History of Garlic
Garlic has a long history in folklore as a protector from disease and evil spirits (such as vampires). For these reasons, garlic is not only consumed as a healthy food and medicine but it is also worn to fight various ills. Many native cultures throughout the Caribbean use garlic in religious rituals and divinations. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used garlic in infectious diseases and particularly prescribed it for intestinal disorders.
12th century German mystic Hildegarde von Bingen recommended simmering garlic in water for twenty minutes and drinking the "tea" for bronchial problems like asthma. This treatment is still in use in many cultures. Three cloves of garlic in boiling water is also recommended as a topical cure for athlete's foot. Additionally, garlic was used extensively in the battlefields during World War I (1914-1918) to treat and dress wounds and infections. Being a natural antibiotic and widely available, it was the most effective antiseptic available at the time.
Garlic has been used in herbal medicine to treat asthma, deafness, leprosy, bronchial, congestion, hardening of arteries, fevers, worms and liver and gall bladder trouble. Herbal books list it being useful in Leucoderma, leprosy, piles, worms, catarrhal disorders and cough. Additionally, it is reported that garlic is good for the heart, stimulates appetite, and is an energy tonic.
Garlic's unpleasant odor is due to its sulphur content. This mineral is contained to a greater degree in its volatile oil, which has remarkable medicinal virtues.
Juice of garlic has a most beneficial effect on the entire system as it helps dissolve an accumulation of mucus in the sinus cavities, bronchial tubes and the lungs. It also helps expel poison from body through pores of the skin.
(Mesa, Arizona, USA)
My house mate told me a trick that works wonders. I mince up four garlic cloves. You can also mash them. I put the minced garlic in a glass of grapefruit juice. Wait about twenty minutes. Then drink it. The grapefruit juice takes away the strong garlic taste. I've used this when getting flu or cold and it works every time. I had a bad cold coming on and had to do it three days in a row. I did this before going to bed. Each day I woke feeling great and the night started feeling sick again. So I would repeat. So simple and so good. I only wish I had known about this years ago.
(Essex, Clacton, England)
Am sure garlic is wonderful and have been taking it for a while for sinus but I found that after a bit I ached, was lacking in energy, was totally worn out some days, had headaches, brain fog etc and in some ways felt worse. I then investigated and found that garlic can cause under active thyroid of which these are the symptoms So now taking it again but with an iodine supplement of natural kelp to counter act that. Also trying ACV with mother every day and tinctures of goldenseal, eyebright, mullein and licorice. Yes others might try one thing for a bit and then try something else but I have had this blessed problem for ages and am sick of it, and unable to work while like this.
Just to comment on the garlic taste. I love raw garlic, however due to hubby's job, he can't eat garlic at all as he can be called at work any time. So I avoided as much as possible eating garlic as I know how bad it can be for someone who doesn't eat garlic to be near someone who does.
Today I had an idea to add a clove of garlic to my regular juice, which usually contains carrots, celery, ginger and parsley leaves among others. Much to my surprise, there was no garlic taste, no garlic breath or smell at all. Hubby didn't feel it (and I even kissed him 'for test' purposes). Finally now I can consume garlic every day. It's wonderful for so many things, I never want to be away from at least one clove..or two or three of garlic a day.
* Garlic is a gastric stimulant & helps with digestion.
* It acts as an anti flatulent, carminative and diaphoretic.
* It stimulates the kidneys and is diuretic in nature.
* It is a tonic, giving strength & vitality
* It is an expectorant having a special effect on the bronchial and pulmonary secretions.
* It is beneficial for eyes & brain.
* It helps to heal fractured bones (also see comfrey poultices)
* It is a great antiseptic.
* It has allicin, which has the property to destroy germs which are not killed by penicillin. As such, it is a very powerful germicidal.
* It rehabilitates sexual malfunctions.
* It improves functional activity of heavy smokers.
* Half a raw garlic clove a day can increase body activity to dissolve blood clots, thereby preventing heart attacks and strokes.
* A couple of raw garlic cloves daily can bring blood cholesterol levels down in heart patients.
Click here to see all books on the healing properties of garlic.
(Washington, DC)
The way i'm having garlic juice is: take 2-3 cubes of garlic, cut each cube into two/three pieces, put them in a glass of water (room temp), cover the glass and soak the garlic for the whole night. next morning drink the water in empty stomach. you can use the same group of garlic for 2-3 days. i've been having it for little over a year. i used to have cold at least once every winter, but not anymore.
(Raleigh, North Carolina, Usa)
WARNING! I had an upper respiratory bacterial infection (green and yellow mucus secondary to a virus) and read a number of posts here about raw garlic and, not wanting to chew it, I put raw garlic packs under my feet (chopped several large cloves and put them on plastic wrap and wrapped each foot, put socks over) and left the first pack all afternoon. I didn't notice a problem. I decided to do it again and leave them overnight. The next morning I awoke to find that the mucus was clear again, BUT I had very itchy, swollen, bright red feet. The itching nearly drove me crazy and I scratched... Big mistake. By the next day the arches of my feet were covered in large blisters, the itching is even worse, and my feet look and feel almost identical to when I had an emergency room level drug reaction to Keflex last year (before it was over I looked like I had third degree burns in all the intriginous skin areas and it took five months to heal -- the dermatologists at Duke had never seen anything like it... they thought it was a fungal infection and only a skin biopsy confirmed the drug reaction).
I came back here immediately and read more about garlic and saw somewhere a post from a mother who said her daughter's skin blisters when it's exposed to garlic. Since I've eaten raw garlic in green smoothies every day for the last year I didn't think it could be the garlic; perhaps a reaction to the plastic wrap (I'm multiple chemical sensitive and react to all sorts of things). So the night before last I put one slice of garlic on my forearm and covered it in paper tape for sensitive skin. In the morning it seemed fine... At first. By evening a red patch had appeared and I felt a slight itch. By the next day the spot was swollen and red and definitely itching. I've been treating my feet with ACV, magnesium oil, and triamcinolone acetonide (prescription topical steroid I was given for the Keflex reaction), so I put that on the arm spot that day each time I did my feet (every three hours). This morning the arm spot is still red, swollen, and itches and has a small blister.
Never again will I put raw garlic on my skin. When asked if I have allergies I will list a topical allergy to raw garlic.
My QUESTION is: Should I continue to eat raw garlic? I'm not certain yet, but it seems to me that I have a fit of intense itching shortly after drinking even a small glass of green smoothie with raw garlic.
(From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa)
I think raw garlic placed on external skin for long enuf would ulcerate anyones' skin. I would not assume I was allergic to it, for that reason. It also done my skin that way.
However, the word on the street, is that USA stores are now selling chinese grown garlic. This garlic is said to test for prescence of arsenic..... Per this message board
My recent experience with side effects from taking no-brand garlic internally, seems to support this. [ I seemed to get side effects indicating possible poisoning. ] Before the chinese garlic was imported to the USA, I had no problems with taking garlic internally, and got some benefits.
Maybe we are all being poisoned via our food supply now.
I am going to start buying the USA GROWN brand garlic, grown in California. Christophers Ranch brand, to see is side effects go away.
(Benton, Arkansas)
You are not allergic to topical garlic. Garlic burns sensitive skin. You have a burn! You are supposed to use gauze between the garlic and your skin. You will have to experiment to see how much gauze you need but the garlic fumes and garlic will seep through the gauze but not enough to burn you unless you do not use enough gauze. I use tea bags to make a poultice of garlic. I put one on each side of my back for a lung infection. It is working but at first I burned my skin. Live and learn.
(Shelton, Wa)
I also believe china is poisioning us, with all of their cheap products. Not the general population, the government. Thats more or less been proven, baby bottles, kids toys.... lots of toxic items! Beware.
(Orlando, Florida)
is the garlic remedy good for kids too my seven year old is sick with the cold.
Perhaps anyone reacting to garlic may have sensitivities to sulphur, particularly if sensitive or allergic to sulphur based antibiotics and products.
What you should have done is mash the garlic gloves up on some plastic wrap. Rub your feet in Olive oil. Then wrap the plastic wrap around your feet. Put enough plastic wrap around your feet to keep the olive oil from leaking out. Next put your sock on. Do this before you go to bed and take it off when you wake up. Wash your feet and do it again the next night. This will cure toe nail fungus. The olive oil will protect your skin from a rash.
I cut up cloves like the size of pills, and took them with water. I did this treatment at night so I could go through the next day without being bothered with hay fever.
Angina - Warning
Although many of you believe you have been cured of angina by taking garlic and flaxseed, I am afraid that is is not true and you are in a dangerous situation. These supplements are very useful and strong if used correctly...as prevention. However, they cannot unclog arteries. Please be good to yourself and reasonable. Use all available treatments and advice together! There are plenty of wonderful cardiologists who have a holistic approach.
(Benton, Arkansas)
Be very careful about e-mails such as those who direct you to not take supplements. They are probably from big pharmaceutical companies. Many pharmaeutical drugs say they can cause tuberculosis and many other dibilitating problems and many of them say they end in death. Do not be influenced, use your own common sense if you think you need a drug check it out on drugs.com We are guinea pigs for pharmaceutical companies who need to test their drugs on the masses. CAUTION
(Benton, Ar)
There is a supplement that will help your arteries. It was discovered by Dr. Louis Ignarro who won a nobel prize for his discovery - Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke with Nitric Oxide. I take 1000 mg L-Arginine and 750 L-Citralline daily - taken together in the a.m. before eating. It relaxes the arteries from a hard, tight state. I have taken these two supplements for three years for plaque in my left subclavian artery. I get an ultra sound every year. My blood pressures were different in my arms the first two years. The third year, last year, my blood pressures were the same and my ultra sound results were very good. My doctor, a vascular surgeon, is following me closely. You can read about Dr. Ignarro in The World's Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets, Bottom Line Publications. He was also interviewed by Hugh Downs for his discovery.
(Long Beach, California)
Another cardiologist found that Co-Q10, magnesium, D-ribose and L-Carnitine work wonders on heart patients of all levels, he even said that some of t hem were on the waiting list for heart transplant and got off of it after taking those supplements together... He calls them the "Awesome Foursome". The cardiologist's name is Stephen Sinatra. You might want to read about it, I found it to be amazing!
(Benton, Ar)
Garlic. Since my last post I have been crushing the garlic instead of chopping it. I allow it to sit for 10 minutes for the Allicin to work and take it in one teaspoon with water. I do this 2x daily. Heating the garlic removes its potency. Taking crushed or chopped garlic too soon after crushing or chopping prevents the allicin from doing its job. There are many places on EarthClinic to read how to take garlic. There are many websites to read how to take garlic.
(Benton, Ar)
http://www.gourmetgarlicgardens.com - learn more about garlic - garlic does reduce artery plaque, can cure MRSA, many, many things - it is a natural antibiotic. It will burn your skin if you are sensitive to garlic. That doesn't mean you are allergic, it simply means put something between your skin and the garlic. Use a mask with a garlic poultice in it to breathe garlic into the lungs. Make a paste of olive oil and garlic, place in poultice (tea bag), place on bottom of feet in the ball behind the toes for garlic to get to the lungs over night. I wrapped a piece of garlic in gauze and put in my ear over night. Earache gone the next morning. Breathing it into the lungs is also good for unclogging sinus. Go to the website I provided above.
Bacterial Vaginosis
I want to thank earthclinic.com for starting this website. It has truly been a blessing to me. I am writing to let you ladies know that, although no one commented that they used fresh garlic as a cure, it really works. I have suffered from BV for 3 yrs (since my husband cheated on me). Every other month after that I was getting recurrences of BV. Like the rest of you, neither the cream's nor pill's got rid of the BV for good. I recently was reading up on how natural garlic heal's so many ailment's. So, I bought so garlic, peeled it and wrapped it in gauze. I tied it with dental floss and inserted it in my vagina once a day, preferably at night before bed. I would remove the garlic every morning before taking my shower. I did this for 7 day's and I am symptom free still today. The bad thing about it is that the smell of garlic doesn't wear off for a while so if you are sexually active often then I wouldn't recommend this home remedy. I hope this remedy help's you ladies. It is alot cheaper on your pocket's. I bought 2 bulb's of garlic for under $1.00.
(Birmingham, Al)
What do you mean it doesn't wear off for a while... ? Weeks, months?
(Houston, Tx)
I have tried too! Was so tired of it & trying over the counter products. Garlic is the remedy..:)
Just did a quick squizz to see what this brilliant earthclinic.com says about bloating. Been funny in the belly for the last few weeks. Bit of a mystery because my diet is usually exemplary since the whole allergy breakthrough c. Five years ago. Stopped the MMS for the same length of time I've been bloating now I think of it, but I tried the (organic) garlic about four/five mins ago and can already feel a lessening of the awful pressure. I've been craving apples, dandelion root tea and fresh fruit- pineapple, kiwifruit, passionfruit- so I guess enzymes have their place in here too. Come to think of it I've been rather free with the salt on the meat lately... Hitting the hay now, nighty-night and best health to you.
Bloating, Stomach Cramps and Constipation
Cut garlic clove into small pieces. Swallow them in one go with just a little water. This cures Bloating, stomach cramps and constipation.
Blood Cleansing
Garlic has been found to help remove toxins, revitalize the blood, stimulate circulation and promote intestinal flora.
Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
EC: Taking garlic juice with fresh water regularly reduces high blood pressure (hypertension).
(Missoula, Montana)
EC, please tell me how to make garlic juice? thanks
(Melissa, Tx)
How long does it take for garlic to start lowering your blood pressure? Does anyone know of an instant bp reducer(natural, of course).
(Denver, Colorado)
When my blood pressure is high I immediately chew and swallow 1 - 2 garlic cloves. It took at least 2 hours for the BP to return to normal level but you can feel it decreasing after an hour of taking it. When my BP is very high, I take the garlic followed by 1 tsp ACV mixed with 16 oz of water. This works for me every time! But I'm still open for suggestion as I believe that the more options to remedy high blood pressure, the better!
It seems that ever since hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast we have been battling more and more cases of boils. I have found that GARLIC helps get rid of boils. At any stage in the cycle of the boils if you get the 1000 mg GARLIC capsules and squeeze the gel onto the boil it will get it to come to a head and drain or the boil will disappear completely.It generally takes a few days but it does work to eleviate the swelling and pain and its effective in healing the boils. Its safe for children.At the first signs of even a bump take one gel capsule and sqeeze the gel onto the bump then rub it in aftewards throw away the used capsule and wash your hands. Repeat this at least three times daily until the boil is gone.
I have had recurring boils since 1996 under the breast area and over all of the abdominal region and ocassionally on the inner thigh region. Application of active magnesium was helpful but painful. Garlic hi-dose of 20,000mg did reduce and clear but 2 are still stubbornly remaining as scars and do reappear if I stop garlic for a few months. But the recurrence is controlled with ingestion of garlic again. But my abdominal area is covered by the ugly spots and scars.
(London, Uk)
I have find drinking at least 5 pints of Water a day clears up my bottom but still trying to find a cure for the scars!
(Tucson, Az)
I am currently giving Garlic a go to help with boils and some other things. Some good ways to help scars heal is DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide or wood pulp oil) pure real Vitamin E liquid on the scar area after applying DMSO. Another method if you can obtain the equipment is IPL (intense pulsed light). It is infra-red light. I have seen this transform people from completely disfigured with terrible skin problems back to looking young and re-newed. In fact, my wife did this for a living for some time. Good luck!
(Brampton, Ontario, Canada)
Just using the juice from a garlic clove, (use a serrated knife and rub it back and forth over the garlic clove to get the juice out) 2-3 times a day will dry out boils and pimples. Just watch - not too many times - it can burn your skin! This is an old recipe that the people from Macedonia used to use effectively.
Broad Benefits
I am so glad we have garlic to heal us. I am a normally healthy person but occasionally I get bronchitis and sinus infections. I don't have health insurance so I can hardly even make a doctor visit. Once I had bronchitis so bad it was turning to phnumonia. I had it for two weeks and was only getting more ill by the day. Finally, my brother told me to take raw garlic. I crushed a couple of large cloves and that day my illnesses began to diminish until it was gone.
Also, recently I ate something that caused me to become ill. I didn't know what it was but it seemed much like a stomach virus. I had bad diarrhea for four days straight and could not keep any food in me. I ate less and less because It was no use to eat. Then I remembered that garlic is also anti-viral. So I went into the kitchen and took two big cloves, sliced them very thin and gulped them down with water. (Prior to this I was feeling very on the edge of having to run to the bathroom all the time), but within minutes, MINUTES! I could feel a change in my stomach and the urge to run to the bathroom disappeared. It didn't come back.
Whatever bug I had, the garlic whippped it. For the rest of the day I felt normal and was even able to eat meals without any reoccurrence.
I myself cannot praise the virtues of garlic enough. It's safer then taking many prescription drugs and for me it's always kicked in rigt away after ingesting it. It's cured me when I was "sicker then a dog" so to speak.
Garlic is a true healer of just about whatever ails ya!
Broad Benefits
i had a wart and applied garlic with a bandage for 7 days and it is now gone, also got rid of a mole using garlic. I also find garlic improves my eyesight and can drive at night without any difficulty. Sure does cure an earache. I shall try garlic in socks at night. I read they must be white cotton socks. Your site is very informative. Thank you
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
Broad Benefits
In the Middle East, we eat fresh garlic or pickled garlic (from a Persian store) once a day. We use it for cold hands and feet, to help relax, and to help sleep at night. I've eaten as much as 4 pickled garlic cloves at one time though I know people who've eaten many more than that without getting garlic breath and sweat. Pickled garlic won't give you as much after smell as fresh garlic. Besides pickled garlic, you can take a few raw garlic cloves, peel, add enough olive oil to cover the garlic, cover bowl, put in microwave for a minute or two. This will turn the garlic brown and mushy. It tastes delicious.
It takes anywhere from 2 to 24 hours to notice either one or all of the above effects. If I eat garlic at night, I notice that my cold hands and feet are hot the next morning. The effect lasts 24 hours.
Broad Benefits
For approximately 1 year I have had recurring bouts of strep throat and viral throat infections. These occurred every few months or so. 6 months ago I have was sick continuously for 2 months. I had NO energy and difficulty swallowing. My throat was always felt like it was on fire. Often it was bright red and/or covered in white spots. I was prescribed rounds of antibiotics and even had to take 3 penicillin shots. Nothing worked. UNTIL.
For about 3-4 weeks I drank fresh garlic (2 cloves crushed), ginger, honey, and lemon tea. I did this 3-4 times a day. Approximately 1 week after starting this course, I began to feel better. 2 weeks later I was 100% again. I still drink the tea and/or chew a piece of raw garlic whenever I feel a scratch in my throat or a little under the weather.
The best side effect for me was that the garlic tea course has also almost completely cleared up the acute toenail fungus I had on the majority of my nails. It was so bad that my two big toenails were almost completely yellow and hardened with areas of black; they even had begun to separate from the nail beds. For the first time in 3 years I can go nail polish free.
(Portland, Or)
(Hope Bc Canada)