Every hour 1st day 1 garlic clove. Maybe slight relief, but did not get worse, so I still had hope.
I added salt water rinse, bentonite clay slippery elm with white oak bark powder also activated charcoal and a little pinch of cayenne mixed together - did this 20 mins to an hour about 4 times this day.Note after the first bentonite clay mixture pack on the inside of my mouth and the outside where it was swollen, the swelling changed and got bigger, but the pain had stopped throbbing, still intense but slightly better so I still had faith to continue. Full disclosure I did fill the antibiotic prescription incase I needed it, but gratefully did not need it. I then did oil pulling with coconut oil and a couple drops of Doterra On-Guard essential oil - I did that 2 x the first day 20-30 mins.
I did something every hour along with the garlic clove, which I rushed and ate - an herbalist told me eating a clove of fresh raw garlic is equivalent to a dose of penicillin regarding the antibiotic properties. I also sprayed colloidal silver right on the tooth. Probably about 6 x total this day. I alternated the accompanying treatment with the garlic.
Other things I did was several drops of diluted in olive oil oregano essential oil. Yes it burns, but provides relief. I have molecular hydrogen tablets, I drank that in water 2 x this day. Also I began fasting the day before, because the I felt the pain that day. This whole time I "fasted", the only things I consumed other than water for these 4 days has been these supplements, in hopes to speed this process of healing along. I used a few drops of iodine directly on the tooth. I used about a 1/2 teaspoon of ACV and a pinch of cayenne directly on the tooth and swish and hold and spit. I found this relieved the pain significantly for about 20 mins, which was awesome. I also did not take pain killers at all because I wanted to keep my liver as healthy as I can. Honestly I did have the advil bottle out and picked it up a few times but then prayed and kept the faith. I also used tea tree oil, lavender oil and frankincense oil very frequently, maybe 20 mins at a time since it was much more calming than the oregano and I was starting to get a little raw feeling. I kept alternating all these every hour. (But did the garlic every hour).
That evening I saw Dr schulze tooth and gum formula and put a few drops of that on the tooth, it stung for about 30 seconds and then a lot of relief from pain for about 20 mins or more. Yay! I did that a few more times this day before bed. I couldn't sleep at all so kept doing the remedies all night. Also drand about 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder about 5 times throughout the day. Alternated with 20 minutes of ice, heat and then ice again in the eve before bed. The swelling was very bad, my lip was hard and everything hurt. At 3 am I got the thought that my garlic is not fresh enough! It was about 2 weeks oil in my fridge, and who knows how old from the store.
At 7 am I got new garlic and thank God it was pretty fresh. I used this now every 20 minutes to hit it hard the second day. from 7:30 am til 4 pm I literally took a clove of garlic every 20 minutes and did an accompanying treatment as I did the first day along with the garlic each time all day again.I added a dose of liposomal vitamin c liquid every 20 mins today. Also salt water rinses a few times and a couple of peroxide rinses. Oil pulling again once today. Three hours into the new garlic and I saw the swelling going down, the swelling changed too, was traveling down my neck and the pain was changing too, slightly less as the day went on, so still had faith. Finally at 4 pm the pain stopped!! Thank you, God!! I eased up on the remedies and only did two more treatments before bed, slept! Woke up on day three with a little pimply stuff on my lip. I don't care, it has to come out. I still have swelling but much better, and the pain in the tooth hasn't come back. The small pain in the cheek and the swelling and the gum rawness are nothing compared to that tooth pain. I brushed, and did the tooth and gum formula in the morning, garlic but I am only going to do 4 cloves total like a normal antibiotic dose would be today. I am continuing the Lipo Vit C very high doses today in divided doses.
I am so grateful that it is getting better and the pain has subsided! I hope I can help someone with this. It is a holiday weekend and nothing is open to even set an appointment until Tues but I am relieved of the pain so I can relax now. Bless you and I hope you heal quickly! The garlic should be pretty wetish when you crush it, if its drier and rubbery it is way to old to use medicinally in a serious time like this.
What I do is put a whole bulb of garlic and about 16oz water in a blender cup and let it run for a while. Strain, and then use throughout the day as mouthwash.
If I didn't do this I would need antibiotics on a regular basis..and quite frankly I prefer a day of garlic breath to a week of antibiotics.
It clears everything right up pretty quickly. My whole mouth could be inflamed and within a couple hours there is no more pain, no more swelling, and no more infection.
Allicin has DMSO like properties that go right through skin/flesh and kill infections.
Anyway, last Christmas, I cracked my left premolar whilst eating a hard centred sweet. There were no signs of decay, but the nerve had been a slightly exposed. I took care not to allow any food into it, but refused to go anywhere near a dentist for a filling. Then, last week, I was eating crisps (potato chips to Americans :-)) and a sharp end of crisp went right down into my exposed nerve. I actually cried out when it happened, as it had sent shockwaves of pain all throughout the left side of my face. It subsided, but the next morning it was niggling, which got grandually worse as the day wore on. Two days later, the pain was persistant - very much like the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia. I went to the pharmacy and bought a temporary filling which I put in myself, hoping that it would be enough to kill the pain. No such luck. It got progressively worse and the whole gum swelled. My mother told me to make an appointment with the dentist, as she believed that an abscess was forming, but remembering my last experience, I refused to go.
Instead I turned to home remedies and painkillers. Clove oil offered temporary relief in the beginning, but as the swelling grew, it had little effect. I tried oil pulling, which calmed it initially, but then seemed to make it worse. I rinsed with salt and water, but it made no great difference. The only thing that offered an, oh so brief, respite, was cold water. I was in total agony, and so desperate that I took to swishing alcohol around the efffected area, which only burnt my gum and inflamed it more.
Desperate and driven mad with pain, I searched online and found this site. Just last night I tried the garlic remedy.
I cut a clove in half and placed each on either side of the effected tooth. It stung like hell and I almost collapsed from the pain, but I persisted. I then chewed the clove on the effected side - still burning like crazy - then swallowed the juice and spat out the chewed clove. Last night was the worst of all. I actually cried with pain as I felt something pulsating within my gum. Today, when I went to lie down, as I hadn't slept all night due to the pain, I felt one excruiating blast of agony, then my mouth began to fill with a sticky substance, which brought immediate relief. The abscess had burst. I took care to spit out the pus - there was a lot of it - and rinse my mouth with salt and water.
Thankfully, apart from a little tenderness in the gum and the nerves in my lower jaw, the pain has gone and the swelling has disappeared, and this I attribute to the garlic. I have now been pain free all evening and all night, so yes, garlic really does work. It did what clove oil, oil pulling, alcohol (not recommeded, as it burns the gum, but I was desperate), salt and water by itself, a near overdose of ibuprofen and paracetmol (not recommended either) failed to do; it got rid of the abscess and relieved my pain. The pain I experienced on applying it was well worth it, so, yeah, I would strongly, going by personal experience, urge you try this if all else has failed, as it really does work.
I cut one clove, washed with warm water and placed it on the affected gum/tooth. Like the others stated, it burns like hell so I kept it on as long as I could stand (about 5 mins) then I ate what was left of it. Now, 3 hours later the pain is GONE and the inflammation has reduced significantly. Awesome and effective remedy that I am so grateful for!
I want to thank all the posters for their experiences. I tried several things before the freshly crushed garlic clove held next to the toothache area for as long as I could tolerate the burning (about 20-30”).
When I lay down to sleep, I had quite a headache along with the still throbbing toothache. But it's now been about 2 hours later and I want to thank Abba Father God because I feel like a new person. It's just a tiny bit sore now. I hope to wake up in the morning well once again. (PS I swallowed that lg crushed clove with peanut butter.).
I took about a 1/4 or 1/2 a garlic clove (crushed) and put it in a ripped piece of coffee filter (I was out of cotton balls to soak up garlic juices) and held it in the corner of my mouth for about 15-20 min. I also have been oil pulling with coconut oil for roughly 15 min. So far so good. The swelling and pain have reduced. I changed things up and actually chewed a piece of garlic. I thought I was going to die. The burn felt like a firecracker going off inside my mouth. I had tears and was stomping around. I got through it but found chewing it had a different effect. The pain was numbed more thoroughly and it penetrated the sore more effectively in my opinion. You have to have some grit to get through the pain, burning, stinging, and strong taste but it's worthwhile.