Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies: Relief & Healing

Posted by Pj (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 10/07/2015

Just two teaspoons of Turmeric per day stopped all my arthritis pain, and allowed the best sleep in years.

Posted by Satnam (Surrey, Bc) on 10/27/2011


Posted by Mohayrix (Redneck, California, Usa) on 06/11/2010

As a holistic practitioner for over 35 years I recently did a very thourough research on Turmeric, known as the Holy Spice in the mid east, cheifly India. I have seen great results for arthritis from Hepatitis C, as a topical mixture for sores and cuts and a host of other ailments. Just took my 2nd 00 cap for today. As it is an astrigent it can also detoxify the body as I have observed with my patients. It is worth studying and there are scientific studies showing the efficacy of Turmeric on several conditions with little interaction with other treatments. I am with you and will take this for the rest of my earthly life. 500 billion blessings of health to all who read this.

Posted by Linda (Eugene, OR) on 01/07/2008

Editor's Choice I just want to thank the people who set up this website. I was experiencing painful arthritis in both shoulders and I found your site and read about using Turmeric. That was several weeks ago and now I can truly say that taking the Turmeric has changed everything! The pain is nearly gone. I still have some slight discomfort, but nothing like I was going through before the Turmeric. I am praising God for His wonderful herbs and for inspiring all of the folks who write in with their testimonies. I take two 400 mg capsules three times a day and one 500 mg ginger capsule 3 times a day. This site is the best!!! Plus, I have contacted several people on the site who were so helpful and responded with great advice and encouragement. Health and blessings to all.

Posted by Charles (Saint Cloud, Florida) on 12/31/2007

I started taking turmeric powder about 2 and a half years ago, after seeing on a famous news show that it was one of the main ingredients in a pill that was able to reduce your antioxidant level to zero. I did a little research and saw there was little Alzhiemers in India, where it is a big part of the diet. I was having a bit of a memory problem at the time. Anyways, after about 3 months of taking a tablespoon a day, I noticed my shoulder pain went away. My doctor had said he could do nothing for it, as it was arthitis and that he had it also. Now I notice that I don't seem too concern about memory and I have regained some interest in reading articles. I have had several, 3, cases of skin cancer in the last year, hopefully its due to the years of living in a tropical climate. I tried to stop taking it a couple of times to see what would happen and my shoulder pain seem to start to come back. So apparently it did not cure it but stopped the pain and I am now able to shoot basketball or any other activity. I put it in water and stir it up and swallow the half a cup very quickly as I do not like the taste. I order it 5 pounds at a time and keep a 10 pound supply on hand. Be careful it stains things yellow.

Posted by Aaron (Cape Coral, Florida) on 06/21/2007

I tried the TURMERIC remedy for boils about 4 days ago, initially with little hope it would work, but in a state of desperation, since this was my THIRD boil in less than 6 weeks, and I had 2 more starting! I went out as soon as I finished reading all of the testimonials on your site, and bought a bottle of Turmeric capsules from my local GNC. That night I took three 500mg caps with dinner, and another 4 capsules before going to bed. (If a teaspoon is good, a tablespoon is better!) The next morning the boil on my stomach, which was a dark purple golf ball radiating excruciating pain the night before, was now a light purple golf ball that was starting to drain, and the pain had gone down by 80 to 90%!

In addition, one of the new boils that was just starting, (a tiny painful pimple,) started to heal, and the other one, slightly larger, while it didn't go away, it stopped growing, and with 72 hours it too drained (really like a normal pimple, only thicker discharge and more painful.)

It's now been about 4 days, and while the large boil is still draining (the core came out yesterday) and is still very tender, it is healing and no other boils are starting.


The big BONUS is this: The arthritis in my shoulder that I've been suffering with for the last year, is gone, and even more exciting, I have been dealing with Heal Spurs (Plantar Fasciitis) for about 2 years, and have been suffering TREMENDOUS pain in my foot, every day, all day.

Within 24 hours of taking the Turmeric, my feet have COMPLETELY stopped hurting!!!I plan to continue taking at least one capsule a day indefinitely as a preventative for recurring boils, and as an apparent remedy for my Heal Spurs!!! The real miracle here is that I don't even believe in natural remedies! Thanks so much for the great advice!!!

Posted by Bill (Califon, NJ)

I have had severe knee and lower leg pain for over one year. All the doctors say my knees have normal wear and tear but they always hurt and especially at night. I took 1600 mg of tumeric (800 x2 day) and after about six weeks the pain almost all gone and flexibility is returning.
