Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by David (Cambridgeshire) on 01/16/2017

Hi folks, I have been using the Diamond G Forest brand of turpentine for candida and intestinal parasites and seemingly having great success with just one teaspoon at a time with both castor oil and brown unrefined sugar (on separate occasions). From what I have read, the sugar technique is good for tackling the candida in the bloodstream and the castor oil technique is best for tackling the candida in the intestine. Below I have detailed my approach which combines both techniques on various days throughout the week.

- To remove Candida from the bloodstream

> Use with sugar on an empty stomach - the sugar acts a s the bait

- To remove Candida from the intestinal tract

> Use with castor oil or coconut oil with meals - the meal brings candida out to eat


> When biofilms break down through using Turpentine or Rock Rose (Cistus Incanus) tea, they release the toxicity & heavy metals. You therefore need to use a ‘Clean Up' agent to soak up the toxins like activated charcoal, bentonite clay / green clay. Below is the protocol for how to use it:

All cleansing agents should be taken on an empty stomach, about 1 hour after consuming the turpentine with sugar on an empty stomach, and about 2-3 hours after consuming turpentine with castor oil and a meal.

To support general cleansing it is often useful to take some clean-up agent every day, even on those days that you do not take turpentine.

Charcoal dosage is 1-2 or 3/4 of a Teaspoon.

Use enema's to keep the colon clean and use Triphala (Ayurvedic fruit combination) as a laxative to keep bowls moving.

The protocol can be done two or three times a week. Jennifer Daniels recommends twice but some people recommend more depending on the severity of condition. (starting with 4 days in a row in the first week for a powerful kickstart)

Candida resides more in the intestines so the castor oil with turpentine is best for removing it from the intestines as the castor oil spreads out and covers the intestines whereas the sugar technique quickly goes in to the bloodstream where candida is less prevalent / present.


Monday: Turp (1 teaspoon) + Castor Oil (1 tablespoon) (before a meal)

Wed.: Turp (1 teaspoon) + Sugar (1 tablespoon) (on an empty stomach)

Friday: Turp (1 teaspoon) + Castor Oil (1 tablespoon) (before a meal)

Saturday & Sunday off for a rest / break from it. Castor oil also acts as a great laxative to keep the bowls moving to expel the candida and toxins released.

I found my Diamond G Forest turpentine on Ebay.co.uk in little small 1 ounce bottles which is probably how and why they send it worldwide. I told my brother in australia and he has ordered some from the same source recently (although waiting to hear if he received it yet as I haven't spoke to him)

I hope this information is of some use and help. I too am very skeptical about ingesting something like turpentine but extensive research showed me that it is effective and has been used dating way back in time. At the end of the day, the organic and pure version is simply an essential oil and we also know that various other parts of the pine tree are extremely beneficial for human health so it doesn't surprise me that this product is effective for a multitude of health problems.


Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by David (Cambridgeshire) on 01/16/2017

Hi, I found Diamond G Forest Turpentine being sold on ebay in the UK and the seller sends it worldwide. It's sold in small 1 ounce bottles which is handy. I purchased some myself and the product was sealed, as described and the real deal. Been using it myself and it is organic, pure and I even like the taste :) - Search for 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine by Diamond G Forest on ebay.co.uk. I hope this helps. All the best

Posted by Jon (Philippines) on 01/03/2017

What brand of turpentine are you using?

Scalp Infection
Posted by Janie (Michigan) on 12/31/2016


I tried the turpentine protocol for parasites and had no reaction at all; no diarrhea, lousy feeling, nothing. So, I'm thinking no parasites. So I thought I'd try the turpentine on the bumps on my head (scabby bumps that start out as a swelling, then scab over. get bigger and spreading over time). I apply once a day with a q-tip, leave on overnight and then shampoo. Seems to help some, but still have these bumps coming up. Maybe not the right thing to try? I also take turmeric daily, about 1/2tsp of the powder.

My questions:

1. will applying turpentine to my skin cause problems?
2. what else can I try for my scalp bumps? Thanx

Posted by Eve (Nv) on 12/28/2016 22 posts


I have been using Oregano Oil for intestinal worms, pretty sure one is the Rope worm with fair results. I have Turpentine from the Diamond Co and feel safe there but my big problem is that my Sigmoid colon is blocked. It takes days for the Oregano Oil plus prescribed laxative to make its way pass the stricture. I'm concerned about Turp staying that long in the upper intestines and possibly getting in my lungs. Also, with this blockage what dosage would Bill recommend and any other advise. Thank God I have a surgeon who is working a little with me in case I perforate but knows zero about worms/parasites. My PC, I fired him, so don't a doctor so its all up to me and the expertise from someone like Bill or someone who has had the similar problem and I hope with good results. I'm open for any help. It takes so long for anything to pass through my intestines and I'm always very weak/fatigued and sick and think it might be the "die-off" and the toxins staying too long in the upper intestines. I have expelled a few worms but feel that possibly due to the length of time it takes for them to pass through many of them have died and disintegrated causing my weakness and feeling bad all the time.

I also have the beasts in my sinus and the Oregano Oil has seemed to help there and wonder if the Turp would kill them also? I don't intend to take both of the Oil and Turp together so need dosage what Bill would recommend for each. Thank You

I am 89, White female, prior to my parasite problems I weighed 139, my oncologist took note in a annual exam that I had lost 20 lbs and before things settled, had heart attack and stint within 2 wks when he saw my weight loss; have lost down to 92 lbs but have been able to keep 104lbs for the past 6 months but still have all the parasite problems with intestines and sinus.


Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Posted by Lea (Washington) on 12/23/2016

I also have a mild form of Hidradenitis suppurativa. Yes the Turpentine is helping. I researched and bought from Diamond G too. The healing has been slow for me. But the good news is that I have not had any new breakouts. I am following the candida cleanse started out with a teaspoon on 6 sugar cubes every morning on an empty stomach. The ones (sores, cystic bumps) that are there though will come out and start to dry up. But No new ones have appeared. Of Course keep those areas dry. I am also using Yardley London Soap Almond and Oatmeal in those sensitive areas. I also suggest this. Read this on another post and it has worked wonders. Yardleys is inexpensive and I have been able to find it at our Dollar Stores. Be prepared that the deeper ones will come to the surface. But you will notice they will heal as you keep them clean.

Since the turp was helping with that... now that I am doing the maintenance 2x a week of the turpentine. I added another parasite cleanse for the other days. 2teaspoons psyllium husk with drops of Black Walnut & Wormwood drops. Again every morning on an empty stomach. Along with 2 black walnut pills at night with pure bottled water.

I also eat a tablespoon of papaya seeds. occasionally, as well. Papaya seeds really help. Lots of stuff came out. Papaya seeds are peppery. I eat them straight. Some folks put them in their smoothies.

My concern was the connection with HS, parasites and candida. And I was correct. We both know how uncomfortable and embarrassing HS is. Along with the frustration of depending on mainstream Doctors telling us there is no cure. I say BS.
Take your time with these things. Be patient with yourself and your healing. You know this takes time and don't over do it. (I only mention this because I struggle with hating myself over this disorder/ disease.) But I am getting results and couldn't be happier. I am losing weight too. My distended stomach is getting flatter. I don't smell funny anymore. My hair is shiny and smoother. My energy is up. I am sleeping all night again. My family says my attitude is better. So overall positives. I am out of the house more and have more confidence. You know ya just can't put a price on that.

I hope some of my info helps you too. We are in this together.

Posted by Adrian (Ne) on 12/18/2016

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I came across this page looking for more first hand experience and noted side effects. I have been preparing my body for turpentine dosing; closely following Dr. Daniels instructions. I have been taking the Vitality Capsules for 3 weeks and has worked the best for detoxifying my system and was seeing 3BM/day.

The reason I began this method of treatment is to remedy parasitic infection of liver flukes, pinworms, and possibly tapeworm. Symptoms I am experiencing are: irritability, constipation, stomach cramping, skin rash, excessive phlegm which is affecting my ENT and eyes.

I felt I was ready to begin using turpentine. The first dose I took was a 1/2 tsp dose. I had slight dizziness, and increased heart rate. I felt fine the next day. So I took another dose. This second dose I took was just under 1/4 tsp. The following day, I felt absolutely miserable. My muscles in my neck and back and shoulders were unbearably stiff. My eyes are bloodshot and my throat and ears hurt so bad I can hardly swallow. I am very surprised by how severe my side effects are from the turpentine dose. The phlegm I'm coughing up is electric neon green and my eyes excrete the slimy buggers at night. So much so that my eyes are 'glued' shut as if I have pink eye. I am very unnerved by my reaction. It has been 3 days since my last turpentine dose and only 1BM/day since then.

I hope my body can continue to detox whatever is making me feel ill. This is my first step to recovery using this regiment and want to stick with it. Please if anybody can comment or shed some light on what is happening to help me understand what is happening to me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading and God Bless.

Eliminating Biofilm
Posted by Matthew (New York) on 11/27/2016

What is Bill's book? ty

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 11/21/2016

Thank you Timh for your information on Turpentine. I am glad your health has improved. I have enjoyed your postings also! You may be fortunate to have a pure form of Turpentine in the USA from what I have heard, but maybe our version elsewhere in the World might not be quite so pure? One source of information that impressed me was found on the "Science-Based Medicine" (shock horror! ) website and was written by Scott Gavura on June 4th 2015 entitled: "Medicine does not come from the Hardware Store: Don't drink Turpentine". Seems I am not entirely alone on this one! I would not feel comfortable recommending consumption to anyone else.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/20/2016 2063 posts

M: Thanks for your previous informative post here on E.C., and no thanks for your present knee-jerk non-informative post on Turpentine. I have severe or hyperparasitosis and working on my 2nd quart of Turpentine all with good results, and to be exact I may not be alive today without T.

As for searching for T info, never trust one source. The main sources in the alt med community is Jennifer Daniels and Walter Last. After reading these, the next step is purchasing Pure Gum Spirits Of Turpentine ( which is a distilled product of Pine Trees with the chemical name, as noted from my current source

Hazardous Components (Chemical Name)
(1S)-(-)-.alpha.-Pinene {Bicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene,
2,6,6-trimethyl-, (1S)-}
>70.0 %
Turpentine {Gumspirits}
<30.0 % ).

According to conventional authorities all about the globe, Turpentine is a hazardous chemical and warned not fit for human consumption, even though it has been and currently is used internally by many people across the planet with very little bad and mostly good effect.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 11/19/2016

Hello Leanne, I would be cautious with Turpentine. Fully check the "Web M/D Site" for information.

Just because it may kill parasites is not sufficient justification for taking something internally.

Anything that does such a good job of cleaning my paint brushes has to be suspect in my humble opinion!

Cheers, Michael

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Leanne (New Zealand) on 11/18/2016

Hi there, I too have been looking for a while. Found that Pure Nature in nz sell 100% pure gum turpentine but they state it shouldn't be taken at all and have a poison sheet with it on what to do if taken. I'm worried that it might not be ok? Any advice would be welcome. Thank you

Posted by Nancy (Dallas, Tx) on 11/15/2016

You're probably detoxing. Drink a lot of water after you take it.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Emma Jj (Kentucky) on 11/15/2016

I loved your your two cents and I'm going to consider this. I remember grandma putting turpentine on her finger and would rub a circle around the belly button and then rub another dose down the front of our throat but I can't remember which one she did first because she would say and you don't want them to rise. I can't remember if she had it on our throat first and then around the belly button or vice versa but she always said if you do it wrong it will cause them to come up in your throat. Parasites is what I'm speaking about. I'm 46 years old and here in the past couple of days I have had those childhood symptoms at night, feeling the wiggle right at the exit and I've been without energy. I've had all the symptoms and I just don't know how well I do know how person can contract this me and my husband would you eat out a lot so thank you so very much for your time encouraged me to go ahead

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/14/2016 2063 posts

John: Congrats on the cleanse. Backing up a bit, all those doses of Ascaris meds apparently not doing any good, admits that it was likely fluke or tapeworm you're dealing with. So when you go to Dr., don't go radical with your can of Turpentine as this product is warned by the federal authorities as a "dangerous, hazardous chemical" and is warned against human consumption.

Don't consider yourself out of the woods just yet, your visible samples are likely only a myriad of stages or juveniles and the adult is still alive. The worst case would be an adult tapeworm. I am not certain a colon endoscopy would revel an adult T.W. as they usually lodge in the upper intestine, but something you need to consider.

Let us know of your progress.

Posted by John C. (Charlestown, Indiana) on 11/13/2016

Editor's Choice After many years of pleading with doctors about ongoing dysentery, I looked on youtube for intestinal parasite remedies. The first video referenced turpentine. In my research for a cure, I ask many old timers and immigrants what they used to cure parasites. Coal tar was the response from the Old Folks. I thought they actually meant "coal" tar or oil. I did not know they were referring to turpentine.

I reviewed the video and then proceeded to research further. I headed off to Walmart and bought a can in the paint department, came home, poured 1 teaspoon in some honey and drank it. Not bad tasting. Like a cough drop. The next day massive amount of parasites came out with nasty looking pus sacks around them. The second dose brought out very few and the third dose was clean. This was after 8 weeks of 1 dose of pyrantel pamoate and 1 dose of ivermectin daily. I suffered for years and all I needed was good old fashion turpentine.

I have a colorectal doctors appointment tomorrow, I am taking the can with me along with a water bottle full of the parasites. This will be my 11 visit to this doctor for dysentery.

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Keven (Cornwall) on 11/12/2016

Hi. Try baldwins.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Lil (Nz) on 11/02/2016

Hi! I live in Nz and I' m keen to take the turpentine to get rid off the anoying candida, do anybody know which is the correct kind of turpentine and where can I get it in NZ? Thanks!

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Bruce (Riverstone Nsw) on 10/24/2016

Where do you buy diamond g forest products in Australia?

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/22/2016 2063 posts

J: The Turpentine often passes in feces or urine which is not a problem per se. I have used T often over last couple yrs and while don't have the odor in feces do have it in urine and usually need to drink extra water to keep the Kidneys going.

E.C.'s Bill recommends Castor Oil with Turpentine for intestinal parasite removal. So, for paras outside the intestines you would not use the Castor Oil. But do drink extra liquids for the Kidneys.

Posted by Jim (Frostburg) on 10/21/2016

Typically, diarrhea happens 12 to 24-hours after the triggering cause. Me, I'd look for something I ingested within that time-period as the culprit.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Amishakti (Us) on 10/20/2016

Hi Enjera! I do believe the homicidal/suicidal feelings were indeed caused by die-off chemicals, as I too, experienced this when taking food-grade DE (diatomaceous earth) to try and rid my body of parasites. I couldn't even tolerate 1/8-1/4 of a tsp when most people start with 1 tsp, at least. However, I didn't prep with any detoxing or diet back then.

Thanks so much for your comment, so I know this may happen again when I try the turpentine. It's on order and I will really start out slow on the turp to try and not feel so horrible. I was more in danger of hurting myself, and having graphic visions of many different ways to do it! It was terrible, and I'm sorry you had similar side effects. It's good to be aware that this kind of thing can happen with any major die-off of parasites/pathogens in the body.

Posted by Janie (Mechanicsville) on 10/20/2016

I did the turpentine parasite dosing, 1/2 tsp twice, with castor oil. This was over 2 weeks ago, but now I'm getting diarrhea. Not so unusual for me, but the smell is very odd. Kind of chemically? Is this normal?

Posted by Jim (Frostburg) on 10/18/2016

Some saturate a sugar cube in turps; then break it up and down it like a pill/s. Or simply take a teaspoon of sugar and saturate it; and then swallow. I personally think the method of initially combing the turps with some preferred vegetable oil (half-and-half), as I recall was first mentioned on this site by "Bill from the Philippines", is an excellent approach. I'd put the mixture in a bottle and take a half-teaspoon, or a little sip.

Posted by Evelyn (Jackson, Tn) on 10/17/2016

I have parasites in my intestines. Can anyone advise how I should take the turpentine? When we were small, mom used to give us kids turpentine and sugar.

Posted by Lacy (Richmond) on 10/17/2016

You "need" a test because your cure makes "Dr him/her" no MONEY! (Oh' and they never want you to trust your own eyes...pffft) JMHO.... Hang in there & ignore the programmed! Namaste Lacy B

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Nadia (Nsw) on 10/15/2016

HI my name is Nadia where I can find clean turpentine in Australia?

Kerosene Tips
Posted by Simone (Netherlands) on 10/02/2016

I am a user of petroleum (ordinary one). It contains benzene, which causes a cold feeling after the chest (like feeling intense cold after eating a hot Candy f.e fisherman's friend) A very unpleasant feeling. To take this feeling away is to drink 1 cup of chichorei coffee a week. Chichorei is the penne (root) of chichory.

Posted by Simone (Netherlands) on 10/02/2016

The pain you experience might be benzene. Try chicory coffee: it will break off the benzene.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Shereen (New Zealand ) on 09/27/2016

I desperately want some 100% pure gum turpentine for candida/parasite treatment- I have tried everywhere. Cannot get it in NZ, can't get the Australian Diggers here and have sent 10 e-mails/facebook requests to Diamond G Forest, with no reply. Can anyone sell/send me some please??

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Steve (Rotorua, Nz) on 09/05/2016

Hi, old post I am replying to, but I am looking for a supplier of Gum Turpentine in NZ, can you advise of anyone?

EC: Please see Bill Thompson's post in our "Where to Buy: New Zealand" section here.

Posted by Deb (Battle Creek, Mi) on 09/03/2016 12 posts

Take 1 teaspoon on 3 sugar cubes, then 3 tablespoons castor oil. Rice for carbs. Probiotics for gut. Look on you tube. Also 2 tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar with warm water at night and in morning will relieve constipation.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Enjera (Atlanta) on 08/19/2016

Hi all! Love the abundance of information I'm getting from this website. I just wanted to go ahead and put in my little two cents. I followed Dr. Daniel's protocol strictly so that included restricting my diet for five days BEFORE and during the turpentine. Also making sure I have 100 percent PURE gum of spirits because she said the one at home depot may not be pure. (I bought mine off of amazon.) Also above all making sure to have three bowel movements every day before and during the turpentine regimen because all the parasites and candida need to EXIT the body when you are killing them off or else things can get worse. SO I made sure of all these things. I personally remember staying hungry on the restricted diet so I was pretty much getting a high dose to my blood stream when I first took it. That took it to my brain, and that fact leads me to believe that may have been the reason I felt homicidal the next couple of days. LIKE I literally wanted to kill people who pissed me off and I also had one or two thoughts that I, myself, wanted to die. HOW'S THAT for side effects? I BELIEVE it may have been the chemicals being released from my dying enemies that resided in my body influencing those thoughts. Just as they've been influencing my choice of food consumption for the past decade or more. We already know they can do that, why not this too? Cheers

Posted by Susan (Maryland) on 08/19/2016

I was wondering about the mms enema. Does anyone have information about this?

Turpentine Tips
Posted by John (Hudson N.h.) on 08/17/2016

If I am not mistaken, Jennifer Daniels said to drink 32 oz. of water per 60 pounds of body weight PRIOR to taking the turpentine.

Posted by Frida (Sweden) on 08/02/2016

Hi farmergirl! I read your text about how your grandma gave you turpentine. How did you and the other kids feel. Did you get more energy? Do you still use it?

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Richard (Bellingham, Wa) on 07/26/2016

You can find pure balsam turpentine and a great medicinal quality pine tar sourced from

Sweden at auson.se



Posted by Jemtopaz (NY) on 07/14/2016

That is exactly what Dr. Daniels is talking about, IF you don't offer the Fungi, parasites a fast way out, Example: the Bowels (best way), It will find another way out. through the skin. Which does not have to happen. Don't suffer. All that you need to do is drink more water, or as Dr. Daniels would say " Make sure your "fast passage" is clear and open", Beforehand, get your bowel movements to two or three a day, drink a quart of water 3 times a day. And then you will not suffer, a skin aliment trying to eliminate.

Posted by Ksw (India) on 07/03/2016

I've started taking turpentine oil for parasites. Initially, I took it with sugar cubes, but it intently made my symptoms (especially the itching over much of the body) unbearable. Now I'm using it with jaggery, which is somewhat better, but I would really like to eliminate all sugars for now.

Could I take it with coconut oil? Castor oil has been mentioned but I really don't think I could get it down. And how frequently can I take it. Some people say every day for a certain number of days; others say every five days. It's really confusing.

Posted by Jessie Williams (Clarksville Tennessee) on 06/17/2016

I remember turpentine from my childhood. My grandparents used it. My grandfather took care of his own garden until he was 90 and he passed on at 93. My grandmother was 86 when she passed on. I remember them using it on a ringworm that I had.

I received my bottle from Diamond G turpentine last Friday. I soaked my feet in a basin of warm water for 20 minutes. I soaked in it for 20 - 30 minutes using 3 capfuls, I felt the tingling burning and got out, I pat myself dry, I don't rub. I soaked in 2-1/2 caps today, way less tingling.

No side effects that can't be controlled!

I noticed that I have not panicked about a pain pill (hydrocodone) since Saturday morning, nor have I taken one. That had been a problem for many years. I was afraid to go anywhere without that hydrocodone because of terrible pain in my low back, both hips, both heels.

I have not taken it orally as of yet, I don't like things that taste bad....lol.

However make sure you increase your water intake

Thank you Dr Jennifer Daniels for reminding me of a TRUTH!

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tucker (Bradford, West Yorkshire) on 06/15/2016


Excellent quality can be bougt from the following:




Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Mery (London) on 06/14/2016

I'd be in for this. Would like to try the purest turpentine available and willing to pay for shipping. I'm based in London. Thanks!

Turpentine Medicinal Uses
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 06/14/2016

HI U ROBERT,,,,,,,,,, where do you get all your knowledge? Myself, I 've followed Dr Daniels for several years and she is the one who brought this to the world's attention a few years ago. Your advice is slightly contrary to her's. Where did you get your protocol?

The FDA got after her and she is now practicing in Panama. You make sense because 6 doctors were killed last year while working on a simple cure for early cancer.

I am the one who told folks where to buy their turpentine on this site. Should I not have done this?

You are a new boy on the block and coming on strong. I'll keep an eye on you.


EC: Nope, not a new boy on the block. Robert has been contributing to EC for years, off and on!

Turpentine Medicinal Uses
Posted by Robert (Ca) on 06/13/2016

Pure distilled "spirits" of turpentine is basically the refined sap from specific pine tree varieties. It's history of use goes way back to Babylon. It was commonly referred to as 'terebinthe' or 'terebinthine'. It was available OTC as terpin hydrate however codeine was added latter & prescription required. It was used by American natives & African slaves as a inexpensive & accessible remedy. I would not advise using hardware store varieties as they are adulterated with petroleum distillitates & the "pure gum spirits" may be contaminated with the herbicide paraquat which is toxic.

There is a Australian town whose residents used turpentine & subsequently the 'governors' added chemical toxins to prevent ingestion. I am sure that Earth Clinic is under the FDA microscope so I caution against references to a certain brand(s) who make their living on making pure spirits 'the old fashioned way'. One maker will not answer health questions due to this scrutiny by FDA. Please refrain from such questions & thus protect this valuable source.

Toxicity: most anything is toxic in large doses, such as water. The half-life of 'turp' is 25 hours approximately, so a safe time lapse between each single dose is about 5-days totaling 5-6 single doses over 1-month. Start low at 12 drops & work up to about 40 drops, all taken with 1/2 to 1-tbsp sugar. After this period, a monthly single maintenance dose may be taken if/when necessary.

As we all know, there is no single remedy & one size doesn't fit all. This site is experimental & for the dissemination of freely sharing ideas. There are no 'cures' until an autopsy is performed. Health begins in the gut & the mind will keep us well as stress is dis-ease.

Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 05/16/2016 46 posts

RE: Biofilm.....mine was on my brain! Last January 2015 I did my 1st experiment with turpentine and sugar, and a small fog, enuf to notice, was lifted from my head....within seconds from ingesting the turp/sugar mix, I could feel it lifting, as if someone slowly waved a hand from the base of my skull up and over the top to the forehead and that was it, and it took all of 3-4 seconds to accomplish that, and as soon as that finished, I noticed an increase in energy. But it was a one time event. I have drank turp since, and there was no energy increase nor any lifting of fog from my brain. At the time I had no idea there was a name for this thing, til I read about it somewhere, and now I know, it's called biofilm....

Posted by Wydo (Ca) on 04/24/2016

For a liver detox Ted recommends lecithin and silymarin milk thistle seed extract. Ted says be careful with the silymarin as it will detox you so fast that you could die from the toxic stuff that comes out. Start with a weaker silymarin maybe just once a day. Then when you buy the next bottle of silymarin get the 1000 mg and take it everyday twice a day. Get Bill Thompson's book on Candida. It has a lot of information on how to do this.

Posted by Wydo (Ca) on 04/19/2016

Hi Bill, what does the biofilm in the stool look like? I have had what I thought was mucus in the stool for a few years. After reading what you wrote I am wondering if it is mucus or bio film. Thanks

Posted by Adriana (Sofia, Bulgaria) on 04/20/2016

In my country I've read about taking turpentine oil on sugar 3-5 drops per day, no more. Also, here they sell it pharmacies - the one which is for health-care purposes.

I have not been using it internally, but as part of home-made ointments (with olive oil, beeswax, herbs, resins, and essential oils) for my sprained ankle, knee and arm. I think it has a warming effect and a pleasant aroma. I use something like 10-5 ml per cup of oil.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Wave (Oslo) on 04/14/2016

Just an additional note to Bill's post:

Dr Daniels also explained that her patient that got the back skin reaction did a coffee enema, and that it cleared up after that.

So having your exit channels cleared open before trying turpentine is recommended. Options for this is doing a liver cleanse / gall bladder flush, or using magnesium oxide for a few days to clear the small intestine (which is what Dr. D: recommends in her article).

Posted by Steph (Orlando) on 03/25/2016


I'm on day 10 of turp and maple syrup stopping and starting. I want to be free of all parasites. I feel a die off and am sleepy. Had diarrhea. I am fruitarian raw vegan. We must keep a clean foods and poop 3x a day so worms can get out. Bought my turp from georgia farm diamond something.

Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 03/23/2016 46 posts

Speaking to the issue of Turpentine. I drank turpentine on more than one occasion, and it did not poison me in any way shape or form....tis scaretactics and vicious rumor to chase away those folks who are easily intimidated. jan, 2015...these are my notes I wrote down after ingesting turpentine [

turpentine experiment

aprox 530 pm sunday eve, jan, 18th, 2015

I took 3 sugar cubes and soaked them in turpentine,

added it to heated black coffee and tried to drink it down

I could only get down a few sips.

it did taste a bit like licorice as I was drinking it

but I stopped as the taste was a bit strong for me, this was new and

perhaps I was better off taking it slow, rather that the dosage the doctor tried and found effective, which was the full 3 cubes, soaked, twice a week.

so I'm just gonna sit here a bit and see what happens.

I'll decide later if I'm gonna drink more or not.



about 550pm I sipped a bit more, coffee was cooler, it still tasted not so great but I did it anyways.

I may have actually sipped a third of it.


about 650pm I drank some more, about 2 3rds gone now
no ill feelings, was a little grumbling in the beginning
but nothing very noticeable on rest of sips

head seemed to clear up a bit [ fogbrain lifted and energy better ]...shall see what else develops


sat 24th jan, 2015 110pm

1.5tsp turp to 1T molasses
first took some molasses on tongue, then spooned up the turp/molasses mixture and got it down easy.

nothing noticeable, doing it to kill candida.

So, from my memory of the event, there was a slight fog lifted from my head/brain. it was like slowly waving my hand from my neck to my forehead and that was as fast as the fog lifted from me, just like that, and I felt immediately energized. I drank it again but never repeated those effects of the fog lifting, nor getting energized, that was a one time event. I read somewheres later on, that that fog lifting was known as a BIO_FILM, made by parasite to protect itself from attacks. I can't prove that, but I experienced something just the same. and that's my testimony!!!

Posted by Rose (Australia) on 03/16/2016

Hi Marika,

Please keep us posted on the turps/sugar approach. I'm keen to start after reading all the feedback. Is anyone taking the vitality caps as recommended by Dr Daniels? Or any other type of laxative? Any info greatly appreciated.

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Sarah (Toronto, Ontario) on 03/10/2016

You can but pure gum spirits of Turpentine at http://www.mosaic-id.com They sell the Diamond G brand and delivery fast to Toronto, ON. I recieved my order in 2 business days.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Caroline (Hampshire, Uk) on 03/03/2016

Hi Carol, I'm wanting to buy turpentine too. Just wondering if u found a good source here in the UK and if so can u give me the name. Thanks, Caroline.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Marsha (Denver) on 03/02/2016

I love your question/comment about God, brilliant!

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tucker (Uk) on 02/21/2016

If your ordering from outside the EU, the tax and duties can end up being more than the actual cost of the product. Within the EU there are many suppliers. I got my last batch of Turpentine from Baldwins http://www.baldwins.co.uk/?gclid=CLmwia6ficsCFbYW0wodO_8E6w and found it to be of good quality. Also a superior certified Organic Turpentine can be bought from https://www.nhrorganicoils.com/products.php?id=12514

General Feedback
Posted by Marsha (Denver) on 02/21/2016

I asked my son in law to ask his grandparents about turps: grandma's mother used a mixture of camphor, coal oil & turp in a tin can, place it in a pan with water on stove; heated it slowly until warm; dipped a wool rag in it, then wrapped the rag in a towel and placed on a second towel over the chest to break up congestion.

My mother also remembers something like this, but can't exactly recall.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 02/20/2016

HI U LISA, , , , , , , , , , this is probably the best folks to get your turpentine products. All should bookmark this site. South Georgia and the Fla Panhandle was where our naval stores were located in the early days of our nation.



Kidney Pain
Posted by Mim (New York, New York) on 02/17/2016

Raw fresh green onion tops for pounding kidney pain. Eat a bit.

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Marston (Grass Valley, California) on 02/16/2016

Hi Bill, I am in the middle of Dr Daniels Candida Cleanse protocol. I was disappointed that she would not answer any questions without paying her a monthly fee. She is no doubt a brilliant lady but not as generous with her time as you are. 
I was wondering if you would comment on her protocol. For example she says only use sugar with the turpentine and NOT honey. She also says no oils, even in a salad dressing. No nuts, no seeds, yet she says to drink 1/4 cup of soaked flax seeds What do you think, Bill? Your response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

P.S. I have your book.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 02/12/2016 2063 posts

C: The usual delivery method for Turpentine is saturate two large or three small sugar cubes, dissolve in mouth and wash down with water or natural beverage once per day.

Posted by Coreen (Olympia, Wa) on 02/11/2016

Can't find a single comment on dosing/how to take turpentine orally for candida...... Please advise- thanks!

Posted by Jamie (Austin, Mn) on 02/05/2016

Yes, stop the terp and do a liver detox...Wilson's organic coffee. I have been doing them since kinda and am in awe of the shoulder pain decreasing more than 50%. I have schluermans kyphosis. Now I know I can be healed of that too.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tucker (Uk) on 01/29/2016

Pure Gum Turpentine can be bought at Baldwins in the UK. http://www.baldwins.co.uk/baldwins-turpentine-bp-gum-turpentine

Kidney Pain
Posted by Miriam (Tx) on 01/29/2016

I was having kidney pain. I could tell that my kidneys were swollen and my back. I took a teaspoon of turpentine on three sugar cubes, washing it down with a glass of water and almost immediately the pain in my back began to subside.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Plam (London) on 01/27/2016

You're not supposed to soak the head when you're taking turpentine bath.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by David (France) on 01/24/2016

Hi Carol. I'm newbie on site, (joined today)

re your query on getting Diamond G pure Gum Turpentine sent to EU (& UK). I had the same problem some time back. But now Diamond G have come to an arrangement with the PTB to allow shipping to EU/UK. I jusdt oredered and paypalled 24 1oz bottles, the largest size they are permitted to ship (email copy below)

Jan 18 at 11:14 PM David,

Thanks for contacting us! We would be happy to ship our turpentine to you in France. Since the last time we corresponded, we have negotiated a shipping arrangement with FedEx. Allow me to explain.

Because turpentine is a flammable liquid, we must follow very strict guidelines when shipping it, especially internationally. We cannot ship our turpentine internationally in any container larger than a 1 oz. bottle without incurring a Dangerous Goods Surcharge by our carrier. For this reason, we have a developed an international package that maximizes the quantity we can ship for the international shipping rate charged by our carrier. The rate for shipping this international package to you is as follows:$59.99 ... 24 one-ounce bottles of 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine$42.28 ... shipping via FedEx International Economy$102.27 ... TOTALAny duties, taxes, or fees imposed by your country's government are your responsibility as well.We can ship any of our other products (soap, salve, rosin, etc.) to you in any quantity at very reasonable rates. Only the turpentine is a flammable liquid.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us. If this price quote meets with your approval, simply contact us, and we will send you an electronic invoice that you can pay with either a Paypal account or a credit/debit card.Thanks again! Julie Griner

Diamond G Forest Products, LLC ***************** Shipping cost is very heavy, but the product is the best(IMO) regards david

Posted by Mike (Usa) on 01/24/2016

Taking ALA twice a day only, at high dose, can damage a metal toxic person. I know I've tried it. The Cutler protocol is what I now follow and I'd recommend someone with a high heavy metal load to check it out. you could likely do both Bill's and the Cutler protocol together - not at the same time - but one helps the other. From what I've read, it's impossible to get well if you are heavy metal toxic.

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/17/2016

Hi Steven...You should be able to obtain essential pine oil off internet sites like ebay or amazon without much trouble. That's how I obtained my own turps or pine oil supply that I have been using regularly for the last 3 years. This essential pine oil form is always pure and is usually triple distilled. I live in the Philippines and it was the only form of turps that I could get because, generally, in some countries like the US inflammable liquids like kerosene or turpentine are banned from shipment abroad. Or it will cost you an arm or a leg due to shipping safety requirement costs. I've been using the essential pine oil form for three years now and I'm quite happy with it -- it's very effective. You might even be able to purchase essential pine oil from a health shop in Chiang Mai.

Kerosene is virtually the same as gum turpentine and just as effective as turpentine regarding its medicinal qualities and components but is harder to get. In the old days they used just the lamp oil form of kerosene but now there are so many different types of kerosene it can be quite bewildering and confusing. The rule that I would always go by would be to only use kerosene that is a pure distillate that has no additives and which fals within thedistillate range of 100 C to 200 C. My own personal preference would perhaps be to use kerosene in the distillate range of 100 C and 150 C -- the same lighter kerosene form that Paula Ganner used as an all-round cure-all so successfully in Europe.

Avoid using Paraffin USP oil unless you want a laxative -- this a British standard and is a much thicker oil with a much higher distillate temperature thus containing different components and properties to either kerosene or turpentine and so it is not the same. Also I would definitely avoid using the blue or pink paraffin forms.

More info for you on turpentine and kerosene here.

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Steven Cnx (Chiang Mai, Thailand) on 01/16/2016

Hi, I live in Chiang Mai and et the same chemical problems w/turpentine. I like the idea of the Pine oil which we can order 1oz bottles from India.

My question is can I use liquid paraffin USP from a chemical supply or medical supply as kerosene? Thanks so much.


Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Sandee S (Usa) on 01/09/2016

Have you tried Amazon? I bought it on there. I'm not sure if you can in Europe.

Turpentine in the Nose
Posted by Iris (Arizona) on 12/26/2015

Interesting medical use for the nose.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Collcarm (Usa) on 12/19/2015

In my experience...The dandruff flakes are generally from microscopic mites or fungus, or yeast (which is fungus too).. the turpentine is killing one (or both) and you are experiencing that.. Don't give up.. fungus flakes off when it dies, like ringworm does.. (it's a fungus too) Notice your feet clearing up too .. :))

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Suz (Mo) on 12/17/2015


If you bath in the turpentine, make sure to use only a tsp or so. It burns your hoohah!

Posted by Liszt (Albuquerque, Nm) on 11/30/2015

Help! I have some kind of parasite. I've lost all my energy am constantly itching and have spots everywhere I can feel it or them moving through my skin help what is the treatment you are doing? I just bought the gum turpentine.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Christopher (Devon, Uk) on 11/26/2015

Diamond G Forest Turpentine not available in the UK

Hi Carol. Did you get sorted with some? Like you, all my researches lead me to believe this is the best but how to get some in the UK.

Mylands appears to be good but is it as good as the Diamond stuff? I am not sure.

Any advice welcomed - thanks

Posted by Chris Ping (Holland) on 11/21/2015

What brand do you use?

There is only one good source - as far as I know ... in the USA and CA: diamondgforestproducts

The other is Windsor Newton

Take a little less when you feel anything wrong .. there is nothing bad about taking less

Posted by Kevin (Santa Barbara) on 11/15/2015

Every time I see "irregular heartbeat", I think of my severe Right Side Bundle Branch Block, google it. It's a heart problem that's similar, roughly, to your mom. I cured it in 8 months by slowing my breathing down. My former heart problem totally went away.

It's not easy. Especially sleeping. Wearing a construction mask helps the O2 CO2 exchange. When away, breathe through nose exclusively, and if possible, have her close one nostril, I used an earplug up one nostril .

I was shocked it worked. An old doctor friend told me about it. The young doctor I went to had absolutely no clue.

Good luck! Please try it.

Posted by K (California) on 10/30/2015

Bill, my daughter suffers from fibro and chronic fatigue. Her metal tests go off the page.

Is it possible the turpentine protocol could assist in removing these metals?

I understand the caution required as a high load of metals pulled out at all at once can cause Mercury to travel to the brain where it does irreparable damage.

Your mention of turpentine as a blood cleanser caught my attention.

Thank you for all you do here.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/29/2015

Hi Lauri...

Perhaps you should first take some Milk Thistle (450mgs twice a day with meals), Chanca piedra (take the tea form 3 times a day) and ALA (300 mgs twice a day with meals) and perhaps gram doses of Vitamin C (Ascorbate form) which will all help to get rid of the anti-biotic poisons still in your body before you try the turpentine. This triple regimen will certainly help to detox and remove specific poisons, heavy metals and damaging xenobiotics from your body. Then, after about a month, try the turpentine at one teaspoon per daily dose. I would also alkalize your body using the sodium bicarbonate and water protocol twice a day as Ted from Bangkok advises. Anitbiotics can be extremely acidic for the body and that's how they damage the kidneys.

To be honest about it, if it were me, I would just take the turpentine. Among it's major beneficial effects -- apart from killing all forms of pathogens -- is to purify the blood completely. This outcome is also bound to have a beneficial knock on effect which will help to recover both the kidneys and the liver in the long run.

Posted by Lauri (Roseville, Ca) on 10/28/2015

Hi Bill,

Can I take the turpentine remedy if my kidneys are still hurting even after my rounds of antibiotics?

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