At a pinch I just put some of that on a few times and the spot seems to disappear after a very short time.
Flaxseed Oil
I began taking flaxseed oil to help with hot flashes at a relative's suggestion. After several months, I realized the flaxseed oil didn't help much with the hot flashes so I stopped taking it. However I now realize it WAS helping with my hormonal acne because my skin has been going crazy since I stopped taking it. My daughter's skin has too.
The company I've been ordering from is no longer selling it so I am now on a search for another brand with the same stringent production methods and wonderfully "clean" product.
- Urine is entirely sterile after secretion and has an antiseptic effect
- The only time it is not is if you're unfortunate to have a UTI/Bladder infection.
- It has strengthening and curative characteristics concerning many deficiencies.
- Urine consists of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salts, hormones, and enzymes.
Most acne is said to be caused by the infection of P. Acne bacteria (aka Propionibacterium Acne). And urine can rid this bacteria from the skin because the anti-bacterial properties in urine are effective enough to expel acne from the skin.
After getting over the initial WTH!?, I personally experimented in trying this after acquiring one rogue deep & painful subterranean pimple, the nasty kind that hurts but wont come to a head - aka cystic pimple. I'd read of others dabbing a Qtip in it and applying it to the area. And I can say it worked! After 10-14 days of this angry inflamed painful torment on my face, within 24 hrs it calmed right down and even the pain was gone. And I only dabbed it 2-3 times in total. As others have noted, applying it each time you you go throughout the day, you will really notice it working. So I'd recommend that rather than the slow 2x daily application. But I learned. I was alone at home so I tore a small piece of tissue, wet it, and stuck it on my face and let it stay there for apx 15 min, similar to when you cut yourself shaving and stick some tissue it.
So, as weird as this sound especially when you've never heard of it, please don't cut your nose off to spite you face. Remember what it's made up of and try it. (No one at home needs to know what you're doing if that's your biggest concern ;)🌞
Pantothenic Acid
Oh my gosh. This was literally the answer to my prayers. I had been praying to God to either help me find a cure for my acne or help me to accept it (it made me so insecure). And He lead me to b5. I started with a mega-dose of it - taking 8 500mg capsules per day (in smaller doses throughout the day).
I would say most of my acne was totally gone within the first month. I was shocked. I maintained the high dose "just in case" for a while after. I have since reduced it down and now take 2-4 500mg most days. I haven't had a cystic pimple since I started this over a year ago. Once in a great while I will get a very small pimple and I notice if I take a high dose of b5 it's gone within a day or two.
This was my miracle cure. I tried almost everything to cure it and nothing worked until I found this. I went on a mostly raw vegan diet for 6 months, drank the celery juice, cut our dairy, coffee, cut out sugar...nothing worked or seemed to touch it. I also put ACV on my face and it didn't do much either. The one thing I did not try was internal ACV... but all I know is b5 was finally the answer after a 10+ year fight with acne.
Hope this helps someone!
Avoid Peanut Butter
If you have teen or adult acne and you eat peanut butter or nuts or seeds/oils, it will increase inflammation and create massive infection within your clogged pores.
Please stop eating peanut butter and or seeds and nuts and seed oils if you want to get rid of your acne.
My friend had terrible acne his entire life since he was a teenager and we tried everything to help him with no success until we finally read an article about how unhealthy peanut butter is and how much massive inflammation it causes within your skin and causes acne, so please stop eating peanut butter and or nut and seed oils and it will clear right up!
Some people can tolerate peanut butter, but if you have acne, don't eat it!
Witch Hazel
I don't know if it has to be in gel form or if it has to be as long as hours/overnight, but what I do know is it worked very well :)
Also urine is good for insect stings.
(Also heard it can reduce dark armpits but haven't tried it yet.)
Aloe, Coconut Oil
Also I want to say that my skin now is younger looking and smooth also tighter and I feel more confident againA
Vitamin C
But they do have some mild acne. Never enough for them to be bothered to try and improve it though.
After 6 weeks of very regular use of liposomal vitamin C for whooping cough, however, I have noticed that one teen in particular has notably clearer skin.
If you have a teen with acne, vitamin C would be easy to try. The easiest way to get a higher dose is the store bought lypospheric vitamin C. It costs $32 for 30 packets. One packet of liposomal a day and in a month you would see if it was worth making your own for regular use, which is much cheaper once you invest in the materials.
~Mama to Many~
Baking Soda
It's been a week now and the Goldenseal has reversed the bacteria that was causing the acne scarring that will now heal. The Goldenseal appears to be healing his face.
Dietary Changes, Detox Cleanses
Your situation seems a puzzle - you are so attentive to your health and the acne persists. I will share a few thoughts and see if anything might be of help for you.
My first thought is to try vitamin C and turmeric if you have not done so. I noticed my young adult son's acne improved when he got sick...and I was giving him vitamin C and turmeric. Vitamin C is good for the skin and immune system, turmeric addresses infections from bacteria, viruses and fungi. Both are anti-inflammatory.
Even very healthy diets can leave one with some holes in their nutrition. These missing building blocks in the system can cause a breakdown somewhere, causing health problems. If there are any food groups you avoid for health purposes, consider what nutrients they may provide that you may be lacking in.
Have you tried checking your pH? Too acidic or even too alkaline pH means something is not right, and you can have health issues.
Does your body sweat? Sweating allows the body to remove toxins through the skin. If you do not sweat, I believe acne could result as the body tried to remove toxins. If you deal with constipation, again, your body's elimination systems isn't working well and the body will try and eliminate toxins through the skin.
I hope these will give you some ideas for what to try next.
Keep us posted!
~Mama to Many~
Dietary Changes, Detox Cleanses
I found about you guys by doing a Google search for holistic medicine. I'd like your advice on something I'm still struggling with. I'm currently a 24 year old male & I have struggled with acne ever since my teens. Me & my family try to do practically everything as healthily as we can. We don't eat fast food, we don't eat anything out cans anymore (except for canned sardines once in a great while), we drink filtered reverse osmosis water, we even stay away from soda, we eat organic health food & stay completely away from major-label brands that have extra junk added to it.
In the past we've even taken some of the more extreme measures like doing liver/gallbladder cleanses, kidney cleanses & even colon cleanses. (Although I haven't had a colon cleanse since several years ago.) Going back to my original issue- despite doing all of this, to this day I STILL struggle with acne! I even have some on my back & shoulders which hasn't cleared up completely! Sometimes, I tend to have some acne spots get swollen. Why I haven't yet been able to figure out. But if you can offer any explanations or solutions that would be helpful, I would be very grateful! And if you have any questions for me or might need further details, feel free to drop me a line.
Thank you for your time & hope you can help me! Kyle
If you do decide to try Matcha Tea I recommend choosing a pure, organic source. Finally after years and years of searching, I found something that really helped me get clear. Hope this helps someone out there! Acne sucks.
Baking Soda

An Unlit Match
Lemongrass Tea
Radish Juice