Natural Remedies

12 Proven Natural Remedies for Acne

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Pamela (Houston, Texas) on 12/18/2008

I didn't believe it but a friend of mind share with me an article he had read in the newspaper about a man who used milk of magnesium to clear up a long standing bad case of acne. We both have been putting the milk of magnesium on acne break outs at night before we go to bed. We are both happy at the results as both of the problem spots on our faces are clearing up. Who would of thought it would work. I have tried everything on my face and there were always some spots that nothing seem to work. It works slowly but everyday you notice the acne getting smaller and smaller. Plus I am noticing that I am not getting the usual breakout of new blemishes.

Detox Teas
Posted by Erica (Birmingham, AL) on 10/02/2008

I have been taking a red tea remedy that is designed to boost liver function, and my acne is nearly gone! I have adult acne, and have had constant breakouts, and I am seeing my clear skin for the first time in about 15 years! It is Get Clean (Republic of Tea), a blend of Rooibos, milk thistle, sarsaparilla, dandeliaon, chicory, burdock, and red clover. A side note, it also helps my irritable bowel issues, which are much less severe.

Jojoba Oi
Posted by Cathy (Medford, Oregon) on 09/03/2008

For acne, coconut oil is not recommended, it will actually plug your pores and cause more breakouts. Jojoba oil is a long known remedy for acne. It is almost exactly the same composition as our skin's natural oil, so when you apply it, it will actually slow the production of sebum, which causes acne. I didn't believe any oil could help acne..but jojoba does..and removes wrinkles too..try it on the frown marks!

Jojoba Oil
Posted by Cathy (Medford, Oregon) on 09/03/2008

For acne, coconut oil is not recommended, it will actually plug your pores and cause more breakouts. Jojoba oil is a long known remedy for acne. It is almost exactly the same composition as our skin's natural oil, so when you apply it, it will actually slow the production of sebum, which causes acne. I didn't believe any oil could help acne..but jojoba does..and removes wrinkles too..try it on the frown marks!

Evening Primrose Oil
Posted by Randahl (San Jose, California) on 08/17/2008

This remedy, unfortunately, only applies to women with acne problems--however, it worked REALLY well for me. About one year ago I suddenly got a moderate case of acne, and nothing I did would get rid of it. Putting ACV on my face and drinking it kind of worked in keeping breakouts small, but didn't prevent them from appearing.

One of my friends had been in a similar situation a while before and recommended that I try Evening Primrose Oil. I did some research on it and lo and behold, it has anti-inflammatory and hormone-regulating qualities. I started taking one 500 mg pill 3 times a day, and it helped ENORMOUSLY.

I also would like to mention that being on a birth control pill like Yasmin or Yaz, combined with Evening Primrose oil, got rid of ALL acne. I mean absolutely every little bit. While on BC, I only took EPO twice a day, but once I went off of it, I went back up to 3x a day and my acne is still very under control.

Hope this helps!

Posted by Havilah (Auburn, CA) on 08/06/2008

I have had boils and severe acne since I was ten years old. I'm twenty five now. The boils spread from my face to my back and arms, and then to my thighs and other areas in that region. I was unable to find a remedy. It was very frustrating and painful. I discovered this website last year and have used several remedies successfully for other issues. One day I discovered the section on boils and saw that many people recomended turmeric. I started taking app. 7 capsules of turmeric every day. I purchased the capsules from Wal-Mart. They are very inexpensive. Within two weeks my face cleared up. It's been four weeks now and no new boils have appeared at any place on my body. I get compliments from friends and family asking what I did to clear my face up. The turmeric not only cleared up the boils but the acne as well.

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 07/02/2008 495 posts

For all of those with acne - sometimes a zinc supplement will make acne better - a clue that you might need some zinc is white spots on your fingernails.

Posted by Donna (Janesville, WI) on 07/01/2008

Facial Acne: I have no idea why Turmeric isn't #1 on here! It is amazing! You can buy it at your nearest Tree Hugger Store. Like Basics, or Whole Foods. My daughters face was red, purple and bumpy. Just after 1 cap. a day for the past 4 days, she is almost completely clear already!!! I am to excited and tell everyone I know~every chance I get! The pill is a little big for my daughter, so I give it to her with a little yogurt to help it go down. I love you Earth Clinic and all its members! God Bless!

An Unlit Match
Posted by Daisy (NY, NY) on 06/28/2008

As I was reading this post,

[YEA] 06/26/2008: Donna from Garnerville, NY writes: "I tried this last night and I'm shocked at how well it works!! When you hold the match head on the sore, it HURTS like you want to SCREAM, but when you're done, the pain practically disappears. The next day, the sore is significantly less painful and it has started to heal."

I had a swollen zit near my chin. I know, gross. It is/was the kind with a center that won't come out until IT is ready to. So I found a pack of matches and I applied the tip of one to the zit (yes, it was kind of open because I can't leave them alone!) I could feel a little burning, nothing major. Checked it out the next day and it had shrunk and was not painful to the TOUCH anymore. Thank you for this suggestion!! Now, does anyone know of any acne medicine that contains sulfer so I don't have to walk around with matches stuck to my face? LOL

An Unlit Match
Posted by Rw (Southwest Virginia) on 01/15/2016

Look up Thylox soap. It has sulfur in it and is for acne.

Posted by April (Denver, Colorado) on 06/10/2008

On the subject of acne, my 12 year old is beginning to get the face pimples and we discovered simply by accident that oranges help to clear her skin. First, we found that drinking orange juice helped, then we found that peeling the orange and eating it clears her skin of the pimples that have not progressed to full blown white heads. She eats an orange (with the white part attached) every other day and she has a much improved complexion!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Stephanie (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 05/26/2008

I am amazed people! I had old depressed acne scars on my face and was very discolored. Four days after doing the first of five Fraxel laser resurfacing treatments, I broke out in new acne and sandpaper type bumps under the surface of my skin. I stopped using the creams the Doctor gave me and went to this routine:

I wash my face in plain baking soda, then I put raw organic honey, cinnamon, sea salt, a splash of lemon juice and a splash of ACV in the palm of my hand-mix it together and spread it on my face.I leave it on ten or so minutes while I drink a Tbls. or so of ACV in water, rinse my mouth in baking soda and brush my teeth. Then I rinse my face off in tepid water and dry.

I have a spritz bottle that I filled half with lemon juice and half with ACV and a little distilled water so it wouldn't sting and I spray my face with that.

Then I have another bottle filled with Lavender, tea tree, grapeseed and helychrisum oils that I spray on and let air dry.

I cannot tell you people what a miracle this is! My face is looking beautiful! It cleared up the acne and surface bumps in less than two days. I wake up to tight, smooth soft skin. My tone and texture are amazing. I never wear makeup anymore. I swear by this stuff!!! I love also what the fraxel is doing for my scars and color. I have only had one treatment so far and the results will take longer to be complete, but I will never use anything on my face again that you can't eat. I go in for my next laser treatment this week, and the first thing I will put on my red swollen face when I get home is honey. Honey, ACV and Lemon juice are fantastic! My teenage daughter is doing this same routine and has gone from a pimply to perfect complexion in under a week. We love it!

Grapeseed Oil
Posted by Stella (C, OH) on 05/20/2008

Hi I would just like to put in a Yea! For Grapeseed oil. I am 37 yrs old and I suffered from a bad skin condition on my face and body for over 2 Loong years. The dermatologist said it was adult acne but I'm not so sure. I had tried many natural & chemical based products to the point of exhaustion until I finally found a brand that worked to where I could have my life back but my skin was still always on that verge of a break out at anytime. Anyway - about a month ago my husband was at the health store and I asked him to buy grapefruit extract but by mistake he bought Grapeseed oil. Well Grapeseed oil was one of the few things that I did not try on my face so I thought since I had it I would try it. UnBelievable Is all I can Say. This stuff is so good it took my skin to the next level. I don't even use my usual face cream anymore. If you have acne or sensitive skin. Try Grapeseed Oil It's awesome! It works! I love it! My skin is rosy and does not break out. I also know you can mix it with other oils for added benefits but I haven't tried that yet. Yea! For Grapeseed Oil.

Essential Oils
Posted by Elisabeth (Sommerset, Colorado) on 05/17/2008

Lavender, tea tree and rosemary essential oils: I had mild cases of acne as a teenager but as an adult nearing 35, I broke out into terrible cystic acne all of the sudden. I tried everything but accutane, nothing would get rid of it and some things made it worse (like retin-a). A friend finally suggested this remedy and I was completely clear within two weeks-no kidding. The recipe is two to three drops each of Lavender, tea tree and rosemary essential oils in a small spray bottle of distilled water(such as a trial size hairspray bottle. Be sure to wash it out well first). Shake it up each time you use it. Spray it on a clean, dry face every morning and night. Let it air dry on your face. Keep the oils and the spray bottle in a cool dark place like a drawer or medicine cabinet, away from light and heat or the oils won't stay "true" for very long. I have been doing this for over ten years- I have added other oils as I have gotten older that are good for aging skin, like frankinsense and geranium-but I look fresh and young still and my skin is like a babie's soft pink bottom. This was my little miracle and there are absolutely no side effects from this. My family all use this remedy, I have given it to our teenage daughters and thier girlfriends who have breakouts and everyone is amazed at how such simplicity works such wonders! This is also great for anyone at any age who just wants to have softer and much more radiant skin.

Posted by Vinny (Atlanta, GA) on 05/16/2008

Not only does Cayenne Pepper & Aloe Vera prevent hair loss and help in it's growth, it also SUBSTANTIALLY diminishes and/or gets rid of acne where ever it is applied. I would suggest not to use the household cooking spice (if you can help it) only because I believe the Cayenne Pepper tablets are much stronger. I mix Cayenne with Aloe Vera and put it on my face and after application, I get more Cayenne Pepper to mix it in just to make sure there is enough C.P Be cautious that it does not go in your eyes as it will burn! In fact, after application, it will burn but you have to be strong! I usually keep it on my face for about 20mins so I try to leave it on there. It will burn but after you rinse your face with COLD water (carefully making sure it does not go in your eyes), you will be glad you did. After an hour or so, you should see a huge difference, if not right after your rinse.

Aspirin Mask
Posted by Sophie (D) on 05/14/2008

Acne Remedy: While removing the aspirin & honey face mask if you rub in circular motions & use it as a scrub, works great! xx
