It is already well described in the literature that colloidal silver nanoparticles are a broad spectrum antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal and to a lesser extent antiparasitic.
The following studies suggest that it is also effective at fighting Candida Albicans and breaking down related biofilms. This can be useful information for people who are plagued by this fungal overgrowth along with other pathogen issues related to candida. Although colloidal silver nanoparticles (AGNP's) are potent in terms of their antipathogenic effects, candida is a tough pathogen to fight and will likely take an extended period of time to fight. Something interesting about AGNP's is that they have shown the ability to overcome bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotics and AGNP's have even shown synergy with some antibiotics. This is something you should discuss with your doctor to see if it is something you can try if you have been diagnosed with candida albicans.
Here are the links to those studies:
Colloidal Silver
My Dad has had a yeast rash for over 50 years. It is mostly on his back and each summer it would cover his back and itch like crazy. Over the years he has visited every kind of doctor and tried every remedy he could think of trying to find relief. He's tried every prescription and OTC pills or cream available with no effect and summers were unbearable as the heat made him itch constantly. Each summer he took strong prescription steroids in an effort to manage the itching. (He was also very susceptible to athlete's foot. )
I recently started researching, and taking, colloidal silver for my cold sores (really helped) and read that several people with systemic yeast infections had amazing results with it. I thought it might do him so good, so my Mom bought some online from a reputable laboratory and he started taking a few tablespoons each morning after he brushed his teeth.
I warned him that since he has had this rash for 50 years it might take 3-6 months before he noticed any improvement. But within a short few weeks he started having more energy and noticed that his constant heartburn was gone and he wasn't as itchy. Within a month his back seemed completely cleared, he didn't itch at all, and his issues with horrible indigestion (much gas and bloating) had drastically improved. For the first time in over 50 years, he hasn't had any symptoms of athlete's foot or his back rash despite a very hot summer. Also, he usually catches every cold, cough, or virus that goes around... Yet last winter he only had a mild cold once or twice.
We started to realize that he has probably had a systemic yeast infection for many years that caused leaky gut and compromised his overall immune system. Out of desperation, he tried colloidal silver for his back rash, but ended up with AMAZING results of more energy, less illness, normal digestion and gas issues, and no rashes. (He will continue to take it daily until he hits the 12 month mark since he's had it for 50 years and he wants to be completely sure that he kills off all of the yeast and not just the symptoms. ) Good luck to all!!