Natural Remedies

Heal Boils Naturally: Effective Home Remedies

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joy (Lowell, Rogers) on 06/14/2008 5 posts

BOILS: Our families results: Yes Turmeric

YES!!! Vinegar baths Yes yes yes!!!

I felt like you discouraged people from using Hydrogen Pyroxide. I need to tell you that when we would get the familiar (prickly) bite on our behinds that we knew was an infected follicle, and future boil. The one thing that stopped it at that early early point was scratching it open, and putting a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen pyroxide on it with tape overnight. If we didn't do it quickly though, we would have to take the turmeric to get it to stop growing.

When the family started taking Vinegar baths and then rub A and D zinc oxide cream diaper Rash ointment on our behinds, and of course everyone wiped the toilet seat with alcohol after they used it... but anyway, this is what totally stopped the spread of them in the house. Six people.

Turmeric was great and we attempted to keep an alkalinizing diet, but the vinegar and ointment is what stopped the spread in the house.

Boil Outbreak Theories
Posted by Ginger (Brownstown, MI) on 06/10/2008

CLIMATE CHANGE...Did not get boils until I moved from New York to Maine (in my armpits)and then I moved from Michigan to Texas 25 years ago. When I arrived in Texas- I blew up like a balloon on my right eye and my breast. Once I became adjusted to the climate they weren't near as bad. One here and one there. They only come up in spring and fall for some reason. Now I am going through menopause and have a lot popping up. I use Desiten cream to keep them dry AS soon as I notice one and wash the area a lot to keep them at bay. But do NOT shave any areas that they are present. Also, the deodorant I use is natural salts found in health food stores. That helps immensely. Don't change soaps- Use Caress or Dove only. It's a ongoing challenge...I am going to try to Tumeric- Thank you for this website.

Boil Outbreak Theories
Posted by Patricia (St. Louis, Missouri) on 04/05/2010

The only parasite you can see with a microscope is malaria. I don't like all the parasite talk on natural health websites - it makes doctors think natural cures are all mumbo jumbo.

Foods to Avoid
Posted by Keisha (Atlanta, GA) on 06/07/2008

Boil Remedies: I'm sooo happy this site is up. I've had bad boils on my behind along the area where my butt cheeks meet for the past 8 years. I would get them every month and went to the doctor and they were no help. I was so embarrassed and ashamed for others to see them and they left ugly black scars that I'm in the process of healing. Well one user posted to stop eating peanuts and chocolate together i.e.-all my favorite candy bars, M&Ms, Snickers, and Reeses, and they also said stop eating things with high fructose corn syrup i.e-soda, juice, ketchup, salad dressings etc. So I did and I haven't gotten a boil in 3 months! Turmeric worked to help reduce the boils but eliminating these foods and products got to the source!!!! Thanks Again!

Posted by Lexi (North Carolina) on 11/27/2017

how long do you cook the bacon to put it on the infection?

EC: The poster likely used uncooked Bacon.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joan (San Francisco, CA) on 06/03/2008

BOIL REMEDIES: I am back and wanted to share my experiences recently since trying the different recommended remedies. I use a combination and they have drastically reduced the condition.

1. Dial soap (ordinary yellow bar only) - each morning.
2. Tumeric tablets - 3/4 times a day w/ meals (I have noticed this really reduces the swelling).
3. use Tea tree oil at night and Bach's flower remedy cream over it before bedtime.

As a result, although it has not completely vanished, the symptoms have drastically been reduced. It reduces swelling, pain and bursting. It has reduced the number of boils and when they do appear, they are much smaller and resolve themselves much quicker.

Thanks everyone for your help.

Posted by Sharon (Valdosta, Georgia) on 06/03/2008

Boil remedy: A powder that contains Zinc (Ammens) applied several times a day seems to work best for me.

Posted by Goofyphil (Auckland, New Zealand) on 01/03/2011

TUMERIC TUMERIC TUMERIC. Well iv had a boil for a week now thought it would never go away. Just made some tumeric into a paste with milk put it on the boil covered it and within an hour its started to drain YAY

Posted by Nikki (Olivehurst, Ca, United States) on 04/10/2011

So once your infections have a head, they drain on their own & heal? Every time I've had a mrsa boil I always have to squeeze it to get the stuff out & it just keeps on growing and making a huge hole in my skin. I always end up caving & going to the doctor. I'm afraid its going to spread & kill me. :(

Posted by Todayishine (New York, New York) on 01/09/2016

No matter what I used to cause boil to burst and drain, whether hot salt bath or VVR to name a few, to get it to close nicely, I gently clean area and put a little hydrogen peroxide a folded to size soft paper towel and apply to area. I let it stay on a few hours or even over night. It always closes the open boil beautfully and quickly, no more than a couple of days and sometimes faster.

Turmeric Recipes
Posted by Jay (Altoona, Florida) on 06/01/2008

Mixing the turmeric into tomato juice really helps make it easier to ingest.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jessy (St. Pete, Fla) on 05/29/2008

For more than 1/2 my life...Re: Post-surgery of the right armpit and beyond. In 2000 I had a cyst removed from my right pit. It was benign, the size of a grapefruit, & was an outpt procedure, Was sent home with drains & Oxy-contin. Detoxed self off that, & came through well with the drains meaning little scarring. 6 mos. later I was to return for the same procedure on the left arm, but refused as the right was beginning to swell again. Hence, SURGERY DOESN'T WORK FOR A SYSTEMIC CONDITION. What does?? Every thing mentioned in this blessed site so far! Especially the ACV-Epsom Salt, & Kosher/Sea Salt. Messy as hell, but very healing. Paper tape as well when draining, as it took me years to find a solution to ripped-off skin. Also, Curry powder which contains Turmeric, at night, but it can stain so be careful. Then, Campho-Phenique after bathing can catch new erupts early and stop them, especially in the groin area. Hot compresses of Golden Seal/Burdock/Slippery Elm herbal tea are also effective, but on thin skin they are indeed painful - had to take several shots of liquor before applying - BUT, 30 YEARS LATER THERE'S BEEN NO RECURRANCE TO THE AREA AT THE TIP OF MY COCCYX BONE. Good luck all, will write back soon...Jessy

Turmeric, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Trisha (Walled Lake, Mi, USA) on 05/02/2008

I've had a boil in the groin area for the past 3 days. I was shocked to see this bump and googled bumps and everything i read was genital warts (GW). It couldnt have been because i dont believe they'd pop out of nowhere on me. Anyway i put ACV and the next morning it had shrunk and it in the meantime i was trying to let myself come to terms with the fact that i had somehow got GW. Second day i decided to switch to garlic- put it on for 15 mins and it burned like crazy my whole leg was sore but after a while it stops burning. By the end of the day the skin on and around the 'gw' had come off and it was raw and extremely painful i had to take some tylenol with codeine. 3 day in the morning i felt a lime size lump and almost had a heart attack. I had to tell someone i had a 'gw' but didnt and just said i had a boil on my 'butt'. I was in pain the whole and waiting to see this thing shrink and fall off so the whole night til 3am i searched a bunch of staff on 'gw' including pictures and trying to compare and nothing looked like wat i had so i looked up boils and first thing in the morning bought some tumeric and tea tree oil, came home and put it on the boil- now i believed i had a boil and was kind of relieved. The tea tree oil soothed my whole body- no more pain- joy. 2 hours later i decided to take a peak after taking more tylenol. I rubbed it with a moist warm cotton ball, I started squeezing it and 'SQUIRT'! a bunch of blood mixed with pus. Hooray it was a boil. So applied more tumeric and tea tree oil- soothing and i'll let u know what happens in the next 5 days.

Turmeric, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Lisa (somewhere, u.s.a) on 05/07/2008

I have some sort of cycst on my face. My dermatologist told me I will have to have it cut out and it might come back. I tried acv, castro oil, warm compresses and some medications. NOTHING has worked. I'm going to try this.

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 06/12/2012

It seems that its the Cream of Tartar and not the cream of Tartar and Sulpher tablets. The boil on my hip has completly cleared up. The sting was out of it quite fast. But I felt a bit iffy while taking the Cream of tartar, but you generally feel yucky with a boil anyway. It seems to do the trick.

Posted by Dallas (Hayesville, NC) on 04/24/2008

Back in the late 70s, my family and I were living in middle Georgia and my daughter and I had somehow developed boils. Mine was on my armpit and my daughters was on her leg. I remember that year was a bad year for mites on our property and I wondered if we may have gotten bitten and infected by these critters. Anyway, I had heard that if you put "fatback" on the boil for 15 to 20 minutes that it would draw the boil to a head. It worked. I was able to squeeze the boil out and then saturate with peroxide. These things hurt really bad. Just know that it is really gross to squeeze these bad boys out but the relief is worth it.

EC: "Fatback is the layer of fat along the back of a pig, used as a cut of meat. It is often used to make lard. Fatback is a traditional part of southern U.S. cuisine and soul food, where it is used for cracklings or cracklins, and to flavor stewed vegetables such as greens and black-eyed peas. Many people enjoy eating strips of heavily salted and fried fatback, often referred to as streaked meat or streak-o-lean. Fatback was extremely popular in the South during the Great Depression because it is an inexpensive piece of meat. This dish is also widely eaten in Ukraine, where it is called salo."

Turmeric, Tea Tree Oil, Mycota Powder
Posted by Peggy (Lusaka, Zambia) on 04/18/2008

i first had an irriitation near my rear ends it was a painless small bump but not painfully but after three days it become bigger and painfuy then i become scared as i have never had a boil in my life now 25 soon will be 26, i could barely walk but kept going to work .i decided to to surf the net and thanks to earth clinic,after reading about turmeric i went to purchase it at a local market the third day of pain that evening i drank 2tsp of tumeric and made paste with turmeric, mycota pwder and tree tea oil that i applied 3*. the following day i was to work without fever and a bit of relief the third day the boil open on it's own and i was able to drain it .as at now all the pain is gone and the boil has dramatically decreased am still drinking turmeric hopefully it will dry completely.

Salt, Baking Soda, White Vinegar Paste
Posted by Shannon (Medina, Ohio) on 04/11/2008

I read on your site about table salt so i wet my boil which was the size of a lemon and applied a generous amount of table salt on it I sat for 20 min. with it on it was painful but I did it,then I mixed baking soda,white vinegar and table salt made a paste and applied it waited 20 min. and took it off,I then layed down and within 3 hours my boil broke these work because before this I used boil eaze,hot compresses and hemroid cream nothing worked on it until the table salt.baking soda and vinegar! For the first time in a week I have relief!!!

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Mark (Nashville, Tennessee) on 04/07/2008

I have had a staph infection on my face for two years (folliculitis). I first went to an internist doctor who gave me two weeks of dioxcycline (100mg once a day). It did not work. Then I went to a dermatologist who told me that I had roseaca. However, it was on my forehead - not a common site for roseacea. I was given 100 mg of minocycline once a day, which caused the infected follicles to produce pus which spread the infection all over my face and onto my chest. From searching the internet, I discovered that puting 1/2 bottle of Lysol Concentrate (which kills staph) into my washing machine when washing the items (pillow cases) that touched my infection drascically cut down on the constant spread of the infection. I returned to the Dr to try to get her to start treating me for what I actually had, staph, but she would not back down from her roseacea diagnosis. Realizing that she was misdiagnosing me, I went to a second dermatologist. He said I indeed had staph, and that I needed 100mg of antibiotics twice a day, a sulfur wash twice a day to kill the staph on my skin, and to take the antibiotics for a month after the spreading stopped. He tried three different antibiotics in succession for one month each, but none worked to his satisfaction. Not having insurance to pay for more intensive efforts, I gave up. When I got a job a year later with insurance, I returned to the last Dr. I had figured out that one of the antibiotics he had tried the year before - minocycline - had been working. I told him and so he tried it again. It only got the infection down to a certain point and then stopped working. I figured out that my diet coke addiction was keeping me so dehydrated that the minocycline wasn't wroking. I stopped drinking caffeine beverages and my staph infection was almost cured. But it still would not totally heal. Then I discovered to wait three hours instead of two after taking the medicine to eat. Eating two hours after taking the medicine wasn't letting the full dose absorb into my body. Then the infection began to totally heal. In the mean time, the Dr told me that I had been on the antibiotic too long and started trying to reduce my doseage and take me of of the minocycline. I had to beg to be allowed to continue taking it till I was cured. It finally cured. I wish I had known about tumeric because of all the emotional turmoil I had to go though over two years. The first two traditional medicine doctors weren't competent in treating staph, and the third was so uncommunicative that I had to struggle for months to figure out how to make the prescribed antibiotic work. The papers that came with the antibiotic just said not to drink alcohol and to wait 2 to 3 hours before and after taking the medicine to eat. I had to endure eight months of having to wait hours to eat because of all this. I hope this saves someone from going through two years of treatment when they should have been cured in two or three months.

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Casey (Gainesville, Fl) on 09/27/2012

where would I find lysol concentrate?

Dietary Recommendations
Posted by Cathy (Georgia, US) on 08/17/2014

Walmart has lysol concentrate in cleaning supplies.

Ph Balancing and Clay Poultice for Boils
Posted by Liz (Scranton, Pennsylvania) on 03/15/2008

Hi Everyone,
I want to add some information to the post about the calcium bentonite clay poultices that I wrote here a week ago.

While reading further on the internet, I discovered someone who was mixing the clay with ten parts per million colloidal silver. After covering the boils he found a significant improvement overnight, and after four days of wearing the silver poultice the boil was gone and none have returned in three years. This individual explained the ionic exchange between the silver and the infection being much enhanced by the pulling effects of the clay.

Because the boil on my hand was so serious and spreading so quickly and deeply, I decided to continue with the clay and silver poultice instead of clay and water.

The difference was dramatic! Overnight the silver clay pulled the poison under the skin into a bubble-- like a second degree burn. I was at first alarmed because it looked worse than ever. Night after night I continued the silver clay poultice, wrapped in plastic and held in place with and elastic bandage.

AFTER ONE WEEK, THE INFECTION IS GONE! I also slugged a couple ounces of this silver a day to check anything that might have gone internal, but I believe the poultice really did the trick.

Of important note, my understanding is that MRSA staff reside inside the nose, so I bought the cheapest no-drip nasal spray medicine I could find and emptied the contents and cleaned it out thoroughly, sending filtered water through the spray system for 10 good pumps. Then I filled the bottle with colloidal silver, using this to get the silver inside my nose and sinuses. I rub my nose holes together to spread this completely. I guess this kills the staff where it is carried. Added bonus: stopped a cold in its tracks!

Word about colloidal silver: It is too expensive by the bottles. You can brew your own very cheaply by making a one-time investment in a good, plug-in, steady- current silver generator.

Do not use the battery operated kind. The silver particles are too large and clump together. Look on the internet. There are several good companies with good information (I have no financial interest in these companies).
I am just beginning to appreciate all the uses for silver in fighting pathogens. With a little creativity, there are so many effective treatments possible with this stuff.

Just like ACV and cayenne pepper, silver may be indispensable to maintaining good health in our world which is slowly poisoning itself and hell-bent on profit.

Thank you, Earth Clinic for letting me share this here. To anyone struggling with boils and MRSA, try the silver poultice. It looked as if my hand were being eaten off, but in one week, my skin looks like the infection never happened!

Ph Balancing and Clay Poultice for Boils
Posted by Liz (Scranton, PA) on 04/26/2008

I have written before about a condition of fast-growing deep boils that were spreading over my hand. the main lesion was quite deep. To update: I continued using the bentonite clay mixed with colloidal silver for two weeks or so. The boils have not returned. What is of special note though is that there is NO scarring at all! The gentle drawing action of the clay combined with the antibacterial action of the silver were extremely effective at healing. The main boil was deep and I am quite amazed that there is no scar. My hand looks as if this had never happened. Liz

Ph Balancing and Clay Poultice for Boils
Posted by Tina (Dunbridge, Ohio) on 08/11/2008

Dear Liz, Did you just wear the poultice overnight or all day? I am currently using different topical stuff for my spots but my boss says I am no longer allowed to because it looks 'unprofessional and disgusting'. She says she'll lay me off if I don't! So I can't have any thing visible on during work-which cuts out a lot of home remedies.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by N (Boston, Ma) on 09/07/2010

I am using collodial silver directly on boil/pilonidial cyst that is on my rear in the fold of the cheeks, , , just started this... The boil is oozing and I am hoping that the silver will clear it up?

Foods to Avoid
Posted by Keith (East Bay, California) on 01/04/2008

I noticed I get real bad boils when eating chocolate covered ice-cream, but not the good chocolate smuckers, ya know in the jar, anyway stopped eating that stuff and no more boils around the nose. I thought that the cheaper chocolates might have some kind of chemicals that might be causing the problem.

Drawing Salve
Posted by Peggy (Independence, MO) on 04/06/2009

Can you tell me what happened when you used the bloodroot paste?. my sister is dealing with this also and has scarring and some lumps that won't go away.

Drawing Salve
Posted by Rosy (Orlando, Fl) on 04/06/2009

Try H2O2 for your crusty spots. That is what I use on my face and it only leaves a red mark after wards, which will go away soon. If the H202 burns then there is still a slight infection, you may want to try one more application of the paste.

Drawing Salve
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 04/07/2009 495 posts

Question for L who writes Ted about boils on face:

Hello L, I have a question after reading your request for help. This "black drawing salve" you used, was it blood root black salve or was it ichthymol, a totally unrelated ointment? Blood root black salve is not usually indicated for boils.

Drawing Salve
Posted by Cb (Shelter Island Heights, Ny) on 03/03/2010

L, what you describe sounds like something my mother had. It turned out to be a shingles outbreak on her face... it even took traditional doctors a while to diagnose since shingles usually appears on the torso.

Foods to Avoid
Posted by Vee (Sheridan, Wyoming) on 12/10/2007

Thank you, Earth Clinic and Readers. I've never suffered boils before and I didn't even know what it was, but I searched my favorite site (Earth Clinic!) and found out. Also, I would have never, ever connected the peanut/chocolate connection. I guess my latest naughty snack concoction of natural crunchy peanut butter and chocolate syrup is going by the wayside...:) P.S. Like so many have said before, this web site, Ted, and all those who contribute are indeed a blessing. Cheers.

Posted by Margaret (Petaling Jaya, Malaysia) on 11/27/2007

I have had recurring boils since 1996 under the breast area and over all of the abdominal region and ocassionally on the inner thigh region. Application of active magnesium was helpful but painful. Garlic hi-dose of 20,000mg did reduce and clear but 2 are still stubbornly remaining as scars and do reappear if I stop garlic for a few months. But the recurrence is controlled with ingestion of garlic again. But my abdominal area is covered by the ugly spots and scars.
