Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Arthritis Remedies: Relief & Healing

Boron and DMSO
Posted by Bob. S. (USA) on 11/21/2020

I have arthritis in the back & neck real bad along with herniated discs, but what I found is that capsules of boron a supplement, taking a loading dose at first 4-5 time usual dose for 4-7 days, combined with DMSO applied topically, takes away the pain far more than the pain killer and muscle relaxant I was prescribed. I also had an epidermal to try to calm the pain, and it worked OK, but the pain just keeps coming back, normal with an epidermal, it is not permanent.

It also took away the severe headaches I started to get after the epidermal, another common side effect.

Again the DMSO and boron work better than the scripts. You can add anything else you like, including turmeric, which also helps quite a bit but don`t count on the recommended dose. You might have to up the amount according to your own needs, but all I can say is it works for me and better than any script I have been given.
