Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Posted by Larry (Boise, Idaho) on 11/29/2006

I consumed 1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Coconut oil before each meal, and if I skipped a meal, I would still take the 1 tablespoon of Virgin Coconut oil. My problem was my left hip would have a popping type of action every time I rotated my leg out away from my body, same sound as if you were cracking your knuckles, after 1 week of using the Virgin Coconut oil, and now my hip no longer makes any popping sound. Still taking it to see about the weight loss benefits. Now on week 3.

Posted by Susan (Omaha, Nebraska) on 11/15/2006

I take 3 T. of Cold pressed Coconut internally plus bake all of our baked goods and food with it. Virgin coconut oil gives baked goods a slight coco-nutty flavor which we love. I use the steam de-odorized coconut cooking oil to cook eggs etc. My joints feel so much more limber, as if this oil is able to reach all areas of my body! (I had a knee replaced due to arthritis, so all my joints CREAK!) Solid coconut oil melts at 76 degrees so it cannot solidify in the body, we are too warm! I'm also hoping it will aid with weight loss, hearing that most of our cravings come from missing something in our diet. Which is why people who eat trans fats crave more....our bodies are in fact craving REAL fats as the body does not recognize Trans fats as a food. Once you give the body what it needs, the cravings go out the window! Here is the site on Yahoo that is an ongoing coconut oil forum, they talk about all sorts of health related topics too.