The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Gray Hair
Posted by Mary (Dayton, OH) on 02/24/2007
After reading here about black strap molasses and gray hair, I have been taking 1-2 tablespoons in my coffee each morning for a little over three months. I tried it in hot water and it was horrible. In coffee, it taste like a latte, and after getting used to it, I look forward to it every day. The first two months I noticed a difference, but wondered if it was my imagination or wishful thinking. Now at three months, I would say the gray is 70% gone, and my stylist is absolutely amazed. The white patch above my forehead is gone completely. I'm 40 yrs old, and was starting to gray rapidly, it was costing a fortune to keep covered. The first 2 months, my hair grew so fast, that the gray was showing quicker, but I'm glad that I stuck with it, the little bit I have left is hardly noticeable, and I am hoping that in time, it will all be gone. I am so thankful that I read about this on your site, and will be taking it for the rest of my life. I have also noticed an increase in energy, and believe it to be the molasses also. Thank you!
Gray Hair
Posted by Karen (New Marshfield, OH) on 01/21/2007
I've been taking molasses for about 1 month now and can feel the difference. I have more energy and yes, my dark brown hair is getting dark again! The gray is becoming less and less!
Gray Hair
Posted by Venice (Atlanta, GA) on 11/25/2006
2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses cured gray hair. ENERGY BOOST. It took several months, but my gray hair along my hairline has begun to turn brown! IT WORKS! It's also a great energy boost. I'm a 40 year old female who weighs 120, and I leap out of bed. No aches; no pain. I have no health complaints because I use the following on a daily basis: blackstrap molasses, apple cider vinegar, yerba mate tea, cayenne pepper, cod liver oil, and MUCH PRAYER.
Replied by Robin
(Hobart, Tasmania, Australia)
Gray Hair
Posted by Patty (USA) on 04/10/2006
I do AT LEAST 3 TBS of each per day. Also, I do ABSOLUTELY NO REFINED SUGAR, FLOUR OR OTHER MAN-MADE JUNK! Eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, seafood, plain yogurt, organic eggs and flax seed oil. It takes time, and the hair that is already gray WILL NOT recolor. It must be cut off as new, colored hair replaces it. Hope this is helpful. GOOD LUCK!
Gray Hair
Posted by Patty (Bartow, FL) on 12/29/2005
Using blackstrap molasses, along with brewer's yeast and wheat germ, completely reversed the graying that had took hold of my dark brown hair. You could actually see individual strands that were gray/white turning brown again! My comment is to Wanda and everyone else who wanted to know how much molasses, brewer's yeast and wheat germ to use to reverse gray hair.
Gray Hair
Posted by Bernie (SOUTHFIELD,MI)
For approx 20 years I have been taking Blackstrap Molasses - 1 Tablespoon daily in warm water. Sometimes if I need more energy I will take a second Tablespoon. How did I find out about Blackstrap Molasses? I purchased a book many years ago about the positives on the product. Today I am 55 years and do not take any medications from a doctor. The great reason I loved the book was about gray hair. My hair today has very little gray hair compared to other people my age.
P. S. I do also take other natural products along with Blackstrap - so I would not state that Blackstrap is the only reason for good health.
Gray Hair
Posted by Guilda (New Zealand)
Have just finished reading an old book on molasses and it contains not only most minerals our body needs but also all Vit.B complex properties and it is B2 to stop graying hair. Extremely beneficial for good health.
Posted by JB (Minneapolis, MN) on 01/03/2007
If you take a tablespoon of Black Strap Molasses after a night of drinks and then one in the morning, the effects don't seem as bad. I'm thinking it's the potassium that is the helper. This molasses has a lot of potassium. My husband tried it and he agreed that he felt much better in the morning. I at first recommended the molasses to my mother who was iron low and had a hard time with iron pills. Her iron was normal a few weeks later at her scheduled doctor apptmt. I read the bottle and noticed the potassium percentage and decided to try it after a cocktail party and was amazed!
Posted by Chris (Colorado) on 12/23/2006
Well, it was that time of the month and I had the mother of all headaches. I tried apple cider vinegar in apple juice and it got a little better. 2 hours later I gave up and took a tablespoon of molasses (don't particularly like that stuff). 10 minutes later my headache was completely gone!
Hot Flashes
Posted by Annie (Warkworth, New Zealand) on 03/30/2010
Hi I am looking after a man with Parkinsons and he has had problems with night sweats and also hot flashes during the day. A few years ago a lady told me Blackstrap Molasses helped with hot flashes so he tried it. He was amazed as it really worked and he and his wife are getting better sleeps. I have heard that it helps with alot of other illnesses also.
Hot Flashes
Posted by Joyce (Atlanta, GA) on 07/29/2008
Purchased some blackstrap molasses 5 days ago for the first time and I cant believe after only taking 2 teaspoons for 3 days, I am no longer having hot flashes. I am shocked and will continue to take this for my usual low blood count. I feel so enegetic. I shared information with co-worker and picked her up a bottle too. Lets keep sharing this information so others will know the benefits of BSM. Joyce
Immune System
Posted by Caroline (Nairobi, Kenya) on 03/01/2007
Hi people, This is another plus for blackstrup molasses!Theres been a flu virus going around over here and usually im one of the first poeple to get it.This time for the first time I escaped.Unbelievable.Please try it,try it,try it any cynic out there and decide for yourself!Carol
Posted by Regina G. (Marietta, GA, USA ) on 05/31/2019
Black Strap Molasses Side Effects
I have had insomnia for the last 20+ years with increasing severity. 2 nights ago I wrestled with sleep again. My belly felt hard and bloated, giving me racing heart beat, heat and anxiety. I felt constipated. I remembered BSM being a laxative and took 1 Tablespoon without any food and drank 10 oz of water a few minutes afterwards. My bloating went away and eased my belly.
In the morning I took 1 Tbsp. BSM on empty stomach all by itself, than during the day one more Tbsp. and in the evening before bed time 1 Tbsp. BSM all by itself. I woke up this morning, having the best sleep of my life, ever (and I am 72), deep refreshing and vitalizing 10 hour sleep with only 2 trips to the bath room. I could not believe it.
No side effects what so ever so far. I must also say that I have Leaky Gut which makes my body unable to absorb most nutrients. That is probably the reason why I was so mineral deficient. I would give it a try for what ever is ailing you but remember that it has to be ORGANIC, UNSULPHURED Blackstrap Molasses, otherwise you get concentrated doses of Glyphosate and other chemicals into your system.
I will continue using 3 Tbsp. for 3 more days and than slow down to 2 Tbsp./day and eventually to 1 Tbsp. per day. I don't think it will hurt you with that dosage. But try it for yourself and see how your body reacts to it. Good luck to every body.
P.S. Besides of insomnia, I am also trying to heal my leaky gut and rheumatoid arthritis using BSM as a key supplement.
Posted by Shana (Edison, Nj) on 04/16/2018

I got awful insomnia from blackstrap molasses. I think maybe I was taking too much. I put two tablespoons in my dandelion root tea (tastes like coffee! ) and I would sometimes do this twice s day. I am a vegetarian and my body is not used to that much iron. I want a way to incorporate it back into my diet, but I can't function without sleep.
Replied by Sara
(The Beach, Canada)
Posted by Joseph (Detroit, MI) on 09/29/2008
Starting using Blackstrap Molasses for Insomnia. Worked the very first night and then after. I take one-two tablespoons right before bedtime. I now get a full night sleep, no waking up in the middle of the night.