Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Posted by Amnesiantoinette (Houston, Tx) on 05/03/2010

Yes, there must be something to that. I took aprx 1 TBS of coconut oil for the first time two days ago (in my coffee), and about an hour later...I had a physical and mental state of well being just wash over me. Was not expecting that at all! I was probably very deficient in healthy fats at that time.

Posted by Jhopkins (Chapel Hill, Tn Usa) on 01/18/2010

Coconut oil helps with menstruation

I am 32 and started using extra virgin coconut oil Oct 2009 (it is now Jan 2010). This is the first period I have gone through where it last half as long. I have noticed it was not heavy at all. I still had some cramps, but not as bad as usual. I have never had a period as short as this in my life, I didn't even think it was really possible...down from 7-8 days to 4. I take about 1 Tbsp of EVCO in my coffee daily. I did have to start out with a smaller dose and work it up. I hope to be able to consume more on a daily basis.

Posted by Brynne (Irving, Texas) on 12/17/2007

I listened to a nutritionist last night who reminded me that the brain is mostly fat, and when we aren't sleeping well, feel irritable, can't concentrate, or even have headaches, our brains may be crying out for fat! As we add the coconut oil to our diet, our brains may find greater balance and we feel the soothing nature of the unctuos coconut oil internally as well as externally. This all happened when I recently took only 1 TBS of Coconut oil per day for 2 days and then started my cycle without the usual 4 aspirin cycle was so peaceful. I felt so quiet and easy throughout my body; there was no struggle to have my normal cycle.

Posted by Tanya (Christchurch, Barbados) on 08/26/2007

Been using VCO for acne for about two weeks. Progress has been slow to non-existent. I als read that it helps with regularity so decided to take it internally (1tsp) for that. Well I didn't get that effect either but amazingly I tookit around the first day of my period and I noticed that my period stopped for a couple of hours. Whenit came back I took another tsp and it went away for two days. It eventually came back but the flow was low and totally painless. I googled the effect and foud out people have been using it for this purpose for centuries. Wish I had known earlier.