Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Multiple Remedies

11 User Reviews
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4 star (2) 

Posted by Kate (Atlanta, GA) on 06/12/2007

Ok let me start by saying medical advise from doctors only suppress symptoms. This is the remedy I use daily... Take 2 super lysine pills daily I take them at the same time on empty stomach, You can fine this at an herbal shop. Drink liquid oxygen water thru out the day it increases ph balance in blood, we need water any way daily but don't mix the oxygenated water with herbs at the same time. You can find this at the herbal shop. Take olive leaf capsules, I take 3 a day, this plant is the plant that heals the nations according to the bible it also builds the immune system just like super lysine. Taking a liquid vitamin for example mirical 2000 is a good way 2 build the immune system and you are getting daily vitamins. Finally vegetables and fruits I don't consume enough vegetables and fruits eating so the alternate option is to juice them and drink a nice glass of green plants and fruits this also increase your ph in your blood and to top it off apply dmso on the bottom part of your spine and your genital area I would say twice a week. And this will stop any break outs you will practically forget u have herpes I have been outbreak free for 14yrs now.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jerry (Dingman's Ferry, PA) on 12/24/2006

Lysine, Super B Complex, Zinc, Vitamin C, and Acidophilus (all of these taken daily, one capsule), plus garlic tablets when an outbreak occurs. This vitamin regimen helps prevent outbreaks. The garlic helps get rid of the sores when there is an outbreak.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lexi (Los Angeles) on 05/25/2006

i wanted to post a cure for cold sores... i tried a combo of just about everything on the board and it worked! i was diligent but did add one thing, Oregano Oil directly to the tiny sore on my lip. this was my regimen: oregano oil followed by lysine drops - directly on the sore. i took supplements of vitamin C, a Multi, Olive Leaf Extract, Grapeseed Extract, Lysine, Zinc, Echinacea and Golden Seal and an Oxygen supplement (like Cell Food) to my water. sometimes i put the drops of oxygen on the sore as well. i kept it very clean with hydrogen peroxide and then would do another round of oregano oil and lysine drops on it. i would then use grapeseed oil so my lip wouldn't get over dry. also, put some oregano oil drops on your tongue. be diligent. don't drink alcohol, be as healthy as you can -- work out, do yoga whatever works for you... stay positive and i swear, you can stop it before anyone even notices what it is.

Replied by Gilliansage
(Rowlett, Texas, United States)

I have tried everything, from Abreva, to prescriptions, to Herpecin. Mine get down right nasty, one time I had one about the size of a quarter on my upper lip. I than did some research and discovered Oregano Oil. It has to be the pure oil. I got it online from a specialty shop. I take a q-tip and apply it when the bumps and the tingling starts. It burns to the core, I also take lysine in pill form. I have found that too much Arginine which in is nuts aggrivates the cold sore. Make sure it is pure and not diluted. Also be very careful as it is strong as all out. I also add a drop or two to a glass of oj. Oh it's not easy to drink, but I find that when I have a cold sore, I also have a lymph node swell in my neck and my ulcer starts acting up. I take the Oregano to kill off any other infections I might have going on.

Neem Leaves or Oil

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Otti (Tampa, Florida) on 08/06/2007

I discovered an awesome natural remedy for any yeast infections and fungus - neem tree see oil. It even works on plants, not just my boyfriend's toe nail fungus. However, the seed oil smells worse than garlic but it is so very strong and powerful. Mixing it with an essential oil can help with that smell. Other neem tree extracts can cure viral infections as well and can be taken orally. I have used the seed oil on my cold sore (mixed with carmex because of the smell) and it stopped the herpes outbreak immediately.

Neem Leaves or Oil
Posted by Louise (NYC) on 01/21/2007

I have been taking Neem triple potent tincture and apple cider vinegar. I am happy to report 3 months OB-free after 10 years of multi annual OBs!!! Neem is toxic to the herpes virus and I advise everyone to research and try this ancient herb, it absolutely works!!! WWW.NEEM.ORG Try reducing to removing all manufactured sugars (all sweeteners, white/brown sugar, turbinado,corn syrups) and as much stress from your life asap. Herpes LOVES sugar. Herpes hates hydrogen peroxide (food grade) and any other remedies loaded with oxygen.

Neem Leaves or Oil
Posted by Marie (FL) on 09/25/2006

A couple years ago the doctor said i had HSV I have a friend who believes in a lot of natural remedies, she told me of Neem leaves she said it cleared up her HPV and she did research that showed it is toxic to certain viruses. I have taken neem and can tell you it does work. Either it really masks the virus from being transmitted or from having outbreaks. since taking it there has been no outbreaks. I have been doing research online and a lot of sites say that it is indeed toxic to the hsv virus. I believe there is a cure out there that they don't want us to know about and i think neem is one of them.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jungle (NY, NY) on 08/09/2008

i don't know how advanced my sores are, they're not all that bad, but whenever i get the slight notion of a tingle on my lip i slather my lips in neosporin, the anti-bacterial stuff in it kills it i suppose!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Adriana (California) on 04/22/2021

My ex suffered from herpes simplex in the mouth, which smelled like the day after a battlefield, rotting. He had lost lots of weight and many remedies were not working. He could not eat and had lost a great deal of weight.

Because it seemed the condition was stuck, I had read that Niacin could move stuck radioactive conditions.

He took Niacin and within 2 days was back to work.

Oil Pulling

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Paige (Seattle, WA) on 09/02/2007

9/2/07: I have been oil pulling with sunflower oil once daily (mornings) for 3 weeks now,' and here are my observations from my journal:

For about 2 years I was unable to chew on the right side of my mouth because of tooth pain and extreme sensitivity to hot, sweet, cold, etc. I strongly suspect I am in need of another root canal. Starting with the second day of oil-pulling I found the entire right side of my my mouth was no longer sensitive. Beginning with the 3rd day, I was able to chew on the right side of my mouth, albeit gingerly. Now, 3 weeks later I chew on the right side of my mouth equally with the left side - no pain, no sensitivity. And I've noticed my teeth feel more secure and they no longer feel 'loose. And as many has commented on, they feel cleaner and look whiter.

The audible wheezing noises while breathing whenever I would lie down have stopped. I seem to be sleeping better too. Some nights all the way through. I have a way to go on this problem, though.

Milk makes my lungs fill with phlegm which was really hard for me to expectorate in the mornings. This too has stopped. Despite continuing to drink milk (homemade probiotic Kefir, actually) and the occasional milk in my coffee, teas and with cereal, my lungs no longer feel congested and I have no coughing fits anymore while trying to expel the congestion out of my lungs; no coughing either as there doesn't seem to be any congestion. I had been a heavy smoker for twenty-some years before quitting 18 years ago and this is probably the genesis of my lung problems.

Since early childhood I have had the herpes simplex virus in my body and suffered from frequent cold and canker sores. Now, by the time I feel one on my tongue it is gone in the morning. The other day the smallest, single-blister cold sore I ever had - which was all but invisible appeared in the corner of my mouth. It went through its stages and absolutely gone in 3 days, flat. Without treatment the blisters multiply and the healing process normally takes around 2 weeks.

NOTE: As I do not have the time nor disposition to do this oil-pulling therapy more than once a day - I 'pull' sometimes for over the 20 minutes - all the way up to an hour. None of my fillings have loosened or fallen out. A funny aside to all this is that I now find myself absent-mindedly 'pulling' all my drinks, coffee, tea, milk and if nothing else I am sure it is helping to remove food trapped in between my teeth.

Replied by Don
(Tel Aviv)

Hi, since this is a very old post I would be very interested in hearing if you are still oil pulling and if you had any amalgam issues since? Thanks! Don

Olive Leaf Extract

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Jake (Madison Wi ) on 11/22/2017

I started getting cold sores about once a month sometimes twice and eventually read about olive leaf extract. I started taking them. 4 per day, 2 in the morning and at night. It seems like it took forever, but months later they stopped and so far I haven't had a single one in nearly 2 years. I have not been checked to see if the virus is gone or not, but I'm not complaining. I also combined with lysine pills. Eventually I reduced my dosage to 2 per day and then eventually just one pill a day of the olive leaf extract. I'm extremely grateful to God and for the information I came across that lead me to it. I had to stick with it and it did take months to work, but totally worth it.

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 08/10/2017

I took olive leafs and it worked greatly! Here in Greece we have many olive tree so I just cut a small branch and put it in water with sugar in order to preserve.

I didn't take olive leafs when I felt the nerve in the lip irritated but I was late and took it when the blisters started to appear. I chewed two leafs and put it over the blisters for an hour, securing it with a trauma tape, tree times per day.

After just 24 hours the crust formatted in almost all the area and fluid it produced was minimised in relation to other times. Also the tingling or itching period lasted only the time I didn't put olive leafs and one day more. I have even eaten some leafs.

I continue putting olive leafs three times per day until it is almost gone. The bitter taste in olive leafs is due to Oleuropein killing the Herpes virus.

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Olivia (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 05/19/2015

I suffered from huge lip cold sores since my teen years. Normally they will last 1 week and them they will dry up on the following week. I could not step out of my house for at least 4 days!! It was really bad. I had tried several remedies, natural and prescription ones, with little success!! Now I have it. For me it worked!! I felt the outbreak, itching, inflammation, swelling of the lip. I took Olive leaf extract standardized pills in the following order, 2 as soon as felt it. then 2 more every 3 to four hours, for a total of eight per day. I did it for at least 2 to 3 days, until I felt nothing on my lips. I applied as well tea tree oil on the area, I did not diluted it. It worked!!! I did not get the blisters. Im not sure if it was the combination of the oil and the pills or just the pills. I tried the tea tree oil before without success. I hope this will help you as it help me!!

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Chloe (Providence, RI) on 07/20/2008

Hi Everyone ~ I discovered Olive Leaf Extract (I use the one by 'Herb Pharm', purchased at Whole Foods Market - haven't tried other brands. Well, all my life, I would get at least two terrible cold sores per year. Even after two weeks of looking awful, I would be left with a scar for at least a month...I was so upset every time. They were the bane of my existence!

The very first time I tried Olive leaf extract, I was on the verge of another cold sore. I put about 2-3 droppers full in a small amount of water. Within moments I could feel the initial swelling going away. I ran to the mirror because I thought I was imagining things! I wasn't! The nasty little thing was disappearing before my eyes.

It's been 4 years now and I've had only one (pretty mild) cold sore and all because I hadn't taken the olive leaf at the first signs of fatigue, dry lips, and a feeling of being 'run-down' which always precedes the outbreak. My Mom also had these her whole life, and it works wonders for her too. The key is to use it preventatively, as well as extra doses at the onset of a breakout. I've many droppers full of it, and it has no side effects whatsoever - other than good ones! Also, using it topically, directly on the area where you usually breakout, in addition to internally is helpful also.

Interestingly enough, some biblical scholars believe that the "Tree of Life" represents the Olive Tree and that the Dove which carried a twig/branch to Noah, was carrying an Olive Twig. I truly hope this helps any of you dealing with problem. I Love, Love, Love this website! :-)

Oregano Oil

11 User Reviews
5 star (11) 

Posted by crystal (TX) on 02/14/2024

Oil of oregano heals fever blisters within days. I actually put the oil in the wound itself and then take 300 mg twice daily.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Miku (England, Uk) on 04/20/2018

I've suffered with cold sores for years. They erupt violently and take ages to go. I read about oregano oil on here and thought I'd give it a try. Wow! The first outbreak died in 24 hours. I diluted 4/5 drops of oregano oil in water and dabbed it on my lip when I felt the tingles. It rose over night and had crusted over by morning.

The second outbreak didn't even happen. It sort of bubbled under the surface then didnt bother coming up. Haven't had one since.
