I am brand new to the garlic remedies. I had woke up a few weeks ago with my glands in my throat swollen so much that I almost couldn't breathe. I had mixed garlic powder in water. I had mixed a thick mixture of these two. Then I had gargled it until the mixture was gone. My glands cleared up within hours and I have had not one problem with them since. Amazing! And thank god cuz I don't have medical insurance.
Sore Throats
I was coming down with strep throat, ealy stages, extreme sore throat, plem build up in lungs...so I made a Ms. Grass chicken noodle soup, brought it to a boil, sliced up 9 cloves of fresh garlic, put them in the boiling soup, I then let it simmer for 2-3 minutes, and put in a massive amount of black pepper. I then let it cool a little and ate it. It burned quite a bit but it opened everything up, I mean everything. I then went to bed and could actually FEEEL the garlic in my blood working, seriously, it was like my blood was burning, in a good way...killing the virus. I woke up and the fever was gone and I hacked up some extremely large chucks of phlem from my lungs, all of it...the infection was killed, it all came right out witha few coughs...I was really shocked, and cured 100% no joke. For those of you who have had strep throat then you know how horrible it is...so if garlic did this in one night for me I hope others read this and perhaps it will help with you in a similar situation...if you can handle smelling like garlic for a week....the side affects are worth it.
Sore Throats
My 27 year old son was so sick with strep throat. He couldn't swallow or talk much. I boiled a cup of water, once the water came to a boil I put one garlic clove cut in half in the water and let it continue boiling for 2-3 minutes more. Now I let it cool and let him drink it. This way you hardly taste the garlic. I did this twice every day for a week. He got better. My son never wanted to believe in the old remedies but now he can't deny the reality. I hope this helps someone.
Sore Throats
re: strep. THANK YOU THANK YOU! I used raw garlic for my sore throat and although it burned at first, it took the pain away. After six days I am finally comfortable!
Sore Throats
Ok so I have had a slight voice change for the last oh i suppose three days, with no pain no congestion and pretty much healthy feeling despite the fact that i sounded like a chipmunk. I initially thought something like lyeringitis ... but last night I started having a runny nose and a stuffed up head, So I thought decongestant. Well I woke at about four this morning and boy was my sinuses all dried up, so dry in fact that it was uncomfortable. So I made some tea and tried to go back to sleep. well the same situation happened when I woke for the second time. So I got online and looked for sore throat remedies and found this site, well I read that garlic can help with strep and since my little nephew had recently been diagnosed with step I thought I didnt want to take any chances. So i went to the kitchen and melted some butter added some minced garlic cloves, and made some garlic toast. Instantly my sinuses released and my head felt 100% less stuffy. It says to repeat for a couple of days, and I think that I will be greatly satisfied with the result... thanks for the idea ...and the relief!!! ... Victoria
Sore Throats
When i have a sore throat, i usually go straight for the hot liquids, but this time i tried to research all cures. I came across this site and tried the cayanne pepper and apple cider remedies. I have to say, both of them tasted terrible and only provided up to ten minutes of relief. I then came accross a post about raw garlic, i was skeptic, but willing to try almost anything. I took two garlic cloves from my fridge and chopped them up into cylinders. I slowly ate each piece one by one, apart from the burning sensation on your tongue, the garlic coats your throat and soothes teh soreness. I have absoulutely no pain now!