Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Candida Remedies for Effective Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Coconut Oil

5 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
3 star (2) 

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/01/2015

At last some believable independent research from PubMed on the useful action of Virgin Coconut Oil on candida.

I stumbled onto this research paper which duly confirms that a substance called D, L-2-hydroxyisocaproic acid (HICA) will act against candida in the following way: inhibits candida growth; inhibits and reduces biofilm formation; reduces the production of candida waste poisons like acetaldehyde; destroys candida hyphae; inhibits the mutagenicity(cancer forming) of candida waste poisons; reduces inflammation.

In case anyone is wondering what the heck D, L-2-hydroxyisocaproic acid is -- VCO contains caproic acid and D, L-2-hydroxyisocaproic acid is just an isomer of the same.

So what they are really talking about in this research paper is why VCO, which also contains caproic acid, is so hugely beneficial as a natural supplement when you have systemic candida problems. Notably, VCO also contains caprylic acid, lauric acid and myristic acid -- all with additional, wide-acting and significant action across many pathogen species as well.

Here is the research Abstract:

"The ability of C. albicans to form biofilms is a major virulence factor and a challenge for management. This is evident in biofilm-associated chronic oral-oesophageal candidosis, which has been shown to be potentially carcinogenic in vivo. We have previously shown that most Candida spp. can produce significant levels of mutagenic acetaldehyde (ACH). ACH is also an important mediator of candidal biofilm formation. We have also reported that D, L-2-hydroxyisocaproic acid (HICA) significantly inhibits planktonic growth of C. albicans. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of HICA on C. albicans biofilm formation and ACH production in vitro. Inhibition of biofilm formation by HICA, analogous control compounds or caspofungin was measured using XTT to measure biofilm metabolic activity and PicoGreen as a marker of biomass. Biofilms were visualised by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). ACH levels were measured by gas chromatography. Transcriptional changes in the genes involved in ACH metabolism were measured using RT-qPCR. The mean metabolic activity and biomass of all pre-grown (4,24,48 h) biofilms were significantly reduced after exposure to HICA (p<0.05) with the largest reductions seen at acidic pH. Caspofungin was mainly active against biofilms pre-grown for 4 h at neutral pH. Mutagenic levels (>40 �M) of ACH were detected in 24 and 48 h biofilms at both pHs. Interestingly, no ACH production was detected from D-glucose in the presence of HICA at acidic pH (p<0.05). Expression of genes responsible for ACH catabolism was up-regulated by HICA but down-regulated by caspofungin. SEM showed aberrant hyphae and collapsed hyphal structures during incubation with HICA at acidic pH. We conclude that HICA has potential as an antifungal agent with ability to inhibit C. albicans cell growth and biofilm formation. HICA also significantly reduces the mutagenic potential of C. albicans biofilms, which may be important when treating bacterial-fungal biofilm infections. "


Other References

Replied by Pam

Bill, I would be very careful about your statement "VCO contains caproic acid and D, L-2-hydroxyisocaproic acid is just an isomer of the same." I remember from my high school chemistry that isomers can behave very differently, and a quick search on wikepedia reveals "Isomers do not necessarily share similar properties, unless they also have the same functional groups". I cook with VCO, and consume it, but right now my systemic infestation with candida is off the scale and nothing is effective anymore, (my circulation has got dramatically worse too, sign of arterial and cardiovascular plaque) so you can bet they have boifilm protection.

Replied by Anon

There is a coconut oil cleanse that completely starves the candida in the book the coconut oil cures, if you are interested. I have considered it but not sure I can handle it until working up to ingesting that quantity of oil before attempting it.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Pam...You're absolutely right about L-2-Hydroxycaproic acid(LHCA) and isomer properties. What I should have made clear is that LHCA is an oxidant or is the oxidant form of caproic acid and, as confirmed from the research, this oxidant form is highly beneficial against candida.

The other thing to remember about caproic acid(or any ingested nutrient) is that when you ingest it as food, it will not necessarily stay as caproic acid but, while travelling throughout the body, will inevitably undergo many chemical changes due to chemical reactions including oxidation and reducton reactions. So LHCA may more simply be regarded as the oxidized form of caproic acid.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is another one with a useful oxidant form called dehydroxyascorbic acid(DHAA). The hydroxy portion means that it contains a hydroxyl radical which therefore also makes it an oxidant. DHAA is actually more useful than ascorbic acid because it is a glucose mimic and is absorbed in larger amounts and faster via the glucose pathways(GLUT1) of the body whereas ascorbic acid or ascorbate uses the slower and limiting sodium transporters. So DHAA is able to reach cells quicker and in larger amounts than ordinary vitamin C. Once inside the cell the DHAA is then easily converted from the hydroxy or oxidant form into the more useful ascorbate(anti-oxidant form) by glutathione(anti-oxidant).

I am also a firm believer that a healthy body needs the correct balance in terms of oxidants/anti-oxidants. Generally, anti-oxidants are used as essential enzyme cofactors in the many important metabolic processes of the body. Oxidants in the body are also used for essential jobs like respiration and energy as well as in helping the immune system fight invading pathogens. Phagocytes and neutrophils convert chlorides and iodides to hypochlorous acid(oxidant) and hypoiodous acid(oxidant) respectively in order to destroy bacteria, fungus and viruses. In this same immune process hydrogen peroxide(oxidant) is also generated from vitamin c and is sprayed out into the blood to kill the pathogens as well. So you could also perhaps say that vitamin c is a safe way to actually store hydrogen peroxide(an oxidant) in the body.

Regarding your cholesterol and high blood problems, I think that higher dose niacin should help you here. Indeed, I have noticed that many drugs companies are now all incorporating niacin together with statins into their pills in order to make statins more respectable. So, instead, I would come off the statins and just start taking higher dose niacin(flush form) or inositol hexanicotinate(non-flush form) on its own -- at least 500 mgs twice a day.

I'm also not sure whether you have been following a candida protocol. My current anti-candida protocol is shown here.

I've also said often enough that systemic candida involves two dimorphic forms of candida: the yeast form and the fungal form. I've also recently come to the conclusion that there are two forms of systemic candida. The first systemic form is where the yeast form dominates the body and the second systemic form is where the fungal form dominates. The fungal form is by far the most virulent form and the most difficult form to cure.

So it may be that that the fungal form is dominating your body -- this makes it harder to cure. What I would do is simply buy some organic Gymnema sylvestre tea(GST) and drink this tea at least 4 times a day. GST acts to reduce blood sugar and also acts significantly to completely inhibit the transformation of the yeast candida form into the fungal form. In other words, GST strongly inhibits the fungal form. So, in this respect, drinking the GST every day should therefore help to greatly reduce the virulence and dominance of the fungal candida form leaving just the yeast form. The yeast or local candida form is much easier to cure.

I would also get a hair analysis. This will tell you your heavy metal and halide status and will also tell you what nutrients you are lacking in your diet. If you find that you have excessive high copper and low levels of zinc, glutathione, magnesium and low B vitamins(especially B6) then this will perhaps also confirm at least some further reasons for the fungal candida form dominating your body.

Replied by Marie
(New York, US)

I have been very confused as to what is the right thing to take anymore as I am 60 year old female with high blood pressure besides diet and exercise.. can anyone recommend some good vitamins and supplements for the heart and for prevention? I am looking at nattokinase and lysine .. But would that take the place of COQ10. I am reading different doctors, Dean Ornish, Dr. Sinatra. thank you

Coconut Oil
Posted by Claire - S.A.C. Dip. (Diet & Nutrition) (Birmingham, Uk) on 01/05/2014

If candida is the problem in the first instance i.e., acetaldehyde is the result of candida overgrowth, start eating two tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil a day along with garlic. They are both anti-fungal and will get rid of the problem - you should expect to see results within about three months. Secondly, reduce your intake of sugar as candida thrives on the stuff.

I suffered recurring bouts of thrush through repeated use of antibiotics following surgery for a ruptured appendix and finally found the solution years afterwards after trying all sorts of things. Keep in mind that you must always treat the root cause of the problem and not just the symptoms otherwise it is like trying to eliminate smoke while ignoring the fire. In addition, the human body is a delicate balance so try to keep everything in moderation.

I hope this advice helps :)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sandra (California, Us) on 09/05/2011


Thank you earthclinic for the wonderful website! On here I've found the cure for so many health problems from sore throat to eczema. I am now writing because I've started using VCO three weeks ago and I am loving it. The reason why I wanted to try it is because I think I have mouth candida. For the first two weeks I felt a huge difference in my mouth. It felt cleaner, fresher and that horrible white coat completely disappear!!

A few days ago I started to have an unpleasant taste in my mouth. I can't be sure if it is the metalic taste that some people describe but I can assure you that it is not nice. My tongue is not as pink as it was when I started taking VCO but not as bad as before I started taking it. My question is: Could the bad taste in my mouth be a symptom of candida die off or is it just that the oil worked in the the first two weeks and is not working anymore? Thanks very much

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi Sandra, California, I also started taking a bit of coconut oil again a few days ago and my tongue is white (while it nowadays is quite clean) and I have this bad taste in the mouth, like I am always thirsty. Although, as I had started to take Chlorella and Spirulina at the same time I am not sure which one is causing this! I don't know whether it is the die off effect as I think that I suffer from Candida or whether my liver got overloaded because this is the result when you take or eat something that doesn't agree with your liver! No idea what to do now.... yesterday I didn't take the clorella spirulina powder or the coconut oil but nothing changed.

Replied by Jay
(Toronto, Ont, Canada)

On 09/06/2011 Francisca from Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France wrote: "... I also started taking a bit of coconut oil again a few days ago and my tongue is white (while it nowadays is quite clean) and I have this bad taste in the mouth, like I am always thirsty. Although, as I had started to take Chlorella and Spirulina at the same time I am not sure which one is causing this! I don't know whether it is the die off effect as I think that I suffer from Candida or whether my liver got overloaded because this is the result when you take or eat something that doesn't agree with your liver! No idea what to do now.... yesterday I didn't take the clorella spirulina powder or the coconut oil but nothing changed."

Francisca, a few random thoughts here ... Candida is known to accumulate in tissue that contains heavy metal deposits as the heavy metals in some manner seem to protect the Candida. Chlorella is well known to help the body excrete heavy metals by any channel available. I suspect your ingestion of the chlorella started to remove the heavy metals which accounts for the bad taste. With this start to the heavy metal removal, the Candida felt somewhat threatened and in its movement, was exposed (white tongue).

If you want to read more about the heavy metal-Candida association see this link

Replied by Amanda
(Boston, Ma)


Coconut oil also made my tongue turn completely white & I had a terrible taste in my mouth like metal. My tongue was fuzzy - it was horrible! But I also experienced great efffects like weight loss, smoother hair, and much better sleep (I think it was helping my hyperthyroid). I had to go off the coconut oil bc the white tongue - even when I went down to 1/8 of a teaspoon & the taste were intolerable.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Amanda, The coconut oil was doing a great job of detoxing you, thus why you saw the white tongue and had the bad taste in your mouth. Since coconut oil is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory you were actually seeing its benefits. If you don't like its effects, you may want to find another way of detoxing since this was an indication that you have a level of toxicity in your body. Hope this info helps, Lisa

Coconut Oil
Posted by Joyful (Memphis, Tn, Usa) on 07/07/2010

I've cooked with raw/organic/un-refined virgin coconut oil a tad, and I use it liberally in my personal care products. However, I gag whenever I try to injest it. Aside from the overall health benefits, I am curious about this oil because I am dealing with candida overgrowth. I am currently taking probiotics and enzymes from a reputable company, using raw ACV in my water daily, and I will start taking garlic (with allicin) capsules soon. Would it be necessary to consume VCO if I'm doing the other things mentioned above for candidiasis? Are there even coconut oil capsules out there?! Thanks in advance!

Replied by Randy
(Jc, Nj)

You can take capryllic acid instead, which is the main active substance in VCO that kills the yeast

EC: VCO= virgin coconut oil

Replied by Melissa
(Old Saybrook, Ct.)

Hi, I am a 61 year old female and have broken out in a rash all over, legs, arms, etc. I have osterperosis in the hips and should take calcium. I have acid reflux expecially in the evening. I have high blood pressure. Vaginal dryness that will not stop even though I am taking vagifem. I have a white tongue. What do you suggest?

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)

Hi Melissa - I take Boron (3mg a day) Magnesium 400mg a day, and a Calcium MAYBE every other day... Maybe. I also be taking Organic Virgin Coconut oil at 3 tbsp a day (starting at one tablespoon, and working up to three tablesoons, SLOWLY so as to not upset my digestive system too much). Boron builds bone, and Magnesium is needed by so many bodily functions... VCO is a GREAT thyroid balancing agent. I also add turmeric to my coffee / VCO (coconut oil) concoction every morning.

Aside from that I also take ACV at one ounce (a shot glass full) in a glass of water and a splash of orange juice every morning.

You might want to also look at taking DIM (google it - DIM) and a good natural progesterone cream. Just suggestions per what you said your age and symptons are... Great for balancing out those damned estrogens that can make our bodies get so whacked out.

I am turning 50 this month, and these are the things I have found helpful for me.

Also - a great (beyond great, and AWESOME book actually) to read is "Breakthrough" by Suzanne Somers. Yes, Suzanne Somers.... The woman is VERY intelligent!!!!!

Good luck to you, and if nothing else, just "google" the individual elements I have mentioned to see if they look like something your body may be needing.... One of them may just be something you will be very happy to have found! Carly :-)

Replied by Sims
(Branson, Missouri)

I was having a hard time with my health and couldn't quite figure out what I had going on, and after some reading I figured out I had candida in my intestines (I fit the symptoms to a T ) so I started with the cold pressed coconut oil about 2 to 4 spoons a day and I am all but cured of all of my symptoms, I also started taking Apple Cider Vinegar at the same time and a strong probiotic... My health is great and I lost 5 lbs which were those last 5 that are so hard to shed, lost some puffy-ness too :) VERY happy... Thank you Earth Clinic!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Corinna (London, Kent, England) on 02/05/2010

I suffered from candida infections virtually all my adult life. It started after I used antibiotics in my early twenties and became chronic. This changed once I started to use virgin coconut oil for cooking at age 38. What a relief!
I went to a food intolerance check in my local health food shop. The man was all set to diagnose me with candida because then he would be able to sell me lots of medicines (his major source of income) - or so it seemed to me. However, he checked and checked and could not find the candida. He seemed astonished because apparently he found the fungus in everyone. Anyway, I am free of candida for the last 10 years and as an added bonus I also suffer less from herpes outbreaks that I used to have much more frequently.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Colleen (Livingston, NJ) on 06/28/2009

Hi, My Mom and I have been doing some research regarding Candida. We are both convinced that we have this condition since we both fit the symptoms to a tee.

Anyway, my question is, my Mom has been diagnosed with high blood pressure and I've been seeing mixed commentary on the web to whether or not taking the Coconut Oil is good for people who have high blood pressure. Should she continue taking Coconut Oil and will it lower her pressure or make it higher?

Any commentary or personal results are appreciated!! Thanks!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Colleen...As a help to you here is a website showing much of the research on coconut oil in our diet:

There are many myths that have been spread around about saturated fats and the above web-site should explain all.

I use extra virgin coconut oil internally and externally on body every day, I regard this oil as far more curative even than olive oil because coconut oil is a stable saturated fat, whereas olive oil is a monounsaturated vegetable oil, therefore less stable and much more prone to quickly oxidise.

When I started taking coconut oil, I actually lost weight, my blood pressure went down, my cholesterol levels went down and rebalanced, I had more energy and it was a major factor in getting rid of my Candida.

Replied by Maria
(Wilmington, DE, Usa)

This is a question to Bill from the Philipines. Bill how long did you take the coconut oil to cure your candida? Maria

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Maria...It took a year to cure my candida. And coconut oil wasn't the only remedy I used. I also used the following.

* Ted's lime/lemon plus Baking soda 3 times a day for alkalizing the body.

* Occasionally Ted's ACV plus BS or BS on its own on in water to provide more energy and to provide more bicarbonates respectively.

* Teaspoon of Blackstrap Molasses in my coffee for minerals.

* Milk thistle to support my liver throughout the cure.

* Kelp tablets for iodine.

* My own homemade decoction of Tinospora cordifolia, Phyllanthus niruri(Chanca piedra or Stonebreaker) and Tumeric, all of which grow in my garden. I took this for liver, kidney and intestinal support throughout the cure. I have recently included Neem leaves in this decoction, because I found a Neem tree in my neighboorhood the other day. Neem, amongst all its other highly beneficial properties, is also highly alkalizing.

I had terrible constipation for about 7 years and usually had a bowel movement once every 4 days. Not good. The coconut oil had an immediate effect on this, my stools became smaller and softer, and eventually I started to have regular BM everyday. I cook everything in VCO now, even use it on my salads. I have banned all other polyunsaturated veg oils from my diet now, since most of these are highly processed chemically and suffer oxidation too quickly which is bad for the body. VCO should be unprocessed, stable and it takes 2-3 years to oxidize this oil.

Just to say that intestinal candida is an insidious problem that can be very hard to eradicate. It is insidious because initially you don't notice its effects, they sort of creep up on you and since I'm over 60 y o I just thought it was age...LOL. But then I stumbled on EC and read about candida. I now regard any yeast, mold or fungus as the prime human enemy now, far more destructive on the human body than viruses, bacteria etc. Fungus's are way more adaptable than any other microbe, they are neither plant nor animal, they can hide for years, they can transfer their nucleus via their hypha by penetrating host cells in order to hide and breed when under attack. The overall effect of this is to continually weaken and wear down the body's immune system, and eventually to provide a wonderful acid environment to allow in a plethora of other viruses and bacteria. This is why it takes so long to get rid of and recover from candida.

Simply put, there is no one magic bullet for candida. I still regard Ted's lemon/lime remedy as the prime remedy that hepled to destroy my candida. But I also have a very high regard for VCO too.

Replied by Maria
(Wilmington, De - Usa)

Hi Bill, Thanks for the prompt response and thorough explanation. However, I have a few questions regarding your remedies:

1. How much lime/lemon juice and baking soda dis you use?
2. Milk Thistle - is this in a form of tea or powder. How much and how frequently do you use it.
3. Kelp tablets - not sure I need it or do I

I have had thrush in my throat (I'm sure it's in my stomach as well) for about 2 months now and went the Rx route but I'm ready to use the home remedies. I am also over 60 and having a tough time of it but I'm not giving up, there must be an answer. I am determined to kill this fungus off and get my life back. All the best to you.


Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Maria...In answer to your questions:

1. How much lime/lemon juice and baking soda is you use?

Use 1/2 tspn Baking soda dissolved in the juice of one lemon or lime. Just slowly add the BS to the lemon/lime juice in 1/2 glass of water until it stops fizzing(Do not worry if you use a little more or less than 1/2 tspn BS). Take this at least 2 times a day -- at least one hour before or two hours after meals. Never take this remedy with meals. Take this 5 times a week with 2 days rest every week.

2. Milk Thistle - is this in a form of tea or powder. How much and how frequently do you use it?

I took Milk Thistle powder in capsule form -- Two 1500 mg capsules per day. Do not buy the tablets, buy the capsule form containing powder. I took this every day in order to help my liver cope with the Herx reaction or fungal die-off.

Kelp tablets - not sure I need it or do I?

Kelp contains minerals, but I took it mainly for the iodine to support my immune system. It is always a good idea to support your immune system as much as possible. You can also use iodine foot-painting (transdermal absorbtion) as well as described here if you like:

I use iodine painting now. For this you can use lugol's iodine or just ordinary iodine tincture or even Betadine.

Ted advises the best way to get rid of oral thrush here:

Although I've never used the ACV plus hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) combo, I have used these two separately for different reasons and they are both powerful anti-fungals. I also agree wholeheartedly with all his other advice.

Replied by Pr
(Houston, Texas, Usa)

Bill, I have to agree with you on how destructive fungus is to the human body and how deceptive it can be. As you mention it will hid in the body waiting for an opportunity to start growing and a person will never know it. I see fungus as one of the great cleanser of the earth digesting unused material. But what does this tell us about what we are consuming and we get an overgrowth inside. As you know too much toxins and waste. I believe eating clean is a big part of conquering this dis-ease.

I am now for the 4th time in my life dealing with this. I am having great results with EC remedies and your posts. I also used the maple syrup combined with baking 3 xs a day to kick start the clean up. Boy did it do it. I lost 7 pounds from stomach in about 3 days. I feel so much better not having the extra weight around the middle. If anyone tries this be prepared to feel really sick for a week or so.

Thanks for your posts and sharing your journey as it is a great encouragement to fellow travelers.

Replied by Peter
(Chicago, Il)

Bill, I am not afraid of taking B/S, from my experience using two tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, I always need at least one tablespoon of B/S to stop the fizzle. I just want to double check with your experience to make sure I am doing this right.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Star Z (London, UK) on 03/17/2008

I have been taking Organic VCO before meals for the last 2 days. A single heaped table spoon. It's yummy. I felt a tense pressure in my baby belly and my stomach has not stopped churning very low pain levels. There is also discomfort to my lower back. I was surprised to find a huge discharge below totay. I was unaware of the fact that I had trush. It disclodged and evacuated more discharge than the prescription medicine I take when I feel the discomfort of thrush. I have also been having an unusually thin poo, not watery, loser than the norm. After the display with the discharge I just wonder what is leaving my stomach! The fact that I didnt know it was there is not reassuring. This is the best detox I have ever done. I think in 3 weeks I will reduce to 1table spoon a day, as well as skin and hair application. This site does a fabulous job, somebody needs to tell Oprah.

Colloidal Silver

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Art (California ) on 11/07/2018 2392 posts

Editor's Choice

It is already well described in the literature that colloidal silver nanoparticles are a broad spectrum antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal and to a lesser extent antiparasitic.

The following studies suggest that it is also effective at fighting Candida Albicans and breaking down related biofilms. This can be useful information for people who are plagued by this fungal overgrowth along with other pathogen issues related to candida. Although colloidal silver nanoparticles (AGNP's) are potent in terms of their antipathogenic effects, candida is a tough pathogen to fight and will likely take an extended period of time to fight. Something interesting about AGNP's is that they have shown the ability to overcome bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotics and AGNP's have even shown synergy with some antibiotics. This is something you should discuss with your doctor to see if it is something you can try if you have been diagnosed with candida albicans.

Here are the links to those studies:


Colloidal Silver
Posted by Loveallnatural (Kansas City, Mo) on 01/22/2012

My Dad has had a yeast rash for over 50 years. It is mostly on his back and each summer it would cover his back and itch like crazy. Over the years he has visited every kind of doctor and tried every remedy he could think of trying to find relief. He's tried every prescription and OTC pills or cream available with no effect and summers were unbearable as the heat made him itch constantly. Each summer he took strong prescription steroids in an effort to manage the itching. (He was also very susceptible to athlete's foot. )

I recently started researching, and taking, colloidal silver for my cold sores (really helped) and read that several people with systemic yeast infections had amazing results with it. I thought it might do him so good, so my Mom bought some online from a reputable laboratory and he started taking a few tablespoons each morning after he brushed his teeth.

I warned him that since he has had this rash for 50 years it might take 3-6 months before he noticed any improvement. But within a short few weeks he started having more energy and noticed that his constant heartburn was gone and he wasn't as itchy. Within a month his back seemed completely cleared, he didn't itch at all, and his issues with horrible indigestion (much gas and bloating) had drastically improved. For the first time in over 50 years, he hasn't had any symptoms of athlete's foot or his back rash despite a very hot summer. Also, he usually catches every cold, cough, or virus that goes around... Yet last winter he only had a mild cold once or twice.

We started to realize that he has probably had a systemic yeast infection for many years that caused leaky gut and compromised his overall immune system. Out of desperation, he tried colloidal silver for his back rash, but ended up with AMAZING results of more energy, less illness, normal digestion and gas issues, and no rashes. (He will continue to take it daily until he hits the 12 month mark since he's had it for 50 years and he wants to be completely sure that he kills off all of the yeast and not just the symptoms. ) Good luck to all!!

Replied by Rebel
(Somewhere, Usa)

Loveallnatural, I would like to know the brand of silver your father used. I used some that did not work and got me real discouraged. Is it dark amber or clear and whats the PPM on it? Website or brand would be appreciated.

Replied by Loveallnatural
(Kansas City, Mo)

I order my oil of oregano and colloidal silver from Bio-Alternatives Nutritional Supplements. Their products are really high quality and the price is great!! Good luck!!

Lisa B.

I was going to give colloidal silver to my daughter and then heard about people turning blue. Have you ever heard of this?

Replied by Loveallnatural
(Kansas City, Mo)

Oh, and looks just like water with no smell and very little taste. My 3 y.o. thinks it is water when I give it to him if he starts to get sick.

Replied by Fiona
(Tustin, Ca)

I used to buy tons of colloidal silver. If you buy online you could get for over 10 dollars. I make my own now. Buy 99.999 pure silver lods and buy battery. Go to radioshack and buy alligator clip. Connect to a glass cup. And use distilled water. And connect to the battery. Run for several hours. If you check internet there are tons of info and pics. You can make gallons for cost of a cent.. You will use this silver rods almost forever.

And Silver saved my mental health.. When you kill off candida, you will understand we are very intelligent beings who are actually calm.. I was anxious entire life. And there was a period time that I couldn't remember 3 sentences in a row. Now I can memorize pages no problem. :) I really think there is no other supplement cheaper and stronger than silver.. I know for some people money is issue. If so then dig here :)


There was a guy who took so much silver that he turned bluish. I think he took the wrong kind and way too much, like gallons instead of tablespoons. If you take the right kind and in the right dose, it'll be fine. Do some homework, learn as much as you can and then go for it.

Replied by Katzie

The guy that turned himself blue also brewed his with salt! This makes it bad. It accelerates the brewing but ruins it. The particles are too big cause the process was too fast and the bigger particles turned his skin blue. NEVER brew or consume silver water brewed with salt. It is bad.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Bob K (Phoenix, Az, Usa) on 05/13/2011

I would like feedback from Ted or any other readers regarding the use of Collidial Silver for treating Candida. From what I have researched and read here on the earthclinic site and other websites there appears to be 3 catagories of collidial silver products, those being collidial silver, a ionically produced silver and a ionic silver w/ protein. From what I have read the ionic silver products when ingested and hit the stomach acids react and become a salt chloride which is then eliminated from the body. If this is correct then I don't see where this would be an effective treatment.

My question is would a "true" Collidial silver be effective as a treatment for Candida as my understanding from what I've read is that it is the silver particles that must come into contact with the fungus/bacteria/virus in order to kill it so it can then be eliminated from the body. So far I have only found one website offering research data supporting the internal use of collidial silver for eliminating candida while also concluding that there is a more noticable benefit from ionic silver when used topically rather than internally. I do agree with the post I read here on collidial silver that if taken internally, a probiotic supplement should be used as well. Any comments and insights would be much appreciated as it appears Collidial Silver could eliminate Candida at a much faster rate than some of the other candidia cleanses I've read about that take 4 months or longer. Thank you and keep up the great work.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sarah Kay (Jerusalem, Israel)

I had candida yeast infection so bad that I landed in the hospital -- it went to my head, and ears and and eyes and...causing profuse vomiting for days. The doctors were baffled. Of course for most of them, candida is a made up illness. In NJ, doctors can't list it as a diagnosis cause it doesn't exist. No, doc, it wasn't Meniere's, or an imbalance in the ear canal nor any of the other guesses that you took, it was the genuine article: Candida Albicans. As a result of their not knowing, I went home untreated (except that the night duty nurse tried to give me the heart patient's medication) and treated it myself: I took a series of 10 colonics followed by ozone rectal insufflations which stopped the yeast dead. The ozone killed all the little nasty buggers hiding internally and flooded them with ozone/oxygen. I ate no sugar, flour, dairy or yeast products for a year. Two weeks ago I had my first dose of regular whole wheat yeasted bread and bada bing: no swelling, no itching, no bags under my eyes, no tingles. I recommend a few colonics a year followed by the ozone insufflations, just to make sure!

Replied by Ivena
(Valley Mills, TX)

If you wouldn't mind, please let me know of the products, and the process that you describe in your post. I have been a sufferer of Candiasis for 17 years and have tried many things to remedy this condition. I have done a sugar free, limited grains diet, Caprylic acid (it worked the best) but when I quit taking it the "yeasty beasties" came triplicate. Thank you for giving my request your consideration.


Replied by Tim
(Phoenix, Az)

I had thrush about a month ago and they gave me Nystatin for it. The doc says it's gone, but my tongue is patchy white. I was wondering if I still have it and should try some of theses remedies, If so which ones? Would gargling with Tea tree oil 2 or 3x a day be a good start? Am kinda confused on the ACV thing, do you just mix it together and drink it or gargle? Thanks, Tim

Replied by Mike
(Kunkletown, Pa/usa)

I've had what I think is candida for years but all the physicians I've been to have run tests and say it isn't so, however, I get this white junk that builds on my tongue and the more sugar I ingest the worse it gets. I also get tired, have gas, diahrea, joint pain, sore eyes, and many other problems when ever I eat foods with sugar. I tried the oil pulling starting about 5 weeks ago and at first had itchy rashes for a few days. This went away and I continue to oil pull twice a day for 30 min each. All my symptoms have decreased substantially, particulary the thrush (or whatever it is). I've been to doctors all over the country, have had tests from A to Z, and none have found anything. I oil pull with olive oil.

Cream of Tartar

5 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Brenda (San Antonio, Texas) on 06/24/2010

everyone talks about baking soda for yeast, i have found that cream of tarter is a much better for ridding the body of yeast with out die off, 1 teaspoon in a little water 3 times a day, works great. take for at least 5 days.

i have used this for people suffering from rashes, etc. from any yeast related problem. cream of tarter, comes from the making of wine, so it is mostly made from grape skins pulp and seeds. it also does not have the salt of baking soda so is a better choice for high blood pressure. for thrush just swish around in the mouth and swallow. also great for acid reflux.

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Karl (Chiang Mai, Thailand) on 04/22/2007

quote: Cream of Tartar kills Yeast !!! Direct quote from the following website: http:/

..."Through the work of Dr. Tom Revis DC, ND, I've discovered that plain old Cream of Tartar powder, yes the spice, will not only alkalinize better than the coral ever could. (You can test your saliva with Litmus paper to see the difference), but the Cream of Tartar powder also kills yeast all by itself! What a great combo to help with the battle! Most folks need between 1 to 2 tablespoons of the powder daily depending on the severity of the infection. You can mix it with water or just plop the powder in your mouth and swallow water to wash it down. (Don't breathe in while the powder is still dry in your mouth as some of the still dry powder can go down the wrong way). You can divide the tablespoon into 3 teaspoons to take less at one shot. Expect to have the runs for the first few days using the Cream of Tartar as the initial die off of yeast happens.

So take the cream of tartar then at a seperate time take the I Flora (2 capsules 3 to 4 times daily with or with out meals) and the Inulin powder (one teaspoon 3 to 4 times a day) as well. These days I've been using the Inulin from NOW ( It is significantly less expensive that the stuff I used to use as it is from chicory and not artichoke hearts, yet all of the studies done by the German researchers from the University of Leipzig who first successfully used Inulin used the Chicory kind, so why spend more when the chicory Inulin will more than do the job and for a lot less money!

Most docs and patients who have used this program have put a considerable dent in their Candida Infections in 30 days without the problem of compliance to a restrictive diet. The program will work regardless of what you're eating!

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, thailand)
392 posts

Dear Karl: Yes, I have looked on that issue for many years and for me it has always left me in the gray area, or one that I prefer not to recommend. It must be noted that it is with great pains that I not use this, despite many temptations. Why I am never tempted there are many reasons.

Of course you are free to try the remedy and I might be wrong. However, let's look at some of my complaints on such use.

If I have a choice between cream of tartar and potassium bicarbonate, I would choose potassium bicarbonate (and baking soda) for the candida problems. Another form of potassium is potassium citrate, which is free of the problems also. However, people whose body are high in nitrates (and I know because I had experience with this), they can sensitize to too much potassium, causing heart beat problems. At least this is my experience. A safer form is the citrate, or sodium citrate, which is superior than the baking soda. Basically sodium citrate is nothing more than citric acid mixed with baking soda, until pH reaches 8.0, in which case the resultant reaction in a water solution, will yield a sodium citrate. As a simple home remedy, it is a lemon and baking soda formula. If you simply wanted more citrate, than its likely to be a more baking soda is added than the original one which were (8 teaspoon of lime plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda) to be a pH of about 7.5.

Also, I could not confirm the original source of information of Dr. Tom Revis, other than that one quote that it was taken.

The other problem I have is the acid pH of the initial solution, which is taken to be about 3.5. It's the same problem I had with apple cider vinegar, which must be neutralized to a basically more neutral solution to a pH of 7, otherwise you get burning sensation of the esophagus at pH below 7.

The other issue is that when we prepare the growth of a yeast medium culture (which I might be wrong, but candida is yeast too), one patents uses (Nitrate reductase from yeasts, the preparation and use thereof Document Type and Number: United States Patent 5294539):

3. An NAD(P)H-dependent nitrate reductase according to claim 1, wherein the synthetic nutrient medium contains essentially:

0.04 g/l m-inositol, 1.0 g/l potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 1.0 g/l magnesium sulfate, 4.5 g/l potassium hydrogen tartrate, 1.5 g/l potassium nitrate, and 20.0 g/l glucose.

The cream of tartar is the potassium hydrogen tartrate (other synonyms are potassium hydrogen tartrate cream of tartar, potassium acid tartrate, monopotassium tartrate and potassium bitartrate).

Also in autistics and certain people with a problem of leaky gut, it was found that tartrate to be high and would be toxic to them. While it is true that tartrate is part of the Kreb's cycle, it is also true of citrate, acetates, and malates. The most results of energy increase, and hence, the immune system appears to be the acetates and the malates. While my own experience in achieving superior soda loading (a term atheletes used to achieve lower lactic acidosis), involves either or both maintaining a stable alkaline pH, or getting cells rid of the lactic acid. Now, maintaining alkaline pH, I found that citrates work better than bicarbonates in general. While the body rids of lactic acidosis best with acetate. The problem about acetate use is it won't achieve effective alkalization as with the citrates. So in my opinion the citrates and acetates are preferred to raise the immune system best. As to the problem of tartrates many people with bacteria, or toxins, the bacteria or other organism tends to produce too much tartrates, causing the body to be in excess of tartrate whenever people do get sick. This is especially true of leaky gut syndrome and autistics. A small study attached, below on autistics can be read for your perusal. There are many others.

A book excerpts on tartaric acid (from )is as follows:

"A toxicology manual (3) indicates that tartaric acid is a highly toxic substance. As little as 12 g has caused human fatality with death occurring from 12 hours to 9 days after ingestion. Gastrointestinal symptoms were marked (violent vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain, thirst) and followed by cardiovascular collapse and/or acute renal failure(3). A gram is approximately the weight of a cigarette. This compound especially damages the muscles and the kidney (4,5) and may even cause fatal human nephropathy (kidney damage) (6) which was of interest to me since the two brothers with autism initially evaluated had the extreme muscle weakness as well as evidence of impaired renal function."

One more problem is the level of tartaric acid in autistics is so high that it reaches toxic levels in autistics. The problem about this autistics quite often get yeast infections, whether they are candida albicans or not I don't know. And yeast infections as a result have high heavy metals.

Tartaric acid is not recommended for people with either chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. It decreases the malic acid, and reduces the energy levels. Again if you don't believe me, here is a quote, source (

"A large percentage of patients with the disorder fibromyalgia who have high amounts of tartaric acid in the urine respond favorably to treatment with malic acid (11-13). I presume that supplements of malic acid are able to overcome the toxic effects of tartaric acid by supplying deficient malic acid. Fifty percent of patients with fibromyalgia who also frequently have elevated yeast metabolites also suffer from hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) even though their diet may have adequate or even excessive sugar(14). The reason may be due to the inhibition of the Krebs cycle by tartaric acid. The Krebs cycle is the main provider of raw materials such as malic acid that can be converted to blood sugar (Figure 6) when the body uses up its supply. (The technical name for this process is gluconeogenesis or "new formation of glucose".) If sufficient malic acid cannot be produced, the body cannot produce the sugar glucose which is the main fuel for the brain. The person with hypoglycemia feels weak and their thinking is foggy because there is insufficient fuel for their brain. If adults with elevated values of tartaric acid in the urine have foggy thinking, have little energy, and are so depressed that they may seek out Dr. Kevorkian, imagine what a young child who has some of the same toxins and who has yet to form a clear concept of the world must feel like."

One other that is not mentioned is heart palpitations, diarrhea, excess sweating, and fainting more likely I think from the excess use of potassium than anything else as this basically skews your blood biochemistry and it is a waste product of yeast.

Replied by Joanne
(Arroyo Hondo, NM, USA)


I very much appreciated the toxicity information listed under cream of tartar in the cures for candida section. I even wonder if I already have damage from using it before (in much lower doses than suggested here, and for arthritis).

My favorite remedy for candida is Huang Lian Su, a chinese herb available at Chinese pharmancies, but not where I am currently living, which brought me to your site. I did take some GSE--grapefruit seed extract--before heading to the grocery to get other remedies to try, and realized as I was shopping, that the symptoms were already subsiding. So GSE might be at the top of my new list of favorite helps for candida.

The toxicity issues around cream of tartar as documented in the "nay" article were very surprizing, and I will never use it again. The levels recommended by someone else posting on this page sound potentially extremely damaging, when compared with the information that follows in that entry. I hope you will remove the suggestion of cream of tartar as a remedy given the extreme hazzards, and the poor public awareness of these hazzards.

Thank you,

Replied by Leigh
(Dallas, TX)

I vote Yea! The comments posted for this one intrigued me to do some more research on cream of tartar. Here's what I found. Cream of Tartar is NOT the same thing as Tartaric Acid - although some try to use the names synonymously.

The technical name for Cream of tartar is potassium bitartrate which is not exactly the same as straight tartaric acid. It is formed during the cold stabilization process in wine making and happens when the potassium that naturally occurs in grapes binds with the tartaric acid which also naturally occurs in grapes. Thus diluting (neutralizing) the tartaric acid and making a white crystalline substance called potassium bitartrate.

Let's also note that cream of tartar is a food grade substance which is regulated by the US FDA. It is widely used in baking, as well as some sodas and lots of other foods. If it were that toxic to the consumer, I sincerely doubt the Food and Drug Administration would allow it to be freely used in foods available to everyone!

Replied by Tina
(Dunbridge, Ohio, USA)

I have the Inulin, the cream of tartar, but what is, where do I get, and how much is this 1 Flora? I am very interested in trying this formula because acv,baking soda, and borax aren't doing a thing for my systemic candida. Please respond soon!

EC: Looks like iFlora is a probiotic formula. Search for it on

Replied by Reja
(Cedar Park, Tx)

Bill and/or Ted,

So is it okay to take the sodium citrate (referred above in the text regarding Cream of Tartar) instead of sodium bicarbonate? You mention above its superior than sodium bicarbonate but will it keep me from retaining so much water for the candida protocols?

I would like to find a safe, quality method of ingesting the sea salt and baking soda without gaining 7 lbs! I had stopped using them for a few days and dropped most of the weight within 5 or so days.

Thanks for your advice,


Replied by David

According to Dr. Wong's formula, the probiotic you want to include is Lactobacillus sporogenes, which is the same as bacillus coagulans, or the trade name Lactosporin (not sure if that is the proper spelling)

Replied by Lisa B.

My daughter is sensitive to chicory root. Do you think she'll have any problems with gas from the Chicory root?

Diatomaceous Earth

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Don (Toronto) on 02/20/2018 2 posts

Hi, I'm Don and this is my story about candida. I'm 58 and I think I've suffered from systemic candida, most of my adult life, though I never heard a doctor say candida once. I found out about it on my own, the hard way. I had athletes foot from borrowing shoes when I was 20. That brought on nail fungus and I suffered that through my 20s. I was put on some sort of meds that I had to take for 6 months or so.

This started a chain reaction that I have dealt with, on and off for almost 40 years. In my 30s I had two operations in the groin for abscess. After three years and no healing in site, a lady in a health food store told me about a doctor in Toronto. I went to see Dr. Ravi Devgan 25 years ago. After telling him my story, he said "you've suffered enough lets just get you healed". he gave me a shot of vit c and b12 then he put a giant magnet on my butt. ( I know that's what I said lol) then he took out a needle, and it was a giant needle He told me it was ozone. This needle was at least and inch thick and 6 inches long and there was no liquid in it. It was a gas. Now keep in mind that I have had this wound on my vein that would not heal. Puss would keep weeping out of it. and it was painful And the doctor wanted to do another operation. So I let him put this ozone in my vein. I paid the man I think 300 dollars, and I left there thinking what in gods name have I done. But on the way home I reluctantly admitted, I was in less pain. When I got home I used my trusty mirror that I'd used for three years, to look at this little pain in the ass, and it looked a healthy pink colour.

I was healed in two weeks, it was amazing, ozone can cure so many things.

In my mid 40s, I went to the dentist for a cleaning, and they found tongue cancer. I had two operations on that. Before the first I went to see Ravi, and he told me he could fix this. I told him my family would kill me if I didn't follow the doctors. He convinced me that I should get a shot of ozone that it would at least help with the healing process. So not being afraid of ozone, I agreed.

I woke up after the first operation, in very little pain. And it healed really fast. So I went to the 30 day checkup and was told that the clearances were not met. and they had to cut more out. I went for the second operation. Boy do I regret that, without a shot of ozone, I woke up with my tongue hanging out of my mouth with lots of pain. Pain that lasted for years.

I also had stomach problems and sinus issues my whole adult life, all treated with countless rounds of anti-bionics. All this modern medicine is what has caused my Candida, which went away like a boomerang always coming back.

So this year I started taking dirt (diatomaceous earth), and what a ride this has been. After three weeks I started passing what looked like thin rice maybe pin worms. For weeks. I kept seeing different substances, in my stool. I got sick as well with mucus coming out my mouth, hard flemmy things coming out my lungs, and the rest coming out my butt.

I was in a real fight here, I had no idea how sick I was. So I started to take the borax protocol as well. Then more pin worms started, my god when will it end lol. After a week or two with both the DE and the borax I passed what looked like a small white oyster type of thing with what looked like white whisks coming off it. And then that was it, I went off the DE and the borax for a month or so but now I've decided to go back on the DE for perhaps a year or so. Sadly Ravi died about ten years or so ago, I would love have another shot of ozone. I've never written this all down before, so it was a little long winded.

In ending I would say run from allopathic doctors, from what I've suffered most was caused by them, and remember all cancer patients have one thing in common "Candida"........Don

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Ana (Charlotte, Nc) on 01/01/2016

I cured my candida by taking diatomaceous earth (food grade) for a few months. I had also developped fungus around my lips, inside my mouth...But after taking DE for two was all back to normal!!! Try it, google it, it works!!!

Replied by Maria
9 posts

How much did u take?
