Tooth Abscess
Health Benefits

Garlic for Tooth Abscess: Natural Antibacterial Treatment

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147 User Reviews

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Posted by Judy (Atlanta, GA, USA) on 05/28/2008

I tried the garlic for a dental abscess over the weekend and IT WORKS!!! The garlic powder actually seemed to work a little bit better than the raw garlic but I used both. It burned for about a minute after I applied it and now after 3 days there's no more burning when I apply it, the tooth is no longer loose, and the gums are no longer inflamed. I'm still in shock. I'm so grateful I found this forum. I've spent a fortune on my teeth and another unscheduled visit to the dentist in this economy had me feeling desperate. I might still end up losing this tooth if there was significant bone loss but it's definitely bought me some time. Thanks to everybody who's posted about this.

Posted by Terese (Cedar Rapids, IA) on 05/14/2008

My son is 9 and had a horrible tooth ache. After inspection I noticed a molar coming through BUT his baby tooth was still in his head pretty tight. I cut a garlic clove into little rectangles. I made sure the wet part touched the inflamed gum. His baby tooth loosened up the next day (half of the tooth came loose-dramatic considering I could barely wiggle it before)and the pain and swelling in his upper gum went down where the back molar was trying to come through. He was in a lot of pain but I convinced him that if he rubbed the stinky garlic on, his pain would stop. He said it burned a little but that it stopped hurting 5-10 minutes later. He was bouncing around for the rest of the night shortly after rubbing that on there. It hurt again in the morning so we did another round of rubbing the sliced up garlic cloves on his gum. He stayed home from school for nothing the next day because he bounced around all day again as if nothing was wrong. We are on day 3 since doing the initial garlic rub (to the gum in the evening and the next morning-he hasn't had anymore raw garlic other than a garlic supplement-he refused to swallow a whole clove, but rubbed it entirely in his mouth with no problem-I don't get that lol). His tooth is hanging by a thread now and is ready to come out at any minute. I don't know what happened but that baby tooth was in there really well the night before. He said, "Mom. It popped after I put the garlic on it and came loose." Who knows but raw garlic worked for us for his inflamed gum.

Posted by Carolyn (Atlanta, Georgia) on 05/06/2008

I had a toothache for 72 hours i could not get any sleep i had to stand up at night because the pain was too much to bear laying down. I knew by the swelling that it was infected and i have a nurse friend who was able to get me some amoxicillan the same antibiotic the dentist have you to take before they will extract the tooth. The pain was unbearable, i went online about 1:00 am looking for any remedy, it was here i read about the garlic, and i must say THANK YOU i tried it last night and it really works. I called friends and told them. I reccomend it to anyone and the burning is nothing compared to the ache!

Posted by Ben (London, UK) on 04/20/2008

Garlic is the best thing for the tooth abcess cure.... i was becoming crazy last night just because of the pain.....i have tries cloves, salty water, anti biotics, alchool, the only thing able to lower the pain was a constant source of cold water running on it.. then i saw that advice on this site..... i have rub half of one on the abcess... it was very painful at first but i continue then put back under running water... so on ... till i could feel the abcess pain going down ... it took 1 hour for the pain to attain an accetable level of tolerence for me to sleep... THANK'S EARTH CLINIC your advice were very helpful

Posted by Sandra (Dallas, USA) on 02/20/2008

I read this site with some skepticism but pain will make you try anything and Ibuprofen was not helping. SO I tried the cloves of garlic and shoved them right under my lip and pressed them to the huge infected area. It burnt and stung but almost immediately the swelling disappeared. I also gargled with the cider vinegar solution and between both, the pain and throbbing disappeared - I slept like a baby. Unfortunately my tooth nerve is dead now so I still have to have a root canal, I wish I'd found this site sooner because the treatments really helped the infection, I wonder if I might have saved the tooth..

Posted by Chanana (Aubrey, USA) on 02/06/2008

My mom had a severe absessed tooth a few months ago (almost a year). It was so bad she could not sleep at night. She used garlic and it cleared the infection and it has not returned. She cut raw garlic and rubbed the cut edge on the tooth and gums a couple of times a day and also ate a whole clove a couple of times a day and then gradually reduced the garlic intake as she felt it healing. She also used whole cloves (the spice you use in pumpkin pie etc. )as a local pain killer. If you bite down on the whole clove it releases a potent pain killer. just wanted to chip in some info that can hopefully help others, this is a great site...

Posted by Nina (Jonesboro, GA) on 03/30/2007

I just returned from the grocery store and spent $26 on Tylenol rapid release, aleve, oral gel powder, toothpaste for sensitive teeth and something else that you you put in your cavity to temp. fill it. Any how after trying the powder and 2 aleve, the pain is still here. I don't know why I didn't try the internet first. Anyhow I tried the only thing that I had on hand---RAW GARLIC. I peeled and sliced it and rubbed it on my gums and tooth but I didn't stop there I got a really big piece of raw garlic and peeled it. I cut all the sides off so that the juices were flowing then I placed it on the tooth and bit down on it I couldn't even hold it in my mouth for a whole minute, it burned that bad but that was o.k. because I read that if it burns its killing the infection. So I spit it out and tried it again. IT'S AMAZING IT STOPPED HURTING. But this is the thing I also have a cavity on the tooth right above it to the top side when the pain went away it seemed to move up into the other tooth so i tried it again and it seemed to dulling the pain I'm about to repeat the process again because it seems to be coming back again But now as bad as it was!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for this web site. I'm going to make my husband try it his mouth has been hurting really bad lately, just until we can go to the dentist.

Posted by Lyndsey (Surrey, Guildford UK) on 02/24/2007

i had a tooth abscess and went to the dentist and he gave me antibiotics but I'm scared of medications so i tried your garlic ( only 3 cloves) crushed in cold boiled water as a mouth wash. i have no pain and all symptoms have gone. so thankful for garlic i do recommend it to any one it also helps the immune system. yay xx

Posted by Mark (Rochester, NY) on 01/25/2007

Oh, what raw garlic can't cure..... It's not that garlic cures infectious ailments both inside and outside the body it boosts your life giving auto immune system.... We were born with a system that is quite amazing to say the least. The auto immune system is working overtime in today's world.... Genetically, to know who you are is more important whereas everyone is so different yet totally the same when it comes to environmental hazards. We live in a quagmire of toxicity whether it be through the air, food or drink we take in..... Speaking of taking in, use raw garlic (chewed with food) as a spring, and fall seasonal pre-maintenence ritual .... Give your auto immune system a much needed break and de-toxify yourselves today. Thank you

Posted by Mark (USA) on 01/25/2007

De-shell a dozen or so cloves of garlic, dice 'em all up, put in a 7 to 12 ounce jar, fill 75 % with (clean, non-tap water if possible)... Swish the elixir around in mouth, spit it out... the next gulp of elixir (less water if possible) push pieces of the raw garlic with tongue into the effected area of the'll burn.... but that means it is healing the infection. Repeat until the incredible pain disappears... within 48 hours.... With this particular application of Raw Garlic one can un-cap the jar and breath in the unbelievable strong fumes created by the elixir to help quell respiratory ills as well... If you swallow the garlic elixir you've just helped strengthen your entire digestive system as well as your auto immune system. The only side effect known about raw garlic is the destruction of friendship| ;0)....feed diced raw garlic in a dark green salad to people around you .... Nobody will be offended at this point..... Thank You

Posted by Ps (USA) on 01/23/2007

What inspired me to write this story ? I was at the dentist 8am Tuesday morning... with a tooth abscess. The pain was incredible... Guess what ? Yep, Garlic. I couldn't do any garlic treatments the past few days on account of my social life so I had to wait until today to crunch 14 cloves of raw garlic into a jar filled half way with (good water) not tap water. I would swish the elixir around the infected garlic pieces into the infected area with my tongue.... I feel less pain as we speak. "I ain't got no tooth insurance" so, (I'm sure to cancel the appointment now) but I believe than if I got the bill in the mail from a scheduled appointment next week I would be in much worse pain both physically and financially. Garlic is quite amazing.

Posted by Huw (London, UK)

Two years ago I had a painful tooth / gum infection and a long wait for a dental appointment. The pain was so acute that I took a raw garlic sliced it and rubbed it on the gum of the particular tooth for about five minutes. The gum throbbed, but after it was all cured - just like that and I cancelled the appointment. Extraordinary.

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