Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression Naturally

Posted by Leah (Israel) on 09/01/2013

I have a relative who was so depressed, he tried to hurt himself badly. I had read that magnesium is amazing for depression and works rather quickly. I convinced him to try it. One tablet each day of the daily recommended dosage and he was unbelievably back to his old happy self in two days! However, when he forgets to take this, he sinks back into depression very quickly.

I truly truly believe that depression is a chemical imbalance and not necessarily a psychological problem. I really hope this helps others out there who are suffering with this!

Posted by Celia (Seattle, Wa) on 08/18/2011

I would like to share my wonderful discovery of the power of simple magnesium to alleviate depression. I had been taking a powdered form of magnesium every night before bed, which made me feel Calm and relaxed. Then I stopped taking it. I began to suffer a lot of mood problems when stopping it, and when I resumed the powdered magnesium citrate, I couldn't believe how much better I felt the next day.

I also use a combination herbal therapy for Mood Support, which works well. And every day I take vitamin D at 4000 mg, fish oil, and something called lithium orotate, a safe, commonly found supplement for brain and mood health. (Don't let the word lithium scare you. Unlike the drug lithium, lithium orotate is safe to take and you don't need to have your blood tested. Please look up lithium orotate online for more info.)

But to me, the most important missing link in the puzzle was magnesium. You can buy it at the drugstore, but I do suggest taking at least 700 mg a day to begin to see results. I stagger the dose, taking 200 mg magnesium citrate tablets twice a day at work, and then taking the wonderful fizzy magnesium drink at night as a hot tea, which makes me feel very sleepy and Calm.

Posted by Jennifer (Chicago, Il) on 10/09/2009

Feeling extremely depressed, anxious, panicky, I first stsrted taking Magenesium Glycinate, which I thought worked well until I ran out read a little more about different types of Magnesium and went to my local health food store and bought Magnesium Citrate, 200 mg. I started taking 400 mg. in the morning and 400 mg. at night before I go to bed and I can't believe how much better I sleep on Magnesium Citrate! I just wanted to highly recommend it for depression and/or anxiety, it seems to relax your body and take you in to a deep sleep throughout the night.

Posted by Doris (Murfreesboro, TN) on 12/05/2007

My son suffered from anxiety and depression after his divorce. I read an article by George Eby about Magnesium Glycinate for depression. I bought my son some of the magnesium and after a few days he started feeling better and talked about having more energy and concentration. He took 800-1000 mgs. for a few days to build it up in his system, then backed down to 400 mgs. The Magnesium Glycinate really changed his life.
