Natural Remedies

12 Proven Natural Remedies for Acne

Fermented Foods
Posted by Stella (Brooklyn, Ny) on 07/31/2012

I had terrible cystic acne. Tried a lot of things. Was told to try sauerkraut. I got the good kind (bubbies) sold at whole foods. I dont think regular brands work. This kind has lots of good bacteria. I'm not exaggerating when I say my skin was clear in three weeks. I battled with terrible skin for 10 years. Apparently, the live bacteria balanced something in my intestines and my skin cleared up. Please try it. Each jar is less than $5. I ate about 1/3 each day.

You might also want to reconsider what you're eating. Acne is usually the result of incompatible foods or imbalanced hormones. Even if the sauerkraut helps, there might still be an underlying issue that manifests in another way. Trust me, I'm living it.

Good luck!

Posted by Mable (Benalmadena, Spain) on 06/25/2012


I've been fighting skin parasites or something on my face for 2 years chronically and 8 yrs of 'acne' previously. Tried Ted's remedy in capsule form as recommended on curezone. I would not use in that way again, and would follow Ted's recipe of putting it in water to sip throughout the day.

I quit the cure after a few days due to the effects the borax had on my mental state. It was almost like a drug in the way it made my mind feel very aware. If I wanted to get off legally without being out of control, I would use borax.

I think I would try it again, using a very very small dosage, maybe even smaller than Ted's. A side effect that I liked was that the horrible bad breath I had experienced for a year went away within a day or two and stayed away for a couple of weeks. Perhaps my breath still stunk to other people, but the horrible disgusting taste in my mouth when I woke up was gone.

Posted by Darrell (Louisville, Ky) on 06/24/2012

A very good treatment for acne is Lysine. It is very cheap and can be found in any store's vitamin section. It typically comes in 500mg pills. I'll chew up 2 or 3 of them a day when I have an acne outbreak and it'll be gone in no time. Hope this helps and good luck.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Fighting4ourfreedoms (Spotsylvania, Va) on 06/04/2012

A few years ago I started having severe skin disorders and ended up with severe acne. I've tried everything from honey masks, herbal detoxes and tinctures, colloidial silver, vegetarian, primal, mediterranean diets, etc etc, Even expensive facial creams and soaps stuffed with glycolic acids and AHAs. And while I can delight in two-three pimples at a time instead of 40, my skin still stresses under change in weather. It peels off and sheds profusely when it's cold out, but a few days ago... BAM! Hot, humid weather and my oil reserves see no end. I started breaking out again and desperate, I grabbed an old jar of Calcium Bentonite (the green-external-use-only-kind) and washed my face with it. It WORKED. All day my face had zero oil. And my pimples were drying out. Praise God for dirt that cleans my face!

Also, I usually don't write these things because the solutions never last long enough for me, but this one truly is a blessing, even if just for a few days. See, I had mixed it before with water/apple cider vinegar and left on my face to 'pulse' for suggested time.... Big no-no. It was way too harsh for my sensitive skin. But a little pinch mixed with a lot of water, massaged onto skin like soap, and immediately washed off works just right. I hope this helps someone else who has a big tub just sitting around! It's worth a try!

Banana Peel
Posted by Aquarelle (West Coast, America) on 05/31/2012

It's been a few years since I've posted on earthclinic and this isn't one I have tried personally, rather found it online while conducting some research for a family member with this issue. There is a ton of info online stating that this method works even for moderate to severe acne because of the potassium and antioxidants contained in the peel. Because this is such a cheap and accessible item, and because I found glowing articles even on mainstream 'beauty' sites and such, I had to add it here. I recall info about peels for warts but did not know it helped acne.

I would suggest doing some reading online but essentially the method involves taking a fresh banana peel (yellow with brown spots works best, do not use green) and rubbing on the face for up to 10 minutes. The peel will get discoloured from rubbing on the face, and when that happens, new peel area should be used. Let this sit on the skin for some time. Some articles I read advised doing this up to 3 times per day.

I have pointed my family member in this direction and will report on the results. Surely if acne is severe many other measures should be taken, but this seems like a cheap and easy ritual to add in. It's all about good habits and remedies adding up. I wish I had known about it years ago!

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Aquarelle (West Coast, America) on 05/31/2012

Yet another acne remedy I discovered while helping out a family member: Bentonite Clay applied with apple cider vinegar. A specific clay was touted: Aztec Secret - Indian Healing Clay. Apparently this is benitoite clay from Death Valley, Ca and has been baked dry at a certain temperature. I do not know if other benitoite clays have the same property as Aztec; I would assume so. My relative just started using it and reported improvement in skin but has a long way to go, and is of course making other changes in order to heal from this condition. Also, there are many types of clay which are beneficial for different skin types/issues, but this was the one I found to have the most reviews on Amazon and elsewhere in treating up to severe acne. But... It should be said that other clays would likely be beneficial.

Detox Teas
Posted by Aquarelle (West Coast, America) on 05/31/2012

Yogi Tea makes a Skin Detox Tea that has great reviews on many different websites (amazon being one) in it's use for acne. I actually made my own version (not for acne, but for skin-glowing benefits) which does not contain the green tea as I am caffeine free (as far as beverages go - do enjoy chocolate! ). I also added several other herbs which I found in an online article for skin glowing tea. Many of the herbs flush out the system and help with digestion, blood purification, etc... So this tea could benefit most. In the article I read it was recommended to drink the tea for 3 weeks then take a 1 week break. Yogi's tea does not specify this that I know of, but many reviewers on amazon give in-depth descriptions of how/when they used the tea for results with acne.

My personal version of the tea wasn't anything special, just all the herbs I could find at my co-op, unmeasured and thrown together. I would go high on the hibiscus, orange peel and honeybush (plus green tea or any other flavor enhancer you like)... But all in all, it's good enough to drink : )

Burdock Root
Cardamom Pods
Orange Peel
Yellow Dock
Honeybush (similar to roobois tea)
Oregon Grape Root
& powdered Stevia leaves for flavor (or honey)

Also on my list that the co-op didn't have or that I thought I still had at home (but didn't) were:

Rose petal
Red clover

Posted by Christie (Bristol, Ct) on 04/29/2012

When I was travelling last week, I ate a chocolate and peanuty dessert at a restaurant. Well, within an hour I had a big pimple popping out on my chin. Peanut and chocolate combination will sometimes do this, esp if the chocolate has cocoa butter in it. I didn't have any pimple remedies with me, but I remembered reading about toothpaste for pimples. I dabbed some on my pimple and went to bed. The next morning, it was barely visible. I think it's the mint that works. Yea toothpaste!

Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 04/19/2012

Nature wins again... a new study showing preparations of Thyme extract are more effective than prescription creams...The beauty of nature is the vasteness of its elements that just may never be measurable and will forever remain unknown to us.

Detox Teas
Posted by Lady From London (London, Uk) on 04/14/2012

For the last 2 weeks I've tried a great deal of things to deal with a sudden eruption of acne cysts on my throat, chin and jaw. I tried the lavender oil, ACV application, vitamin E, oil cleansing, Castor oil. Nothing worked. Then, I figured I will try something different.

So, I went and bought some Detox tea that has dandelion root, milk thistle and then I mixed in my own nettle tea. They are all herbs that are liver cleansers and blood purifiers. I drank 4 cups yesterday, and low and behold, the cysts have settled down overnight. There was one on my throat that was pretty persistent, and it's the one that has gone first. I have the scar now to deal with - so am applying Vitamin E to it.

it seems to be working so far.

Castor Oil
Posted by Lady From London (London, Uk) on 04/06/2012

I tend to get cystic type spots around period time, and I tried castor oil for the last 4 days. I've been cleaning my face with steam and oil first, rinsing then before sleep, I apply a thin layer of castor oil neat all over my face. I can't say I've seen a difference at all. In fact, I got even more spots on my chin and neck than before I used it. I can't say my skin feels or looks much better. Maybe I'm not patient enough, but I don't want to create more spots for myself than I already have! So, I'm wondering if it just might not work for me, or if I'm doing something different?

Argan Oil
Posted by Carlos (Barcelona, Spain) on 03/27/2012

Hi, Just like most people I discovered Argan Oil by chance, my sister use it for her hair and she forgot it in my bathroom. After using coconut oil, sesame, jojoba, olive, shea butter, cocoa butter... I've used every oil I come across since I live in a very dry area and my skin is so sensitive that I can't use regular cosmetics.

I have to say Argan oil is rejuvinating, antiwrikle, absorbs well, leaves an awesome smooth texture. Its basically the best oil I've ever used. Fine lines diminish in front of your eyes upon first application.

There's currently a lot of hype towards Argan oil and its becoming the trendy ingredient in the cosmetic industry. It's a bit expensive in pure form but it's definitely worth it. Works like magic. Don't bite on the cosmetic brands and try to find 100% argan oil. 2 drops are enough for your whole face.

I think it's a bit too expensive to use as a hair treatment, there are cheaper alternatives like coconut oil. But for cosmetic purposes a single oil bottle can last for more than a year with daily use. A little goes a long way.

Try it you will thank me later.

Argan Oil
Posted by Samantha (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 07/24/2016

Argan oil made me break out horribly! I guess everyone reacts differently to different things. You are so lucky you can use it, though, because I know it does wonders for wrinkles. So acne prone people should be cautious about trying this oil.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alexandria (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/12/2012

I had moderate acne on my forehead when I hit puberty at the age of seventeen, but the doctor put me on birth control and it went away. Well, about a year and a half ago, I discontinued the birth control because of side effects and how much it cost. I am 21 now so I was on it for a good three years. When I did that, my face freaked out. A lot of people suffering from acne, especially in the older years, have hormonal imbalances.

I go to an Aveda school and they teach you the importance of cleansing your body inside and out and how important it is to use natural products and not synthetic ones. According to Aruveydic medicine, where you break out on your bady and face is where you are having troubles in your body (chin-hormones, like before menstrual. Forehead-intestinal upset, from food allergies or parasites. Cheeks- liver and lungs, could be from pollution, smoking, virus, bacteria)

So I went to a good doctor(not one trying to give me random medication) who did a lot of tests and it turned out I have a major hormonal imbalance (thank you birth control), multiple food allergies (gluten, dairy, peanuts, pork) and she also thought I might have a parasite build up (most people have parasites in their systems). Parasites can cause you to hang on to toxins and then cause you to break out. Food allergies can cause you to break out. Hormones can cause you to break out.

Bottom of the line, acne is your body's way of telling you that something is not right. And it is a bacterial infection once it occurs so you must treat it accordingly. I try to use as natural of face regime as possible because I am very senstive to synthetic chemicals, parabens, petrochemicals, and fragrance adn I always have been since I was an infant.

First I would suggest detoxing your body in some way, and STICKING TO IT! It will get much worse before it gets better, but stick it out.

You might need to get an antibiotic if your acne has gone septic, because then it could get into your blood stream and cause a lot of harm to the rest of your body.


I personally LOVE aveda and I use the 'botanical kinetics' line. Face washes made for acne irritate my skin and are too harsh. However, try different things out, everyone is different. But I highly reccomend natural or organic face washes. They are less likely to irritate your skin further. African black soap and tea tree oil are wonderful things to use to cleanse the face with. there are many products that contain these two in them at natural food stores.

ALWAYS CLEANSE TWICE! Use a gentle motion with you fingers and cleanser twice! The first time removes dirt, pollution, makeup, the second time insures nothign is left behind and gives your face wash a chance to work.

Next, exfoliate with a chemical exfoliant! Abrasive exfoliants are WAAAAYYY TOO harsh for acne skin and actually SPREAD THE BACTERIA AROUND and cause you to break out MORE! I made this mistake until recently when an esthitician explained to me how to properly cleanse the skin. Until your acne clears up more, you don't want to risk making your acne septic my spreading the infection. I put the exfoliant in a spray bottle and spritz it instead of rubbing harsh cotton on my face. THIS STUFF IS MIRACLE SPRAY. If you don't want to get the rest of the B. K. Line, at least give thsi stuff a try. it has a small % of saycilic acid in it to help kill bacteria and exfoliate dead skin cells.

Then, at night I just lightly pat moisturizer on my face. DO NOT RUB IT into your skin. This will also spread the bacteria around. I use the Botanical kinetics line BUT sometimes it can irritate some people's skin. It would be best to use 1-2 drops of ORGANIC jojoba and one drop of tea tree oil. Jojoba is the closet plant oil to sebum that our bodies produce and tea tree is the natural version of benzyl peroxide. It dries up acne and acts as an antiseptic.

In the morning I usually just spritz a toner (ORGANIC witch hazel works well. The B. K. Line has a toner with witch hazel in it already) and then lightly pat my moisturizer on my face, while it is still damp from the toner bc it will soak in nicer. I ALWAYS use sunscreen if I am going to be exposed to the sun. I like La Rosche Posay tourmaline spf60 and Neutrogena dry touch spf100. They both are extremly light and do not leave a greasy feel to the face.

I use a face mask once a week, depending on what my face needs. Sometimes I just use organic honey to heal my scars, kill bacteria and add moisture into my skin. Sometimes I use a clay and ACV mask. Aveda makes a mask in the Tourmaline line that helps reduce scarrign and it is very gentle. A mask just helps give more nutrients to your skin. BE VERY GENTLE when you do masks, you don't want to use anythign irritating or abrasive.

I spot treat my acne with staright tea tree essential oil. I have tried B. Perox and Say. Acid but they don't seem to be as effective. Just get a dropper and drop a couple of drops onto your finger and lightly apply it to the effected area.

SO, from doing this, I have noticed a HUGE improvement in my horrible cystic and the reoccurence there of. Get PLENTY of sleep, your body heals itself when you sleep. Drink water with ACV in it to help detox your body, and be very careful of what you eat, medicines and vitamins you take, and even products you use (laundry soap, perfume, lotion, soaps) these can all cause you to break out because they have a lot of synthetic chemicals in them that irritate the lymphatic system in your body. Usually, those with acne, less is more and be VERY GENTLE or you will irritate it more and cause scarring. I made that mistake... So learn from me, be very gentle! Washign twice helps remove all that makeup so you don't have to scrub so hard to remove it all!

And get your hormone levels checked out. That could be the root of all the evil. There are a lot of natural ways to help regulate hormones, although you may sometimes have to take another approach.

Posted by Tina (Houston, Us) on 03/12/2012

High probiotic foods like Kefir, Kombucha, Sauerkraut and also freshly juiced green organic vegetables are a great way to eliminate Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis. Good gut health is key to removing and improving any skin conditions. Took me about 3-4 months to restore to normal.

Posted by Southernarc (Durham, Nc, Usa) on 03/07/2012

Note to add: The Borax I use is "Boraxo Powdered Hand Soap" and the contents are listed as Sodium Tetraborax Decahydrate, along with 'fine toilet soap'. One or two applications a day, scrubbing for about a minute, then rinsing thoroughly, will keep the oils down and the acne from occurring. Overuse of this soap will cause skin drying.

Sea Buckthorn Oil
Posted by Debbie (Colorado Springs, Co, Usa) on 03/05/2012

I have had issues with acne since I was 12. I was always told not to worry that it would get better as I got older. I'm 53 now & still waiting for it to get better. Recently I have tried sea buckthorn oil. I have used it straight & mixed with my moisturizer. For the first time in my life (since 12), my face is clear! Absolutely no breakouts! I recently moved from Dallas, TX to Colorado & had serious issues with dry skin. Sea buckthorn oil has taken care of that. I can't believe an oil would clear up breakouts but it does. It has lessened the redness from prior breakouts too. By the way, I've only been using it for about 5 days. Results were quick. I hope this helps someone else. Love this website!!!

Sea Buckthorn Oil
Posted by Rae (Chicago, Illinois) on 03/16/2012

I bought some organic sea buckthorn oil and the color is very dark orange, almost like iodine. When I mixed one drop with my oil free moisturizer, it turned the white moisturizer to dark yellow. I put it on the back of my hand and it turned the skin yellow. How do you use it on your face without it turning the skin yellow?

Sea Buckthorn Oil
Posted by Debbie (Colorado Springs, Co) on 04/02/2012

The sea buckthorn that I purchased is organic & a dark orange color as well. I am very fair skinned but have had no issues with staining. I did read on the box of a Skincare product that is made with sea buckthorn oil that it could possibly stain clothing. I think it absorbs so quickly into my skin that I haven't noticed a problem with clothing or pillowcases. Another oil I have used with great success is neem oil. The downside of this oil is that is has a very strong odor. Kind of like garlic & onions. If you can get past that it's a great oil. I really like the sea buckthorn because of the other great properties it has. Just google & you can read about them. Sorry if you are having a problem with staining. I guess we are are so biochemically different that what works for one may not for another. I would suggest diluting in a carrier oil but if acne is an issue, that might not be an alternative.
