Blackstrap Molasses
Health Benefits

Blackstrap Molasses: A Nutrient-Dense Superfood & Its Health Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Debra (Sydney/Australia) on 11/19/2020 63 posts

Editor's Choice

I know this thread is old but got bought to my attention through an email. I wanted to share an experience I had with BSM.

My father in law had a hip operation a few years ago and during the op, the orderly grabbed his leg so hard, he caused a permanent blood clot which resulted in severe pain and lack of circulation to his foot. It took months but they managed to make a pathway through the clot for blood to get through but told him the clot was always going to be there. I researched it for him and learnt that BSM dissolves clots so I told him to take a tablespoon a day. Four bottles later, the clot was completely gone. he still has pain in the foot due to nerve damage, the he has complete blood flow and no clot whatsoever now.

Posted by Donna Hyde (Lincoln, NE) on 02/12/2009

i had swollen ankles also, i had red going up both my legs. i am not a person who likes the Doc. i believe in what God has put on this earth for us to use. i started 1 tab.spoon black strap, with 2 tab.spoons _____s apple citer vinegar, with 8 oz. of warm water. my swelling went away, and so did the redness.

Posted by Norman L. (Abbotsford, BC) on 03/16/2008

I had serious swelling of ankles ,feet & legs. And all doctors could suggest is poor ciculation and one way valves in leg not working properly and would have to wear pressure socks for the rest of my life but I was not willing for this and kept earching and tryinng all sorts of natural things but when finally I went back to black strap molasses which I used to take for nose bleeding & cured that and after some time of use I ran out of it & forgot to replace it and got swlling problems but never connected it to molasses but after 2 yrs for some reason tried molasses again and after some time I noticed something , less swelling to happen and gradually dissapearednd not even swelled during the day anymore and so must be the molasses that played a part in circulation for me in my legs and so will continue taking it for this is a much better cure than wearing pressure socks whch did not go to fix the problem anyways. Thank You, Norm from Abbotsford BC

Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada)

Thank you Norman L. from Abbotsford, BC for taking the time to write about the benefits blackstrap molasses has had for you. I have NEVER heard of anything that helps swollen ankles and your e-mail has given me hope. I have just started using it for other reasons and now hope I get the same results you got. I must say I try so many things that I would not know what worked if something did work! I will pass on something that I discovered last week. I used the remainder of blackstrap molasses I have had for years and bought new organic unsulfured blackstrap molassas last week. There was some that I could not get out of the bottle so rather than waste it I decided to add shampoo and water to the bottle and wash my hair with it to see if it would help my gray hair. Well it did not, no surprise there, but it did clean my scalp (from itch) about 90% for most of the day. It worked just as good as apple cider vinegar does for me without the smell.

'Thank you Earth Clinic for a fantastic site and also to Ted and Bill for your valuable input. Maureen