Blackstrap Molasses
Health Benefits

Blackstrap Molasses: A Nutrient-Dense Superfood & Its Health Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Linda (Long Beach, Ca) on 10/31/2014

Editor's Choice

After 4 tries with Western Medicine for my chronic skin issues, no one could even give it a name. It was debilitating. I then went to see a holistic Dr. One of her prescriptions was to drink a cup of tea a day with a tablespoon of Black Strap Molasses, a tablespoon of Bragg unfiltered apple cider vinegar (with the mother) and a float of cinnamon on top. Unprocessed honey can also be added. Drink through the honey.

In desperation I committed to this. It has been a year and a half now and much has changed. Clear skin...not an itch or lesion etc. My face is rosy and clear. My hair on my head (no other place) has become thick and silky...and I'm 63. (HaHa) Energy, yes. Sense of well being, yes. Most of all MOST everyone of whom I'm in contact make comments and ask me question.

Soooo, that's my testimony. I will drink this concoction until I go to Heaven!

Posted by Nini (Los Angeles, CA) on 11/24/2007

Drinking atleast 3 cups of African Red tea, commonly called Rooibos is not only beneficial to your immune system but it also helps your skin stay clear. Also applying blackstrap molasses every night for about an hour after washing your face helps smooth your skin and gives you a glow due to all the vitamins and minerals it contains, and don't forget to take atleast 2 tbspns of it daily to keep regular. I like to put it in my red tea or in some warm almond milk along with some coconut oil, yum yum! Hope this helps all of you.

Posted by Annie (Kingston, Jamaica) on 11/02/2007

2 Tbsp black strap molasses daily and up my intake of h2o to ten cups Gorgeous skin all over, no acne outburst befor my period and did not have any PMS, the period showed up unannounced. I've only been using the molasses for 3 weeks. Thanks a lot. I found simplicity lasts longer.

Posted by Vickie (Toronto, Canada) on 06/25/2007

Hello everyone, I hope you're all taking your BSM religiously. I have been taking it for the last 4 months and sometimes I mix it with ACV. I'm happy to announce that my nails and skin are looking very healthy. My nails have not been that bad but I have seen such a great improvement; they're not breaking or chipping like they used to before. They're growing very strongly and there're no white spots on them anymore. I read from the BSM book by Cyril Scott that BSM gets rid of the black spots and that's when I realised that they were gone. People are complimenting me on my skin, even men! I started taking BSM for something else but it seems to be doing a lot more. This stuff really works! V

Posted by Michelle (London, UK)

Blackstrap Molasses works for me! After the first fortnight of drinking a cup each morning with the juice of half a lemon, my skin felt really soft and had lost its dryness and my nails are growing stronger and more uniform. This is in addition to having a lot more energy, I have also managed to stop smoking and not experience the side effect of constipation. This remedy is the cheapest but most effective way of taking varied supplementary vitamins.