Blackstrap Molasses: A Nutrient-Dense Superfood & Its Health Benefits

Sugar Cravings
Posted by P (San Diego, CA) on 08/28/2007

I don't which is working, but the the blackstrap molasses drink seems to have removed my sugar cravings. I tend to snack less, don't peruse the refrigerator as much (like every 20 min or so) to find something to eat. I used to snack on yoghurt a lot, and that's not happening anymore. I think the nutrients in the BSM are dense enough to keep me balanced and are probably filling my nutritional deficiencies. Also, I've been painting with iodine, I'm sure that's helping. I also started fenugreek two days ago, which I've read also helps with sugar imbalances. Diabetes is in my family, so I'm very happy about getting information from your website. What I thought may have been mostly hormonal imbalances may have been sugar imbalances. I feel so alert these days, I notice tiny details and make the bed much faster and neater - a chore that I was never really good at. :)

Sugar Cravings
Posted by Kellee (PA) on 11/22/2005

I am a sugar addict. I love anything that is sweet. I was told my a chef to utilize black molasses, and it really worked for me. It balanced my iron and allowed me not to have the crave anymore. I have also shared it with a friend and he lost five pounds.... good stuff.