Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

Vitamin E Oil
Posted by Boonie (Waukesha, Wi) on 03/11/2013

Vitamin E oil for fungus nails: use a Q tip or cotton ball to massage in to your nails on both sides after your bath or shower. It may take a year to do this every day but the nail will grow out clear. It takes about a year for the new nail to grow out completely. Trim regularily and continue to oil your toe nails every day as needed. Oil all the way to the cuticle to top of the nail and underneath nail surface as much as you can.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Lian (Nairobi, Kenya) on 11/29/2012

I am saying Amen!!!!! To Oregano Oil, had Fungal that refused to go completely for the last TEN years. As we speak, my face is really glowing and am very confident walking with my head's high. It is a powerful cure.

Posted by Big Joe (Chicago, Il) on 10/23/2012

I had these ugly yellow toe nails. I hated them. I would gargle with Listerine and then afterwards put my bare feet into the sink, one at a time, and spit the Listerine on them. Then I would just let it dry on them. They went away in about 10 days.

I guess you could apply Listerine directly or tape a cotton bandage to your toes, but this is what I did and it worked. I used just the standard yellow Listerine.

Essiac Tea Soaks
Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 09/27/2012

Had horrible fungus on toes and hands, resolved readily by soaking in half and half solution of Essiac tea and hot water, for 20 minutes. I also drank 1oz of the Essiac and 1oz of boiling water as a tea, holding it in mouth awhile each sip, for 3x a day on an empty stomach.

This worked when nothing else came close! And fast! I would continue for a month, then only as a preventative needed now and again.

I also scrubbed face of toenails down lightly with soft side of emory board to allow the tea to soak in, and thoroughly removed debri both on and under nails.

Sea Salt
Posted by Anonymous (Somewhere, Texas) on 09/23/2012

Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup or more of salt to the foot bath depending on how much water you have. Think salty like the Dead Sea - this will kill the fungus.

If hot water hurts your toes you can use warm water. But you might want to dissolve the salt in hot water first so the water becomes super saturated then let cool.

You can go to a local feed store and buy bulk fine mineral salts which are the same thing as the some of the more expensive mineral baths salts(mined from the same place). This way you can get a lot of high quality salt cheaply. Hope this helps you.

Sea Salt
Posted by Mpi (Atlantic City, Nj) on 07/10/2012

I probably tried over 50 different remedies for nail fungus on my big toe and it just kept getting worse. It got so bad, the entire nail was separated from the nailbed, except for a small section at the very base of the nail and I was resigned to the idea that I would lose the nail. Here is what finally worked: SALT.

My routine: At night, pack the affected toe(s) in salt, (less than 1/8 of a teaspoon is plenty! ) making sure to get it well under the nail. You can add a drop of water so some of the salt will get into all the crevices the fungus can grow. In the morning, I use baking soda and a nail brush to scrub it clean and then dab some coconut oil on it to keep the nail from becoming too brittle.

First, I noticed that the fungus stopped advancing down the nail. As the nail grew in, it came in white for a bit and then little by little, I saw pink, healthy nail bed growing at the base of the nail, it is firmly attached to the skin and continues to grow in normally.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jc (Columbus, Ga, Us) on 07/23/2013

How long did you soak your toe nails each day, for them three days.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 02/23/2022 84 posts

Question for everybody: How long do you have to soak, before this thick unsightly toenail comes ovf painlessly?

What is it that I'm doing wrong?

I soak the nail in a 3% white vinegar for up to 6 hours per day, but the thick unsightly part of the nail remains hard as a rock. Neither my nail scissors nor my nail file is, or seems to be, any help.

Any advice?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by zalmus (Israel) on 09/25/2023

My guess it has to be ACV, not white vinegar. Although many comments relate to White Vinegar too. Also Hydrogen Peroxide 3%.

Iodine, Hydrogen Peroxide, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Hippocrates (Odin, Missouri, USA) on 04/29/2012 9 posts

Hello all, Many years ago, I went to Hawaii. I walked on the beach barefoot, it was fun. I am unsure if this was the cause but, I came back home, and one toe nail started to get thick and brittle a few months later. It got so thick, toe nail clippers won't go over it to cut it, so I have to hack away at it to get it cut. The others have been totally unaffected.

One day, I decided to cut it, but then went outside and sanded it down to a slightly less-than-normal thickness out of frustration. I noticed that the outside looked normal-ish, but inside it was pithy, like old dead wood, small hollow pockets with brown streaks.

So, I mixed up some iodine I had, some hydrogen peroxide, and some 500 ppm colloidial silver. It was 60% iodine, 20% hydrogen peroxide, 20% colloidial silver. I would paint it on in the morning a few times so that it soaked in nicely, then put on a bandage over the nail or a "finger cot" (like a condom for your finger), then take it off in a few hours. Then, when I got home, I would paint it on several times again, but let it air dry.

The nail started to grow back normally from the base of it, but I moved and was unable to continue to the current living arrangement for a year. It reverted back to the old thick nail by the end.

I am now able to continue my earlier treatments, but didnt figure that you would want to wait a year or two to find out how it goes. It takes about a year for a nail ripped off to grow completely back in (dont ask me how I know ;), so if you do this, I would continue for 2 years to make sure that it was completely gone, then a periodic treatment, once a week or twice a month or so, to make sure that it doesnt come back. If it is thick, even possibly not, make sure to sand it down quite a bit, so that it can absorb down into the nail bed better, since nails arent the most porous of substances. The key is to get it into the nail, as if you put it on and then put on socks that absorb the liquid, it wont go into the nail. That is why I used something to keep the solution from drying out and not soaking in.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/28/2012

You have obviously gone to a lot of trouble with your post but I can't agree with some of what you are saying. I cured my toe nail fungus (which had spread to more than one toe) by just drinking the ACV a couple of times a day. I had had the problem for quite a few years. As the nail grew out so did the fungus and I just kept cutting it. Three months later it was pretty much cleared up. There is no need for me now to wash my feet differently or be careful with this or that, my body is healthy. The fungus will only be a problem if the body is not healthy. I heard a great saying once... "you can't fish in dirt". It is the same with our bodies, disease and sick only occur if the body is in a state that allows it to. The same with your immune system. Everyone around you can be sick but if your immune system is strong you won't get sick.

As for plantar warts Edgar Cayce (per the link below) had a great remedy for them without having to resort to cutting them out.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Courtney (Granite Bay, Ca) on 01/28/2012

I beg to differ. Surgery is not the only alternative.

After trying countless conventional methods over the span of three decades, I was finally able to get rid of my plantar wart for good by using the duct tape method. It took patience and diligence, but it worked!

I suffered with every step I took for ages, and have been free of that pain (and the wart) for almost a year now.

Posted by Terry (Dayton, Ohio) on 11/04/2011

I had a nail fungus since 1971 and I was reading this page and found the salve. Vicks salve and yellow root. It's gone, all gone now. But I did something different. I cut a lot of strips of plastic bags out so they would be handy. Then when I would put the salve one my toe nail I'd wrap it with the plastic strip so it holds it on the nail and don't soak in the sock. Change it every morning. You can feel it working. Tingling. I tell all my friends about this page.

Posted by Timbo2 (Huntsville, Al) on 03/04/2012

Just an update, still clear, no signs of fungus. Left toe nail looks normal but still not completely grown out. Probably another 3 to 5 months before I can actually claim victory for that toe nail. Good luck!

Urine Therapy
Posted by Darlene (Otto, Nc, Usa) on 10/14/2011

A relative of mine was a midwife, and had home remedies for many ailments. When a baby was brought in with thrush, she would take it down to the barn and work what we thought was some kind of strange magic; and the baby would get better. She would never let anyone go with her to the barn except the baby. When she was very old... before she died, she revealed to us some of her remedies, and the reason why she could not let anyone go with her to the barn...

She said: Thrush (that causes white tongue) is usually a sign of too much fungus in the body; she would take the baby to the barn, and let it urinate in it's diaper, then take the urinated diaper and rub it in the baby's mouth, and if the baby had cradle cap she would rub the urinated diaper all over its head. Most people would have freaked out; if they had known this; so she kept it secret. She was practicing urine therapy; and it seemed to work good for thrush.

I have found that making your own tooth powder (baking soda, sea salt, borax, few drops of peppermint oil, wet toothbrush with H202 and dip in mixture) and after brushing, sloshing mouth with glycerin works wonders on a white tongue. The tongue turns nice and pink, and the mouth feels really fresh. You can also sip on a little glycerin throughout the day for a fresh clean feeling

Ultimately, though... To get rid of the root cause, and keep it gone... you will have to address the fungus problem.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin E, Vitamin D
Posted by Bia (Lahore, Pakistan) on 08/29/2011


I would like to share success of cure fungal nails. My daughter aged 7yrs since she was goign through this acute fungal nails which she got it from making bubbles out of liquid dishwasher.

After seeing several doctors, applying medicines, homoepathic, etc.

Finally after great research I applied apple vinegar for 2 years and vitamin E oil cap and manicure them regulary and vitamin D-3 suspension 1tsp at night worked like magic and I want eveyone who are suffering from this should start applying these and see how they vanish as they never existed.


Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin E, Vitamin D
Posted by Pandoranran (Guangzhou, China) on 06/11/2013

Can you explain the vitamin D3? Was it applied the affected area or taken orally?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Megny (Miami, Fl) on 08/27/2011

I had an issue with nail fungus for several years - hid it with nail polish until it finally got really bad. 5 of my toes were infected, and the worst was my big toe, which had separated from the nail bed and had debris under it. It's been about a month, and I'm noticing improvements in all my toes, especially the big toe - it's growing in clear and healthy, and the new growth is attached to the nail bed! Here is what I did:

1: After showering, I would dry my feet REALLY well with a paper towel and hair dryer - using your towel can spread the fungus.

2: I shower in the morning before work, so once my feet were dry I would put straight tea tree oil on all the nails. The big toe looked really bad, so I put a bandaid over that one, since I wear sandals pretty much year-round. I have some light-colored antifungal nail polish (there are several brands out there, I bought mine on Amazon) that I put on the toes that weren't as bad, since I NEVER wear socks and am a little vain about my feet :-)

3: Anytime I was home I made sure I was barefoot with nothing covering my toes. If I was working out and wearing socks, I made sure I wore a clean pair each time that were made of a moisture-wicking material - your feet need to breathe!

4: Every night I'd soak my feet in a 50/50 mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar and water. Make sure it's at LEAST 50% ACV. It will turn your toenails a sort of yellowish color, be forewarned. Soak them for a minimum of 30 minutes, if you can do more that's best.

5: before bed, when my feet were totally dry I'd put tea tree oil on all my toes and let it soak in. I didn't want to get the oil on my sheets so i'd usually put a pair of (clean! ) socks on once it had soaked in a bit.

I am totally sick of the smell of tea tree oil and ACV, but the remedy is working! It's slow going because the toenails grow so slowly, but if you stick with it and are consistent, you will see results. It's important to let your feet breathe and be exposed to air as much as possible, and also to keep your shower, nail clippers, etc. disinfected.

Posted by Jeff (Mckinney, Texas, United States) on 06/10/2011

This site is great. Special thanks to Ted and Bill for all the first-hand information. I have been reading it non-stop since stumbling upon it. I apologize for the length of this, please bear with me.

Here's how I got here: A few years ago I read a book about fungus and all its effects -- the author contributed pretty much everything to fungi and/or mycotoxins including cancer. The reason I purchased this book was due to the following reasons:

1) I was exhausted during my day -- I needed 5 hour Energy shots to keep from falling asleep. This was typically after a meal, so I started thinking I had a major sensitivity to sugar. I was a typicaly SAD (Standard Amercian Diet) guy who loves bread, sugar, and all things meaty. Never really had any of the other symptoms of Candida so don't think that was the cause.

2) I developed a fungus on my torso and in the folds of my elbows. I couldn't get rid of it except to go to the Doc and get Fluconazole. He gave me 4 pills to take 1/week for 4 weeks. I took 2 which got rid of the fungus and then kept the other 2 which a year later I needed to use again to get rid of it. It came back about 4 months ago.

3) I also developed a toenail fungus. I lost my toenail due to soccer and the new one came in clean but I'm determined to keep it that way.

4) About 3 months ago I went to the dentist for a cleaning. He said I had bone loss and my gums were receding and asked me if I was diabetic. I'm not. I'm in my 40's, over 6' tall and weigh about 200 lbs. (I've since figured out that this is definitely due to Acidosis and having constant acid conditions in my mouth.)

5) Mild digestive issues. Consistent diarrhea, food induced. Let me put it this way, I never really have quiet time in the bathroom -- lots of courtesy flushes are necessary and it was rare to have just a normal 'ol BM. Have noticed recently color tends to be on the lighter brown side indicating not enough bile.

So, going from there I deduced that if fungus is a potential cause of cancer they must thrive in the same type of environment. Indeed they do, they both love acid environments. Armed with information on what a healthy pH is I purchased some strips and started testing. My first test: Saliva = 6.2; Urine = 5.8. That night I took a teaspoon of Baking Soda in a glass of water. I burped several times and went to bed. I didn't sleep well that night, mostly due to feeling some energy and the crazy gas. I woke the next morning and felt better with more energy than I've had in months if not years. A side effect -- it gave me the worst case of gas that I've experienced in a long time -- this lasted for the next few days (I repeated the evening BS in water) but tapered off. QUESTION 1: Any ideas what was going on in my system? I would be interested to hear if anyone has experienced the same.

Next morning my pH was Saliva = 7; Urine = 7.4

So, here I am a week later -- I've read through most of this site and here's what I've implemented thus far. Replaced a lot of my grooming products with natural versions to cut out some pollutants: toothpaste, shampoo, shaving cream, and deodorant. I've only modified my diet slightly -- cutting back a little on bread and sugar. I'm a huge water drinker naturally and don't drink any coffee but was also a huge black tea drinker with Sweet&Low(Saccharin). I've cut out most of the black tea, all of the Sweet&Low. I take the BS with water at night time every now and then if I feel my pH is edging upward. I squeeze lemons in my water at every meal. I purchased or already had: ACV, BSM, EVCO, Sesame Oil, Himalayan Crystal Salt, powdered Vit C, Borax, Vit D3, Lugol's 5%, and a few detox items like Chlorophyll pills. I did buy the right kind of Milk of Magnesia and some carbonated water -- and am planning on making Mag Water and mixing in some Borax (QUESTION 2 -- is this the best way to start with Magnesium supplementation?)

My current routine:

I started OPing in the morning starting with Sesame Oil b/c I thought with EVCO I might get some Herxheimers. Did that 2 days, and did EVCO today for the first time. No adverse reactions whatsoever -- just noticed by the end of the day my skin is a little oily. Also have been ingesting 1 tbsp of EVCO in the evening each day for the last couple of days.

After Oping, rinsing, and brushing my teeth I've been drinking a small glass of Vanilla Coconut Milk with 1 tbsp of BSM mixed in -- yum! I then eat a banana or a breakfast bar on my way into work. During the day I've tried 1/2 squeezed lemon BS in a half glass of water a couple of times and noticed my pH didn't really move all that much. The last day I've been using ACV BS with some honey (I like this) and noticed my pH has definitely gone alkaline for my Urine -- it's 7. 8. My saliva remains right around 6. 8 though.

I haven't implemented Borax or Lugol's yet b/c I just got those. I haven't been taking the VitC (other than putting it in the honey), D3, or any of the detox support supplements yet either. Not quite sure how to implement all of this into my daily routine -- when to take what. I know I can do a couple of drops of Lugol's in a glass of water in the morning (QUESTION 3: need to be on an empty stomach?)

QUESTION 4: based on the information above and your experiences/expertise should I go through a cleansing routine? Hulda Clark said to do a parasite cleanse (preferably with a zapper -- QUESTION 5: does this really work?), then a Kidney cleanse, followed by a Liver cleanse. Obviously I don't want to do anything that will be taxing on my system if it's uneccessary but I want my system operating on all cylinders.

QUESTION 6: any advice on the order of the cleansing routine? Or if I should do some sort of heavy metal detox prior to instituting a cleanse? Is there a way to know you need to detox from metals or anything else? Any advice on the most efficient way to do a heavy metal detox and what to look for to know it's working?

Thanks for your patience and your help. You guys rock!

Posted by Kelly (Cinicnnati, Ohio) on 04/30/2011

to Jen ftom Vancouver BC-- dont know if you still read this (yours was in 09) but for fungus treatment.... To accelerate the garlic (1 clove chopped) effect, mix it with vapo rub (any brand) I used about a heaping tsp of the mixture and loosely bandaged it. I did it on my left big toe and it cleared it up in a couple of days ( whole toenail was black and had brown pus come out when squeezed--i know yuk! ). I got this remedy from EC, couldn't believe it worked so fast. Hope this helps. God Bless!

Posted by Kelly (Cincinnati, OH) on 06/07/2009

a while back I combined two things I'd read on this site for toenail fungus and it worked GREAT. chop a FRESH clove of garlic to release the juice and mix it with a tblsp. of vapo-rub ( store brand ok ). Prepare the nail (toe or finger) by cleaning,cutting as short as possible, and squeezing out any pus if present. then put the garlic/vaporub generously on the nail and wrap with a LOOSE gauze bandage. You will be amazed. The black will clear and new nail will soon grow. Blessings!

Posted by Lynn (San Diego, Ca) on 02/10/2011

I've had mild toenail fungus for 10 yrs (only sympton is thick toenails) yet I had bunion/hammertoe surgery 2 yrs. ago and since then the 2 hammertoenails have been normal; they are flat and thin and look great. Was it the Betadine applied just prior to surgery? They were wrapped for several weeks following the surgery. What made this happen? I need to know?

Posted by Melmc (Orlando, Fl) on 04/26/2012

I believe it killed the fungus because it is an iodine solution. Several people on this site have said how quickly an iodine solution has cleared up their toenail fungus infection. Someone mentioned getting a clear, stain-free iodine solution at CVS where they live. I plan to do this. (It can be very drying to the nails, so I will be using it with Tea Tree oil, which is supposed to help fight it as well. I'm also going to take about 1 tsp of baking soda in a glass of water for 3 weeks to clear out fungus that is probably in my blood, then every 3-4 days for maintenance.)

Oregano Oil
Posted by Maria (Silver Spring, Md, Usa) on 12/15/2010

Oil of oregano cure for fungus rash and nail fungus. I had a horrible fungus break up on my toes and top of my feet. I had blisters and the itching was so very bad. I had to stay off my feet for two days. It made my nail fungus soooo much worse!! I tried soaking in white vinegar and it helped a little, I tried garlic and did nothing, I tried magnesium salts and it helped to dry it somewhat. I tried apple cider vinegar and it did help to lessen the itching but it stained my toenails. I tried soaking the feet in oregano tea )one teaspoon of dry oregano steeped in hot water for one hour. That helped to clear the infection and the blisters, as oregano is antibacterial and antifungal.

Finally after 3 weeks of suffering I bought the expensive oil of wild oregano already premixed with olive oil. It has helped so much. The skin has healed and the toenail fungus is clearing little by little. I shower and dry my feet with paper towels and then with a hair drier. I remove the debris under the nails and put a few drops of the oregano oil on and under the nails. I rub my feet to help the oil penetrate better. I had a toenail that was separated from the bed, so I but a bandage wrapped tightly around the nail. It has helped to speed the healing and to make the toenail grow straight and proper. Almost there. Be patient, oil of oregano helps where other things do not, but it is not an instant cure, but a steady one. To help the toenails grow faster I am taking silica everyday. It works.
