Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

| Modified on Jul 13, 2024
Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Tlf (Georgia) on 07/29/2018

You are all fools!! Taking turpentine in any amount will end up killing you all! My God, really??? My nephew took it for a few days and it nearly cost him his life!!! I am a nurse, and if you take this crap you can be assured you will end up with kidney failure, if you don't die from a horrendous bleeding stomach ulcer first!!

EC: Perhaps, before insulting everyone who has successfully taken turpentine worldwide safely over the years, including some of Earth Clinic's top health contributors, you could instead provide important additional information such as what brand he took, how much he took in each dose, how he took it, and the state of his health before trying turpentine. That would be so much more helpful to all of us than name calling. Thank you.

Posted by Gigi815 (Edison) on 03/09/2015

Editor's Choice I've been taking the gum spirits (1 teaspoon) every other day for four dosages, took 4 days off. Took it again for two dosages, ended up expelling a tapeworm, swiveled and rolled up the size of a golf ball. I just stared at it..not what I expected. My energy level is so much better, lungs feel cleaner. Can't tell me this stuff doesn't work. Sixteen years - 6 doctors told me it was my thyroid, yet none of the thyroid meds did anything for me. They made me feel worse. All the women out there complaining about pain and low energy levels, wonder how many have some sort of parasite?

Posted by John C. (Charlestown, Indiana) on 11/13/2016

Editor's Choice After many years of pleading with doctors about ongoing dysentery, I looked on youtube for intestinal parasite remedies. The first video referenced turpentine. In my research for a cure, I ask many old timers and immigrants what they used to cure parasites. Coal tar was the response from the Old Folks. I thought they actually meant "coal" tar or oil. I did not know they were referring to turpentine.

I reviewed the video and then proceeded to research further. I headed off to Walmart and bought a can in the paint department, came home, poured 1 teaspoon in some honey and drank it. Not bad tasting. Like a cough drop. The next day massive amount of parasites came out with nasty looking pus sacks around them. The second dose brought out very few and the third dose was clean. This was after 8 weeks of 1 dose of pyrantel pamoate and 1 dose of ivermectin daily. I suffered for years and all I needed was good old fashion turpentine.

I have a colorectal doctors appointment tomorrow, I am taking the can with me along with a water bottle full of the parasites. This will be my 11 visit to this doctor for dysentery.

Posted by Marika (Czech Republic) on 06/05/2015

Hello, I have a question regarding my candida. I am in a terrible state - weight 42kg, psoriasis, spitting white saliva, hair loss... So I am sure my candida is in the fungus state - embedded in the gut tissues. I have tried taking turpentine for a week but felt absolutely nothing. Is is supposed to work against this fungus protected by biofilm? I am desperate, as I've been trying to get myself rid of this illness for a year - diets, untifungals, enemas... but nothing seems to work. Please, help...

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tina (Princeton, New Jersey) on 01/27/2014

Hi Bill,

I had had a question regarding turpentine. After reading your posts and of many others regarding the health benefits of turpentine, I decided to add it to my daily routine. I bought gum spirits of turpentine made from slash pine trees. It is manufactured here in the US, from a company called Diamond G Forest Products, Georgia. On the bottle it says "solvent for removing paints and waxes. DANGER: Harmful or fatal if swallowed; irritant to skin and eyes."

Is this a statutory type of warning? Or did I get the wrong kind of turpentine? If so, I will return it. But I would be grateful if you could guide me to a brand that is safe to take internally and one which is available easily in the US. Thank you for taking the time to respond!

Posted by Farmergirl (West Branch, Michigan Usa) on 07/09/2013

Every spring and every fall my grandmother would line my brothers and cousins up and each of us got our twice yearly dose of worming ---- a tablespoon of milk with two drops of gum turpentine. And the next few days we kept tabs on our stool passings and sure enough, out came the worms. Hey, we lived on a farm will all kinds of critters and my gram was well versed on how to get rid of most of the nasty ones.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Enjera (Atlanta) on 08/19/2016

Hi all! Love the abundance of information I'm getting from this website. I just wanted to go ahead and put in my little two cents. I followed Dr. Daniel's protocol strictly so that included restricting my diet for five days BEFORE and during the turpentine. Also making sure I have 100 percent PURE gum of spirits because she said the one at home depot may not be pure. (I bought mine off of amazon.) Also above all making sure to have three bowel movements every day before and during the turpentine regimen because all the parasites and candida need to EXIT the body when you are killing them off or else things can get worse. SO I made sure of all these things. I personally remember staying hungry on the restricted diet so I was pretty much getting a high dose to my blood stream when I first took it. That took it to my brain, and that fact leads me to believe that may have been the reason I felt homicidal the next couple of days. LIKE I literally wanted to kill people who pissed me off and I also had one or two thoughts that I, myself, wanted to die. HOW'S THAT for side effects? I BELIEVE it may have been the chemicals being released from my dying enemies that resided in my body influencing those thoughts. Just as they've been influencing my choice of food consumption for the past decade or more. We already know they can do that, why not this too? Cheers

Posted by Adrian (Ne) on 12/18/2016

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I came across this page looking for more first hand experience and noted side effects. I have been preparing my body for turpentine dosing; closely following Dr. Daniels instructions. I have been taking the Vitality Capsules for 3 weeks and has worked the best for detoxifying my system and was seeing 3BM/day.

The reason I began this method of treatment is to remedy parasitic infection of liver flukes, pinworms, and possibly tapeworm. Symptoms I am experiencing are: irritability, constipation, stomach cramping, skin rash, excessive phlegm which is affecting my ENT and eyes.

I felt I was ready to begin using turpentine. The first dose I took was a 1/2 tsp dose. I had slight dizziness, and increased heart rate. I felt fine the next day. So I took another dose. This second dose I took was just under 1/4 tsp. The following day, I felt absolutely miserable. My muscles in my neck and back and shoulders were unbearably stiff. My eyes are bloodshot and my throat and ears hurt so bad I can hardly swallow. I am very surprised by how severe my side effects are from the turpentine dose. The phlegm I'm coughing up is electric neon green and my eyes excrete the slimy buggers at night. So much so that my eyes are 'glued' shut as if I have pink eye. I am very unnerved by my reaction. It has been 3 days since my last turpentine dose and only 1BM/day since then.

I hope my body can continue to detox whatever is making me feel ill. This is my first step to recovery using this regiment and want to stick with it. Please if anybody can comment or shed some light on what is happening to help me understand what is happening to me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading and God Bless.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Annie C (New Zealand) on 12/17/2017

Hi everyone, I would like to share my experience with turpentine. I've had severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 15 1/2 years. Read about the turps recently and was excited to try it (I bought Diamond G Forest). I have been detoxing well for about 1 1/2 years now (using homeopathy, EAV and Quantum Indigo machine) and my die-off reactions are mostly gone when taking stuff, but the overall fatigue condition remains. I am pretty sure I have worms.

I took 1 teaspoon of turps with 1 Tablespoon of white sugar and was fine, no improvement or worsening. Then, 4 days later I was ready to take it again and a side-issue came up.

SIDE ISSUE: At the same time as the turps, I have been doing the Gubarev "Ropeworm Enema Protocol" for a couple of weeks, and both times I did the milk + salt enema a SERIOUS leg infection called "Erysipelas" resulted, caused by streptococcus bacteria. I have been diagnosed as having a major streptococcus gut bacteria overgrowth by my Doctor 4yrs ago. I used my natural homeopathic & herbal remedies to cure the first leg infection but didn't know the milk/salt enema had caused it. Then the next time I did it 2 wks later it happened again the same, so now I know the milk sugar fed the bad strep bacteria in the bowel and caused the leg infection. I was doing my natural remedies the same as before but thought it wasn't working (it actually WAS working but just takes a couple of days to go), so was starting to get panicky as I did NOT want to take antibiotics.

I decided to take the turps again to try to kill the bug in my leg, but because I was panicky and it was 4.30am, I thought I would take more than a teaspoon as that dose hadn't helped last time. I went off Jennifer Daniels dosing on herself of "7 sugar cubes caused a slight twitch", so I thought I'd do the 6 sugar cube equivalent of 2 tsp turps to 2 Tbsp sugar, as this hadn't caused any problem for her I assumed I would be fine too. I Was Wrong!!!

I started to get some of the most terrible scary symptoms I have ever experienced: delerium of the most extreme drunkenness, ataxia, slipping in and out of consciousness, racing high-speed thoughts like on drugs, sleeplessness. Then, 5hrs later, I vomited up my stomach contents, turps, and a ~15cm tapeworm. The previous drunk/drug symptoms then went away, but I kept feeling nauseous and vomiting for the next 3hrs. I still felt really sick and wasn't getting better from the vomiting and couldn't drink water, so I went to hospital in case I needed my stomach pumped.

Before I left, I started to feel muscle contractions of my lips & face. Then, on the way there over a period of 10 mins I became COMPLETELY PARALYSED and felt so totally ill. I thought I was going to die! I started slurring then my mouth paralysed as well so I couldn't talk. I then spewed up a last little bit, and within 5 mins could actually move my legs and walk into the hospital and move my hands a bit.

From then on I felt pretty much fine, but had a drip for 2hrs to rehyrate. That evening I did a cleansing water enema (as part of the ropeworm enema protocol) - this must have got the last of the toxins out. I had a good nights sleep of 8hrs and woke up automatically at 7am and felt great! I felt great all morning then at 2pm the old fatigue kicked in again. (This is coming from someone who normally needs 12-14hrs sleep, can't wake up in the morning and feels fatigued terribly.)

I thought the turps had caused my symptoms, but now I think it must be a die-off reaction of all the things living inside me making me ill. I will take the turps again soon but start on a tiny amount. (I know that the leg infection didn't cause the symptoms as I'd had it 2 wks before with no symptoms except the localized infection on leg area.)

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to get across to everyone what can happen if you take too much at once. I am back to my normal condition now (fatigued) and successfully eliminated the leg infection. Good luck to everyone trying it and don't be put off by my story, rather use it as a lesson to be careful on dosing and that what is safe for one person is not necessarily safe for you, so I would start drop-wise and work up slowly.

Posted by Kristen (Florida, US) on 09/03/2014

I just wanted to say Bill does such a wonderful job helping people. What a thorough answer you gave this woman, and everyone else. God bless you for taking the time to help these total strangers.

Turpentine in the Nose
Posted by Lori (America) on 01/15/2015

A doctor for NASA sent me a product. He said when they send astronauts into space they can't have them get sick. He said the germs that make people sick first incubate in the back of the throat where the nose and ears meet, where you can't reach gargling. His product was a small tincture, the instructions were to put drops in your nose so it will reach the place in the back of the throat. That was the best product. It cleared that space of mucus instantly. It wasn't for sale after I ran out I couldn't get any more.

After I started turpentine, I tried it in my nose. Now I know what the secret ingredient was that the product the NASA Dr used: turpentine, not even diluted. It works great.

Posted by Anonymous (Anon) on 01/28/2015

I just thought I would write to you about this. It's a cancer cure using Kerosene. This has been around for decades and was publicised by a German woman named Paula Ganner who was cured of matastases and colon paralysis using Kerosene. She passed on her knowledge to many others and received 20,000 letters of thanks from people that it worked on. There is an article about it in Nexus Magazine April-May 2012 issue. I found it when browsing through some old magazines. I thought it would be worth mentioning.

Of course soon after the article in a German magazine was published about the 20,000 cures, the magazine editor was fired and the entry for purified petrol/kerosene as a cleaning remedy for wounds etc was removed from the German pharmacopoeia. It was then declared a dangerous poison and has remained so everywhere.

There are follow up articles on the internet regarding this. In the same magazine mentioned above was a very interesting article on Iodine (or Lugol's solution) which cures many things (e.g. diabetes) as well but is now much harder to find also.

I am not sure that kerosene and turpentine are quite the same thing so people should investigate both. The article I read was written by Walter Last who is a retired biochemist, research chemist, nutritionist and natural therapist based in Australia. The use of petroleum-derived products was most widespread in poorer countries like Russia, Eastern Europe and Africa. Apparently even the Rockefellers supposedly started their fortune by selling kerosene as a cancer cure before they found that chemotherapy was much more lucrative. The dosage of course is quite low, a teaspoon a day or something like that.

People will need to investigate this and read the article in full as the one in the magazine was an edited extract only -- www.health-science-spirit.com and go to kerosene page. Dr Last believes (and he is probably right) that most diseases that are prevalent today only came after the introduction of antibiotics after World War II. Another thing too, the history of petroleum derived products as a cure goes back to ancient Babylon and Persia. Dr Last has also written a series of books on healing yourself.

Anyone who tries to mention any of these cures is vilified. Another example, the French Forensic Scientist who invented organic silica -- something that prevents orthopaedic surgery and rebuilds/heals bone - he was persecuted for years and jailed until he had to flee the country. So where is his invention now?

Posted by Patricia (Las Vegas, NV) on 06/25/2014

OMIGOSH. What a miracle this is. Just the fact that this turpentine treatment found me is pretty mind-blowing. I've been struggling with a intense parasite infestation since I lived in Honduras more than 25 years ago. Done and done and done everything I could find.

Appreciate all the instructions and suggestions I found here…as usual, a very informed group.

Day Five: I slept soundly for 8 uninterrupted hours! Woke refreshed. Have had clean energy without caffeine all day. No post lunch nap attack.

Day 3 I got a little over confident since I was doing so well…took a full tsp of turpentine with oj in the morning. Oops. Massive herx.

The next morning I came out of it by taking sodium ascorbate and some IP-6. Have felt great since.

Used molasses and coconut oil for a carrier.

I'll report my progress next week. Amazing turn around in only 5 days. Who knew a 7 buck can of turpentine could restore your health? My Diamond G just arrived in today's mail. Switching to that for internal.

Thanks all very much.

Bladder Infection
Posted by Juanita (North Carolina) on 11/09/2017

Ever since I was a little girl I could remember my grandmother given me turpentine on a teaspoon of sugar for UTI. As the years passed by I forgot about it. Then about 8 years ago I got a bad UTI I went to my doctor and he tested me and told me that I did not have a UTI. It was on a Friday and I went home. I was in the excruciating pain. Then I remembered when I was a child the turpentine my grandmother would give me. I went to my local pharmacy and bought a bottle of turpentine and put it on some sugar. I do not remember how much I used of the turpentine. But I do remember that by the next day the UTI was gone and I felt fantastic. I'm 69 and still here.

Posted by Abdi (Toronto Canada) on 03/22/2014

Hi Bill, thanks for your good work for humanity. I have come to know turpentine recently after I bought and read your book Candida killing so sweetly. I have an autistic kid who is 17 years old. can you please let me know the turpentine protocol for autism. Thanks

Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 02/26/2014

Hi : I just wanted to post about my recent experience of taking Turpentine in the morning and an MMS enema in the evening to expel worms. It has worked. I got the idea from the work Kari rivera and Andreas Klacker are doing to recover kids from autism.

They are finding that the removal of worms is doing wonders for the health and cognition of these kids and have developed a protocol. they use metbednezol (sp?) to kill the worms as well as MMS they call it chlorine dioxide and the MMS enemas.

I have way to many little maybe big health issues and spend way too much on my health with little to show for it. I decided to take matters into my own hands and see if some version of this protocol would make me feel better. I have more energy, have lost my horrid food sensitivities and get out lots of gross worms on the days I do this.

My question is am I the only one who has tried this? I feel down right now as I tried to describe this to my doctor who just basically ignored my discovery telling me it might not be worms and I should get a test. Thanks for reading. Mary