Natural Remedies

12 Proven Natural Remedies for Acne

Aspirin Mask
Posted by Cortez (Douglas, GA)

I have 2 remedies!
1: crush 6 aspirins and add to witch hazel astringent. apply to face overnight (should work considerably in less than week)

2: Wheatgerm provides vitamins your body needs to prevent acne such as zinc. (eat a tablespoon once or twice daily).

Aspirin Mask
Posted by Marvin (USA)

Crush Aspirin and add a little bit of water to make it a paste and then heat it in a microwave and add to the face as a mask. This removed the redness from my skin were my pimples were.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Anna (Corona, CA)

Pure Aloe Vera gel, applied topically two or three times a day does wonders for acne! Though you may need a good moisturizer, even with oily skin, because the aloe dries your skin right up.

Posted by Franci (the UK)

Try whisking an egg in a glass bowl and smear onto your face using sliced raw potatoes. This is guaranteed to work for healthy, cleaner, spotless, softer skin. I tried it and gave it to all my friends who suffered acne and pimple problems and their skin looks great ! Go on, give it a go... suitable for all skin types.

Posted by SC (India)

Grind basil leaves with a little water, then squeeze the paste to extract the juice. this can be used for a week if stored in the refrigerator. mix this juice with turmeric or lime or milk.
