Posted by Tvp (California) on 01/20/2014
Just know that whenever you take Epsom salts orally it liquifies everything in your gut and relaxes all of the muscles. Since it liquifies everything in your gut, this is most likely why you had diarrhea.
Side Effects
Posted by Pamm (Birmingham, Alabama) on 07/02/2010
Beware, I don't have Diabetes. However, after taking this Black strap molasses I started feeling bad and started urinating alot! I checked my blood sugar (I do this for optimal health) and it was 223!! Only after 5 minutes of taking 1 teaspoon of Black Strap Molasses. So Be Careful Especially If You Have High Sugar issues.. I felt Faint, dizzy, and the more you urinate the more potassium and sodium your urinating out. So then you end up being dehydrated. So to me it wasn't worth it..Good Luck!@If you have low blood sugar still be careful..