorts is pretty uncomfortable.

Heart palps started 2 months before the S.A.D supplements were started.


I can relate to Fish oil! Fish oil can cause palpitation in some people, even there are tons of information that it is very good for heart support


Vitamin D3! Taking large doses of vitamin D can induce severe depletion of Mg, and lack of Mg can cause palpitations.

2392 posts

Hi Kristi,

I'm glad you were able to improve the insomnia situation! What did you use for the insomnia, I can't remember the post.

The following study suggests that aside from melatonin's beneficial heart effects it may also help with arrythmia. Not quite the same as palpitations, but in the same area of heart health :


Here is a relevant study quote :

' Despite the knowledge on repairing mechanisms in the cardiovascular system, effective antiaging strategies able to reduce the risk of arrhythmias are still missing. Melatonin is a promising therapeutic candidate due to its pleiotropic actions. This indoleamine regulates chronobiology and endocrine physiology. Of relevance, melatonin is an antiaging, antioxidant, antiapoptotic, antiarrhythmic, immunomodulatory, and antiproliferative molecule. This review focuses on the protective effects of melatonin on age-induced cardiac functional and structural alterations, potentially becoming a new fountain of youth for the heart. '

I think the melatonin lotion I wrote about, would be an easy way to get enough and be good for your skin wherever you apply it.

Btw, several of the other supplements you are taking are noted for helping palpitations, but apparently not in your case. Keep us posted on what you find out.



Hi Art!

We ended on Magnesium Oil Spray, Melatonin 5mg, Zinc 15mg and if I know I am going to have a harder time, I add a little chamomile lol. Sleep like a baby. I stopped the melatonin because it was making me groggy so I only do that once in a blue moon! (The article was also in conjunction with Nocturia) but jeez now you say there is a connection between melly and possibly helping with heart palpitation or arrythmia?

Hm interesting. Might have to start taking melatonin again lol. I know they mention a few different doses in that article about melatonin and arrythmia, is there a specific dosage you would suggest I try? 5mg makes me a zombie in the morning.

Here is your article.


My glowing review is still there lol.

So far the Flax Seed ground up with Coconut milk and BSM seems to be working, though I can still feel a little "fluttering" in my chest and a little shortness of breath.

But, then these heart palps have been going on for a long while so maybe whatever I depleted (magnesium?!?) just needs time to regulate again. I'll keep doing that along with the 420mg of magnesium citrate.

Thanks to Art and everyone else that is is helping!

2392 posts

Hi Kristi,

Thank you for the reminder, I remember it now and your glowing report! I'm glad you found your answer for insomnia because many people never do.

I just realized, looking at your list of supplements that you don't have potassium on there. I was too busy looking at your list in terms of which supplements had the potential to cause palpitations, so I wasn't really looking at it in terms of what might be missing that could help alleviate palpitations.

The hard part about supplementing potassium is that it is only available in 99 mg capsules or tablets whereas 1600 - 2000 mg/day is thought to be adequate, but I doubt that that is an optimal dose for adults who may be hypokalemic and some people go substantially higher, but you can see that if you are low, you're going to have to swallow a bunch of those 99 mg pills everyday. There isn't an established RDA for potassium and that seems to add to the problem. The following Healthline article says that getting 3500 mg to 4700 mg/day of potassium from various foods is possible and healthful :


Here is a relevant article quote :

' Potassium is an essential mineral for health. Getting between 3, 500 milligrams and 4, 700 milligrams a day from tomatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables may lower your risk of kidney stones, stroke, and high blood pressure. '

Here is an article discussing the relationship of potassium and palpitations :

https://ufhealth.org/conditions-and-treatments/low-blood-potassium#:~:text=Symptoms, skipped heart beats or palpitations

Interestingly, the following article suggests that low potassium (hypokalemia) can cause the following symptoms :

' Hypokalemia may mimic neurovegetative symptoms, such as weakness, lethargy, apathy, fatigue, and depressed mood (2). Additionally, hypokalemia can mimic anxiety reactions, such as headache, irritability, nervousness, paresthesias, visual disturbances, and muscle discomfort (3). '

These symptoms seem similar to some SAD symptoms.

Here is a link to that article :

https://psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp-rj.2016.111103#:~:text=Hypokalemia may mimic neurovegetative symptoms, and muscle discomfort (3).

Further, blackstrap molasses contains a significant amount of potassium. You didn't say how much you are taking so I don't know exactly how much potassium the BSM is delivering, but it has fairly high content as foods go.

Have you had your potassium level checked recently??? If not, perhaps you might consider it.

One way that people avoid having to take a bunch of potassium pills is by buying potassium in bulk powder and then mixing their dose of potassium powder in orange juice and drinking it. If you try and reach those dosing levels with pills, that's 35 to 47 pills a day! Most people are not getting anywhere near these levels everyday.

There are quite a few things that can cause low potassium.

Good luck and keep us updated on your progress!



There is a reason potassium supplements are sold at 99mg per tablet. One should never supplements it regularly, let alone more than 99mg pill, but get it from food. Bananas, passion fruit, beets, moringa, etc..

Potassium in blood is tested as a part of electrolytes testing. If one has low potassium he would definitely feel very bad and it is usually addressed in ER, not by increasing potassium supplementation, for it could be extremely dangerous.

There is a reason why potassium is low, finding the reason before attempting manipulate with it is very important.


AB, what are the reasons potassium is low? I have been prescribed 1 g potassium tablets for a long time, but nobody talks about why it's low. I get cramps if I don't take it.

And trying to get enough potassium from bananas would drive me bananas.

Posted by Pam (Marlborough, Ct, Usa) on 10/22/2010

Two weeks ago I started taking a regular multivitamin, vit B6 100mg, B3 250 timed released vit. , and turmeric caps. 400mg plus boron 3mg. Once a day. The last two nights I have awakened around 4am with a rapid heartbeat that lasts about 3 hours, I think I am taking too much, any help would be appreciated, I am not taking anything today, or until someone gets back to me. Thanks Pam

Replied by Tom
(Regina, Sk)

Pam: It seems you are "topping out" on the Vitamin B3 (niacin) and experiencing one of the harmless side-effects of it, either due to that 250mg being just too high for you and your body size, or having a digestive system that forces fast breakdown and release of the vitamin in far less than the nominal 24 hours! People have wide variance in almost everything, so you might be metabolizing that 250mg in those 3 hours of rapid heartbeat.

This page mentions the rapid heartbeat side effect of niacin: www.buzzle.com/articles/niacin-flush.html
The effect of niacin doses is different for every person and so is the symptom of niacin flush. Thus, some people may show severe symptoms of niacin flush, while some may not. Read more on niacin overdose. Niacin is not a drug, but a useful vitamin. Niacin flush benefits the circulatory system and hence, one should not worry about this symptom. Though niacin flush can be irritating, one can take proper measures to avoid this discomfort and enjoy the health benefits of niacin. So, if you are taking niacin medications for cholesterol or lipid treatment, and are experiencing niacin flush; then do not stop taking niacin. Instead, consult your physician and get the proper amount of niacin dose and learn the methods to avoid the niacin flush. So, either go to a much lower dose B3, perhaps 50mg or 100 mg NOT time release and see what happens, or don't throw out the time release, but just use a knife or pill-cutter to take 1/4 or 1/2 a 250mg pill at a time, especially before nighttime. Then once your symptoms are gone with a lower B3 dose, just reintroduce the other supplements one at a time over many days. There is a small outside possibility that the multivitamin you also take has one of those thick RED food color coatings, which you may have a sensitivity to. That red, if it is, despite FDA approval generations ago, is notorious for causing reactions. It will be derived from either coal-tar aniline, or an African beetle! Check the box or bottle label.

FDA approved food coloring are to be avoided as much as possible. Practically all food coloring are derived from Coal Tar (Aniline Dyes) and can cause learning difficulties, anxiety, restlessness, and most are potential carcinogens. Children with ADD should not have food or sweets or drinks containing Red, Blues, Green, Yellow dyes.

A red coloring frequently used in yogurt, candy, fruit drinks, and other sweets, labeled as "carmine" is made from the dried, dead ground-up husks of female red beetles to make a paste. The beetles are usually raised in the Canary Islands and shipped to the USA and other countries to use as a coloring in processed foods to give them a rosy-strawberry coloring.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

One question about the use of niacin. I have never used it so far but in a book I am reading the author advises the use of niacinamide instead of niacin. Do you know anything about it?

Replied by Pam
(Marlborough, Ct, Usa)

Thanks Tom, I have started taking the vitamin supplement again, and the vitamin B3 timed released yesterday and today. Haven't had any bad rapid heart problems like before, but last night I noticed a slight increase in the night. The supplement has a yellow coating, but also since I have been having trouble with my hands, I started taking a 8hr timed release acetaminophen pill mostly at night so if my hands bother me I don't have to keep getting up and these pills do have a red coating, which all I can find is FD&C red food color. If I notice that I am starting to get that rapid heartbeat again, I will definitly cut down again. But I feel that the B vitamins have really helped my hands, even though they are not better yet, but I can start seeing knuckles again. I will also stay away from the coloring if you think that could be it. Also I usually take the vitamins in the morning after eating something, is it better to take them at night after dinner. Thanks again Pam

Replied by Alexis
(Ca, US)

Be mindful when taking of supplements, my friend was taking vitamin D and was sick with dizziness, nausea and heart palpitations. She saw several doctors and they were all dumbfounded. About 8 months later, she figured out it was the vitamin D. It is unclear if it was a certain product or all vitamin D doess this. She apparently can not breakdown vitamin D. I would suggest elimination diet to anyone have allergic reactions or unfounded heart issue.

Replied by Pat
(Pa., US)

To Alexis, Ca.: I was diagnosed with "afib" after starting vit D also. It became the new "fad" and all the doctors are telling people they should be taking it! I was thinking since everything started after the Vit D craze that this could be a problem! Will stop now for sure and see! Thanks!

Posted by One Guy (New York City, NY) on 10/19/2009

For Palps

This is a great site and I tried many of your suggestions. I started to get Palps after some stents were put in and I understand that often happens. Perhaps it was from a temporary med like Toprol, as some suggest..... However, here is what I recently added that seems to have worked... Palps seem gone 98% and that is with having a martini every other night.......

Magnesium Aspartate by Solaray - 400 mg one a day; Vitamin Shoppe Ubiquinol CoQ10 100 mg one a day; 3 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice in a glass of water ( Minute Maid 7.5 oz Frozen from concentrate - find it where the frozen veges are ) with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, every morning; and Pediatric Electrolyte (must be kept in the fridge after opened, so drink slowly, not to shock the heart to create a palp) unflavored from Walgreens 2-3- oz plain, every evening before going to sleep.

That's it so far, but this, for once, these seem to have worked. As we know, it might be temporary, or even a coincidence but I hope others will say if it works for them.

Good health!


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Posted by Meme (Seattle, Wa, Usa ) on 09/04/2013

Another thing that helps heart palpitations is taurine.... Especially if you are sensitive to Msg and accidentally ingested some. Taurine is an amino acid that really helps get msg out of your system. Just something to look in to. It is an inexpensive supplement. I always keep it on hand for racing, fluttering heart. Good luck!

Techniques to Reset the Heart Rhythm

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Posted by Zeliset (Ramsey, Nj) on 02/09/2010

i have tried several remedies for heart palpitations where my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest at 2 or 3 times the normal rate (like 170 beats/min)which has happened several times in my life.

the 1st time it happened, i was at rest in a coffee shop, and i just had coffee ice cream. my heart just started beating so fast and so strong, my body shook with each beat. this was the first time it happened to me, and i didn't understand what was going on, and i just let it take it's course and somehow it stopped.

the 2nd time was years later. i had gone running in the morning, had a cup of coffee (on an empty stomach) and then ran up the stairs and my heart went crazy again. i went and lay down on the couch right away and it stopped.

the 3rd time was again another several years later, i was just sitting in my house, tired after a long hard day spent in the sun, and my heart started racing again. no caffeine involved really, although i am sure i had caffine that day. i immediately went to lay down, but this time that didn't work. it was going strong, at almost 170 beats/min and this time for a full hour, and so i went to the ER.

at the ER, the connected me to the heart monitor, which was no fun by the way, everyone got to see me without a bra! they basically had to inject something in me intravenously that basically flat-lined me to reset my heart for a second and then all was back to normal. i went to see a cardiologist after that and he said, everything was normal. he said, the nerves in my heart have a path and sometimes, the signals along the path get directed wrong, like in a circular pattern, and it makes the heart beat extremely rapidly. he said since it's only happened to me a few times over the course of 10 years, i should just keep an eye on it and live a normal life. he told me a trick though... the ER also told me the same... when you're heart is racing like that, stick your head in a bucket of cold water (not a very appealing thing to do). another remedy... take a deep breath and pinch your nose shut, keep your mouth closed tight and act as if you're trying to breath out and like you're trying to push out poop at the same time. this creates a kind of pressure in your heart/lung area and can reset your heart as well. i've done it once when it happened again, the breathing trick, not the bucket of ice trick and it worked. but i did this like as soon as i felt my heart start to skip into the rapid beating. i think if i were to wait a few more seconds it wouldn't have worked.

the last time i remember having a rapid heart rate attack was while i was driving. my heart started racing away again, seemingly out of nowhere. it was early in the morning and i was on my way to do a project and i was a little nervous about it. so what am i to do? i'm driving on a highway, so i pulled over the nearest exit and parked at a restaurant. i reclined my seat all the way back and lifted my legs way above my neck, as if i were doing a yoga position where you lie down and lift your legs above your head and let them rest behind your head on the floor. once i did that, my heart rate went back to normal.

i don't know what all this really is about, and since my doctor said my heart was normal, it seems that stress, lack of sleep, overworking your body, etc, has caused me to experience this, as well as drinking caffine in certain situations.

i also have tried prayer and meditations to relax me and it has helped as well. one interesting thing to note is that my grandmother had the same symptoms, so it could be genetic. but she was in a foreign country and had limited access to medical care and unfortunately she died of heart failure in her early 40s. she had been sick for a very long time, and i am very healthy, aside from the few rapid heart rate attacks i've had. so i hope this helps some of you. it's comforting to know though i'm not the only one out there with this problem.

EC: Fantastic info, thank you!

Replied by Donna
(Drexel Hill, Pa)

I have experienced very similar heart palpatations over the last 25 years. Once I was taken to the hospital and I too had my heart stopped with some injection to reset it. I was diagnosed with Super ventricular tacky cardia. I was told it has to do with the electric currents around the heart. I'm still not sure why it happens, because the doctors say otherwise might heart is strong. Doctors wanted to do some kind of surgical procedure, which I said no to. They also said I could take a beta blocker the rest of my life, which I don't do. I do find that when I feel an episode beginning, I just start to cough and it seems to throw my heart back into proper beating.

Replied by Katie
(Edison, Nj)

Look into Tai Chi...During one of my classes, my heart starting racing. The instructor told me to concentrate on my big toe.. a little strange but it worked. The extra energy was brought down away from the heart and it regulated itself..I'm not an expert in this, but Tai chi is very calming.

Replied by Candy
(Fort Madison, Ia)

i had the same problem and discovered magnesium really helps. I hardly ever have it happen since i started using the transdermal magnesium.

Replied by Fred

I just wanted to share, that sometimes Heart Palpitations are not related to a problem with the heart at all. Many times it's because a Nerve in your back is being pressed, and this will be corrected by a good Chiropractor. Amazing but true. I hope this helps.

Replied by James

May want to look into a Brugada Syndorme. It's when your heart races so fast you pass out and....This syndrome affects your heart beat very randomly. Never know when it's going to attack you. Ask your cardiologist about it.

Replied by Linda
(Raymond, Washington, United States)

I would like to hear more from the gentleman from Mexico.

I have always believed that a problem with my back caused my a-fib but, the Doctors just laugh at me and pat me on the head and say we are trained, its our job. The a-fib started after I believe I ruptured a disk in the upper middle of my back. Now when I use my arms to scrub or do heavy work with my back and arms I have an attack. I do the magnesium, potassium, fish oil, and calcium. Because it makes me feel better but, I believe it is a nerve that is affecting the vagus nerve and that is creating the a-fib. I would like to hear more from Fred from Mexico or anyone who suspects this may be a cause. What would you tell a chiropractor about the problem?

Thank You.


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Posted by June (Michigan, US) on 06/30/2014

For heart irregularities, check your thyroid! Had this for years.. Now I take two drops of potassium iodide (which is clear) plus a tiny bit of pig thyroid from nutri meds and adrenals. I am cured.

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