Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

Posted by GG (Houston, TX) on 01/14/2007

I've cured toenail fungus with pure garlic oil, also i take it internally to kill fungus inside which the fungus does start inside plus it has so many other cures, But also I want to note that toenail and foot fungus is from your bath tub and getting pedicures and wearing items that are used, it is contagious! Just wanted to share... thanx guys love the website.

Posted by Alice (Sierra Vista, AZ) on 12/07/2006

I have used vinegar and monostat plus a wide range of expensive over the counter "cures" for toenail fungus. I'm thinking of using the vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Most of these things "sort of worked" but only mildly and slowly. I'd get a patch of clear nail at the base, and a lessening of the under-nail build up, only to have the fungus rush in and take over the whole nail again if I missed any treatments. I used Listerine-type mouthwash only by accident, because both big toes and one smaller toe became infected and I was too poor to visit the doctor. I was only hoping to control the infection long enough to be able to get medical help. Imagine my amazement when I found not only the infection cured in just a day or so, but also the fungus problem both in the nail and beneath the nail make dramatic improvements. I am angry because the medical establishment should be aware of this and other cures which are readily available to the public at a cost which almost every person in this nation CAN afford. I am angry because I would not have had the nail fungus get to the point it has, except due to the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry, I have been deliberately led to believe nail fungus was almost impossible to cure, and therefore any "home remedies" would have next to no effect in curing fungus, so I did not even try try until I accidentally got monostat on a "mole" and saw it instantly begin to "cure" the mole. I reasoned it might also help fungus. It did help, but nothing like the dramatic effect I've had with the mouthwash. Because of the misleading by our medical and pharmaceutical industry, I thought the progress I saw was the best I could hope for. The medical and pharmaceutical industry expect and demand to be paid immense amounts of money, so they can live like kings. To do this they apparently are either willing to lie or at best incredibly negligent, at a huge cost to the rest of us, in life and in health, as well as in money. My mother died with feet so badly infected with fungus and the subsequent infection, it was horrible. Had she known she could have cured the fungus problem with something as cheap and simple as mouthwash, she might be alive today. I know she believed toenail fungus to be extremely difficult or impossible to cure. It would have been nice to cure mine before my big toenail was totally destroyed. I'm hoping it will come back, but at least I have a real CURE. Plus I bet the other cures given here will also work. Meanwhile doctors collect vast sums of money to give people pills which destroy livers and cost a fortune. When they could simply advise them to use mouthwash! Isn't that what quacks are supposed to be guilty of?

Posted by Becky (San Diego, CA) on 11/15/2006

My Dr. (at a very well know medical organization), he asked that I not tell anyone that he told me to try this instead of the prescription he could have given. Apparently the prescription stuff takes just as long to work approx. 3mos and cost a lot more and has bad side effects on other organs in your body. The Vicks Vapor Rub every night before bed rubbed on toes, covered with socks and WOW! What a find... Renewed my faith in my Doctor as well.

EC: We have long suspected that many of these emails are from the manufacturer (or their PR firm). We post them here for your reading enjoyment.

Posted by Mazza (Wellington, New Zealand) on 05/19/2012

I too have had great success with Vicks (and a cheaper version). My toe nails are growing normally from the nail bed and I have been able to remove the thick "horns" at the top of my nails and hope in a couple of months to show my nails again after wearing shoes and socks for years. I read that fungus loves dark, and therefore painting toe nails is a no-no.

I enjoy this site and have used it to clear many a problem but I do take exception to the EC comment that these comments are from the Vicks manufacturer and are just posted for our enjoyment. I do not work for the company or own shares - I just have used a product that works.

Posted by Lenny (WV, US) on 01/18/2015

Are you serious? You whacked your nails with a hammer. Made me laugh.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Anti-Yeast Cream
Posted by Gris (Houston, Texas) on 06/27/2008

I have heard that Monistat works very well. It is a highly recommended treatment by nail salons. It worked for me and my father. However, it needs to be applied on a daily basis (I did it twice a day) and continue to cut the nail and file the top layer so that the medication can penetrate to the inside of the nail. Hope it works for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Anti-Yeast Cream
Posted by Bettertoknow (New York, Ny) on 09/10/2012

gris from Houston, The thing you are describing can be a non-fungus problem at all! Please go test your toenails at a fungus lab! I had the same problem and was self-curing against fungus for many years - it disappeared but re-appeared next year, every year mostly in summer... But after I did a test (twice, to confirm it wasn't any type of fungus) the doctor said it's a condition often developing in women wearing tight and high heeled shoes - due to lack of blood circulation. In extreme situations they even amputate the toes (almost same problem as diabetic patients develop). So don't waste your time self-curing, do the test first!!!

Iodine, ACV, H2O2
Posted by Ryan (Sidney, Ohio) on 06/04/2006

Yellow Toe Fungi" has many names and affects different people different ways. One of the more common forms of the fungi is, "hermaphrodite" (careful, a simple misuse of Google(R) yields very "different" results). Whatever the name of the parasite, it will generally fall under the category of, "dermatophytes". These creatures are indigenous to dark, warm & moist areas - which is why the foot is a lovely place for these critters.

The "cure" depends greatly on the person and WHERE the critters are located. Because the dermatophytes have to work "under cover" or under the nail - the further back they can get the safer they are. Some infections may be close to the tip and others may be back at the root. This is usually determined by how long the infection has existed.

There are 2 top-level treatment options for an infected person - internal & external. The external option is generally safer but takes longer to cure or possibly renders no result if the infection is not reachable externally. We can take advantage of osmosis in these cases though. The internal option often yields a higher success rate but generally isn't as good for the body. The reason being is that the chemicals/solutions/items that you ingest for the nail fungi aren't so great for the rest of the body - primarily the liver. I usually recommend an external option before resorting to an internal option.

1.) Twice a day (or every bathing session) rigorously was the toes/fingers with soap and water(stop if cracking or drying of the skin occurs). We do this to help keep any new infections away cause these infectious critters don't need any help.
2.) Spend time outdoors in the sun barefoot. You don't have to walk or anything, just let your feet/hands be exposed to the sun. We do this because these infectious critters HATE the light.
3.) Twice a day submerge your toes/fingers in a 50/50 Apple Cider Vinegar & Hydrogen Peroxide solution for 30-45 minutes. After done soaking let your fingers/toes AIR DRY in the sun preferably. We do this because the vinegar helps to normalize PH and the Hydrogen Peroxide helps oxygenate the affected area. Infections HATE alkaline & oxygen rich environments.
4.) Twice a day apply to dry fingers/toes DECOLORIZED iodine, completely covering the "free edge", cuticle, top area of nail & sides of the nail bed. We do this to better assist the normalization of body PH. Use iodine after consulting a licensed medical doctor as some individuals are allergic (which is a whole other topic).
5.) Before bed time each night, apply a "Vapor Rub" in liberal portions to all the areas mentioned in step 4. The Vapor Rub doesn't HAVE to be the Vicks(R) brand. You can go generic here. The MAIN ingredient your looking for in whatever you use is "eucalyptus oil". After application cover with a sock (even if it's the hand) to prevent smearing and removal.
6.) You'll need to reduce or eliminate your intake of acidic based refreshments (soda, soft drinks or pop). These type of refreshments support an acidic body PH which can decrease blood circulation (a key element to the healing process). If nothing else, your liver will thank you.
7.) Don't trim your nails too close to the nail bed(wait until AFTER you have reduced the current infection to start this practice). It's not unhygienic to have a small amount of nail overhang and it makes it harder for NEW infections to enter. The total healing time depends on the type/amount/length of infection & whether you take preventative measures to ward off a relapse. Generally speaking you should see some type of an improvement within 7 days if you follow the above instructions.

INTERNAL OPTIONS: Internal options are generally pharmaceutical options but there are some homeopathic internal options.

1.) Ingesting Apple Cider Vinegar is said to have positive effects with toe fungi. I recommend doing your own research on ACV gestation because I have never taken it internally myself and I'm not sure about quantities or dosing.

2.) Ingesting 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda every 3-4 days for 1 month. I personally have never tried this but I do know that taking baking soda in the amount/interval shown above will have wondrous affects on the body's PH balance (it brings acidic PH to alkaline and Vice a Versa). With an alkaline body PH the body is in the best possible position to fight off ALL foreign bodies and parasites.

I would strongly recommend attempting the External options I have listed first. *It is important to note that I AM NOT a licensed medical doctor and that my statements here HAVE NOT been reviewed by ANY licensed medical doctor from ANY country. My statements here are intended for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and I am not telling you to apply or undergo any medical treatments / procedures / applications.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Julie (River Grove, IL) on 05/02/2006

I am very happy to pass this on to anyone who has this condition because you will absolutely get rid of your discolored/thickened toenails with no side effects! I know because my nails are clear and beautiful again. Apply oil of oregano to your nails with a Q-tip in the morning and evening. You can buy oil of oregano at any health food store. Do this and your unsightly toenails will be a thing of the past. Do this for approximately 6 or 7 months, so your new clear toenails will grow in and that's it! I followed this advice and my nails are completely clear and normal.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Nancy (Westport CT) on 07/06/2005

I have fungus on one big toe and nothing worked . One day I decided to put peroxide let it sit dry then pour alcohol on it and it is cured and has grown back and I no longer get ingrown toenail . I had cut it as short as possible to get the peroxide etc in there.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Daisy (Elk Grove Vlg. IL)

My BIG toes are victims of injuries from "new" shopping carts 2 summers ago. I was wearing sandals both times. Our visiting podiatrist said that due these injuries I may have a nail fungus. But, my nails are NOT yellow. They were only bruised and the "mother cells"/half-moon seem to be helping them to grow to the "free edge." The podiatrist removed the loose nails and now the left toe "new nail" has nearly reached the "free edge." The right toe was re-injured accidentally and only has grown 1/2 way to the "free edge." My Dr. said the remedy he had in mind would be unaffordable for me. I have resorted to "peroxide" treatments and my toenails look like they are healing.

Peroxide seems to help the "mother cells" grow a new nail. I apply it once every day with a cotton ball saturated with the peroxide. Naturally it dries it out, but I do see some growth on the nail. Time will tell and I will keep in touch with the results.

I don't know if it because I have a 9 1/2 shoe size that my wonderful grand kids keep stepping/jumping on the "trying to heal" big toes of mine ..........or what. But, it certainly slows it down.

Also, my primary Dr. didn't know how to cure a "root type" ....which could be a cyst on a node on my ring finger. I used a prescribed ointment called HYDROCORTISONE CREAM USP 2.5% strength. The sac became irritated again. I use this "lightly" as directed about 3 times per day with the results that it has cured the irritation although I can still see the dried up tiny sac. The cream I use is comparable to the "off the shelf" hydrocortisone cream USP but, it has a stronger effect on the affected area.

Hope this feedback helps and you can pass it on. These are only my ways of curing and rather experimental.

10-Undecylenic Acid
Posted by Laura T. (Catonsville, MD) on 01/19/2019

10 Undecyclinic Acid for Nail Fungus: We used 1 in am and 1 pm on empty stomach and it cleared up my husband's toe nail fungus that he had been trying to get rid of for years!

How to Self-Test for Internal Fungus
Posted by Holly (Millersville) on 11/07/2017


Sorry to be clueless here...but even if the jar is sterile and closed, the air within the jar could have spores, bacteria, etc. Kind of like when you preserve food by canning. Using just sterile jars won't work. You have to process via heat to create a vacuum and kill all pathogens first.

Thanks for your help. Holly

Posted by Erika (Hawaii) on 09/18/2017

My history with fungus started 6+ years ago. The infection was acute and was on the nails on both big toes. I went to a podiatrist who removed what remained of both nails and told me to use vinegar at home. At the time I was in a residential treatment facility and had no access to vinegar for the 3 months. Now the new growth about mid-way was reinvented and for the next 5 years was this tug of war with the infection. I used vinegar soaks every night for a month with hardly any improvement. I even used straight the distilled vinegar and no success. I was using bleach soaks with moderate success and stopped after the third try. Well, guess what? It seemed like the fungus built up an immunity to bleach and came back with a vengeance! That pic is what it looks like now. I am going to try the bleach but won't stop it until I know for sure it's been eradicated. I ordered colloidial silver with a high ppm number to use that am/pm. I will update my progress ( hopefully ) and include pics. Wish me luck!

Coconut Oil and Crushed Garlic
Posted by Jimc160 (Cardiff) on 03/24/2017

Have noticed a significant improvement over the last few weeks from using coconut oil and a crushed garlic clove mixed together, this was recommended to me by a friend who used the same treatment successfully on nail fungus.

White Vinegar
Posted by Joy (Greer, Sc) on 05/14/2016

I, too, have had success with vinegar for toenail fungus, even after previously battling a very advanced case for 10 years, although I still have it in one stubborn toenail. I used white vinegar. It was recommended to me to spray it on twice a day, which I think is the fastest and easiest thing to do. I used a 2 oz sprayer found in the travel toiletries section. Wasn't told to soak, but it occurred to me just a few weeks ago that maybe I should soak and saturate that nail, and it is now much improved. Hasn't come back in the other nails, either. Am so happy about this safe, easy and inexpensive treatment.

Ozonated Olive Oil
Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 05/10/2015

Hi Tassi, what you describe makes me think you may have had a cancer that inflamed and then was dismantled, leaving a space under your skin. I say this because I have used vitamin c on my skin cancers and experienced the swelling and then tissue loss as the cancer tissue is removed. It left a definite divot at the time.

The good thing is that the tissue loss in your face will likely fill back in over time.

Lemongrass Essential Oil
Posted by Cc (Slc, Utah ) on 02/01/2015

Two years ago I tried Lemongrass oil on my toe nail fungus and all it did was to make my nail color go black. It never worked. I had a black nail for months also the nail was curved due to the amount of fungus under the nail.

I finally got it to clear up by using Iodine and Castor Oil applied to the nail and over time the new nail grew in clear and the problem has not come back.

Posted by Js (New York, Ny) on 08/03/2014

I am following up to my post in June. I am continuing to soak my foot with a bleach solution for nail fungus twice a week. 2 of the infected nails are clear (yahoo!!! ). The big toe which was the worst of the lot, looks a lot better and has grown out halfway mostly clear. The issue is that the big toe nail is very weakened from fungus, so it looks like it can get reinfected very easily. Does anyone have a supplement recommendation to strengthen nails that have been infected with nail fungus? That seems to be what is needed to prevent reinfection. Thanks!

Oxine AH
Posted by Trudyg (Waynesboro, Va, Usa) on 06/04/2013

I have chickens. In my research for respiratory concerns, I learned of a product called Oxine AH. The AH is for animal health and is identical to the oxine used in brewing. They say it's used in municipal water disinfection because it's so safe. This stuff is supposedly stronger than bleach, kills mold, fungus, virus--all by fogging the area (the chickens are supposed to inhale the mist to fix fungal infection in their lungs). This is for animals! I did not see any place saying use if for humans. But, they use it to clean ductwork, eradicate mold in the home--I'm thinking I personally would try it on ringworm or toenail fungus. Anyone have any experience with it?

Posted by Joylie (Solana Beach) on 04/08/2014

I googled, "Triclosan" as someone suggested. It is BAD for your health. Google and see...

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Renee (Bergen Co., Nj) on 04/12/2013

White Vinegar for Toenail Fungus: Apply white vinegar liberally using a cottonball after every shower or anytime your feet get wet. My husband also applied it at bedtime and again in the morning. Allow it to dry thoroughly (hair dryer is good). Continue for several months until the whole nail has grown out. Otherwise, it will probably come back. He also applied Vaporub on the first night, which had a quick effect, turning it black, but he didn't want to keep using a petroleum product for months.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by KT (Charlottesville, Virginia) on 03/16/2013

I used grapefruit seed extraxt (citricidal) on toenail fungus which I've been fighting for about 4 years. First, I thoroughly cleaned the area removing as much of the infected area (toenail and skin) as possible. I then applied a generous drop of citricidal directly on the area and covered with a bandaid. There is a warning on the bottle which says "do not use full strength on the skin". I did it anyway. I'm not recommending anyone else do this; I'm just saying that's what I did. The area was sore for about a day. I've repeated this procedure about 4 times so far with about 2 weeks between each treatment. The results? So far, my toenail has been growing back and there appears to be no trace of fungus. The area is greatly improved. I will continue with this process until my toenail is restored to normal. So, the citricidal seems to be working for me.
