Blackstrap Molasses: A Nutrient-Dense Superfood & Its Health Benefits


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 06/07/2007

I too found Molasses an instant treatment for my heart problem. Every night my heart has a delayed beat (confirmed with overnight monitor) but doctor gave me no treatment beyond giving up caffiene. While that helps, it doesn't totally eliminate it and I admit no caffiene is difficult for me.

After the first day of 2 Tbls Molasses, I sleep through the night with no problems. And this is such a relief as it really is extremely scarey to awaken to no heart beat, over and over and over.

Posted by Peg (Omaha, NE) on 10/11/2006

I was low on potassium, and having heart arrhythmia because of it. 1 tbs each morning, and occasionally another tsp in the early evening keeps it away!

Arthritic Pain

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Joyce (Chippewa Lake, Ohio) on 05/22/2008

I saw one comment from someone on blackstrap molasses for arthritis. I had been up every night in pain, particularly in one knee. The first day I ate 1 Tbs. of blackstrap molasses, and the pain was completely gone. I take it every day. If I go to bed and have a little pain in my knee, instead of pain medicine, I have another Tbs. of the molasses, and the pain subsides in 20 minutes. My uncle was a chiropractor who was into holistic medicine, and use to tell us that there are many benefits of Blackstrap molasses.

Replied by Kelly
(Walnut Cove NC)

I have never taken it medically but always loved it. I ate it all the time for about 7 years and the last two I haven't and my arthritis had really been bothering me. Then I read this and the light bulb came on.

Arthritic Pain
Posted by Jan (USA)

Two weeks of two tablespoons each morning have reduced the arthritic pain in my knees.

Replied by Kaelia
(Emerald, Vic Aust)

Yes indeed. I have been taking BSM for approx a week, and have noticed considerably less pain in my lower back and hip joints. I will continue taking BSM, approx 2 desertspoons per day. In addition, I mix 2 desertspoons of ACV with a litre of water and sip on that through the day. Something is working for me.

Best Way to Take Blackstrap Molasses

Posted by Rita (Virginia) on 04/03/2019

I've read that mixing blackstrap molasses with dairy products can inhibit it's absorption due to the calcium in the dairy products. This is confusing since the molasses itself has calcium. I love mixing blackstrap molasses with plain yogurt, so I am concerned that I may not be getting the most nutrition from this mixture. Does anyone have any knowledge of this? I've also read that Vitamin C helps with the bioavailability of plant-derived iron, so a source of Vitamin C should be taken along with the blackstrap molasses.

Blackstrap Molasses

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Michele (Camas, Wa) on 01/25/2018

After taking Blackstrap Molasses for a few weeks, my skin started to clear at a very deep level. I had Milia, small cysts that stay in the skin. These started to clear up miraculously after taking the Blackstrap Molasses. It's wonderful stuff!

Blood Sugar

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Elly (Seattle) on 10/01/2006

Black Strap Molasses has cured my Blood Sugar Levels. I also wanted to respond to another lady in Seattle, she asked where to buy it. The two best places would be Trader Joe's, or Madison Market, just off Capital Hill.

Replied by Kathy

If you don't mind me asking, how does black strap molasses cure your blood sugar problems? What is your secret

Blood Sugar
Posted by Tai (Lakewood, WA) on 09/14/2006

My mother in law tells me it helps her everyday with her sugar level (she has Diabetes). She feels much better since she has taken molasses.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Geraldine (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) on 03/11/2009

Yes, the exact measurments are MOST important, and I think this is why some people reporting to you of their problem with blackstrap molasses is that they use too much molasses and too little water. Blackstrap Molasses has CURED many cases of cancer, some of the "incurable" terminal cases.

In the book by Cyril Scott, "Crude Black Molasses" many cases of curing cancer are reported. All followed the exact manner of taking the molasses which is not recommended for anyone with diabetes. The method for curing cancer is one teaspoonful in a cup of hot water: then cold water should be added "so as to make two-thirds of a cupful." This to be taken at one's convenience at any time; persons with deicate stomachs should take a smaller dose of molasses more often throughout the day."

For severe cases such as for cancerous growth, molasses should be taken last thing at night and on rising as well as during the day."

Do not drink it too hot, and drink it lesisurely not in big gulps. It is more easily assimilated in hot water; (bladder troubles have occurred simply after drinking drafts of cold water when one is overheated.) As reported, even terminal cases after surgery for cancer have been cured by this method of
taking blackstrap molasses ( one teaspoon bsm, mixed with some hot water, then adding cold water making 2/3 a cup, drinking leisurely many times a day.)

Posted by Glen (St. Mary's Newfoundland)

A friend of mine who's dog was riddled with cancerous tumors gave him black strap molasses each day for a month. she took him back to the Veterinarian and the cancer and tumor were gone! Her mother, who was a medicine woman in the hills of West Virginia suggested she do this as the ancient egyptians used the remedy for consumption (cancer).

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

I always understood that "Consumption" meant T.B. i.e.Tuberculous?

shawn j

more than likely it is referring to being consumed by illness...


SHAWN, ORH here and you pissen up a rope. Read what Rhonda has to say because she researched the situation and pegged it. Lordy, many posters on EC put me in the top of a tall, tall pine tree. Do you not know the story of Wild Bill Hickcock? Read more and post less. Consumption is what TB was called way back when. ===ORH===

Replied by Rhonda
33 posts

..."The word “consumption” first appeared in the 14th century to describe any potentially fatal wasting disease–that is, any condition that “consumed” the body. But over time it came to apply more specifically to tuberculosis. Although the word “tuberculosis” first appeared in 1860, it wasn't until 1882 that German physician Robert Koch identified the rod-shaped bacterium that caused the illness. While tuberculosis can affect many parts of the body, such as the bones or digestive tract, its greatest affinity is for the lungs. When actively infected people cough or sneeze, they spread droplets that can be inhaled by others. It usually takes prolonged contact to contract an infection, and even then the immune systems of healthy people can effectively contain the exposure. But in people with an active, late-stage case of TB, the lung tissue gets eaten away by rapidly expanding colonies of bacteria. Victims may experience weight loss, fever, night sweats, and coughing up of blood-filled sputum. Despite the movies, it is not a pretty way to die."


Posted by Pam (UK)

my daughter was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor 13 years ago. i was told she had not long to live . i gave her black molasses after reading a book. last week she was told the tumor was still there but had not grown in 13 years.

Replied by Joanne
(Artesia, Nm)

Hi there,

I have never tried blackstrap molasses but I might be willing to take. Just kind of skeptical as to what I read here as blackstrap molasses has been used for curing cancer. This is because I have read where cancer cells love sugar and/or carbs and multiply that way. I'm just wondering if that would be defeating the purpose for cancer patients, since molasses contain sugars and carbs. Can anyone set me straight on this?


Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Joanne, you would take it with baking soda. Read up on that. When you mix them in hot water it'll foam for a bit.

The theory is that the sugar in the molasses is a bait for the baking soda to get where it's needed.

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)


Joanne has raised an important point about the sugar content of molasses. Sugar has been implicated in the current obesity and diabetes "epidemics" and many of us have been steering clear of as much sugar (especially white sugar-or white anything for that matter! ) as is possible to exclude from our diets. A bit is needed for the brain of course.To cure cancer with molasses? Stretching things a bit far I think. I am trying not to blow a gasket here! However, molasses has been touted as an exception to the "no/low sugar" rule on account of the fact that it is the un-refined component of the extraction process AND moreover, it contains so many beneficial minerals and vitamins and gosh, do we ever need those friendly guys! BUT sugar cane is often grown on nutrient-depleted soils and subject to quite a lot of herbicide treatment unfortunately. Think mass, mono horticulture for this crop. But, if you grab the organic version, you might be on firmer ground. I try the brew whenever I remember to take it which certainly isn't every day. Also, the thought occurs to me that there is more than one type of sugar in molasses and therefore is a more balanced product.

Sucrose would seem to be more suspect than fructose but the jury is now out on too much fructose also. I guess we could all worry ourselves to death when it comes to our nutrition and how to source the good things in life. But hey, knowledge is power when it comes to fueling our bodies and those of our children. I hope Joanne gets more responses. What does E.C have to say on this vexed question please?

23 posts

So, some time has gone by since Michael from New Zealand wrote this. Does anyone have the answer as to the Blackstrap Molasses cure to cancer. Have anyone proved it to be tried and true, or did it cause more problems?

Thank you.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jess (Texas) on 10/29/2023

Black strap molasses ( for candida)

**Background **

Mom (f 64) and I (f 28) had been struggling with candida for several years (mom 6 years, me 2 years) she would be so itchy and red that she could no longer sleep plus would have an oozing discharge from under her breast and her skin would flake off ( Dr gave her a pill in the beginning ( lamosil I believe but I could be wrong )but she ended up with a fever 102, hives, chills and body aches so bad she couldn't get out of bed plus the candida became even worse) so we started trying every home remedy we could find. Instead of having the rash all day everyday it became a nightly problem only but did not disappear. Cue 4 years later I started having a rash on my cheeks, thrush, and itching under my chest plus a oozy discharge from my navel I managed to get rid of it for a few weeks but it kept coming back. We also had insomnia sometimes only sleeping 1 to 2hrs a night.

Both of us had darker skin along candida hotspots and our arms( mom used to call me her chocolate chip as I was so dark when I should be golden brown)

Mom was diagnosed with fatty liver so she had quite a bit of swelling in her abdomen plus many liver spots.

***trying Black Strap molasses***

Fast-forward 2 years and through pure chance I found out about Blackstrap molasses for painful menstrual cramps and upon further research I found out it had ⅕ of your daily iron in it plus it is 50-97% absorbable as I was also struggling with pms and anemia I decided to try it despite it possibly triggering the candida.( so did my mom )


It did trigger a rash on the 1st day but we persisted as we both finally got a full night's sleep!!!! We felt so well rested finally!!! It was worth the rash!!!!

We decided to take wormwood to control the candida somewhat...But

***Within 3 days we noticed no more itching!!!!! No more rash!!!!! We both are feeling better then we have in a long time!!!!

*** Dosage***

started with 1 tbsp once daily went to 3 tbsp throughout day***

My research showed you can take 6 tbsp but please do you own research

As this has a lot of potassium about 700 mgs per tbsp ( drs say 99mgs per day but apparently we can take more do your own research please)

**** side effects****

Die off is not fun those 3 days were terrible but as we hadn't slept for so long it was worth it

People warn about sugar spikes but I have noticed it Dropping my sugar instead mom did as well(she's had hypoglycemia since childhood she knows the signs)

Made me super sleepy to the point of dizziness for the 1st week after that it balanced out and I can take it anytime of day now

I started loosing weight and needing to eat more as my metabolism has kicked into gear ( plus sugar levels dropping)

In the first few days my urine smelled really strong and was very dark plus I needed to pee more often this slowed down after about a week or two

Week 2

I started having mood swings

( but still the sleep was worth it)

Week 3

I started noticing pains in my bones and body to (but I could still tell this is helping me I'm getting better so I continued) taking niacin helped with the aches

Week 4

I started losing my appetite but was still getting hungry faster so I made myself eat( it was hard) but still feeling better as my body felt stronger

Week 5

My fingers started swelling up and hurting (but again I still know this is helping) niacin helped and this only happened on and off through 2 days never happened again for me

Week 6

I feel awesome no side effects or die off symptoms I feel great!!!!

Though mom just started having mood swings lack of appetite and the swelling fingers all at once(probably cause she had those problems so much longer???)

But still no rash!!!! We're sleeping every night full 8hrs!!!! Body feels stronger and swelling of mom's liver is going down!!!! Skin color is clearing up!!!! More energy!!!! Age spots on mom are going away!!!! Her hair is turning back to brown most of the top of her head was silver!!!! My hair is fuller and has more volume!!!! We feel awesome we keep getting stronger!!!!

Ps uncle tried this too

His many liver spots are going away!!! And his skin is clearing up

Canker Sores

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Celia (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 09/09/2006

I'm a dental hygiene student, and one of my instructors told me to try putting black strap molasses directly on my canker sores (i get them all the time! grrr!). I tried it last night and today they're nearly gone! it's a miracle cure, and I can't believe how well it worked! You've gotta try it!

Replied by Tere

You can take l-lysine capsules for canker sores.

Carpal Tunnel

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Claire (London, UK) on 02/24/2007

This is g8 stuff .I had a big problem with carpal syndrome some nights i could not sleep cause of the pain. Searched on the internet for any ideas came across this site and read reviews. Next day brought some BSM (Black Strap Molasses). Took a tablespoon before i ate every morning and another before i slept. After a few days the pain in my arm was not so severe. Within a month the pain disappeared.Also my husband noticed that i had lost weight. Maybe this was due to taking bsm (black strap molasses) . i continued to take it and in 6 months i have lost 3 stone. I think the bsm stopped my craving for sugar and also i didn't feel hungry.So overall, a wonderful medicine with loads of vitamins and minerals. recommend it to anyone.feel g8, hair is shiny. nails strong and skin glowing. This would be g8 for someone who is pregnant as it has calcium and iron in it.

Carpal Tunnel
Posted by Kim (Blessing, TX) on 11/29/2005

My father-in-law's joint and hands were hurting so bad the doctor performed carpal tunnel surgery on one hand, but the pain and swelling was still there. For about 6-8 months he was unable to do anything, he couldn't sleep, and she helped him do everything. His joint pain was horrible. Then one night my mother-in-law was making him biscuits with molasses and when he woke up he felt completely full of energy it was amazing. He got outside and did he chores with no effort at all. She thinks it was the iron he needed in his body, but it sure did work. He is back to his normal self.

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