147 User Reviews
I have been to the hospital on several occassions for this. Each time, they prescribed me clyndamycin (I pray that is spelled correctly) because I am allergic to pennicilin. Needless to say, I would have to take those for 15 days consecutive until all the antibiotic was gone..The pain killers they gave to me were Percocet, Oxycodone, Tylenol 3, and Vicondon.( not all in one, separate times) All of these made me sick.
What gets me is once I believe that one abscess has gone away, another pops up. This is the reason that I can not get the surgery yet. Not to mention, I am self employed and currently do not possess health and dental insurance. Paying for hospital bills and medication has strained my pocketbook, dress slacks, and bank accounts...
There have been way too many times that I suffered sleepless nights, missed meals, and tears from the excruciating pain. I am telling you, the pain was so bad that I often suffered hearing loss, eye and headaches(on the infected side), chest and arm pain. This pain was so bad that I called my mother in North Carolina a few times. I have never experienced such pain in my life. I'd rather have a million babies than to sufffer tooth pain..
What brought me to this site was after viewing my finances and my medication, I knew I couldn't afford to go to the hospital nor pay for the medicine.I had just taken my last antibiotic and the swelling and pain started all over again. On last night, I googled home made antibiotics for tooth abscess and this site was on the top of the search engine. I heard about clove oil was good, but when I saw garlic here, further reading was needed..
As I begin to read others story, many of them I related to. Thank you everyone for your testimonies. Most people said use fresh garlic. Well I didn't have fresh garlic in my home. I tried the next best thing. GARLIC POWDER. It did burn at first even throbbed a little. But after the burning the pain went away. I went to sleep and woke up with most of the swelling gone. I repeated the process again when I woke up this morning, once this afternoon, and doing it now as I type.
Garlic works in any form I believe. The pain is gone, but the swelling is still there but not as much. Most people say do it for three days. That is advice I will continue to use.
Downside to using garlic is bad breath. But when you are in pain, bad breath is the least of worries. I didn't have to do much speaking or talking so that was a blessing. If any of you know what I can do to get rid of the garlic breath, please inform me. Everything I eat has a garlic backdrop to it...don't like that too much.
(Hampton, Virginia)
Well John,,that is good oral care,,but with oral decaying in the mouth, with maybe some sensitivity and maybe pain,,I would start chewing that garlic, and consuming at least 1 whole clove(the whole thing)each day,,and if there is any infection you might eat two cloves each day,,,I don't think I can eat too much garlic, but I also sleep alone :) Merryanne, FL
(Takoma Park, Maryland, United States)
Yes, Ginger is good for your breath. After doing the 'garlic routine', cut a slice of ginger and chew it for a minute or two, then spit it out..else. Then you are good to go!
Chewing parsley or other herbs like Basil, Thyme and Mint can help counter garlic breath.
Then, at 2am on the fourth night, I finally checked in to EC. I saw the garlic cures for pain...as I did not have a fresh clove, but did have some chopped garlic in a jar, I immediately went to work. Scooped a teaspoon full and dropped in right onto to tooth. Ahhh...instant relief from the pain.
Next, I had to deal with getting the infection drawn to the surface. Tried the teabag. Just wet a regular old, cheap, black tea bag and put it directly on my gum and closed my mouth over it. I was able to grab some sleep for about 4 hours. A ringing phone woke me up at about noon. While talking on the phone, I felt a huge lump that had form next to my tooth. Quick...checked the mirror, the infection had surfaced.
I sterilized a needle, and one quick poke.....it started draining. 20 minutes and a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide later.....DONE. I had my mouth open the whole time...cleaning with the HP and Q-tips.
I was able to attend a community dinner that evening at 5pm and definitely ate my share of hamburger, salads and banana splits....lol I was completely healed with absolutely no pain. Amazing.
As a preventative measure, I have since been mixing a 1/2 a teaspoon of Tumeric into a shot of vegetable juice...just to ward off any more infections.
Thank you EC! You and your posters have saved my life more than once.
I just wanted to say thank you to eveyone who took the time to post their experiences and remedies on this site. I am one of those lucky people who do not have dental insurance, I have medi-cal but they no longer provide dental care for adults. Ever since I had my kids I keep getting cavities which I had never had before. Any way, my teeth are not in the best condition and recently I took a trip to the emergency room for an abscessed tooth that I had. I took the full ten day dose of penicilin that they gave me. When the prescription ran out my abscess returned immediately, which means it was never gone, it was just reduced. I decide to hit the internet to research some natural remedies and stumbled upon this site. After reading all of the suggestions I went to my kitchen to see what I had. I had plenty of fresh garlic as well as several different kinds of tea. I sliced the fresh garlic and placed it in between my gum and cheek, right up against the abscess. It burned for the first few minutes. I replaced the garlic like seven times that night. Then when I finally went to bed I placed a tea bag against my gum in my cheek as well. First I used a green tea bag becuase that was what was reccomended but I remembered the caffeine and replaced it whith a camomile tea bag. When I woke up my mouth felt much better but I could tell the infection was still there. I went to work and did not mess with it for the first part of the day. In the afternoon I did the garlic slices two times to help with the swelling. When I got home the abscess was big again and I was getting ready to do the garlic again. I went in to the bathroom to look at it and I could see that the pus was closer to the surface. Then all of a sudden it opened up and snot colored pus and a little blood came out. I rinsed my mouth with hydrogen peroxide twice and then water. The garlic and tea bag did in 24 hrs. what penicilin could not do in ten days!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Garlic. Use it.
I have had a tooth abscess on my lower jaw due to an unfinished root canal I had 9 months ago. Its swollen with pus and the pain has almost been unbearable. I'm one of those lucky ones with no insurance, medical, dental or otherwise and I became so desperate that I actually tried to drain the abscess myself with a needle and some otc pain reliever.
It was too painful and very difficult to hold my mouth open at the same time.
Then, upon stumbling to this site, I discovered something quite wonderful. GARLIC. A whole clove. Cut in half. I knew it was gonna burn, but #%$&!
Be prepared for pain. Especially if you've cut your gum up with a needle. I could only keep the garlic on initially for like 5 seconds, but every time I made myself do it a little longer with a little more and WHALA.
About an hour later i can hold the whole clove in my mouth, cut side against the abscess and I can tell you now, that the swelling has already decreased SIGNIFICANTLY.
Consider me impressed. I'm going to continue with this and hope it actually removes some of the abscess. Thank God for this site.
(Austin, Tx)
you might also try making up a ball of calcium bentonite clay and sticking it where the abcess is. this will help draw the pus out. it will also soothe the irritated area.
maybe do the garlic for a while and then the clay when you get tired of the garlic. or you could even crush some garlic and put it into some bentonite. also take turmeric. i have even had relief from abcess pain by swishing some tumeric mixed with oil in my mouth and brushing my teeth and gums with this mixture. good luck :) also eat raw garlic of course ;)
Yesterday, my gum flared up again and became worse over night. After reading these posts, I immediately went to the store for garlic. I chopped a 1/4 inch slice from the clove and placed it between my cheek and teeth. I spit out the slice after five minutes and could close my mouth without biting my cheek and gums! I replaced the slice with another, and another. When the burning stopped, I would gently chew the garlic to release more juice, when the garlic breaks up I replace it with a new slice. After a half hour, my pain has been cut in half and the swelling has gone down 75%. It is working beautifully. Thank you to those who posted their experiences.
Recently, my feet started swelling along with blood pressure spiking to very high levels. I do not have high blood pressure so I could not understand what was going on. By day three I figured out I had a tooth infection that was probably starting to seep into my blood causing the swelling, blood pressure spikes, tingling in head, legs, and feet. After speaking with a dentist who felt they were unrelated and would not give me any advice on whether I should go to the ER, I decided to use garlic infused with yogurt (yogurt helps it go down easier). I took about 1 T. of crushed garlic and 1 T. of yogurt. Within 5 minutes the swelling in my feet went away and I felt my blood pressure had gone down. I took my blood pressure and it had dropped over 50 points! Obviously, the blood pressure spikes were brought on by the tooth infection, unbeknownst to the young Dentist!!!
I cook with garlic all of the time, but RAW GARLIC is terrific for blood pressure and infections!!!
(Tacoma, Wa, Usa)
Sunny and all the rest of the world who suffer from tooth and jaw pain... I wouldn't wish this kind of pain and worry on anyone. I have had an abscess once a year in one particular molar, which I have always treated successfully and quickly with a little gauze pad soaked in clove oil or oil of oregano. But a week ago I had an infected gum around one of my front teeth. What a freaky surprise that was. I hit it with a swab of clove oil and all the skin on the roof of my mouth came tumbling down for the next three days. Then the gum around my upper front tooth got infected so I hit it with oil of oregano and scared the bejiggers out of myself wondering if I had some kind of hoof and mouth disease. The front teeth seemed a whole lot better but then all the molars on the same side of my mouth became infected. No blister, just swollen so I could not chew, let alone sleep. I packed the molar area with a mixture I make in my food processor: equal parts of ginger, garlic, onion, lemon and a dash of ACV and cayenne pepper and some raw honey to taste... Love the stuff, but it burned the skin so now I have big canker-like sores on that side of my face. Oh, woe is we who have such tribulations!!!! I have not had a cavity since I was 17 years old (I am age 68 and am in fantastic health) and I haven't been to a doctor ever except for the childbirth thing... Haven't taken a pain pill since my drinking-hang-over days (1960-1980. ) But yesterday the tooth and jaw pain was so great I got some aspirin from my neighbor and took 3 of them every two hours. It sort of made the swelling go down, but by that time all the skin was burned around my upper and lower back molars and I wished to make a quick ascension into the Heavenly Kingdom real fast! My face, ear and top left side of my head hurt so bad I could barely sleep, and I so dearly love my precious sleep. This morning I realized this bad-boy wasn't going to go away without bringing out some bigger guns so I made a more thorough study on this site to see what else I could do. Nothing too new to me here, but the garlic in the tea bag trick, so owwwwwwww I did it. Mmmmmmm, it bit me real bad. Exactly as the one other woman said, "rather give birth" than suffer this kind of pain... Garlic on a skinless cheek ain't my idea of entertainment. If a dentist treated me this way I'd sue for every penny I could get. (So I owe myself a billion dollars for this little week long fiasco! ) Now I have had the crushed garlic tea bag on my open sores for 3 hours because I am determined to kill whatever is there. If I take it off too soon and fail to kill it, there is no way I would ever put another hot fiery substance on it again. I know there are other billions of other people (even children) who have gone through far worse pain and loss than I am going through, so my heart is full of compassion for them. Maybe that's the up-side of this event, that I become more aware and compassionate for others and try to be a more educated helper or comforter. Thanks everybody for making EC such a fab. Place to get natural healing ideas!!!!!! Love, NuriOneHeart from Tacoma
Garlic worked wonders! I chewed it and pressed the pulp against the 'hole' between my teeth.It stung so badly, I had tears in my eyes, but after 5 minutes the pain had subsided. Am absolutely overjoyed! Will continue to treat with garlic, I have a really good feeling about it. Thank you!
(West Yorkshire)
When you use raw garlic,do be more cautious than I have been! After this heals up I'll try a much gentler solution and probably will never chew on a raw clove again.
(Dublin, Oh)
I emptied a tea bag and filled it with a minced garlic clove. I placed the tea bag just on the infected area, but I noticed I had some pain on my lips where the tea bag had been hanging out of my mouth. I put some chapstick on them before using the tea bag again and didn't have the problem. I just had to protect the raw skin... That might help!!