ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
Can you maybe give me details of your theory?
Otherwise great info, thanks.
(Gippsland, Australia)
Hi Wendy, I can only give my experience and observations. Many years ago I tried that theory out because some people I met were doing it and they said they were better for it. What I found was that I was very thirsty and it certainly did not improve my health in fact my eczema got worse and migraines came more often so I stopped. The people I knew who started this appeared to improve in health but all (and I mean everyone of them) did not keep their good health. My belief is that their health initially improved because they also dropped junk food and improved their diet. Most people did not stick with it. The few I knew who did got sick. The 2 that were the reason I gave it a try lived in pain with only minimal sleep and 1 died in their 60s the other lived another 10 years in severe pain till they died. These 2 lovely people started this when they were in their early forties. You should ask the nutritionists that are recommending this for examples of people who have been following this regime for 20 years.
(San Fernando, La Union)
Hi Wendy... The need for taking more water in the diet is a concept that many people have trouble understanding or accepting.
First thing, water improves digestion. If not enough water is drunk during meals, then digestion in the stomach becomes inefficient -- because the digestion in the stomach is too dry. As well, the enzymes in the stomach are not distributed evenly throughout the chyme or food in the stomach and so enzymes action becomes inefficient when there is not enough water taken with meals. And when this chyme passes into the duodenum for main stage digestion, and because the chyme is not as diluted and spread out as it should be, then the pancreatic juices cannot penetrate and neutralize all the acid chyme efficiently and pockets of acid in the digesting food continue to exist -- thus helping to encourage bacteria and cause acid intestines and many other problems later.
Secondly, there is an important measurement for the body, which Ted from Bangkok has mentioned many times -- called Conductivity. You normally measure the conductivity of your urine. If the urinary conductivity is too high, this indicates excess or too high a mineral concentration in the blood -- or a lack of water in your diet other words. If the conductivity is too low in the body to be effective -- then minerals are low in the body.
No one ever thinks about the proper concentrations necessary for minerals in water as a factor which helps metabolism. But this is indeed critical for the metabolic efficiency in the body. It is therefore simply not enough just to take minerals everyday if your daily water intake is inadequate or incorrect.
Incorrect concentrations of minerals in the blood are every bit as bad as not taking minerals at all. The ancient healers also knew that accurate amounts and concentrations were critical in their remedies -- this, after all, is really the main difference which determines whether a substance becomes a remedy or a poison for the body. Therefore the concentrations of minerals in the blood -- which is entirely governed by water -- is fairly critical for the whole body in terms of metabolic absorption, efficiency and distribution.
This website is very engaging and it appears to be as comprehensive and as succinct a source of holistic information that I have come across. By now, I'm well acquainted with the condition of candida over growth but one thing that still escapes my comprehension is how the rash can propagate on the skin...Now, I understand that if one has a yeast infection say, in the vagina or elsewhere, they necessarily have a larger problem with their gut flora. Sure but once a rash has been handled and long gone, why does it crop up again, even if so in lesser strength. Naturally, this can be seen a "cleansing" or healing sign but how is it that the yeast get to the skin in the first place? I get that the skin is also a purging organ but wouldn't the dead yeast be inert once they are sweated out? I get a periodic under arm rash and after a two years of keeping candida "under control, " I still can not tell if these rashes are evidence of progress, regression or both...Another question would be regarding candida in the blood. Evidently, this is a very serious condition yet how else would the yeast arrive at the armpit region, for instance, if it originally existed in the intestines? By that notion, shouldn't a skin rash be evidence of a serious condition?
(Tyler, Tx)
Candida can travel through the bloodstream, or so I just read. I get a rash under my breast and the healthfood store advised using an ointment with GSE (grapefruit seed extract). The ointment is basically comprised of castor oil.
(Tyler, Tx)
Try going gluten-free. The gluten could be causing the rash.
I hope someone sees this as it's quite a few years old. I am not sure Bill is still here on EC, but I am hoping so.
I'm really concerned about this business of drinking water with my meals. I have not done that for some years now because I had heard it got in the way of digesting food properly. Now I ran across Bill's post and want to get all the input I can.
Hoping to hear from anyone who drinks liquids/water with their meals, Denise
The candida remedy is in the second comment in the stream from the top of the page.
When I had candida 5 years ago, I used all these remedies on a daily basis. Systemic candida is not easy to kill, and will take 6 months to a year to get rid of systemic candida particularly. So be patient.
To clear up misunderstandings about alkalizing with sodium bicarbonate -- You can use sodium bicarbonate on its own in half a glass of water. I use 1/2 tspn sodium bicarbonate in half a glass of water, but I'm a 200 lbs guy. If you're significantly smaller, then use 1/4 tspn Sodium Bicarbonate. Take this two or three times a day. Taking sodium bicarb on its own in half a glass of water cures acid reflux when taken 1/2 hour after eating(and the food is in the duodenum) as well as helps to alkalizes the blood.
And whether I use two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar, or use one squeezed lemon or use one squeezed lime I always add about 1/2 tspn Sodium Bicarbonate to the solution in half a glass of water. If you prefer, you can add the 1/2 tspn sodium bicarbonate to the ACV or lemon juice or lime juice in half a glass of water until the fizzing stops. By adding a little extra Sodium Bicarbonate(which is what I do), this buffers the final solution ensuring that the beneficial malate or citrate salts that form are in an alkaline solution. More beneficial. If you are taking these alkalizing remedies for candida -- always alkalize at least one hour before a meal and two hours after a meal to avoid interference with digestion at mealtimes(the exception here is if you have acid reflux).
I still use all these remedies regularly today -- they're good for other small problems as well. I'm over 60 years old and now candida free with no aches and pains, a good heart and I haven't been ill with flu, colds or anything for about the past 4 or 5 years.
(Chicago, Il)
I have a question for Bill. I know you have precisely laid out the remedies for candida but what exactly can I eat??? Currently I am eating everything that is bad for candida it seems like. I need a diet plan to go along with the remedies. I know the basics NO SUGAR but it seems like everything has sugar. I am also considering a 5 day fast.
(Spokane, Wa)
Just wanted to say thank you for writing back. I have tried almost every remedy on here for the past seven years, you name it I have tried it , researched, cross referenced , tried again. I have so much knowledge and have studies enough mycology reports to fill many of desks. I dont want this to be my life. Some things work some don't. I guess the most important thing to me in my life is my husband and this stuff has really taken up a lot of the creative space. I am a very strict eater and sometimes its easy and I know what to do but other times I worry because my husband is thin and a candida diet is hard to keep weight on him and carbs help with energy but are not aloud and protein is hard to digest and is acidic. I think clear when I have carbs and I feel stronger when I have protein but I don't very often anymore because of all the different answers. I just started Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda and I am trying not to get my hopes up. I digress.. I am here to say thank you for your words.... Blessings
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Possible Candida Suffer from Chicago... When I discovered that I had candida I had just moved to the Philippines, and so my diet changed anyway -- becoming more rice and fruit based. I only ever eat two meals a day, breakfast and diner, and have no problem with this. I eat no desserts and dislike sweet things. I don't eat junk food or drink much soda pop. I don't eat much red meat -- maybe a steak once a month now. My breakfast is large and fresh fruit based and my diner at night is quite small, like a snack really. But this is just me. Any candida sufferer must adopt a diet of their own choice and stick to it. This is a must and is all about breaking the bad dietary habits of a lifetime which has helped to promote and cause the candida in the first place. The best way is to avoid certain foods and products:
1. Absolutely NO SUGAR. No ifs or buts here -- if you really want to get rid of candida -- it starts here, this is a must!!
2. No junk food allowed.
3. No vegetable oil in the diet. Vegetable oil oxidises fairly quickly on the shelf and very rapidly at high heat. Most vegetable oils are also now made from an unnatural chemical process. Better to use virgin coconut oil for cooking -- this is a very stable oil that is very good for you. When I had candida and started taking coconut oil, my bad constipation and bloating issues disappeared in about two weeks. VCO is very healthy for your body and intestines. I only cook with VCO now and VCO has actually helped me to lose weight.
4. No soda pop. Apart from the sugar, soda drinks also contain carbonic and phosophoric acids -- all of which acidifies your body and encourages candida.
5. Eat only white meat like chicken or fish in small amounts and avoid red all meats.
6. No baking products like bread, cakes pastries etc. In the 70s or 80s the FDA, in the wisdom, allowed the use of bromide and bromates in bread-making and baking instead of iodine. Bromine weakens the immune system and also encourages candida growth. Strangely but happily, I recently learnt that bromides and bromates used in baking in the Philipines have always been banned. Well go figure...
7. No canned products in the diet. Bisphenol A -- or BPA -- is contained in all plastic linings of canned products and is very bad for you. Upsets hormone balance and weakens the immune system.
8. No Calcium which means no dairy products -- no milk, cheese, yoghurt etc. Avoid calcium fortified foods. Excess calcium encourages acidity and thereby aids the spread of candida.
9. No Monosodium Glutamate(MSG) allowed. This means that all soy products made from a chemical process -- including soy sauce, tofu etc. Are not allowed. Avoid all products with added MSG. But any soy products made from the natural fermentation process are OK and allowed in small amounts.
10. Avoid distilled water and tap-water. Distilled water is "dead water" -- it completely lacks any important body minerals that natural spring-water contains. Tap-water nowadays -- due to water shortages -- is now re-cycled and chemically processed from sewage(especially in cities), so Lord only knows what evil goodies tap-water contains. Enough said I think. Drink fresh mineral or spring water or create your own mineral water instead.
11. Try and avoid all (chemically) processed food if you can. Try and eat foods that are made from natural processes without excess heating or use of chemicals/pesticides.
12. When you eat food, don't always rush and over-stuff yourself, as this leads to poor, inefficient digestion and acid intestines. There is always a lag from when you feel hungry to when you are satisfied but if you eat too fast, this is not good for you. Eat your food slower and drink plenty of water at mealtimes for proper digestion. The Chinese -- and Okinawans -- normally eat until they feel 70-80% full, then they stop. This is also good simple dietary practice.
All the above precautions are purely to encourage a healthy body and to create an environment that is very bad for candida. Of course this diet must be adopted as well as Ted's anti-candida protocols for complete success to be assured against systemic candida.
To Bill ( Philippines) In the post above you state that you had changed your diet becoming more rice and fruit based. Did you eat fruit while ridding your body of Candida? I have a serious systemic infection with the worst in my ear from a long standing ear fungal infection. When I try fruit I feel like this ear area is pushing into my brain. MANY say we need fruit to clean out our body of acidosis. I am trying to get there but this situation is touchy and go. Diet extremely limited so it hard not to eat meat. Anyway am curious if you ate fruit while detoxing Candida? Thanks!
(Cochrane, Wi)
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Forgot to mention in the foods to avoid -- No Sweeteners allowed -- no aspartame, sucralose, saccharine etc.
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Cindy... No, betaine hydrochloride generates hydrochloric acid which would defeat the whole point of alkalizing if taken at the same time. Take betaine hydrochloride at mealtimes and alkalize outside mealtimes, this is what I do. I always alkalize at least one hour before a meal or two hours after a meal to avoid creating digestion problems.
I've just realized that the above explanation might confuse certain people who are taking baking soda for other reasons than alkalizing. So to clarify -- If you are taking sodium bicarbonate for acid reflux problems then you can use this in two ways. First, you can add a little -- 1/8 to 1/4 tspn baking soda -- to your drinking water at mealtimes to cut down on stomach acidity by reducing excess acidity from food like fruit, coffee etc. Another reason might be to take 1/4 tspn sodium bicarbonate in a half glass of water a half an hour after you have eaten your meal(when the food has all moved into the duodenum), this would help digestion by neutralizing the stomach acid chyme to slightly alkaline for efficient second stage digestion. This would also save the bicarbs in your pancreas which can then be used instead to alkalize the blood
There are many ways to use sodium bicarbonate, and alot of this has to do with timing, which can cause some confusion I think.
(Winnipeg, Mb, Canada)
Hi Bill, I've been struggling for 9 months with candida and just found this link today. In the past I had just done the diet and garlic capsule and probiotics. Did you only do the alkalizing concoction, or did you do other things as well like candida diet, garlic, probiotics? Thanks so much for sharing. Pam
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Pam B... I used combined multi-remedies on a daily basis rather than just one alkalizing remedy to cure my own systemic candida. The remedies I used, which I've since updated, are all given here:
The minimum should be that you must at least take Ted's alkalizing remedies plus all the remedies that directly attack the candida fungus. Also, correct diet is essential and very important. Candida is very robust and it isn't easy to get rid of it. I still take all the remedies given in the link above, though less intensely now, as a preventative.
(Austin, Tx)
Hello Ted, This is a long candida question. I have helped many suffering with this over the past fifteen years with different yeast strains, but still myself am afflicted. I have candida Krusi. I will skip the details or my background for reader ease.
I would love Ted to respond to the following when he has a moment and I am open to others imput as well. My intention is to cover all my bases with no misses. Thanks for all that respond
Attitude: Good usually
Current afflictions: Daily yeast infections and thrush effects marriage was told that my husband cant kiss for a year or we will keep up with reoccurance. Is this true? If so I guess this will never heal because we are mad about each other.
Treatment of hydrogen peroxide infusions at a center for 1 hour twice a week for four month's
Result : No changes
All azole meds have been tried for five month's
Result:Resistance even after rotation with Candida diet.
Oil pulling three month's
Result: clears thrush for the day but returns following morning.
Current :cell food :Magnesium citrate, high end probiotic with no fos, 2 tbs lemon juice with 1/4 tsp bs, white meat only once or twice a week(difficult to digest), cooked and raw veggies(limited on dressings as my enamel is almost gone and has extreme pain so no Apple Cider Vinegar on salads or lemon), almond milk rotated with coconut milk (unsweetened), Stopped taking stevia drops to avoid allergy reaction from to much use. Biotin 400, tried every natural antibiotic under the sun herbs ect... All met with resistance, l -glutimine. Also cilantro for metal detox. Anything missing that is inexspensive?
Info I need : My diet is more limited than most in flavor. What I typed is what I eat, seeds, veggies and a little meat. I stopped being able to continue this after four years. I had no energy. And my hair is thin and falls out frequently. Limited funds make me come to you, the think tank.
Things that I need:
1) (looking for a good b complex that is not acid forming if someone had advice for where to find one that does not contain nicinimide as this was advised to be a poor choice. Do I need a b complex still or will one specific b meet my needs.
2) I put cell food into a veggie cap to pass the teeth with no pain and I also do this with gse. My teeth were ruined by cell food held under the tongue and then swallowed followed by immense pain ( I understand that the mouth will show us how healthy we are but this was the outside enamel on healthy teeth effected on contact and has resulted in my not being able to have any avc or lemon unless in baking soda remedy.) My question is once the veggie cap I filled reaches my stomach, because its not diluted in water, will it hurt my mucosal lining ? I dont need more damage.
3) What can I do for minerals besides liver(liver not an option my body ejects it)??
4) Its been said their is conflicting ideas on nutritional yeast , some say it is dead and will not effect yeast while others disagree. I would love to have this option to eat again because I like the taste and it will give me an additional a seasoning option. Any supported evidence would be very helpful as I do not want to go back to nine years ago ??
5)Kumbucha is a no, no for obvious reason but what about cultured coconut water they now sell in the store, and rejuvilac (its base is wheat and this is usually a no go but is the water from it ok?)
6) I would love to add stevia back into my diet would this be ill-advised from your perspective ted?
7) Fat ::: Everyone says not to much coconut oil or oils in gen or fat , but this seems to be the only thing that keeps me from eating carbs. Is the fat intake really preventing my healing ?
8) Ketosis for several years is hard to prevent if you are unable to eat even complex carbs, quinoa ect with out outbreak. What do suggest on a food level to prevent further imbalance???
9) Ted , I have been told that other yeasts are cured and have assisted others on an emotional and informative level and they have gotten cured. Is there still hope for me?
10) My husband eats millet in the mornings because he is thin and cant work an eight hr day with out the carbs , I believe this is still why he has yeast even though he does food combine, is this true and is he giving it to me when we make love even if it is not visible on the outside of his body?
11) can I have eggs , some say egg whites while others claim only yolk should be consumed. No Yolk!
Ted : My gratitude for all you observations and listening is very valuable. Thank you I hold a lot of love in my heart for you although I dont know you. You provide a place for people to share their story's of trial and error. Blessings to you..... I will donate.
(No City, Usa)
(San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Kitty... The main reasons which are hindering your cure for candida et al are because of the poor state of your teeth and gums and poor digestion caused by a weak or insufficient liver which is also causing apparent allergy problems.
The full regimen for the anti-candida protocol -- which is based on Ted from Bangkok's recommendations --is given in this comment stream. Just click on the heading of this comment -- "Need Advice Regarding Candida" -- and you will be taken to a page where you will find my comment with a link to both the full anti-candida protocol as well as the anti-candida diet that you should be following.
To improve your digestion, I would supplement with Betaine Hydrochloride as well as Pancreatin Enzymes -- taken with water before all meals. This will ensure proper digestion of all protein, carbohydrates and fats. Since you have a ketosis problem, you might well have a problem with carbohydrate digestion or this might also be due to a developing diabetes problem which also causes keto-acidosis. You should get this checked out and confirmed by a doctor.
The problem with your teeth has probably been caused by acid mouth due to both the oral candida as well as from acid waste from the plaque bacteria. You can brush your teeth with sodium bicarbonate - Baking Soda -- and sea salt or you can simply use Dr Gerald Judd's recommendation of just brushing your teeth with bar soap. The purpose of these protocols is help reduce the plaque bacteria and the candida biofilm formations in your mouth which tend to protect the candida and plaque bacteria.
Dr Judd, who researched teeth health for 18 years, says that using excess fluoride or eating acid foods are what weakens and destroys teeth -- not the candida or plaque bacteria (which tends to destroy the gums). In order for teeth to re-mineralize properly, you must therefore have alkaline saliva as well as minimal levels of plaque formation(no plaque bacteria). I use ordinary, unscented, no-addtive bar soap to brush my teeth together with an iodine or 3% hydrogen peroxide mouthwash. This has improved my own teeth health no end -- they are much whiter, stronger and better formed and I didn't have to go to he dentist for my yearly plaque scrap and de-gunk this year because plaque formation was minimal. Here is what Dr Gerald Judd, an orthodontist researcher, has to say about keeping teeth healthy:
Also, if you think you are allergic to something like lemon/lime plus BS or Stevia there is an easy test to confirm this. Just put a drop of the solution on your arm and leave it. If it causes redness or itching then you are allergic to that substance. If this does not happen, then you are probably suffering, instead, from a candida die-off or Herx reaction. Just cut back on the dose for a while, then build it back up later.
To improve the state of your liver and help to rid yourself of allergies, I would follow the protocol which I describe at this link here:
(Sf, Ca)
(Bucklin, Mo)
(Ogden, Ut, Usa)
I have gone to several doctors (regular and alternative) to get help with overcoming candida. They always give me a list of foods to avoid. On everyone of them, vinegar is listed and yet I see in this thread that many of you have had success killing the candida by taking it internally. My drs. said that it can be diluted and applied topically but never taken internally to rid the candida. I am sooooo confused!!! Can anyone help explain this discrepancy???
(Sc, Ca)
I have been afflicted with candida for about 3 months so I took 4-6 drops of organic oregano oil in 16-20 oz of water for about two weeks and now am taking ACV baking soda regimen as per Ted's advice for 3 days now. My tongue has turned pink, there is no itching etc. I am still feeling very tired in the afternoons but that most likely has to do with hypothyrodism. I have other ailments that I have to work on such as weight gain, heart palpitations, back, head injuries, poor circulation, poor eye sight etc. I have been praying that God would show me how to get healthy becasue the drs have done nothing but butcher my body parts and rendered me to the mercy of pills but I refuse to roll over and die. Thank you all for your valuable feedback, experiences and advice. God bless you all.
Gee, I always hold the Weston Price studies as a standard for ideal diets (book is now free online with the Gutenburg project), and these very high meat and fat eating healthy cultures never had problems with candida at all.
Also I know a lot of Phillipino people from work and they eat a lot of fish, not a lot of fruit. I enjoy their sharing quite a bit. I got hooked on their little salty whole fish. Eyes and guts and everything. (there's a lot of real vitamin A in those eyes.)
(Seattle, Wa)
Bill -- you wrote:
"No Calcium which means no dairy products -- no milk, cheese, yoghurt etc. Avoid calcium fortified foods. Excess calcium encourages acidity and thereby aids the spread of candida."
Calcium is an alkaline mineral. Perhaps some of the foods you mention may 'encourage acidity', but calcium itself cannot.
And how would acidity aid the spread of candida?
Taking bicarb with meals to reduce acidity it seems to me would reduce the acidity needed by the stomach to break down the proteins in the first stage of digestion.
Also, how do you know that food has moved into the duodenum a half hour after eating. What if one has gastroparesis (which is common with fungal and other infections) and the food just sits there? Taking bicarb may help it move out of the stomach, but would it be doing so before the digestion had begun?
Sorry for all the questions, but it doesn't seem to make sense to me. :)
Hi Bill, I'm interested in reading your story. I'm trying to be as strong as you but I'm having difficulty as I had candida a long time ago and got rid of it. But now its come back and I've had it for 2 years. I just can't seem to get rid of it. Just running in a circle of feeling better and again my acid goes up and candida comes back to attack me. I'm taking lots of natural medicine but still lots of dizziness and fogginess. I feel especially bad in the afternoons. I really don't know what to do. I don't eat bread or sugar. Any suggestions on how to get rid of it again?
Hi Luda...Thanks for your comments. Regarding my own Candida problem, I managed to get rid of it completely about 11 years ago and it has never returned. Many people have the same problems as you -- they just cannot get rid of their candida. Or if they do, like you, it always suddenly comes back. This is really why it's so difficult to get rid of Candida because, for many people, it just keeps coming back and they can't understand it -- in other words, you never really got rid of all your candida in the first place because it was just hiding somewhere in your body waiting to reinfect you.
The anti-candida protocol that I advise people to take now is shown here.
The reason that people with candida problems seem to fail so often is perhaps because either they don't take the protocol properly or they cheat and eat sugar and carbohydrates when they shouldn't or they come off the protocol too soon because they think they are cured when candida is a still hiding safely somewhere in their body just waiting to pounce. They might also suddenly agree to be put on anti-biotics for other issues for a while by their doctor -- doing this is one of the major causes of serious candida issues. Taking anti-biotics is probably the worst thing you can do because it basically destroys all the good protective bacteria in your gut which now has no local immune defence, so the candida has free reign to suddenly rise up and dominate and will spread throughout your body very rapidly.
Lastly I would be the first to admit that it's very difficult for people to cure themselves with any anti-candida protocol because they really must take their protocol properly -- as stated -- or it won't work that well. This means that if you want to rid yourself of systemic candida issues then you really must be highly focused and have the willpower to do it.
Your dizziness and fogginess could be due to candida poisons or it could be due to an existing hypothyroid condition or it could be both. Best to get your thyroid checked and, when you do, you should insist that your doctor also check the levels of your Free T3 (triiodothyronine) levels which gives the most accurate result for the thyroid. If you just check Free T4(thyroxine), as doctors normally do, you stand a good chance of getting an inaccurate thyroid assessment. See this link for more information on the thyroid.
Lastly, it took me a whole year to cure my own systemic candida issues all those years ago. I actually thought I was cured after six months but I still stayed on the protocol for an extra six months to make absolutely sure because I knew that candida could hide. And when I say that I'm cured I mean that my systemic candida is gone. I can eat whatever I like -- including wheat, oats and milk as well as fruit and sugary foods now and then, without any issues. I also have no asthma or digestive problems or allergies(which can all be strong indicators for existing or latent candida issues).
Hi Becky...If you have a fungal infection in the ear then this could just be an external symptom of systemic candida(infecting your blood). So you should continue with the anti-candida protocol.
You could also perhaps try using 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Fill a dropper with 1% HP and squirt it carefully and slowly into the infected ear. Tip your head and massage around the ear lightly and allow the HP to go deep into your ear passages. And yes, it will tickle and fizz which is proof enough that HP is killing the pathogens in your ear. If you can, keep the HP in your ear until the fizzing greatly reduces or stops. When you're finished just tip the HP out of your ear into the sink. You should use this protocol for both ears -- at least once a day until the infection disappears.
You should not really eat sweet fruit or honey of you have candida. Most sweet fruits contain fructose which is a favourite food for candida and other pathogens. So you should really try to avoid avoid sugar, carbohydrates and fruits as best you can if you have systemic candida issues.
You are also right -- I did eat fruit in the beginning when I took my protocol but eventually gave it up to good effect. Don't forget that was over 11 years ago -- I know a heck of alot more about candida now than I did all those years ago.
I must also admit that I do eat fruit now for breakfast depending on seasonal availability -- sometimes yellow mango or carabao mango, native pineapple (not Del Monte), pomelo (grandfather of the grapefruit), dalandan (small, sour native orange), rambutan (a bit like lychees), apple, lanzones, soursop (like graviola), grapes, calamansi (like small lime -- used in hot or cold sour drinks and dips), mangosteen, tamarind fruit(unprocessed), coconut water. Always fresh and never in excess.
ACV, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Vit E
(Dublin, Ireland)
(Napa, CA)
Natural Cures for Candida: First, thank you for this website. I read Christa's (from Canada) message posted here after searching for a natural remedy for a white tongue (another symptom of a systemic yeast infection). I followed her regime of 2 Tbs with 1/2 tbs Baking soda with a little hot water and a dash of pure apple juice 3 times a day. Within five days my white tongue was rosy again. I started taking 400 iu of Natural Vitamin E.Capsules; I had already been taking the Magnesium 25ml per day, for the menopause. And I also stop the sugar. Wow! I have more energy, sleep better,and oh, my joints are not painful, another symptom! Thank you!!
(Tampa, Fl)
I'd like to vouch for the suggestion of magnesium citrate. I experience heart palpitations that I believe might be caused by a recurrent candida problem (which I believe to be a complication of another problem), but ever since I started taking 250 mg of magnesium citrate before bed, the palpitations have ceased. Other symptoms of candida keep cropping back up, but magnesium stopped the rapid heartbeat problem very effectively!
(Scottsdale, Az)
(Norwich, Norfolk, Uk)
(Los Angeles, California)
(Wellington, New Zealand)
Reply to Jason.. No no no to using baking powder instead of baking soda.. Baking soda is pure sodium bicarbonate, while baking powder is a mixture of sodium bicarbonate, potassium tartrate and a starch such as cornflour to assist freeflow.
(Montclair, Nj)
@beth: It would HAVE to be 1/2 teaspoon, or tsp. of Baking Soda, as it is phenomenally powerful stuff. If it can neutralize the sulfuric acid in a car battery at that strength or less in a gallon, it would probably be too much for a person. Even the side of the box encourages extreme moderation when using as an antacid.
(Jersey, Uk)
My partner had a course of antibiotics and within days had a white coating on his tongue which I instantly recognised as candida. I had had systemic candida a few years before and wished I had known then what I know now about the illness. I cured my candida after two years of feeling like death with oregano oil. I still take a course of it every now and then so I had some with me and got my partner to swill his mouth with the oil several times a day plus take it orally. The infection cleared up in four days.
(Spokane, Wa, 99204)
Ted Help :Severe candida :
How am I supposed to eat protein if it is acidic? I have a difficult time digesting much of anything. If I eat some chicken another site says to eat protein meat so that the acids/chyme in the tummy will start producing so that I dont have such a hard time with digesting or to take Hcl. The acid needs carbonates (usually released by the pancreas) to neutralize the acid before released into our intestines. No one says how to know if you take HCL that your pancreas is releasing enough carbonates so no harm is being done to the intestines. Nobody ever gives directions except that you need to take HCL 45 min after you eat your protein.
I also have leaky gut and the acid will hurt my lining even more. Baking soda is fine to take with your meat if it doesn't make you dead thirsty and hands swell for hours afterwards like it did me but if I was taking it with my meat I would be neutralizing the acid used to digest my protein anyway. Directions like, wait two hours after eating your meat then take BS and then tell me why and if in those two hours the lining of my tummy has not been damaged even more.
When you folks give advice you really need to give more in depth information. Folks like me have been spending two hours a day or more on the internet for years trying to heal severe candida when we could be spending this time with are loved ones who I am sure really are sick of hearing about our diets, white mouth after eating anything that is not steamed veggies. This can be very hard on a relationship. I do love that this place is here, don't get me wrong but it can be so frustrating sometimes when all you can eat is food combined foods and very few of them at that. Thank You for reading my gripes and questions.
I agree it'd be easier if remedies were complete and easily summed up but keep in mind, this site is just regular people researching online and experimenting with what they find, like you, and reporting back here (especially when traditional medicine isn't working or is too expensive). If your candida and leaky gut is really severe and you need a lot of detailed info, it might be best to work with a local naturopath doctor of some sort (or even travel a little if need be). They do have a database of healers listed on this website (although its limited for WA).
(Lake Worth, Fl)
Cricket, I found out the hard way to ingest these suggestions carefully. As much as I wanted to be mad at at the person who made the post, I had to assume personal responsibility. While I agree in some cases more information is needed, "some turmeric" Well how much is some, 1 teaspoon? A tablespoon?
Plus a big thing to remember, most of these people who write in their remedies are not holistic professionals. They are just folks who are sick of being sick and traditional meds have not helped. Not to discount the fact their remedies may work very well for them, but not for you.
What I do is try the remedies that interest me, and leave the rest. I hope you cure your candida, from what I have read its a nasty condition that takes months to rid yourself of. Above all give the remedies a chance to work. It seems people who successfully remove candida are totally dedicated to some kind of routine. To me it makes sense to use an anti candida diet, eliminating refined foods, sugars, and even high sugar fruits. Good luck to you Cricket.
Adequate Chewing of Food
During a battle with candidiasis, I learned just how important it is to REALLY chew up your food.
"Human saliva is composed of 98% water, while the other 2% consists of other compounds such as electrolytes, mucus, antibacterial compounds, and various enzymes." - Wikipedia
Digestion begins in the mouth. This is very important. Since I put proper chewing into practice, I found that I eat much less, and that I've become more lean and have more energy! Also my stomach is flatter, either from eating less, or from not being blocked up anymore. It's a very simple practice that everyone can improve upon. If you think you already chew enough, chew more! Perhaps this could have it's own remedy page...?
(Leeds, Uk)
I think this is a good suggestion and not something that comes easy to me I always eat fast, people comment on it too it is obvious when they finish after me always, they say you ate fast I say why not tell me when you notice I am! I have had digestion problems and candida for years so it's a worth a try, I should be doing it anyhow.
(Henderson, Nv)
I also eat fast, have candida but also have leaky gut which is made worse by not chewing my food enough. This then caused tons of food allergies because the food particles get into the body cavity and decay producing toxins along with the candida toxins. This then causes a series of other problems for me. Hashimotos thyroidis, endometriosis, fibroids, PMS, Acne, brain fog, bad memory, insomnia, fibro, chronic fatigue and more so its really important to chew, chew chew. Still trying to fix all these problems. Whew
Alkalizing Foods
EC: Hi Mike, which Candida Plan are you referring to?
(Denver, Colorado)
E.C.: Studying the latest posts from all the wonderful people is fun. Dr. Oz says 28,000 studies have been done on candida. The candida cleanser recommends a chitin synthesis inhibitor, n-fused strengthening the immune system, and candisol enzymes. Dr. Crook says avoid ferments, fruits, molasses, and brewers yeast. All of them make the mistake of condemning sugar. Low blood sugar and mycotoxins cause chronic fatigue and migraines. Everybody is missing the point that there is a balance between the 2 yeasts. They are underestimating the potency of God's Goodies that are raw whole foods and ferments. They are overestimating their narrowly focused plans. The complete solution is simple. Make home made water kefir to repopulate the gut with beneficial microbes, take alkalizing greens from whole foods like Hawaiian spirulina, chlorella, and green smoothies, and get sugar from raw honey, organic sucanet, and raw organic fruits. This feeds the yeast that went dormant and the balance between the 2 yeasts is restored. There are many videos of people who fully recovered rapidly.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Juliana,
Re Baked potatoes/digestion problem
You're right...very unusual but not so odd if you are using a lot of sour cream and margarine to "stuff" the potato. Also at night if you're eating the potato I presume you are having something with it...meat of some kind? So if you get only the inner portion of the potato (without the skin that is fiber) and a meat, then you don't have sufficient fiber to move the digestion process along. This is one reason why Europeans will FINISH a meal with a salad. The fiber enhances the digestive process. I eat potatoes by eating most all the "skin" which help with digestion too.
Now it could be, you are lacking digestive enzymes. A favorite on Earth Clinic is a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) in a glass of water and sip. Also can add a third teaspoon of baking soda to the ACV/water and let fizz and then drink; a milder but effective "aperitif" or digestive aid. And, consider leaving off some of the stuffing ingredients, especially if eaten at night...leave off cheese, sour cream and margarine. Even butter could irritate a sensitive digestive track. But I've found eating the fiber (skin and salad) and avoiding the milk additions PLUS the ACV in water, lets me eat without negative consequences. (If still having problems, think of adding a probiotic to your nutrient list.)
Aloe Vera
Alpha Lipoic Acid
I purchased Nature's Pure Alpha Lipoic Acid, a combination of R-ALA and S-ALA. I learned too late that S-ALA is synthetic and can diminish the benefits of R-ALA. I decided to take it anyway to see what would happen. I began a few days ago (October 4 2023). It is three days later and I am astonished that from day one my Candida rash began to disappear. It is now completely gone. I take one 300mg capsule in the morning 30 minutes before eating or drinking. Needless to say, I will continue this supplement.
I should say that I don't eat sugar or any sweeteners of any kind, artificial or natural. I also don't eat fruit or any grains except a bowl of Grape Nuts at night. My diet is bean-based: canned beans, a little animal protein, vegetables, and some oil. Maybe with this supplement I can expand into other food categories that previously exacerbated my Candida symptoms.
Antibiotic Side Effects
Antifungal Foods for Candida
I test a food by eating it in the morning on an empty stomach and wait for the next 6-7 hours to observe how does my body react. After some time I started combining foods that had proved to be effective to get a synergistic effect. Usually there is an immediate effect in the form of burping, belching, bloating, various kinds of pains and stinging that would not happen if I had not consumed these foods. I also know the sensation that comes after eating yeast-promoting foods, like fruits and sweets, which is very different from the former reaction. The reaction after eating antifungal foods is painful, but it feels like a pain that accompanies the purification process.
Why I am doing this is because one day I had thought that if herbal antifungal tablets seem to be a little effective against yeast, why should not I eat these herbs in much larger quantities as a part of my normal diet, not as a supplement? I have been taking various antifungal, fiber and probiotic tablets for several months without getting fully cured. However, in the same time I also consumed sugary and other kinds of yeast-promoting foods on a daily basis, which was deeming the tablets ineffective. Therefore I thought "What if my whole diet became one big antifungal tablet?", and began to pursue and slowly implement this ideal in my diet. Moreover, treating yourself only with foods would be also lot cheaper than buying expensive supplements. I also like the idea of having a purely vegetable-based cure to yeast infestation, that poses no danger to health even if the cures (vegetables) are overeaten. Of course, not every food in the diet can be switched to an antifungal one (for example, carbohydrates are neccessary) but there is much that can be done.
Right now I have a small database of antifungal foods that I am going to write about in order to share it with you as well as review them for myself as I feel that I have hit a plateau in my progress. I will list the foods under different categories as they all have different actions and effects.
Probiotic foods
Probiotic foods help to restore beneficial gut bacteria and get rid of yeast. The reaction after eating probiotics is observed mainly in the intestines. Never boil probiotics as it will kill the beneficial bacteria.
1. Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is a fermented green cabbage and it traditionally contains only cabbage and salt. Sauerkraut is a native dish to Germany and Eastern Europe. Different to kimchi, which I will describe shortly, the final product is always fermented, which is marked by a very sour taste. Sauerkraut is hands down the best probiotic food on this list, most effective and the cheapest one. Great reactions can be observed every time upon eating sauerkraut. However, the greater amount eaten, the more painful the purification process will be, so caution should be taken. The die-off after eating sauerkraut will take the form of persistent stinging pain in the intestines.
Sauerkraut can be found in German and Polish supermarkets. Usually it is very cheap, below $3 for 500g. Some jar-packaged brands contain vinegar or white wine, which should be avoided as they are very harmful. Sauerkraut should contain only cabbage, salt and eventually some kind of a herbal spice or a mushroom, as some varieties do. When it is bought directly from a box or a crock, it is always only cabbage and salt so it should not pose any problem. When bought this way, it will be crunchy and have a better taste than the jar-packaged one.
However, taste-wise, kimchi is a definite winner.
2. Kimchi
Kimchi is a Korean pickle of fermented cabbage (nappa cabbage variety, the big one) made with the addition of salt, ginger, garlic, hot pepper and sometimes fish sauce and sugar. It can be bought in a Korean supermarket. A big plastic 2L jar of kimchi is about $10, and it will last for a several weeks. Because of its high salt content, big amounts of kimchi should not be eaten in one sitting. Kimchi is originally meant to be eaten with chopsticks as a side dish to hot rice. The die-off reaction after eating kimchi takes the form of passing gas, loud sounds coming from the stomach and a headache (the latter I had experienced after eating a larger quantity of it).
Kimchi is valuable because it contains lactic acid bacteria, so in other words it is a probiotic. There are, however, two downsides to kimchi. Firstly, it is often the case that the cabbage is not properly fermented ? the cabbage is put in the jar the same day the product is put on the shelf ? which means it will not yet contain the healthy bacteria. That being said, cabbage is in itself one of the medicinal foods on this list, therefore it is conducive in the healing process. Moreover, if left in the fridge for long enough, kimchi will gradually ferment, developing a more sour taste. The second downside of kimchi is the fact that it often contains sugar. Lactic acid bacteria convert sugar to lactic acid, therefore the sugar content in a properly fermented kimchi will be reduced, though. In any case, it is always best to read the ingredients list to make sure it does not contain any sugar.
3. Japanese pickled prunes (umeboshi)
Umeboshi are prunes picked with salt, honey or shiso, a herb from the mint family. In Japan it is considered a health food and traditonally eaten on white rice, only one at a time. It has been observed that umeboshi left in the metal lunch box for some time made its way through the metal! In addition to the probiotic content, prunes have digestive properties on their own.
Umeboshi can be bought in a Korean or a Japanese supermarket. Look at the package and only buy the ones that were produced in Japan. Chinese ones appear not to be properly fermented in salt, but instead pickled in vinegar. The die-off after eating umeboshi will be less severe than the one caused by sauerkraut; it will take the sensation I describe as "bursting bubbles" in your intestines.
Umeboshi are not very cheap ($6 for 230g) and are loaded with salt so they should not be eaten in large quantities, but it is a great food to incorporate in the diet, perhaps eating one prune every morning. Ensure proper water intake when eating more of them (though umeboshi will make you very thirsty nonetheless). Umeboshi are fermented so they can sit in the fridge for many months unaffected.
4. Natto - Japanese fermented soybeans
Natto is a traditional Japanese breakfast food - fermented soybeans. It has a characteristic taste that, in terms of enjoyment, can be compared to the taste of blue cheese, though the taste of natt? itself is slightly different. Some people find it disgusting - apart from the powerful smell and taste, it has an extremely slimy texture - and some discover and enjoy the nutty flavor of it.
Anyhow, its medicinal properties are undeniable. Japanese consider it to be a tonic for the gut. It is a source of many vitamins and prevents the blood from clotting.
Though technically it is not a probiotic in a sense that it does not contain lactic acid bacteria, it does contain a bacterium called Bacillus Subtillis, which is a very powerful eradicator of harmful bacteria and may dissolve biofilms. Some sources say that it helps to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Bill also recommends nattokinase, the enzyme found in natto, to dissolve biofilms.
I recommend eating natto on a hot white glutinous rice (sometimes called Japanese rice or sushi rice). Japanese say that after natto is opened, it has to be "whipped up" several times to become even healthier - I thought it was some kind of a superstition or folk knowledge, but it appears that Bactillus Subtillis is an aerobic bacteria that is activated when you stir the batch.
I am not completely sure about this, but I think that my regular consumption of nattohas helped me to significantly cure myself from candida. When I first started eating it, I had experienced immense die-offs in the form of loud burping that lasted 30 minutes or more, burning sensations in my forehead, pressure in my thyroid and some other ones. I cannot say with certainty that natto helps with candida, but the Japanese researchers are praising its effects. Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi, known as Dr. Natto, says in an interview that "Natto is compatible with the bacteria in the Japanese body, and conversely, Japanese people seem to need the bacterium from Bacillus natto in order to keep their digestive system in good condition. Natto contains between one million and one billion active bacteria per 1 g. Bacillus natto is a medicine approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and a stomach medicine containing Bacillus natto is available. Natto has been utilized as a natural medicine for many years." If natto is compatibile with the Japanese gut, it might be also beneficial for the Westerner's gut flora.
Natteocan be found in a Japanese supermarket or a Korean supermarket that imports Japanese food. It is about $3 to $4 dollars for three small styrofoam containers, so it is not very cheap. However, in Japan it is dirt cheap, the equivalent of $1 for three containers.
I really recommend trying natto. At first eating it might feel disgusting. Concentrate on the medicinal effects of the food. This is how I went about it and eventually I have developed a passionate liking for it.
Prebiotic foods
Prebiotics are foods that contain fructooligosaccharides (FOS) or some other kind of inulin, which are water-soluble dietary fibers that are digested by the intestinal microflora in the lower gut, promoting the growth of bifidobacteria, one of the healthy bacteria. Basically, it can be thought of as the food or fuel for the beneficial bacteria. There is a speculation that prebotics can be also utilized by other harmful bacteria, however I have experienced only good reactions after prebiotics. Prebiotics are carbohydrates that are fermented by the bacteria in the gut, therefore they will produce immense amounts of gas. If you eat a big serving of prebiotics for breakfast, passing of gas will not stop until late evening.
1. Jerusalem artichoke/sunchoke (boiled)
Sunchoke was found to contain the greatest amount of inulin among vegetables, and my experience confirms it. It also goes by the name Jerusalem artichoke, but it is neither connected to artichoke botanically nor does it come from Jerusalem. The name is a result of a mistake in translation from German.
It is generally found under one of these names. It is not very common, but some groceries are selling it. There is also a chance that it can be found in a Korean supermarket.
When boiled, it tastes like a tasteless potato, but less starchy. Another way to eat is to grill it and sprinkle some salt on it. It can be also eaten raw. As I mentioned earlier, it produces immense amounts of gas for several hours. I also experienced the sensation of "bursting baloons" in my intestines.
2. Burdock root/gob- (boiled, braised or shallow fried)
In addition to being a prebiotic, this is a wonderful medicinal vegetable, one of the best you can find. Burdock root is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, blood-cleansing, liver-protective, diuretic, anti-tumor, supports digestion and cures skin problems.
Burdock root is the English name and gob? is the Japanese one. It is commonly eaten in Japan as a side dish to rice, where both Burdock root and carrots are cut into long and narrow pieces and braised in soy sauce, vinegar and mirin, which is a sweet, alcohol containing condiment made from fermented rice. (Though alcohol or sugar promote yeast infestation, I have found condiments to be relatively safe in small amount). Gob? appears to suck in the condiments, and the end product is saturated with their taste. If you boil it alone without any condiments, it will have a slightly nutty flavor and a crunchy wood-like texture.
Burdock root can be bought in a Japanese supermarket or a Korean supermarket that imports Japanese products (which is often the case). It is quite cheap, less than $3 for two big and long roots.
Burdock must not be eaten raw. After peeling the skin and chopping it, it should be immersed in water for a few minutes before cooking. (The water will get mucky dark). That's how it is done by the Japanese and how I had been instructed.
Eating burdock results in gas passing, however less severe than the gas caused by Jerusalem artichoke. Burdock root appears to have a more synergistic effect than Jerusalem artichoke. Pressure and movement in the intestines will be felt, loud sounds will come out of the intestines, as well as intense "bursting balloons" sensation in the appendix region, several times.
3. Mushrooms, any kind (boiled)
Mushrooms are also prebiotic, though to a lesser extent than sunchoke or Burdock root. Only a great amount of boiled or braised mushrooms caused a reaction comparable to the one I had after eating Jerusalem artichoke. That being said, mushrooms are not the easiest food to digest and the digestion process might have a heavy feeling to it, and undigested mushroom parts might be found in the stool occasionally, but the prebiotic/probiotic-promoting action of mushrooms is undeniable.
In herbal literature, some mushrooms, such as Japanese shiitake, maitake or reishi are described to be "medicinal mushrooms" and possess healing properties, however I have not yet confirmed it empirically.
Some articles written on the treatment of candida place mushrooms on the banned foods list, as they might cause counter-allergic reactions with candida that is itself a yeast, but I have not observed any adverse reactions after eating mushrooms, other than they might be difficult to digest, though it does not result in some big pain, just a feeling of heaviness and maybe some burping.
4. Konnyaku/konjac/shirataki/yam cake
This is probably the most interesting food in this category. I have hesitated whether to put in under the prebiotics or not, but it has some common points with prebiotics so here it is.
Konnyaku is a traditonal Japanese food made from the root of the Konjac plant. It comes in the form of a grey or white rectangular jelly block (konnyaku) or in the form the the noodles made from the same substance (shirataki). In English it is called a yam cake. It has basically no taste, jelly-like texture and a slightly unpleasant smell. Konnyaku is eaten more for its texture than for its taste. In Japan it is usually put into a soup together with a radish, egg and fishcake.
Konnyaku is extremely high in fiber indigestible by the body. It sweeps through the intestines in unchanged form, cleansing it from all unwanted things. Konnyaku expands in the intestines several times, generating the feeling of fullness. However, it should not be overeaten, because while it does give one the feeling of fullness, it contains basically no nutrients.
Konnyaku has to be thoroughly chewed in the mouth and never swallowed without chewing to prevent the choking possibility or the blocking of duodenum. Tongue pressure or breathing pressure alone will not disintegrate the gel (even boiling it for several hours does not). Konnyaku jellies were banned in the U.S. and Canada because of the choking incidents.
From my experience I can speculate that konnyaku flushes through the intestines, eliminating the candida cells. Die-offs that happen after eating konnyaku have been interesting. Pains and stinging pain that can be felt in different parts of the stomach are accompanied with "bursting balloons" sensation in the intestines. It feels very cleansing, though a bit painful.
How to eat konnyaku? I recommend eating half of the block at a time. I cut it in small pieces and braise it with mushrooms and other vegetables. I do not recommend eating konnyaku on its own or overeating it.
5. Chicory root
It is reported to contain inulin levels that are on par with Jerusalem artichoke. Unfortunately, I do not have access to it in my city.
Antifungal foods
1.1. Coconut (raw)
Coconut is definitely the best antifungal food available, considering its great effectiveness, taste and price (less than $2). I have observed amazing reactions after eating coconut. Much can be written on coconut, as it is a medicinal food with many beneficial properties: hypoglycemic, digestive, lowers cholesterol, a source of potassium, improves brain function in Alzheimer's patients, boosts cardiovascular health.
It contains not only one, but several acids (lauric acid, myristic acid, caprylic aid, capric acid to mention a few - note that caprylic acid, which is only one of the acids, is sold separately in the form of antifungal tablets) that are very effective against yeast. Sources say that it is also effective against parasites, bacteria and viruses, and indeed my mother has reported that she cured her sore throat/cold using coconut.
Despite coconut being a nut, and high in fat content, from my experience it is not too difficult to digest. For some time it had been thought that the saturated fat found in coconuts is harmful to health, but it was proven that it is a myth. In fact, there are entire populations of people that consume coconuts on a daily basis who enjoy a long lifespan and zero occurrence of health disease.
One significant problem with coconuts is the difficult to open, hard shell. It takes some effort, but coconut can be opened with the handle of a knife, using it to beat the shell repeatedly. If one wants to drink the sweet coconut milk before opening it, scissors can be used to pierce through one of the holes on the top of the nut.
Because coconuts in the grocery are often rotten, it is necessary to know how to find a fresh one. First, shake the nut - the water inside has to make a sound, it will feel like it is full with water. Second, smell the nut - it has to have a slightly earthy smell, which is a sign that the coconut will be fresh and the water inside sweet. If it smells like musty water or moldy, chances are it is rotten. Moreover, if the coconut has been sitting on the shelf for months on end, or since your first visit to that grocery, it is even more probable it will be rotten.
The die-off after eating a coconut will be as follows. If (too) big amount is eaten, a slight nausea will be the first result. Another result will be a intense vacuum-like sensation in the stomach or a false craving hunger. In the first stage of digestion, great burping will be experienced. Afterwards, the stomach will feel like it is under a storm: all kinds of movements, "bursting balloons", itching and so on - it is hard to describe it exactly with words. Coconut does not cause much passing of gas, unlike the prebiotics.
Great tasting coconut might be the only "comfort food" for people with intestinal yeast issues, sort of a replacement for the psychological function that eating sweets represents.
1.2. Virgin coconut oil and coconut milk
Virgin coconut oil has, in my experience, much more powerful antifungal action than a coconut. One to two tablespoons of VCO result in a more painful die-off reaction with unbearable pain in the intestines. In my opinion, the best use for virgin coconut oil would be eating small amounts of it on a daily basis or using it in cooking. I prefer coconut to coconut oil, because it is a whole food that contains the necessary fiber.
Coconut milk/cream also does not contain fiber and might be hard on digestion if eaten alone, therefore I recommend using it in cooking, for example in Thai curries on the base of coconut milk. Coconut milk also causes sharp pain in the lower intestines immediately upon eating it. One downside of coconut milk/cream is that it can be only bought in a can, and canned foods contain heavy metals that are harmful for the health in the long run. That being said, I do use it from time to time in green or red Thai curries.
2. Brussels sprouts (boiled)
Disliked by children, and for a good reason: when boiled, the taste is awful.
However, they have really powerful antifungal properties. They cause all kinds of die-off reactions: vacuum-like sensation in the stomach or a false craving hunger, intense pressure in the intestines as if they are going to explode, stinging pain in the intestines, passing of gas and "bursting bubbles" sensation in the intestines. The stool that comes after eating Brussels sprouts will also be different than usual, looking like a wooden pulp.
To get the aforementioned reaction, I eat 30-40 Brussels sprouts in one sitting, usually together with other foods.
When eaten raw, Brussels sprouts have hot taste, as if an electric current was running through them. The vegetable probably developed this taste in order to protect itself from yeast.
3. Horseradish (boiled)
If you had tried Brussels sprouts and thought that they have a powerful antifungal action, try eating horseradish.
I had a nasty die-off reaction after eating two boiled horseradish roots, even though at the time I considered myself partly cured from candida and no food was giving me die-offs any longer. I ate it on empty stomach in the morning and fasted until I experienced the effects, which were numerous. An itchy yeast rash appeared on the skin of my hand. I experienced hot-cold alternating shivers in my whole body, as well as goosebumps, which also caused fear because the reaction was so intense. Moreover, it was after eating horseradish that the loudest and longest monstrous sound ever came out of my stomach. I also experienced excruciating pain in the intestines, and pressure in the appendix region. No burping or gas passing was experienced. I think I warded off the headache by drinking lots of water, vit.C and liver supplements.
I guess that eating the same amount of horseradish raw would result in even more severe die-off reaction. Horseradish is one of the most powerful antifungals so I recommend using it with caution.
It is very interesting that boiled horseradish has exactly the same unpleasant cabbage-like bitter taste as Brussels sprouts do, though even more so. I think it is very probable that any kind of vegetable that develops this taste when boiled has antifungal properties.
4. Broccoli (stir-fried, boiled)
It might be surprising but this common vegetable is actually an antifungal, as, to various extents, many of the cruciferous vegetables are.
Tasty way to eat Broccoli is to tear it into pieces and braise it on a pan with minced garlic, soy sauce and sesame oil.
5. Bok choy/Chinese cabbage (stir-fried)
Bok choy is a kind of baby Chinese cabbage. Directions for cooking are the same as for Broccoli. The antifungal effects are more or less similar, though slightly better with bok choy than with broccoli.
6. Rutabaga/swede (boiled or raw)
Two sources in the internet recommend rutabaga as an excellent antifungal food, reporting severe die-off reactions upon consumption. However, in my experience rutabaga has only a mild antifungal action, even when eaten in large amounts, boiled or raw. Bear in mind, however, that I do not consider myself a severe case of candida infestation anymore. Rutabaga might be more potent in the beginning stages of a treatment. In fact, I think it would be a good idea to start eating antifungal foods from rutabaga.
Botanically speaking, rutabaga is a crossbreed between a cabbage and a turnip.
7. Cruciferae family vegetables:
White cabbage, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, Chinese cabbage (the big one), kohlrabi (turnip cabbage), kale, collard greens, Kai-lan (Chinese kale), broccolini
All of these vegetables are potentially effective antifungals, though I have not experimented on them yet.
8. Garlic, onion
Garlic is a potential master antifungal, though I did not experiment with it. Socially-wise, the smell disqualifies garlic. I only use garlic in cooking. One effect of garlic that I have observed is that it causes craving hunger sensation after eating it.
What applies to garlic, applies to onions to a lesser extent, or any other vegetable from the Allium family: shallot, chive, scallion and leek. They are also reported to possess prebiotic properties. I am planning to test them.
Other effective foods or methods
1. Borax water
This is a remedy recommended by Bill Thompson as a cure for candida. I have found it to be very effective. It causes die-off reactions with the passing of gas, "burping balloons" sensations as well as a slight headache, or a pressure in head. Refer to Bill's book or post for details.
2. Alkalizing
This is Ted's remedy that is also recommended by Bill. I have also found it to be very effective. I have better effects with lime than with Apple Cider Vinegar. Refer to Ted's post for details.
3. Coconut rice
"Why should not I make even my carbohydrates antifungal?", I thought. Instead of water, I sometimes use coconut milk to boil the rice. When the rice is ready, it had sucked in the coconut milk. Rice cooked in coconut milk has a great aroma and flavor.
The best way to cook rice is to use a rice cooker. I really recommend buying a rice cooker since rice is a more favorable carbohydrate than bread on the antifungal diet.
4. Chanca piedra tablets
Chanca piedra tablets had caused some interesting effects that I did not experience after eating any other foods. I took it together with milk thistle tablet, dandelion tablet, turmeric, borax water and clove tea, and the reaction was very interesting: "bursting balloon" sensation in the kidney, pain in the kidney, unusually deep burping, involuntary "internal burping", loud noises coming out from my stomach, stinging pain in my upper back, intense itching, pressure in thyroid.
5. Hot bath
I am wondering if anyone has had similar experience to this one. In the peak stage of my yeast infestation, when the fungus was even on the skin on my hands and private places, I observed that when I immerse my body in a very hot water in a bathtub, small air bubbles would come out of my stomach in several places.
Many of the die-off reactions are linked to letting out air from the intestines, either by burping or passing gas; bloating is also an issue. I think that the air bubbles coming out of my stomach during bath was also a kind of die-off. I do not experience it right now, though, or it happens very rarely.
6. Cooked foods
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the advice for candida sufferers is to avoid eating foods raw, but cooking them, making soups or stews. I have found out that eating this way has greatly improved my digestion.
Foods proven to be ineffective
1. Jalapeno peppers (boiled)
Soup of 7-8 Jalapeno peppers of medium size with some other vegetables did not cause any reaction. I had suspected that hot foods may be antifungal, but it was not the case with boiled Jalapeno, though it might be different when eaten raw.
2. Cauliflower (boiled)
A large serving of boiled cauliflower did not cause any reaction besides burping. I had suspected that all cruciferous vegetables/vegetables from the Brassicaceae family are antifungal, but it was not the case with cauliflower. Maybe it is only slightly antifungal, and has better potency when eaten raw.
3. Seaweed and kelp (raw, boiled)
I had theorized that seaweed might be antifungal, but testing has showed me that it is not. I ate a fairly big serving of wakame seaweed and nori seaweed and observed no reaction afterwards. It might be possible that other kinds of seaweed are antifungal, though, but not wakame or nori.
4. Asparagus (boiled)
Some sources reported asparagus as a source of inulin and a possible prebiotic. I ate a large serving of it and observed no reaction, though it makes urine smell very unpleasant, which anyone can experience after eating asparagus. Therefore it might be a detoxifier for the kidneys.
5. Chicory greens, dandelion greens, bitter melon
Altough these vegetables are very bitter (more so with dandelion and bitter melon) and support bile flow, digestive and liver health, I did not observe any antifungal actions.
Harmful foods
Some of them are obvious, for example sugar, but here is view on foods that are harmful on an anti-candida diet.
1. Not eating carbohydrates in a 50-50 ratio with vegetables
I have discovered that if I eat this way, I never experience any painful reactions. Foods that are high on the glycemic index (carbohydrates) should not be avoided, but eaten together with low-glycemic foods (vegetables), so that the overall glycemic load of the meal is not too high.
I originally took this advice from the website of Andrzej Janus, a medical doctor dedicated to holistic medicine who has written on the treatment of candida.
Some people advise against eating white rice, but when it is eaten the way I recommend nothing bad can happen.
A good habit to have is to never start eating your meal from carbohydrates, but from vegetables. It is actually one of the dietary habits of the Japanese, traditionally.
Reaction that will be experienced after overeating carbs will be a very nauseous feeling that will not have a "purification" feel to it.
2. Oriental yam/sweet yam/pumpkin/potatoes (boiled)
This applies to starchy vegetables in general. They should be consumed only in small quantities or together with other vegetables so that the glycemic load is reduced.
Almost every time after consuming excessive amount of boiled sweet yams or pumpkin, I experience an immediate diarrhea.
3. Not drinking fluids during or after the meals
Some sources say that water should not be drunk during meals because it dilutes the digestive juices. I have found it to be utter nonsense. I had first started drinking water or tea during meals after reading Ted's post on alkalizing, which said that water has to be taken during meals or the alkalizing will not be effective. After I started following this advice I observed an immediate improvement in my digestion and greatly reduced heartburn and burping after eating.
If water should not be drunk during meals, as some of the claims stipulate, what about eating soups? Eating soups is a part of every food culture around the world. Moreover, Japanese people always drink great amounts of tea after eating meals (by now you might be thinking that I have a slightly idealized image of Japanese dietary habits, and I admit it might be the case, but in this point it is not an exaggeration).
I suppose that drinking water even further reduces the glycemic load of the food.
4. Vinegar
I experienced severe pain after eating foods that contained vinegar. One time I felt so bad that I did not eat anything the following day. The worst combination is vinegar, oil and sugar (there are some foods that use them together; you can find vinegar and oil in a Chinese restaurant as condiments to dumplings, for example).
Food combinations or dish ideas
1. One big burdock root (boiled)
A bunch of Jerusalem artichokes (half-boiled)
10 small baby bok choy cabbages (boiled)
Middle sized coconut (raw)
A small bowl of sticky black rice
This combination has produced one of the best cleansing effects: passing of gas, burping, gurgling sounds in the stomach, gurgling sensation, swollen appendix area (it felt like there was a tennis ball there), stinging pain in the back/kidney, itching inside the stomach, feeling of vacuum inside the stomach or false craving hunger and afoul-smelling stool. In other words, all kinds of die-off/cleansing reactions that you could imagine. To ward off the onset of headache, I drank two glasses of milk thistle tea, and no headache was experienced.
2. Big sized coconut (raw)
A big cup of peppermint tea
That was all I had for my breakfast one day. Besides the usual passing of gas and havoc in my stomach, I had a very nasty headache and shivers that fortunately ended in the late evening.
3. Half a coconut (raw)
One bowl of raw cabbage
Two Indian curries (chickpea and cauliflower)
Some basamati rice
To this day I am not sure what had caused the die-off that day. Was is the combination of coconut, raw cabbage and turmeric and other Indian spices? The die-off was so severe that I thought I had caught influenza. I had a painful headache, fever, shivers and felt very cold. To minimize the die-off reaction, I went to the gym and exercised for 30 minutes, drank much water and took a hot bath (these can be used to relieve the die-off), but the die-off was not gone until the next morning.
In fact, before I realized that I have a yeast issue, I was often experiencing "one day influzenzas" that magically ended the following day. Now I know that I had been dealing with die-off reactions.
4. Two big Burdock roots (boiled)
40 Brussels sprouts
Ginger + clove + pau d'arco tea
Black walnut and clove tincture
Alkalizing after eating
I suppose that the die-off was caused mainly by the Burdock root and Brussels sprout combination, but alkalizing and the herbs might have also been a big part of the equation. After several hours after eating this breakfast, I thought that my intestines would literally burst from the enormous pressure! Of course, gas passing and "bursting balloons" sensation was also felt.
5. 600g Burdock root (boiled)
600g Jerusalem artichoke (boiled)
Buckwheat noodles
Very good reaction, not as severe as the previous ones: gurgling in the stomach, gas passing, "bursting balloons" on a wide intestinal area.
6. 15-25 baby bok choy (boiled)
Middle sized coconut (raw)
Lots of sounds coming from the stomach, stinging pains in several places in the body, false craving hunger sensation, "bursting balloons" sensation.
6. 1-2 Burdock roots (boiled)
A bunch of Jerusalem artichoke (boiled)
A bunch of bok choy (boiled)
Without carbohydrates
A great die-off was observed that day, though a little painful: false craving hunger sensation, enormous "bursting balloons" sensation encompassing all the length of intestines, blunt pain in my kidney (I have observed this effect only after eating bok choy or broccoli; they must have a cleansing effect on the kidneys), excruciating pain in the intestines for 20-30 minutes, stinging pain under my breast (I cannot understand what causes this pain and which intestinal organ is connected to it).
I think that the cleansing effect is even stronger when carbohydrates are not eaten. However, I cannot afford not eating carbohydrates too often as it leads to a yoyo effect.
7. Half a block of konnyaku (in a soup)
Cabbage and turnip soup (small amount)
White rice
This die-off I suppose to be the cleansing effects of konnyaku. I felt a strong vacuum sensation simultaneously in three places in my intestines. There was also stinging pain in my appendix, as well as internal pain under my breast. Heavy burping was also experienced. Konnyaku often causes cleansing pain in several different parts of the body.
8. Broccoli (braised in garlic)
This is the only time I ate natto in conjunction with a vegetable. I did not experience the usual die-off. Instead, there was a very blunt pain in my kidney. I attribute this to broccoli, or broccoli in combination with garlic and natto.
Chanca piedra also causes similar effects, cleansing the kidneys and expelling out internal gas (I took the tablet with a cauliflower braised in garlic).
9. A bowl of sauerkraut
A bunch of Jerusalem artichoke (boiled)
Half of a Burdock root
Cabbage soup (small amount)
One of the best die-offs. Intense passing of smelly gas until late evening was the effect. "Bursting balloons" sensation was also felt.
10. A bowl of sauerkraut
Among all the foods I have described, sauerkraut causes the strongest "bursting balloons" sensation in the intestines. If feels like there is a storm in the intestines. The same reactions are observed after eating umeboshi, or properly fermented kimchi.
11. 7 garlic cloves (cooked)
About the same amount of ginger (cooked)
One small onion (cooked)
2 Tbsp coconut oil
Spices (mostly turmeric and chilli powder)
I made a curry with these ingredients and it had turned out to have caused a cleansing reaction: biting pain in my stomach and false craving hunger sensation. I also had a diarrhea and the stool was foul-smelling.
The best combination
Based on the aforementioned observations, the best combination would have to include:
Bok choy (eventually broccoli) braised with minced garlic
Brussels sprouts/horseradish
Sauerkraut (or any other probiotic)
Budrock root (or Jerusalem artichoke, but I prefer Burdock root for its medicinal properties; maybe both of them)
Chanca piedra
No carbohydrates
I am sure that a meal comprising of these would cause the best reaction that I have ever observed, and I cannot even imagine what could happen if I ate some of the vegetables raw. The die-off would be very painful, with a stinging, excruciating pain in the lower intestines, blunt pain in the kidneys, lots of gas passing, "balloon bursting" as well as a headache and shivers. Influenza-like symptoms could be warded off by drinking lots of water, or milk thistle tea (it is always a good idea to take in much fluids when expecting a die-off; without it, headache is inevitable). At first it might be a good idea not to include horseradish as it can cause a nasty die-off eaten by itself.
Writing this article has helped me to put my thoughts in order. I hope that someone finds this information helpful in his or her own quest of fighting the yeast infection. If you have any experiences with antifungal foods or maybe discovered some useful foods yourself, please let me know.
M: Thanks for your big input on the Candida issue.
A few suggestions to add to your list.
1. Milled Flax Seed (one spoon w/ two meals per day) is very important in keeping the colon clean. Aloe Vera inner gel compliments the Flax by retarding pathogens adhering to the intestinal lining.
2. Either Activated Charcoal or Bentonite Clay taken prior to meals will drastically reduce herx or die-off reactions including headaches.
3. If you take a hot bath, add 1/2 cup Borax and the next bath rotate to a few squirts of Povidone Iodine to the water for penetrating the systemic pathogens.
4. Garlic may bode better if taken before retiring (or maybe after intimacy w/ partner). Oil of Oregano softgels are probably the most powerful plant based anti-pathogen.
5. Add some Wormwood to the Black Walnut and Clove to increase the anti-parasite potential.
6. White Willow Bark taken with the Brussel Sprouts or Broccoli increases the antibiotic potential by making a compound similar to Metronidazole.
7. The trace mineral Chromium taken w/ Niacinamide and Cinnamon promotes the metabolism of sugars instead of them fermenting into candida. Cinnamon is itself antifungal.
8. Not to forget Turpentine in the plant-based antifungal dept. even more powerful than Oregano and also an effective remedy for blasting biofilms throughout the body.
(Toronto, Canada)
Timh, thank you for the great suggestions. I will definitely try these. I am especially intrigued by the sixth one, although all of them are very informative. Besides the wormwood combination, I have never tried any of these.
M: Always glad to help and hope you post your progress as people differ in severity of Candida. How do you rate your current anti-candida "food protocol"? How well is it working for you?
I guess my post went over into the spices and supplements category so not technically "food", but it would represent a big next level of treatment especially keeping the colon clean and the conversion of sugar into energy.
As for adding White Willow Bark, I must admit it's somewhat of a guess on my part but it does seem to augment the efficacy of treatment in my case. Sulforaphane is the active chemical constituent in the Cabbage and Broccoli and the formula is (R)-1-isothiocyanto-4-methyl-sulfonyl butane. Adding a Salicylamide would tend the formula to the anti-protozoal drug Nitazoxanide which is similar to Metronadizole 2-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethanol. Nitazoxanide [2-[(5-nitro-1, 3-thiazol-2-yl)carbamoyl]phenyl]ethanoate is a synthetic nitrothiazolyl-salicylamide derivative and an antiprotozoal agent. Now I am guilty of diverting the discussion away from fungal and toward anti-protozoa or bacterial. Which is not a bad thing because we know these microbes are intelligent and conspire w/ one another for their mutual survival exploiting every human weakness possible.
I personally don't eat enough Cruciferous veggies but I do take a combination of Broccoli Sprout Extract/I3C/DIM/White Willow 2x per week w/ noticeable results of antipathogen and improved detox.
(Hope, Bc Canada)
With all this information, I am amazed that all these good things have to be BOILED. Most of my life I know only home made steamed foods, using the liquid as well. I do not eat out.
I could never eat that many Brussels sprouts, why and what for?
Moreover, in the West, cabbage type veggies are boiled in water, resulting in a smelly house. Just try the East Indian method of slow cooking the cabbage without water and the result is a very nice dish without over powering smell.
Namaste, Om
(Toronto, Canada)
I boil vegetables because I have a hard time digesting them raw, probably a gallbladder issue. Steaming might be also a good idea, thought I do not have a steamer.
I admit that eating that many Brussel sprouts is highly unpractical, nor is it enjoyable.
I am a great fan of Indian cuisine so I might try this one. Though I kind of like the smell of boiled cauliflower.
(Vancouver Wa)
Brussel Sprout and broccoli sprouts both contain Sulforaphane which is very powerful anti-fungal, if you choose not to eat it then Sulforaphane or broccoli sprouts supplement along with turmeric pills and it can help. In a study by NIH Broccoli Sprouts contain 10 to 100 times more sulforaphane than mature plants. Most grocery stores have it in the produce section
This is all so very thorough, scientific and thoughtful. I can commiserate with much of what you have went through both in diet approach and the basic mental aspect of the candida overgrowth condition. I would, however, wish that more people would more comprehensively explain the various tenets of candida protocol, in particular, the role of fasting in candida treatment. I don't know if you covered this in your last post, but judging by your in depth coverage of candida, you will probably know what I'm talking about. Apparently, the yeast can utilize ketones about as well human beings can. If this is the case, that would make sense that a little carbohydrate with your meals would be a good idea. However, when this is true, wouldn't the same go for sweet potato? Who could argue that sweet potatoes, for instance, aren't as nutritious or as beneficial as say, white rice? Between the beta caroteen, the minerals in general, the vitamin A, the prebiotic fiber, etc, potatoes and sweet potatoes appear to be a "go to" carb. What say you?
(Melbourne, FL)
You seem to contradict yourself. You say to make stews or soups for ideal consumption of diet yet you say not to boil veggies and should eat them raw? HUUHHHHHH???? Stews and soups is not raw. Plus I've NEVER witnessed or heard of eating Asparagus raw. Cooking veggies actually activates nutrients as well. Plus how will your digestive system break down all of that fiber? Too much. Maybe suggest juicing the raw veggies. Maybe?
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Forsyth, Ga.)
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

(Seattle, Wa)
It would seem like putting yeast (acv) on Yeast (candida) is not such a great idea. Have you checked for other parasites? On the other hand I would say if you can put healthy gut yeasts in there instead of unhealthy yeasts, the niche for yeast would be taken up by beneficial yeast and then ther would'nt be room for the candida to live. I use Kefir daily to add healthy yeast to my gut. Kombucha, taken occasioanlly also contains healthy yeasts. These may be alternative yeast if you are sensitive to the ACV.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi Ladies, I just wanted to share what worked for me in the hopes that what helped me can help you. I've been dealing with BV/Candida for about 15 years now - sheesh! My doctors tested me for AIDS, HIV, diabetes (oookay - Im 5'5", 115lbs) anything and everything. Went to naturopaths, tried absolutely everything - threelac, syntol - you name it. Went on special diets, ate garlic... Voodoo magic (not really, but I would have if it helped! ) Some things helped, some did things did nothing. Most things were a complete waste of money and I wasted ALOT of money. BV/Candida is such a curse!! Anyways, as you may already know BV/candida is triggered when the pH of your vagina gets out of whack - which means the pH becomes more alkaline. Sugar, diet, yes.. But the crux of the problem is pH. The vagina becomes more alkaline during sex (to make life more hospitable for sperms), this also happens during the menstral cycle. Once the pH rises, this paves the way for things to start to grow. So the KEY IS THE PH. This means keeping the vagina acidic - what it is naturally.
Here's what worked for me: I started off douching with ACV and hydrogen peroxide, but hydrogen peroxide kills all the good bacteria along with the bad (which can cause alot of problems) and I found it to be too disrupting. Id get rid of the BV, but cause a yeast infection instead. Plus my husband is a scientist and he tells me that extensive use of h202 on mucous membranes can be cancer-causing. So then I just stuck to ACV, with a suppository of lactobacillus for the vagina. So douche in the morning, vaginal suppository during the day/night and then - and this is the important part - I started drinking apple cider vinegar twice a day. Just a couple of teaspoons with water in the morning/evening and my BV/Candida problem has COMPLETELY CLEARED UP!!!! Im telling you its a miracle. Now, when I feel like I've got a problem, I start back on the ACV drinks and within 24 hours everything is gone.
This has been my experience and I told my girlfriend about this after she started having recurring yeast infections and everything cleared up for her straight away too. So I can only hope that you find the same relief!! Thanks, Rachelle
(Cagayan De Oro City, Philippines)
Hi Rachelle, I would want to ask if the yeast infection has all cleared up?
I drank kefir last month, and all the white specks that were normally found in walls of my vulva were gone. However, there's still white discharge coming out from my vagina which isn't my normal vaginal discharge.
I just want to know the brand of the lactobacillus you inserted to your vagina and the measurement you used in the Apple Cider Vinegar douche.
Hope you'd reply on this.
(Hurhgada, Red Sea/Egypt)
hi, this is a message for rachelle in ca re her cure for bv/candida. i have been suffering so bad with this for 3 years. Can u tell me how I can get acv drinks... what are they?
lactobacillus suppositories. -- I live in the middle east but I can try to get this on line as I am so worn out with this problem
thank u for ur help. sincerely, maryam
Hi Maryam, Metro supermarket sells American Garden acv. I found a reference to it on this site - its OK even if it is pasteurised. I found baking soda (Arm & Hammer) in the Royal House supermarket (Cairo by Merryland Park). Finding live yoghurt for thrush is a problem but there is something called Reyeb that seems to be probiotic? Maybe you can get the ingredients translated to find out the name of the active bacteria?
Its also possible to get iodine over the counter at the pharmacy (hurrah! You can't in the UK). Also H2O2, though you only need a little. I am trying to track down Milk Thistle (some hope here), and Coconut oil. The health store chain (also has an outlet in the Royal House) has tiny, expensive bottles of coconut oil. Not finding any Borax though, not available in the UK - even for washing clothes - and I have had no luck here either.
Hope you find some of the above helps and you get shot of the candida.
When you douche with the Acv, how much of it it do you use, and where did you get the capsules? I have the same problem. My Dr. put me on terazol cream & summers eve water & vinger douche cause the pill & monistat cream wasn't curing it. Where you get the Acv, at a store? Did u mix a couple tspn in water and drink it?
(Florida, Us)
(Miami Fl)
Female area yeast infection may easily be cured by plain yogurt. Half 1/2 teaspoon every couple days for a week. Um.... directly applied. Some use tampon with yogurt on it..
Apple Cider Vinegar
I've read that Apple Cider Vinger can help with the fungus. How much should I take (along with water and honey as suggested by _____s), considering that I must still take Tylenol Arthritis (2600mg a day) to treat a moderate athritis pain and inflammation. (I don't want the Tylenol to cancel out the goodness of the vinger. Also, do I need to use the treatment with the Apple Cider Vinger forever?
By the way, I have talked to my doctor, who wants me to take Lamisil. However, I don't want to jeopardize my liver and stomach with two medications -- Tylenol Arthritis and Lamisil.
Any help will be appreciated.
(Cincinnati, Ohio)
Do not take the Lamisil as prescribed by your doctor. My doctor prescribed that to me as well, but I was uneasy in taking it because of high possibility of liver damage. Use the _____'s Apple Cider Vinegar in a soak. Soak your foot in apple cider vinegar (straight up) for 15 minutes at a time, 2-4 times daily. I had toe fungus, and it cleared up within a month of doing this. It may take longer, depending on how severe it is. Also, use a pair of toenail clippers only for this toe, cleaning it after every use. Trying to keep the nail short and cleaned as much as possible helps get rid of it. This worked for me, and I've gotten this twice since being prescribed for Lamisil. And it saved my liver! Good luck!
(Shelby Township, Mi)
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Toronto, Canada)
(Toronto, Canada)
It seems that we know the answer now. I asked Bill a similar question about lemon juice, which, I guess, is similar to ACV. Let me quote his answer below:
"Hi Marcin...if you were to drink lemon juice in its raw form then it would have to be neutralized by the pancreatic juices first in the duodenum before it was properly absorbed into the body as citrate (the safer and more alkaline chemical salt form).
So citrate may simply be thought of as the post-digested form of citric acid. The point to take away here is that drinking the raw lemon juice containing the citric acid needs to first be digested and neutralized to citrate form before digestion and absorbtion into the blood. But the bicarbonates stored in the pancreas are also crucial to help maintain the correct alkaline body pH in other parts of the body. So if you take the raw lemon juice then you are effectively wasting the body's bicarbonate stores(which could be used elsewhere in the body to aid other metabolic processes) in the pancreas and reducing them.
So that's why it's far better to take the post-digested form of lemon juice(as citrate) by adding water and sodium bicarbonate(baking soda) to the raw lemon juice and then drinking it this way. This form does not need to be converted to citrate -- it is already in the post-digested citrate form -- and will be easily absorbed into the blood without depleting the crucial bicarbonate stores in the pancreas.
And apart from the above reasons, if you drink raw acidic lemon juice or vinegar then the acids in them will tend to erode and dissolve the enamel on your teeth over the longer term. That's yet another reason why it's better to supplement the more alkaline citrate or post-digested form of lemon juice using sodium bicarbonate.
Regarding your UTI and back problems, these are probably being caused by excess cell and blood acidity caused by the candida and other poisons being released in your body. This acidity can cause damage to the fine filtration network in the kidneys which might be causing your back problems. And if your kidneys are not up scratch then fungal/bacterial infections will get through to infect the bladder causing the UTI problems. That's why its important that you should be taking the lemon in water mixed baking soda -- this will help to alkalize the cells and should help to reduce the pain. Take this outside mealtimes twice a day and also take 1/2 teaspoon baking soda on its own with water at about 9:00 pm before you sleep. Both these protocols will help to make your body more alkaline and should help you. For the back problem you might also want to try using a tablespoon of VCO mixed with about six drops of lavender oil or tea tree oil or clove oil for some immediate relief.