Natural Remedies

Heal Boils Naturally: Effective Home Remedies

Turmeric Recipes
Posted by Ellie (USA) on 11/24/2006

I have been reading how all of you are putting turmeric in water and drinking it plain. Yikes! I have been adding Turmeric to every food and Thanksgiving leftovers are perfect!! It is wonderful on turkey, stuffing and used with plain yogurt as a vegetable dip. I drink lots of water too.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Kortni (Sonora/Riverbank CA) on 11/12/2006

Biotic Silver cured my first boil but I wasn't careful and it spread as it drained. I wasn't aware of chemtrails and did not pay any attention at the time of my newly formed boil.

Posted by Irene (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/27/2009

RE: Carla from Greenville, Nc : What type of abscess did you have in your pubic area? And how exactly did you use the salt? I have been trying everything to rid myself of an abscess in the same area. I am so afraid to have this surgically removed.

Garlic, Unpasterurized Honey, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Linda (Meridian, MS) on 09/17/2006

Many people are being diagnosed with spider bites when in fact the boils they have are actually Community Acquired Methicilin Resistant Staph infections. They are contagious and popping them only helps to spread the infection. It can also become airborne and you can get pneumonia from it. The best cure I've found so far is a combination (I tried it all together because I wanted to be sure it was dead) of unpasteurized honey, collodial silver, and garlic tablets. My nephew had a boil on his knee that antibiotics did not treat. We put the unpasteurized honey on it and it pulled all of the infection out and healed on it's own. I had a place come up but I treated it promptly by dropping collodial silver on it and covering it with unpasteurized honey, a silver bandage, and taking garlic internally. I've not had a problem since then, but it is everywhere so if I am around anyone with it, I start taking the garlic as a preventative.

Posted by Betty (Fort Worth , Texas) on 11/23/2009

Dear Christy and Carroll,

I read both of your posts and I was wondering, what form of Acidophilus are you taking?? Is it a pill form, drops, yogurt? I would really like to know so I can start ASAP.


Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 10/19/2012

I take acidophilous, and eat yogurt, but my question is, how much acidophilous did you take to have a curative effect? I think I am not getting enough...

Hot Water Compress
Posted by Stacey (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/01/2006

I put a hot compress on every night since it developed. Within three days it opened and released pus. I also kept it lightly covered with a bandaid, put bacitracin/zinc antibiotic on it. Drank lots of water (LOTS) and ate more fresh fruits and veggies.The boil went away. Felt less tired and peed alot!

Physoderm Soap
Posted by Rhonda (Montreal, Quebec) on 07/24/2006

I was looking for a natural cure for internal abscess but came across this and had an outbreak of boils years ago. doc said it was an infection in the layers of the skin and they would keep on coming until we addressed it. i washed with an antibacterial soap call physoderm three times a day for 10 days all over the body. including face. i was very clean and never got another boil. anyone had an internal abscess?

Posted by Dee (Washington) on 07/21/2006

I used Lugol's iodine to cure boils and acne. During the last several years I have learned to live with boils popping up all over my chin area including on my nose once. Nothing worked at making them go away quickly so I was always stuck with looking at big red spots that take a long to to go away. When I put the iodine on my chin the two boils were basically gone (redness too!!!) within three days of application. It cleared up all the small pimples as well. This is incredible stuff and as cheap as it is.... it far beats any expensive treatments and doctors I have ever tried. Now I put it on as a mask at night now and then and my face is clear. Cheers, D

The Bottle Method
Posted by Zubair (East London, South Africa) on 07/20/2006


The Bottle Method
Posted by Vanessa (Missoula, Montana, USA) on 12/01/2008

Hello - This method did not leave scars for me, but I was also left scar free after lancing! I might just have tough skin... Take Care - Vanessa

The Bottle Method
Posted by Aria (Port Huron, Mi) on 01/26/2011

I have yet to try the bottle method; however, my mother and grandmother have used this method. According to them, you wait until the boil is to a head, heat the glass bottle in boiling water, take it out, dry off all hot water, put the mouth of the bottle over the head and allow the suction to do the work. They said you could see the head get larger and larger and then.... Explosion!

It sounds extremely effective to me; however, due to the location of my boil (earlobe), I used a turmeric/evco paste which worked famously! I thought I would end up in the hospital last night because my lobe was so swollen, hard, red, and hot. I am colonized with mrsa so I was afraid it would spread too rapidly handle on my own. I cut a small raw potato plug for my earhole and wore that during the day, then I applied the turmeric/evco paste, then before bed added raw manuka honey to the mix. When I woke up, I noticed my lobe is half the size it was yesterday and its not throbbing or hot anymore. I am so thankful for this site! I have been coming here for almost a year and I will keep coming back.

The Bottle Method
Posted by Michelle (Lyman, Maine) on 03/02/2011

How long do you boil the bottle for?

Neem Oil
Posted by Maria (Lake Worth, FL) on 06/15/2006

Neem Oil, Antibiotics and something for pain cured my boil. After going to the Dr. and having it lanced, then time, helped it. Antibiotics and once it came to a head, I kept it clean. Oh Yeah! Small wash cloth along with a heating pad help it come to a head and draw out the infection and pus. After I healed then a few weeks later my husband got a boil, I had a few antibiotics and knew what to do so I treated him. A few months later were in June now and my Grandson (13) just got one on the side of his leg. He's in a lot of pain and can hardly walk. Dr. did not lance it but it did come to a head and is draining a lot of blood. He is on Antibiotics as well as Tylenol w/codeine but that made him sick. He was also running a fever for 2 days and the 3rd day he gets a fever but not the whole day. I clean his boil with cetaphil antibacterial cleansing bar then put some amerigen wound dressing on the boil and cover it up (since it's draining) place a wet towel and then a heating pad on it.

Baking Soda
Posted by Darrow (South Carolina, US) on 03/07/2015

Can you use lemon juice and baking soda on a boil? How long does it take to work?

Posted by Darya (Santa Ana) on 05/24/2006

I tried the iodine on a 2nd boil on my face after reading about it on your website. I held a q-tip soaked in colorless iodine to the boil until it burst. It scabbed over and took about a week to heal. I would try something else on my face next time because I think it will take weeks before the blemish actually fades (looks now like a large freckle). But for boils elsewhere on the body, I would go for iodine.

Organic Beets
Posted by Jason (San Diego, CA) on 05/23/2006

Beets cured two bad boils/abscess. (At different times.) One on my left shoulder and the other on my right lower butt. I was very skeptical upon reading this as a cure of boils or an abscess but decided to try anyway. The abscess on my left shoulder was very red, with pus, very sensitive to the touch and about a quarter in size. I bought an organic red beet. I cut a sliver of it then on the side that was to lay on the abscess, cut little lines to help release the beet juice. I secured the beet with a wide band aid which was also secured by white adhesive medical tape. I changed the beet twice a day, in the morning and upon going to bed. It took 2 1/2 days to see a reduction of 65-70%. Another day pretty much eliminated the abscess. I was stunned and amazed. A month or so later I had another abscess/boil on the lower region of my right butt. I tried the above and within three-four days it was pretty much gone. Thankfully, that was the last of any abscess/boils. If they come back I'll know what to do.

Posted by Rick (Birmingham) on 03/30/2006

I had been suffering with a boil for about 3 days when I stumbled on this site. Well I tried the tomato paste last night and not only did it relieve the pain, it also brought it to a head. Today I'm feeling 1000% better.

Vick's Vapor Rub
Posted by Laverne (York, SC) on 03/27/2006

I cured a boil on my brother's side. Used a mixture of warm compresses and vicks vapor rub...the boil came to a head the next day...the boil was very painful to him.

Garlic, Fenugreek
Posted by Robin (Wilkes Barr, PA) on 03/17/2006

For a boil on my neck, I first tried tea tree oil. then i went to the dr. finally I used garlic clove, fenugreek, and red clay combination. it worked.

Posted by Kelli (Michigan) on 02/23/2006

A while back my boyfriend had a boil behind his ear. A friend of mine had sent me an email with natural remedies for all kinds of things. On the email was a cure for boils, and it was tomato paste. I went to the store and bought some. He rubbed it on his boil and left it overnight, the next morning the boil had decreased in size, he continued to do this for a couple of days and it was soon gone.

Foods to Avoid
Posted by Karen (Monroeville, PA)

This is a remedy, not a cure so to speak. I was having many problems with large and painful boils on my lower buttocks and the back of my thighs. I was taking clydimycin phosphate gel to relieve them, but they kept coming back. One day my husband suggested that the High Fructose Corn Syrup might be the reason. I started to look it up online and they said the sugar fed the bacteria that is naturally on the body. So I stopped eating it and they went away within a few days. I ate some again to see if it was REALLY related and they came back. So I cut it out of my diet and now read labels more carefully since you can't tell by looking if a food has it or not. I no longer have trouble with them.

I started to get them again in my butt crack, so I'm trying the 40% zinc oxide baby butt cream and it feels better already.
