Blackstrap Molasses: A Nutrient-Dense Superfood & Its Health Benefits

Skin Rashes
Posted by Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 03/13/2012

YEA I thought it was worth mentioning that BSM has virtually eliminated my rosacea on my nose. I had a red (sometimes VERY red) nose for years now but to be honest, I'd never noticed it creeping up on me till someone asked me why my nose was always red!! I have never been so humiliated in my life but it made me very conscious of course and before trying anything natural, went through a stage of using makeup - FAIL - to try and cover redness. About 6 months ago I started using BSM morning and night and noticed my nose had returned to normal skin colour almost immediately!! It has been years since I've been this confident about not using makeup and going out, now the only time I notice it come back (only slightly) is if I drink certain wines which I believe is quite common, but it doesn't happen all the time - only with certain brands.

It never really occured to me that it was the BSM but if I run out and don't take it for a few days, it slowly creeps back but not as severe as before. I'm sure of course this is due to the high content of copper in this brand, it's also reasonably high in sulphur which is great for skin issues!

Skin Rashes
Posted by Nikisha (New Brunswick, NJ) on 07/10/2007

I was so surprised to hear that blackstrap molasses is actually good for your health. When I was a small child we ate it as a treat with warm biscuits. I used to love it. After I read this I decided to try it on warm rye crisp bread today. It tastes great. And amazingly, a few hours after eating it I noticed that this ugly skin rash I had is completely cleared up and my skin looks great.