Health Benefits

Garlic: A Superfood for Health and the Immune System

Hints and Tips
Posted by Gabi (TORONTO, CANADA) on 02/04/2008

I have one tip for persons using garlic: drink lemon juice or eat few slices of lemon. It kills garlic breath, cures stomach ulcers (for sure prevents them), keeps you safe from colds and flus!

Hints and Tips
Posted by Wendy (Houston, TX) on 01/31/2008

If you are unable to eat garlic, rub vaseline on the bottom of your feet and put crushed garlic over the vaseline. Cover with plastic and socks. The garlic is absorbed through the feet. Works best over night if you can stand it. This also works great for children.

Hints and Tips
Posted by Shelley (Olney, Illinois) on 01/31/2008

I like to put olive oil on my feet and then cut up diced garlic between my toes and all over the bottom of my feet. I then put my socks on and go to sleep. This helps distribute garlic throughout your body..IN can even taste it after several minutes!!