Posted by Mike (San Francisco, CA) on 04/30/2007
After extensive research on the web when I discovered I had genital warts I decided to give coconut oil a chance. I couldn't bare the thought of going to a doctor and asking them to look at a growth on my butt, worse, there were some just inside my colon (which is typical with genital warts on the anus). After 6 weeks of 2xdaily enemas and massaging in a tablespoon of coconut oil over the warts... they are completely gone. A lot of information on the web says genital warts don't go away without serious treatment (burning off, laser, freezing, etc). I am a believer in coconut oil. It worked on me. It also made my skin glow and feel baby soft. I found myself caressing my skin, amazed at the pleasant silky feeling. Rubbing it in my hair made it super shiney and healthy. I want to fill my hot tub with coconut oil and marinate in it for days.