Natural Remedies

Heal Boils Naturally: Effective Home Remedies

Posted by Tammy (Wellston, Oklahoma) on 04/18/2007

I tried the basic iodine you get from the pharmacy on some sort of hard lump on my inner thigh .. I can assume it to have been a boil, anyway it started as a small bump, I thought maybe an ingrown hair. After a few months it was still there only very much larger, hard, dark brown and painful. Don't know what it was, probably dont want to know, but after a weeks worth of iodine swabbed on from a q-tip, it has become only a scar. It was almost diameterically dime sized and raised about 1/4 inch ... little more as it centered in, so I painted about an inch all around it as well, just for added measure ;) One thing, I also have a skin tag near it, I also applied it to that and nothing happened to it sadly. But whatever "bumps" you've got ... give some iodine a shot!

Posted by Julia (Greenville, Nc) on 07/28/2012

I am battling with a boil on my knee that the doctor had to lance and pack, 4 visits to her, but it takes a long time to heal. It was lab tested and is MRSA. It's finally healing after two weeks! It has a pea sized center that's still red. I find large bandages draw it out, and they go costly so I would use fresh menstrual pads and the thickness seemed to pull out more pus. I would lay them inside a soccer sock and the compression seemed to help. Sometimes I would get a mild fever if I exerted myself during the day too much. I wonder if it can be spread by fleas? Though I do my best to control fleas, I have dogs, and cat, one lives outdoors, and it just dawned on me that they need a round of antibiotics.

Posted by Rseagle69 (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/29/2012

Colloidal Silver will kill it immediately and save you having to go to the doctor. Also try oregano oil or both which would be my approach.

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/29/2012 2063 posts

Julia, "slow heal" and "chronic infection" are almost always directly linked to Zinc deficiency. 25-50 mg daily for a couple weeks should help very much.

Sea Salt
Posted by Carolyn (Hollywood, Florida) on 04/12/2007

I stopped using sea salt and tried regular iodized table salt and I paid the price for my stupidity. Now that I have sea salt again, my outbreak is calming down. Ted is absolutely correct about sea salt. There are studies showing that magnesium inhibits staph. Sea salt is rich in magnesium. Everybody in this forum needs to pay close attention to Ted.

Sea Salt
Posted by Ted (Bangkok) 391 posts

Dear Carolyn: The pH of an Iodized salt is quite acid at pH of 5, while a sea salt is 8. Staph generally flourishes in an acidic medium.

Turmeric Recipes
Posted by Roy (Sarasota, Florida) on 03/29/2007

Turmeric virtually tasteless in chocolate milk.

Posted by Matt (Springfield, USA) on 03/27/2007

Hello, I have almost a cure for a Pilonidal cyst. The reason I say almost is it will come back in usually about 10 months to a year, and then you will need to repeat the steps again. I came across it from another person who has suffered from this health problem and has been through many surgeries with no help. I myself have been through one surgery in which the cyst came back a year later. The cure is to put cayenne pepper mixed with water in the sinus opening of the cyst for 3-4 days straight using an eye dropper with a narrow end. The solution should be 1 heaping teaspoon of pepper in a cup of water used over the 3-4 day period. This does sting quite a bit for the first minute or two after the pepper is injected but subsides afterwards. Note: you will probably need someone to do it for you to really get the solution in the sinus. I've read this works because the sting of the pepper brings a rush of white blood cells to the area, not sure if that is true or not, but it worked for me. Of course check with your doctor before doing anything. I'd also be interested if anyone else has found other ways to deal with this issue.

Posted by Dan (Chicago, Il) on 09/30/2011

I'm assuming this is about the cyst you get in your nose and not on your tailbone?

Posted by Socher (Mesa, Arizona, Usa) on 12/19/2011

The 'sinus' mentioned here is not referring to the nasal cavity sinus but rather to a part of the structure of a pilonidal cysts (also known as a) sinus.

Turmeric, Sea Salt, Lemon
Posted by Dave (Peoria, Arizona) on 03/23/2007

I suffered with boils and impetigo infections for years. The allopathic treatments have been a complete failure and have only made matters worse not to mention very costly. Started to use internal turmeric. Started cleansing wounds with sea salt and water in varying concentrations to remove exudate and puss. Applied raw honey to the wound bed several times a day, everyday. I drank: 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt and washed that down with 16oz. of water 4 times a day. I drink several cups of green tea with honey and raw lemon per day. I would take 1 gram of turmeric 3xday. This combination approach from the inside out is impressive. The honey is amazing. If you think about it honey is protected by antibacterial, anti fungal agents in order that it does not spoil in nature. There is much research done on honey and infections from many credible resources. It works better than any antibacterial chemical product. I have tried many.

Ivory Soap
Posted by Kristina (Waukesha, WI) on 03/20/2007

Here is yet another of my grandma's remedies, although she wasn't what I would have called a naturalist. She had a very painful boil on her armpit that the doctor was going to lance if it didn't break by a certain day. Well, this frightened her so she went in a very hot shower with a bar of Ivory brand soap (she always swore by this brand for ailments and always kept a bar handy) and rubbed that boil up and down with the soap. It burst after I don't know how long. My theory besides the hot water is that Ivory soap dries the skin and makes it constrict, therefore bursting it. But grandma swore something in the soap was helpful, I don't know what, and maybe it drew the boil to a head. I love this site and am so indebted to its creators! Thank you!

Posted by Barbara (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 03/17/2007

I have studied natural health for many years and was recently contacted by a friend to see if I knew anything about getting rid of boils. i told her to cut a clove of garlic in half and tape it on to the top of the boil. She called me just a few hours later and said the garlic was causing to boil to drain very quickly and the boil was gone almost over night. Barbara

Posted by Spowers (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 03/20/2012

I have had a boil for 3 months and it would get better with garlic then come back and I don't have insurance so I couldn't afford to go to the er. I love this thread and I tried several natural ways to try and cure it. When it wouldn't go away I found this clinic called e study at sunrise hospital and they treated me and checked me out for free, even paid me because the medicine is being tested. Anyways I got a new one and the garlic took care of it two weeks ago and hasn't come back!!

Colloidal Gold, Bentonite Clay
Posted by Alwyn (Laytonville, CA) on 03/16/2007

Hi, got here accidently, got fascinated. I had some boils which started out like a spider bite. I attacked it with hot water lavender poultice (very BRIEF, just to open the pores), and then a bentonite clay mix, combined with colloidal silver. This usually will take down any infection. However, it wasn't until I poured colloidal gold solution over the leg, inaddition to the bentonite, that it got cured. For open, supporating sores, etc, colloidal silver combined with zinc is quite effective. Also, to help cure the heavy metal toxicity which you said contributes, mix 1 tablespoonful high grade bentonite (or pascalite) clay in one glass of water. Drink this every other day for about eight weeks. This is an amazing remedy.

Posted by Deb (Mulberry, fl) on 03/16/2007

Remedy: I had an outbreak of boils mainly caused by high blood sugar (Diabetic), I was told by my doc that the bacteria that causes them lives deep within your sinus cavity, and that just a bit of neosporin up the nostrils over a few weeks will help kill it.

Posted by Steven (Los Angeles, CA) on 03/16/2007

I've been getting boils for over a year now. I tried treating them with magic clay, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, garlic and heat. Heat works well especially if you can soak the boil in hot water, as hot as you can stand as staph is requires a narrow temperature range to survive. The best remedy by far has been to put some liquid from a freshly crushed garlic clove directly on the boil. This may cause a burning sensation and if it is too much dilute it. Usually it will be gone in 24 hours, at most 48.

Vitamin D
Posted by Julian (Bathurst , NSW Australia) on 03/16/2007

A common factor for most of the boil sufferers is the time of year, late winter when Vit D reserves are at their lowest. Vit D is a necessary part of the immune system. The Vit D Council (Google it) gives free information on doses and some amazing facts on its effectiveness for many ailments. I have used Colorless Iodine for unbroken skin pimples or puncture wounds for years and never get infections, Betadine for scrapes and scratches.Castor oil for sun blemishes, age spots and sun cancers. I work outside, get plenty of those. Used to get boils before I found Colorless Iodine, its getting hard to find (not much profit?) but some chemists will make it up.

Ozonated Olive Oil
Posted by James (Vancouver, BC) on 02/28/2007

The best thing for a boil that I found was Ozonated Olive Oil, wow this stuff works great! It takes about a week of applying the stuff twice a day, and relief is almost instant, try it for your self, the best, and is vey good for you. James...

Staal Druppels
Posted by Gil (Jo'burg, South Africa) on 02/25/2007

In 1973 after the birth of my second son, I had a boil which I lanced and got blood poisoning from. I had a course of anti-biotics which didn't help, I then got another boil, not long after. I took 'staal druppels' I cannot remember how many drops at a time, only for a couple of days, I have not had a re-occurence of boils since then.

EC: Staal druppels (translates to "steel drops") is a liquid that bonds open wounds. Does not appear to be sold in the USA.

Garlic Capsules and Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Corrine (Los Angeles) on 02/22/2007

One drop of Eucalyptus oil mixed with one opened Kyolic garlic capsule. After I applied this topically to my boil within 3 minutes my boil drained. I applied another application 3 hours later just to be sure it was completely drained and the boil was gone. Normally it takes twenty-five days for my boils to surface and drain, but because I have had them off and on for a year now I had to find something to make them stop as soon as I noticed them forming. I have been taking Keflex from the doctor and it did nothing. My boils kept coming back and in the same places and were very painful each time. I am so grateful to alternative methods.

Posted by Manuel (Weslaco, TX) on 01/29/2007

take a small handful of raisins for a week then a handful once every week or two to stay boil free.

Posted by Teresa (Asheboro, NC) on 06/06/2009

I just read this account in the Bible. If you want to read about it look under I or II Kings and read about King Hezekiah. The story goes that Hezekiah was almost "sick unto death." (I know the feeling when I get a boil). You don't know what he is sick from, but if you keep reading, it will say that he had a boil and the priests placed a fig on it and he was cured.

The acoount is found in II Kings 20:1-7 and you can also find references to this in some Western Civilization books in the chapters about early civilization of Mesopotamia and Egupt.

I am going to try this the next time I feel one of these things. I get them on my face and ear lobes and I am getting scars from the condition. It is very painful, embarassing, fatiguing, and I am chunking makeup in the trash right and left to prevent it from spreading. I have had to resort to buying very cheap makeup like Wet and Wild, since I am having to throw all my makeup out so frequently. However I have found that Neutrogena liquid makeup in a pump with Retinol combined with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide face wash and topical treatment is keeping my skin clear for the moment. However with summer approaching and humidity, I am starting to have some small ones forming.

I am going back to the doctor next week, and ask him to change my blood pressure medication back to Aldactone. Aldactone will clear up acne, which is usually a precursor to boils forming in the first place.

Posted by Alib (Swansea, Wales, Uk) on 12/04/2010

I agree with this. The boils and acne are the body's way of trying to get rid of stuff it doesn't want. Coconut oil will help to keep your skin soft and supple and you can wash your hair with a solution of baking soda (half to one teaspoonful in an egg cup or so amount of hot water, stirred) then after rinsing it off, give a final rinse with a dribble of ACV in some warm water. The vinegar makes it soft and shiny. The smell will go off pretty quickly, but I usually give another quick rinse after the vinegar with plain water, and my hair is still soft.

Posted by Ryan (New Orleans, Louisiana) on 04/18/2012

My Boyfriend, like you, have a reaction to medication (hives). He started taking zinc, turmeric, and wash with Hibiclens and alot of PRAYERS. He has been to many dr but it was useless..

Posted by Wanda (Jackson, Mo) on 08/12/2012

Campho worked for me.... Did the job in less than 6 hours!

Salt Pork
Posted by Katerina (Athens, Greece) on 09/17/2009

Hello, by salt pork you mean a piece of row pork meat full of salt?

Salt Pork
Posted by Jon (Selma, Alabama) on 11/12/2012

wow, wish I would have known about the pionadal cyct, I had it surgicaly removed and it was a long thing growing around my spine it would inflame and cause great great deal of pain. I had one for several years. Since alot of travel flared up often the pain was so intense. , now I have mrsa. And the boils form under the skin deep. A small pimple like head pops up. And once you pop it. The real deal starts to fill and it hurts. I take a anti biotic every dayfor it. But the one now is breaking me down. I know how bad it will get. So many heartcaths in same area. I got it after a cath procedure. Even comes up on my arm sometimes. Ugly scars. I want to pop this thing now but thats when it relly gets going. I didnt know so many others had them too, I wish you all well.
